123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603 |
- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- import pytest
- from celery import chain, chord, group
- from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError
- from celery.result import AsyncResult, GroupResult, ResultSet
- from .conftest import flaky, get_active_redis_channels, get_redis_connection
- from .tasks import (add, add_chord_to_chord, add_replaced, add_to_all,
- add_to_all_to_chord, build_chain_inside_task, chord_error,
- collect_ids, delayed_sum, delayed_sum_with_soft_guard,
- fail, identity, ids, print_unicode, raise_error,
- redis_echo, second_order_replace1, tsum)
- TIMEOUT = 120
- class test_chain:
- @flaky
- def test_simple_chain(self, manager):
- c = add.s(4, 4) | add.s(8) | add.s(16)
- assert c().get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 32
- @flaky
- def test_single_chain(self, manager):
- c = chain(add.s(3, 4))()
- assert c.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 7
- @flaky
- def test_complex_chain(self, manager):
- c = (
- add.s(2, 2) | (
- add.s(4) | add_replaced.s(8) | add.s(16) | add.s(32)
- ) |
- group(add.s(i) for i in range(4))
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [64, 65, 66, 67]
- @flaky
- def test_group_results_in_chain(self, manager):
- # This adds in an explicit test for the special case added in commit
- # 1e3fcaa969de6ad32b52a3ed8e74281e5e5360e6
- c = (
- group(
- add.s(1, 2) | group(
- add.s(1), add.s(2)
- )
- )
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [4, 5]
- @flaky
- def test_chain_inside_group_receives_arguments(self, manager):
- c = (
- add.s(5, 6) |
- group((add.s(1) | add.s(2), add.s(3)))
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [14, 14]
- @flaky
- def test_eager_chain_inside_task(self, manager):
- from .tasks import chain_add
- prev = chain_add.app.conf.task_always_eager
- chain_add.app.conf.task_always_eager = True
- chain_add.apply_async(args=(4, 8), throw=True).get()
- chain_add.app.conf.task_always_eager = prev
- @flaky
- def test_group_chord_group_chain(self, manager):
- from celery.five import bytes_if_py2
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- redis_connection = get_redis_connection()
- redis_connection.delete('redis-echo')
- before = group(redis_echo.si('before {}'.format(i)) for i in range(3))
- connect = redis_echo.si('connect')
- after = group(redis_echo.si('after {}'.format(i)) for i in range(2))
- result = (before | connect | after).delay()
- result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- redis_messages = list(map(
- bytes_if_py2,
- redis_connection.lrange('redis-echo', 0, -1)
- ))
- before_items = \
- set(map(bytes_if_py2, (b'before 0', b'before 1', b'before 2')))
- after_items = set(map(bytes_if_py2, (b'after 0', b'after 1')))
- assert set(redis_messages[:3]) == before_items
- assert redis_messages[3] == b'connect'
- assert set(redis_messages[4:]) == after_items
- redis_connection.delete('redis-echo')
- @flaky
- def test_second_order_replace(self, manager):
- from celery.five import bytes_if_py2
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- redis_connection = get_redis_connection()
- redis_connection.delete('redis-echo')
- result = second_order_replace1.delay()
- result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- redis_messages = list(map(
- bytes_if_py2,
- redis_connection.lrange('redis-echo', 0, -1)
- ))
- expected_messages = [b'In A', b'In B', b'In/Out C', b'Out B', b'Out A']
- assert redis_messages == expected_messages
- @flaky
- def test_parent_ids(self, manager, num=10):
- assert manager.inspect().ping()
- c = chain(ids.si(i=i) for i in range(num))
- c.freeze()
- res = c()
- try:
- res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- except TimeoutError:
- print(manager.inspect.active())
- print(manager.inspect.reserved())
- print(manager.inspect.stats())
- raise
- self.assert_ids(res, num - 1)
- def assert_ids(self, res, size):
- i, root = size, res
- while root.parent:
- root = root.parent
- node = res
- while node:
- root_id, parent_id, value = node.get(timeout=30)
- assert value == i
- if node.parent:
- assert parent_id == node.parent.id
- assert root_id == root.id
- node = node.parent
- i -= 1
- def test_chord_soft_timeout_recuperation(self, manager):
- """Test that if soft timeout happens in task but is managed by task,
- chord still get results normally
- """
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- c = chord([
- # return 3
- add.s(1, 2),
- # return 0 after managing soft timeout
- delayed_sum_with_soft_guard.s(
- [100], pause_time=2
- ).set(
- soft_time_limit=1
- ),
- ])
- result = c(delayed_sum.s(pause_time=0)).get()
- assert result == 3
- def test_chain_error_handler_with_eta(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- eta = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10)
- c = chain(
- group(
- add.s(1, 2),
- add.s(3, 4),
- ),
- tsum.s()
- ).on_error(print_unicode.s()).apply_async(eta=eta)
- result = c.get()
- assert result == 10
