7.2 KB

Release Notes

1.1.2 (Apr 15, 2016)

  • Use passed device, follow create policy forf CFUUIDCreate
  • CB-10631 Fix for device.uuid in iOS 5.1.1
  • Updating the comment to exclude URL
  • CB-10636 Add JSHint for plugins
  • Refactored deviceInfo on iOS for better readability.

1.1.1 (Jan 15, 2016)

  • CB-10238 OSX Move device-plugin out from cordovalib to the plugin repository
  • CB-9923 Update device.platform documentation for Browser platform

1.1.0 (Nov 18, 2015)

  • CB-10035 Updated RELEASENOTES to be newest to oldest
  • Add isVirtual for Windows Phone 8.x
  • Added basic Android support for hardware serial number
  • CB-9865 Better simulator detection for iOS
  • Fixing contribute link.
  • Added WP8 implementation
  • update to use TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR as TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR is deprecated.
  • update code to use 'isVirtual'
  • create test to verify existence and type of new property 'isVirtual'
  • add isSimulator for iOS & Android device
  • Updated documentation to mention backwards compatibility
  • Updated README to reflect new behaviour and quirks on iOS
  • Check user defaults first to maintain backwards compatibility
  • Changed UUID to use [UIDevice identifierForVendor]

1.0.1 (Jun 17, 2015)

  • CB-9128 cordova-plugin-device documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device
  • Attempts to corrent npm markdown issue

1.0.0 (Apr 15, 2015)

  • CB-8746 gave plugin major version bump
  • CB-8683 changed plugin-id to pacakge-name
  • CB-8653 properly updated translated docs to use new id
  • CB-8653 updated translated docs to use new id
  • Use TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, install paramedic by npm
  • CB-8653 Updated Readme
  • remove defunct windows8 version
  • add travis badge
  • Add cross-plugin ios paramedic test running for TravisCI
  • CB-8538 Added package.json file

0.3.0 (Feb 04, 2015)

  • Added device.manufacturer property for Android, iOS, Blackberry, WP8
  • Support for Windows Phone 8 ANID2 ANID is only supported up to Windows Phone 7.5
  • CB-8351 Use a local copy of uniqueAppInstanceIdentifier rather than CordovaLib's version
  • browser: Fixed a bug that caused an "cannot call method of undefined" error if the browser's user agent wasn't recognized

0.2.13 (Dec 02, 2014)

  • Changing device.platform to always report the platform as "browser".
  • CB-5892 - Remove deprecated window.Settings
  • CB-7700 cordova-plugin-device documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device
  • CB-7571 Bump version of nested plugin to match parent plugin

0.2.12 (Sep 17, 2014)

  • CB-7471 cordova-plugin-device documentation translation
  • CB-7552 docs have not been removed
  • [fxos] Fix cordova version
  • added status box and documentation to manual tests
  • [fxos] Fix cordova version
  • added status box and documentation to manual tests
  • Added plugin support for the browser
  • CB-7262 Adds support for universal windows apps.

0.2.11 (Aug 06, 2014)

  • [FFOS] update DeviceProxy.js
  • CB-6127 Updated translations for docs
  • Use Windows system calls to get better info

0.2.10 (Jun 05, 2014)

  • CB-6127 Spanish and French Translations added. Github close #12
  • Changing 1.5 to 2.0
  • added firefoxos version - conversion
  • added firefoxos version
  • CB-6800 Add license
  • CB-6491 add

0.2.9 (Apr 17, 2014)

  • CB-5105: [Android, windows8, WP, BlackBerry10] Removed dead code for device.version
  • CB-6422: [windows8] use cordova/exec/proxy
  • CB-6460: Update license headers
  • Add NOTICE file

0.2.8 (Feb 05, 2014)

  • Tizen support added

0.2.7 (Jan 07, 2014)

  • CB-5737 Fix exception on close caused by left over telephony code from CB-5504

0.2.6 (Jan 02, 2014)

  • CB-5658 Add doc/ for Device plugin
  • CB-5504 Moving Telephony Logic out of Device

0.2.5 (Dec 4, 2013)

  • CB-5316 Spell Cordova as a brand unless it's a command or script
  • [ubuntu] use cordova/exec/proxy
  • add ubuntu platform
  • Modify Device.platform logic to use amazon-fireos as the platform for Amazon Devices
  • 1. Added amazon-fireos platform. 2. Change to use cordova-amazon-fireos as the platform if user agent contains 'cordova-amazon-fireos'

0.2.4 (Oct 28, 2013)

  • CB-5128: added repo + issue tag in plugin.xml for device plugin
  • CB-5085 device.cordova returning wrong value
  • CB-4915 Incremented plugin version on dev branch.

0.2.3 (Sept 25, 2013)

  • CB-4889 bumping&resetting version
  • [windows8] commandProxy has moved
  • [BlackBerry10] removed uneeded permission tags in plugin.xml
  • CB-4889 renaming org.apache.cordova.core.device to org.apache.cordova.device
  • Rename ->
  • updated to use commandProxy for ffos
  • add firefoxos support
  • CB-4752 Incremented plugin version on dev branch.

0.2.1 (Sept 5, 2013)

  • removed extraneous print statement
  • CB-4432 copyright notice change