from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytest from celery import chain, chord, group from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError from celery.result import AsyncResult, GroupResult, ResultSet from .conftest import flaky, get_active_redis_channels, get_redis_connection from .tasks import (add, add_chord_to_chord, add_replaced, add_to_all, add_to_all_to_chord, build_chain_inside_task, chord_error, collect_ids, delayed_sum, delayed_sum_with_soft_guard, fail, identity, ids, print_unicode, raise_error, redis_echo, second_order_replace1, tsum) TIMEOUT = 120 class test_chain: @flaky def test_simple_chain(self, manager): c = add.s(4, 4) | add.s(8) | add.s(16) assert c().get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 32 @flaky def test_single_chain(self, manager): c = chain(add.s(3, 4))() assert c.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 7 @flaky def test_complex_chain(self, manager): c = ( add.s(2, 2) | ( add.s(4) | add_replaced.s(8) | add.s(16) | add.s(32) ) | group(add.s(i) for i in range(4)) ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [64, 65, 66, 67] @flaky def test_group_results_in_chain(self, manager): # This adds in an explicit test for the special case added in commit # 1e3fcaa969de6ad32b52a3ed8e74281e5e5360e6 c = ( group( add.s(1, 2) | group( add.s(1), add.s(2) ) ) ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [4, 5] @flaky def test_chain_inside_group_receives_arguments(self, manager): c = ( add.s(5, 6) | group((add.s(1) | add.s(2), add.s(3))) ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [14, 14] @flaky def test_eager_chain_inside_task(self, manager): from .tasks import chain_add prev = = True chain_add.apply_async(args=(4, 8), throw=True).get() = prev @flaky def test_group_chord_group_chain(self, manager): from celery.five import bytes_if_py2 if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') redis_connection = get_redis_connection() redis_connection.delete('redis-echo') before = group('before {}'.format(i)) for i in range(3)) connect ='connect') after = group('after {}'.format(i)) for i in range(2)) result = (before | connect | after).delay() result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) redis_messages = list(map( bytes_if_py2, redis_connection.lrange('redis-echo', 0, -1) )) before_items = \ set(map(bytes_if_py2, (b'before 0', b'before 1', b'before 2'))) after_items = set(map(bytes_if_py2, (b'after 0', b'after 1'))) assert set(redis_messages[:3]) == before_items assert redis_messages[3] == b'connect' assert set(redis_messages[4:]) == after_items redis_connection.delete('redis-echo') @flaky def test_second_order_replace(self, manager): from celery.five import bytes_if_py2 if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') redis_connection = get_redis_connection() redis_connection.delete('redis-echo') result = second_order_replace1.delay() result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) redis_messages = list(map( bytes_if_py2, redis_connection.lrange('redis-echo', 0, -1) )) expected_messages = [b'In A', b'In B', b'In/Out C', b'Out B', b'Out A'] assert redis_messages == expected_messages @flaky def test_parent_ids(self, manager, num=10): assert manager.inspect().ping() c = chain( for i in range(num)) c.freeze() res = c() try: res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) except TimeoutError: print( print(manager.inspect.reserved()) print(manager.inspect.stats()) raise self.assert_ids(res, num - 1) def assert_ids(self, res, size): i, root = size, res while root.parent: root = root.parent node = res while node: root_id, parent_id, value = node.get(timeout=30) assert value == i if node.parent: assert parent_id == assert root_id == node = node.parent i -= 1 def test_chord_soft_timeout_recuperation(self, manager): """Test that if soft timeout happens in task but is managed by task, chord still get results normally """ if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') c = chord([ # return 3 add.s(1, 2), # return 0 after managing soft timeout delayed_sum_with_soft_guard.s( [100], pause_time=2 ).set( soft_time_limit=1 ), ]) result = c(delayed_sum.s(pause_time=0)).get() assert result == 3 def test_chain_error_handler_with_eta(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) eta = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10) c = chain( group( add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4), ), tsum.s() ).on_error(print_unicode.s()).apply_async(eta=eta) result = c.get() assert result == 10 @flaky def test_groupresult_serialization(self, manager): """Test GroupResult is correctly serialized to save in the result backend""" try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) async_result = build_chain_inside_task.delay() result = async_result.get() assert len(result) == 2 assert isinstance(result[0][1], list) class test_result_set: @flaky def test_result_set(self, manager): assert manager.inspect().ping() rs = ResultSet([add.delay(1, 1), add.delay(2, 2)]) assert rs.