- @flaky
- def test_groupresult_serialization(self, manager):
- """Test GroupResult is correctly serialized
- to save in the result backend"""
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- async_result = build_chain_inside_task.delay()
- result = async_result.get()
- assert len(result) == 2
- assert isinstance(result[0][1], list)
- class test_result_set:
- @flaky
- def test_result_set(self, manager):
- assert manager.inspect().ping()
- rs = ResultSet([add.delay(1, 1), add.delay(2, 2)])
- assert rs.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [2, 4]
- @flaky
- def test_result_set_error(self, manager):
- assert manager.inspect().ping()
- rs = ResultSet([raise_error.delay(), add.delay(1, 1)])
- rs.get(timeout=TIMEOUT, propagate=False)
- assert rs.results[0].failed()
- assert rs.results[1].successful()
- class test_group:
- @flaky
- def test_empty_group_result(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- task = group([])
- result = task.apply_async()
- GroupResult.save(result)
- task = GroupResult.restore(result.id)
- assert task.results == []
- @flaky
- def test_parent_ids(self, manager):
- assert manager.inspect().ping()
- g = (
- ids.si(i=1) |
- ids.si(i=2) |
- group(ids.si(i=i) for i in range(2, 50))
- )
- res = g()
- expected_root_id = res.parent.parent.id
- expected_parent_id = res.parent.id
- values = res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- for i, r in enumerate(values):
- root_id, parent_id, value = r
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- assert parent_id == expected_parent_id
- assert value == i + 2
- @flaky
- def test_nested_group(self, manager):
- assert manager.inspect().ping()
- c = group(
- add.si(1, 10),
- group(
- add.si(1, 100),
- group(
- add.si(1, 1000),
- add.si(1, 2000),
- ),
- ),
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [11, 101, 1001, 2001]
- def assert_ids(r, expected_value, expected_root_id, expected_parent_id):
- root_id, parent_id, value = r.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- assert expected_value == value
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- assert parent_id == expected_parent_id
- class test_chord:
- @flaky
- def test_redis_subscribed_channels_leak(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- manager.app.backend.result_consumer.on_after_fork()
- initial_channels = get_active_redis_channels()
- initial_channels_count = len(initial_channels)
- total_chords = 10
- async_results = [
- chord([add.s(5, 6), add.s(6, 7)])(delayed_sum.s())
- for _ in range(total_chords)
- ]
- manager.assert_result_tasks_in_progress_or_completed(async_results)
- channels_before = get_active_redis_channels()
- channels_before_count = len(channels_before)
- assert set(channels_before) != set(initial_channels)
- assert channels_before_count > initial_channels_count
- # The total number of active Redis channels at this point
- # is the number of chord header tasks multiplied by the
- # total chord tasks, plus the initial channels
- # (existing from previous tests).
- chord_header_task_count = 2
- assert channels_before_count <= \
- chord_header_task_count * total_chords + initial_channels_count
- result_values = [
- result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- for result in async_results
- ]
- assert result_values == [24] * total_chords
- channels_after = get_active_redis_channels()
- channels_after_count = len(channels_after)
- assert channels_after_count == initial_channels_count
- assert set(channels_after) == set(initial_channels)
- @flaky
- def test_replaced_nested_chord(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- c1 = chord([
- chord(
- [add.s(1, 2), add_replaced.s(3, 4)],
- add_to_all.s(5),
- ) | tsum.s(),
- chord(
- [add_replaced.s(6, 7), add.s(0, 0)],
- add_to_all.s(8),
- ) | tsum.s(),
- ], add_to_all.s(9))
- res1 = c1()
- assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [29, 38]
- @flaky
- def test_add_to_chord(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- c = group([add_to_all_to_chord.s([1, 2, 3], 4)]) | identity.s()
- res = c()
- assert res.get() == [0, 5, 6, 7]
- @flaky
- def test_add_chord_to_chord(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- c = group([add_chord_to_chord.s([1, 2, 3], 4)]) | identity.s()
- res = c()
- assert res.get() == [0, 5 + 6 + 7]
- @flaky
- def test_eager_chord_inside_task(self, manager):
- from .tasks import chord_add
- prev = chord_add.app.conf.task_always_eager
- chord_add.app.conf.task_always_eager = True
- chord_add.apply_async(args=(4, 8), throw=True).get()
- chord_add.app.conf.task_always_eager = prev
- @flaky
- def test_group_chain(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- c = (
- add.s(2, 2) |
- group(add.s(i) for i in range(4)) |
- add_to_all.s(8)
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [12, 13, 14, 15]
- @flaky
- def test_nested_group_chain(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- if not manager.app.backend.supports_native_join:
- raise pytest.skip('Requires native join support.')
