No Description

Ask Solem 7494116b26 tasks.register: Make it possible to override the name of task classes as well. 16 years ago
bin 9677c67764 Forgot to import sys in bin/celeryd 16 years ago
celery 7494116b26 tasks.register: Make it possible to override the name of task classes as well. 16 years ago
contrib dc1bc81203 Sphinx: Set html style to "agogo.css" in conf py 16 years ago
docs a81199fa21 New Q/A: Can I send some tasks to only some servers? 16 years ago
testproj 9a2a885d2d unittest django project: Remove uncessary django settings. 16 years ago
.gitignore 2068f1897b Added .build to gitignore 16 years ago
AUTHORS 39bb72c5ab Added runeh and antont as name contributors. 16 years ago
Changelog fe6565db9d 0.2.0 final release, updated changelog. 16 years ago
LICENSE 8dd7ac781a And here comes the code 16 years ago cf0ebe2664 Updated 16 years ago
README.rst 62229191be Fix stupid mistakes 16 years ago
TODO 0f7dc467e1 Added more TODO items. 16 years ago d5fe015ace Update development status trove classifier from Alpha to Beta 16 years ago


celery - Distributed Task Queue for Django.

:Version: 0.2.10


``celery`` is a distributed task queue framework for Django.

It is used for executing tasks *asynchronously*, routed to one or more
worker servers, running concurrently using multiprocessing.

It is designed to solve certain problems related to running websites
demanding high-availability and performance.

It is perfect for filling caches, posting updates to twitter, mass
downloading data like syndication feeds or web scraping. Use-cases are
plentiful. Implementing these features asynchronously using ``celery`` is
easy and fun, and the performance improvements can make it more than


* Uses AMQP messaging (RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ) to route tasks to the
worker servers.

* You can run as many worker servers as you want, and still
be *guaranteed that the task is only executed once.*

* Tasks are executed *concurrently* using the Python 2.6
``multiprocessing`` module (also available as a back-port
to older python versions)

* Supports *periodic tasks*, which makes it a (better) replacement
for cronjobs.

* When a task has been executed, the return value is stored using either
a MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL/SQLite database, memcached,
or Tokyo Tyrant back-end.

* If the task raises an exception, the exception instance is stored,
instead of the return value.

* All tasks has a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is the
task id, used for querying task status and return values.

* Supports *task-sets*, which is a task consisting of several sub-tasks.
You can find out how many, or if all of the sub-tasks has been executed.
Excellent for progress-bar like functionality.

* Has a ``map`` like function that uses tasks, called ``dmap``.

* However, you rarely want to wait for these results in a web-environment.
You'd rather want to use Ajax to poll the task status, which is
available from a URL like ``celery//status/``. This view
returns a JSON-serialized data structure containing the task status,
and the return value if completed, or exception on failure.

API Reference Documentation

The `API Reference Documentation`_ is hosted at Github

.. _`API Reference Docmentation`:


You can install ``celery`` either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
or from source.

To install using ``pip``,::

$ pip install celery

To install using ``easy_install``,::

$ easy_install celery

If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it
by doing the following,::

$ python build
# python install # as root


Have to write a cool tutorial, but here is some simple usage info.

*Note* You need to have a AMQP message broker running, like `RabbitMQ`_,
and you need to have the amqp server setup in your settings file, as described
in the `carrot distribution README`_.

*Note* If you're running ``SQLite`` as the database back-end, ``celeryd`` will
only be able to process one message at a time, this is because ``SQLite``
doesn't allow concurrent writes.

.. _`RabbitMQ`:
.. _`carrot distribution README`:

Defining tasks

>>> from celery.task import tasks
>>> from celery.log import setup_logger
>>> def do_something(some_arg, **kwargs):
... logger = setup_logger(**kwargs)
..."Did something: %s" % some_arg)
... return 42
>>> task.register(do_something, "do_something")

Tell the celery daemon to run a task

>>> from celery.task import delay_task
>>> delay_task("do_something", some_arg="foo bar baz")

Execute a task, and get its return value.

>>> from celery.task import delay_task
>>> result = delay_task("do_something", some_arg="foo bar baz")
>>> result.ready()
>>> result.get() # Waits until the task is done.
>>> result.status()

If the task raises an exception, the tasks status will be ``FAILURE``, and
``result.result`` will contain the exception instance raised.

Running the celery daemon


$ cd mydjangoproject
$ env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings celeryd
[2009-04-23 17:44:05,115: INFO/Process-1] Did something: foo bar baz
[2009-04-23 17:44:05,118: INFO/MainProcess] Waiting for queue.

Auto-discovery of tasks

``celery`` has an auto-discovery feature like the Django Admin, that
automatically loads any ```` module in the applications listed
in ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``.

A good place to add this command could be in your ````,

from celery.task import tasks

Then you can add new tasks in your applications ```` module,

from celery.task import tasks
from celery.log import setup_logger
from clickcounter.models import ClickCount

def increment_click(for_url, **kwargs):
logger = setup_logger(**kwargs)
clicks_for_url, cr = ClickCount.objects.get_or_create(url=for_url)
clicks_for_url.clicks = clicks_for_url.clicks + 1"Incremented click count for %s (not at %d)" % (
for_url, clicks_for_url.clicks)
tasks.register(increment_click, "increment_click")

Periodic Tasks

Periodic tasks are tasks that are run every ``n`` seconds. They don't
support extra arguments. Here's an example of a periodic task:

>>> from celery.task import tasks, PeriodicTask
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> class MyPeriodicTask(PeriodicTask):
... name = ""
... run_every = timedelta(seconds=30)
... def run(self, **kwargs):
... logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)
..."Running periodic task!")
>>> tasks.register(MyPeriodicTask)

For periodic tasks to work you need to add ``celery`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``,
and issue a ``syncdb``.


This software is licensed under the ``New BSD License``. See the ``LICENSE``
file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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