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [2, 4] @flaky def test_result_set_error(self, manager): assert manager.inspect().ping() rs = ResultSet([raise_error.delay(), add.delay(1, 1)]) rs.get(timeout=TIMEOUT, propagate=False) assert rs.results[0].failed() assert rs.results[1].successful() class test_group: @flaky def test_empty_group_result(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') task = group([]) result = task.apply_async() task = GroupResult.restore( assert task.results == [] @flaky def test_parent_ids(self, manager): assert manager.inspect().ping() g = ( | | group( for i in range(2, 50)) ) res = g() expected_root_id = expected_parent_id = values = res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) for i, r in enumerate(values): root_id, parent_id, value = r assert root_id == expected_root_id assert parent_id == expected_parent_id assert value == i + 2 @flaky def test_nested_group(self, manager): assert manager.inspect().ping() c = group(, 10), group(, 100), group(, 1000),, 2000), ), ), ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [11, 101, 1001, 2001] def assert_ids(r, expected_value, expected_root_id, expected_parent_id): root_id, parent_id, value = r.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) assert expected_value == value assert root_id == expected_root_id assert parent_id == expected_parent_id class test_chord: @flaky def test_redis_subscribed_channels_leak(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') initial_channels = get_active_redis_channels() initial_channels_count = len(initial_channels) total_chords = 10 async_results = [ chord([add.s(5, 6), add.s(6, 7)])(delayed_sum.s()) for _ in range(total_chords) ] manager.assert_result_tasks_in_progress_or_completed(async_results) channels_before = get_active_redis_channels() channels_before_count = len(channels_before) assert set(channels_before) != set(initial_channels) assert channels_before_count > initial_channels_count # The total number of active Redis channels at this point # is the number of chord header tasks multiplied by the # total chord tasks, plus the initial channels # (existing from previous tests). chord_header_task_count = 2 assert channels_before_count <= \ chord_header_task_count * total_chords + initial_channels_count result_values = [ result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) for result in async_results ] assert result_values == [24] * total_chords channels_after = get_active_redis_channels() channels_after_count = len(channels_after) assert channels_after_count == initial_channels_count assert set(channels_after) == set(initial_channels) @flaky def test_replaced_nested_chord(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) c1 = chord([ chord( [add.s(1, 2), add_replaced.s(3, 4)], add_to_all.s(5), ) | tsum.s(), chord( [add_replaced.s(6, 7), add.s(0, 0)], add_to_all.s(8), ) | tsum.s(), ], add_to_all.s(9)) res1 = c1() assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [29, 38] @flaky def test_add_to_chord(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') c = group([add_to_all_to_chord.s([1, 2, 3], 4)]) | identity.s() res = c() assert res.get() == [0, 5, 6, 7] @flaky def test_add_chord_to_chord(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') c = group([add_chord_to_chord.s([1, 2, 3], 4)]) | identity.s() res = c() assert res.get() == [0, 5 + 6 + 7] @flaky def test_eager_chord_inside_task(self, manager): from .tasks import chord_add prev = = True chord_add.apply_async(args=(4, 8), throw=True).get() = prev @flaky def test_group_chain(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') c = ( add.s(2, 2) | group(add.s(i) for i in range(4)) | add_to_all.s(8) ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [12, 13, 14, 15] @flaky def test_nested_group_chain(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) if not raise pytest.skip('Requires native join support.') c = chain(, 0), group(, 100), chain(, 200), group(, 1000),, 2000), ), ), ),, 10), ) res = c() assert res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == 11 @flaky def test_single_task_header(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) c1 = chord([add.s(2, 5)], body=add_to_all.s(9)) res1 = c1() assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [16] c2 = group([add.s(2, 5)]) | add_to_all.s(9) res2 = c2() assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [16] def test_empty_header_chord(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) c1 = chord([], body=add_to_all.s(9)) res1 = c1() assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [] c2 = group([]) | add_to_all.s(9) res2 = c2() assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [] @flaky def test_nested_chord(self, manager): try: except NotImplementedError as e: raise pytest.skip(e.args[0]) c1 = chord([ chord([add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4)], add.s([5])), chord([add.s(6, 7)], add.s([10])) ], add_to_all.s(['A'])) res1 = c1() assert res1.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [[3, 7, 5, 'A'], [13, 10, 'A']] c2 = group([ group([add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4)]) | add.s([5]), group([add.s(6, 7)]) | add.s([10]), ]) | add_to_all.s(['A']) res2 = c2() assert res2.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) == [[3, 7, 5, 'A'], [13, 10, 'A']] c = group([ group([ group([ group([ add.s(1, 2) ]) | add.s([3]) ]) | add.s([4]) ]) | add.s([5]) ]) | add.s([6]) res = c() assert [[[[3, 3], 4], 5], 6] == res.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) @flaky def test_parent_ids(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') root = expected_root_id = root.freeze().id g = chain( root,, chord( group( for i in range(3, 50)), chain(collect_ids.s(i=50) |, ), ) self.assert_parentids_chord(g(), expected_root_id) @flaky def test_parent_ids__OR(self, manager): if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') root = expected_root_id = root.freeze().id g = ( root | | group( for i in range(3, 50)) | collect_ids.s(i=50) | ) self.assert_parentids_chord(g(), expected_root_id) def assert_parentids_chord(self, res, expected_root_id): assert isinstance(res, AsyncResult) assert isinstance(res.parent, AsyncResult) assert isinstance(res.parent.parent, GroupResult) assert isinstance(res.parent.parent.parent, AsyncResult) assert isinstance(res.parent.parent.parent.parent, AsyncResult) # first we check the last task assert_ids(res, 51, expected_root_id, # then the chord callback prev, (root_id, parent_id, value) = res.parent.get(timeout=30) assert value == 50 assert root_id == expected_root_id # started by one of the chord header tasks. assert parent_id in res.parent.parent.results # check what the chord callback recorded for i, p in enumerate(prev): root_id, parent_id, value = p assert root_id == expected_root_id assert parent_id == # ids(i=2) root_id, parent_id, value = res.parent.parent.parent.get(timeout=30) assert value == 2 assert parent_id == assert root_id == expected_root_id # ids(i=1) root_id, parent_id, value = res.parent.parent.parent.parent.get( timeout=30) assert value == 1 assert root_id == expected_root_id assert parent_id is None def test_chord_on_error(self, manager): from celery import states from .tasks import ExpectedException import time if not'redis'): raise pytest.skip('Requires redis result backend.') # Run the chord and wait for the error callback to finish. c1 = chord( header=[add.s(1, 2), add.s(3, 4), fail.s()], body=print_unicode.s('This should not be called').on_error( chord_error.s()), ) res = c1() try: res.wait(propagate=False) except ExpectedException: pass # Got to wait for children to populate. while not res.children: time.sleep(0.1) try: res.children[0].children[0].wait(propagate=False) except ExpectedException: pass # Extract the results of the successful tasks from the chord. # # We could do this inside the error handler, and probably would in a # real system, but for the purposes of the test it's obnoxious to get # data out of the error handler. # # So for clarity of our test, we instead do it here. # Use the error callback's result to find the failed task. error_callback_result = AsyncResult( res.children[0].children[0].result[0]) failed_task_id = error_callback_result.result.args[0].split()[3] # Use new group_id result metadata to get group ID. failed_task_result = AsyncResult(failed_task_id) original_group_id = failed_task_result._get_task_meta()['group_id'] # Use group ID to get preserved group result. backend = j_key = backend.get_key_for_group(original_group_id, '.j') redis_connection = get_redis_connection() chord_results = [backend.decode(t) for t in redis_connection.lrange(j_key, 0, 3)] # Validate group result assert [cr[3] for cr in chord_results if cr[2] == states.SUCCESS] == \ [3, 7] assert len([cr for cr in chord_results if cr[2] != states.SUCCESS] ) == 1