- c = chain(
- add.si(1, 0),
- group(
- add.si(1, 100),
- chain(
- add.si(1, 200),
- group(
- add.si(1, 1000),
- add.si(1, 2000),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- add.si(1, 10),
- )
- res = c()
- assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 11
- @flaky
- def test_single_task_header(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- c1 = chord([add.s(2, 5)], body=add_to_all.s(9))
- res1 = c1()
- assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [16]
- c2 = group([add.s(2, 5)]) | add_to_all.s(9)
- res2 = c2()
- assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [16]
- def test_empty_header_chord(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- c1 = chord([], body=add_to_all.s(9))
- res1 = c1()
- assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == []
- c2 = group([]) | add_to_all.s(9)
- res2 = c2()
- assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == []
- @flaky
- def test_nested_chord(self, manager):
- try:
- manager.app.backend.ensure_chords_allowed()
- except NotImplementedError as e:
- raise pytest.skip(e.args[0])
- c1 = chord([
- chord([add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4)], add.s([5])),
- chord([add.s(6, 7)], add.s([10]))
- ], add_to_all.s(['A']))
- res1 = c1()
- assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [[3, 7, 5, 'A'], [13, 10, 'A']]
- c2 = group([
- group([add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4)]) | add.s([5]),
- group([add.s(6, 7)]) | add.s([10]),
- ]) | add_to_all.s(['A'])
- res2 = c2()
- assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [[3, 7, 5, 'A'], [13, 10, 'A']]
- c = group([
- group([
- group([
- group([
- add.s(1, 2)
- ]) | add.s([3])
- ]) | add.s([4])
- ]) | add.s([5])
- ]) | add.s([6])
- res = c()
- assert [[[[3, 3], 4], 5], 6] == res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT)
- @flaky
- def test_parent_ids(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- root = ids.si(i=1)
- expected_root_id = root.freeze().id
- g = chain(
- root, ids.si(i=2),
- chord(
- group(ids.si(i=i) for i in range(3, 50)),
- chain(collect_ids.s(i=50) | ids.si(i=51)),
- ),
- )
- self.assert_parentids_chord(g(), expected_root_id)
- @flaky
- def test_parent_ids__OR(self, manager):
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- root = ids.si(i=1)
- expected_root_id = root.freeze().id
- g = (
- root |
- ids.si(i=2) |
- group(ids.si(i=i) for i in range(3, 50)) |
- collect_ids.s(i=50) |
- ids.si(i=51)
- )
- self.assert_parentids_chord(g(), expected_root_id)
- def assert_parentids_chord(self, res, expected_root_id):
- assert isinstance(res, AsyncResult)
- assert isinstance(res.parent, AsyncResult)
- assert isinstance(res.parent.parent, GroupResult)
- assert isinstance(res.parent.parent.parent, AsyncResult)
- assert isinstance(res.parent.parent.parent.parent, AsyncResult)
- # first we check the last task
- assert_ids(res, 51, expected_root_id, res.parent.id)
- # then the chord callback
- prev, (root_id, parent_id, value) = res.parent.get(timeout=30)
- assert value == 50
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- # started by one of the chord header tasks.
- assert parent_id in res.parent.parent.results
- # check what the chord callback recorded
- for i, p in enumerate(prev):
- root_id, parent_id, value = p
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- assert parent_id == res.parent.parent.parent.id
- # ids(i=2)
- root_id, parent_id, value = res.parent.parent.parent.get(timeout=30)
- assert value == 2
- assert parent_id == res.parent.parent.parent.parent.id
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- # ids(i=1)
- root_id, parent_id, value = res.parent.parent.parent.parent.get(
- timeout=30)
- assert value == 1
- assert root_id == expected_root_id
- assert parent_id is None
- def test_chord_on_error(self, manager):
- from celery import states
- from .tasks import ExpectedException
- import time
- if not manager.app.conf.result_backend.startswith('redis'):
- raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.')
- # Run the chord and wait for the error callback to finish.
- c1 = chord(
- header=[add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4), fail.s()],
- body=print_unicode.s('This should not be called').on_error(
- chord_error.s()),
- )
- res = c1()
- try:
- res.wait(propagate=False)
- except ExpectedException:
- pass
- # Got to wait for children to populate.
- while not res.children:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- try:
- res.children[0].children[0].wait(propagate=False)
- except ExpectedException:
- pass
- # Extract the results of the successful tasks from the chord.
- #
- # We could do this inside the error handler, and probably would in a
- # real system, but for the purposes of the test it's obnoxious to get
- # data out of the error handler.
- #
- # So for clarity of our test, we instead do it here.
- # Use the error callback's result to find the failed task.
- error_callback_result = AsyncResult(
- res.children[0].children[0].result[0])
- failed_task_id = error_callback_result.result.args[0].split()[3]
- # Use new group_id result metadata to get group ID.
- failed_task_result = AsyncResult(failed_task_id)
- original_group_id = failed_task_result._get_task_meta()['group_id']
- # Use group ID to get preserved group result.
- backend = fail.app.backend
- j_key = backend.get_key_for_group(original_group_id, '.j')
- redis_connection = get_redis_connection()
- chord_results = [backend.decode(t) for t in
- redis_connection.lrange(j_key, 0, 3)]
- # Validate group result
- assert [cr[3] for cr in chord_results if cr[2] == states.SUCCESS] == \
- [3, 7]
- assert len([cr for cr in chord_results if cr[2] != states.SUCCESS]
- ) == 1