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  1. # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  2. # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  3. # distributed with this work for additional information
  4. # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  5. # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  6. # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  7. # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  8. #
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  12. # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  14. # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  15. # specific language governing permissions and limitations
  16. # under the License.
  17. weekday-0-long = Doménega
  18. weekday-1-long = Lunedì
  19. weekday-2-long = Martedì
  20. weekday-3-long = Mercoledì
  21. weekday-4-long = Zéuggia
  22. weekday-5-long = Venerdì
  23. weekday-6-long = Sàbbo
  24. weekday-0-short = Dom
  25. weekday-1-short = Lun
  26. weekday-2-short = Mar
  27. weekday-3-short = Mer
  28. weekday-4-short = Zéu
  29. weekday-5-short = Ven
  30. weekday-6-short = Sab
  31. month-0-genitive = Zenâ
  32. month-1-genitive = Frevâ
  33. month-2-genitive = Màrso
  34. month-3-genitive = Arvî
  35. month-4-genitive = Màzzo
  36. month-5-genitive = Zùgno
  37. month-6-genitive = Lùggio
  38. month-7-genitive = Agósto
  39. month-8-genitive = Seténbre
  40. month-9-genitive = Òtôbre
  41. month-10-genitive = Novénbre
  42. month-11-genitive = Dexénbre
  43. month-0-long = Zenâ
  44. month-1-long = Frevâ
  45. month-2-long = Màrso
  46. month-3-long = Arvî
  47. month-4-long = Màzzo
  48. month-5-long = Zùgno
  49. month-6-long = Lùggio
  50. month-7-long = Agósto
  51. month-8-long = Seténbre
  52. month-9-long = Òtôbre
  53. month-10-long = Novénbre
  54. month-11-long = Dexénbre
  55. month-0-short = Zen
  56. month-1-short = Fre
  57. month-2-short = Màr
  58. month-3-short = Arv
  59. month-4-short = Maz
  60. month-5-short = Zùg
  61. month-6-short = Lùg
  62. month-7-short = Ago
  63. month-8-short = Set
  64. month-9-short = Òtô
  65. month-10-short = Nov
  66. month-11-short = Dex
  67. minutesAgo-long={[ plural(m) ]}
  68. minutesAgo-long[zero] = òua
  69. minutesAgo-long[one] = un menûto fa
  70. minutesAgo-long[two] = {{m}} menûti fa
  71. minutesAgo-long[few] = {{m}} menûti fa
  72. minutesAgo-long[many] = {{m}} menûti fa
  73. minutesAgo-long[other] = {{m}} menûti fa
  74. minutesAgo-short={[ plural(m) ]}
  75. minutesAgo-short[zero] = òua
  76. minutesAgo-short[other] = {{m}}’ fa
  77. hoursAgo-long={[ plural(h) ]}
  78. hoursAgo-long[zero] = òua
  79. hoursAgo-long[one] = un'ôa fa
  80. hoursAgo-long[two] = {{h}} ôe fa
  81. hoursAgo-long[few] = {{h}} ôe fa
  82. hoursAgo-long[many] = {{h}} ôe fa
  83. hoursAgo-long[other] = {{h}} ôe fa
  84. hoursAgo-short={[ plural(h) ]}
  85. hoursAgo-short[zero] = òua
  86. hoursAgo-short[other] = {{h}}ôe fa
  87. daysAgo-long={[ plural(d) ]}
  88. daysAgo-long[zero] = ancheu
  89. daysAgo-long[one] = vêi
  90. daysAgo-long[two] = {{d}} giórni fa
  91. daysAgo-long[few] = {{d}} giórni fa
  92. daysAgo-long[many] = {{d}} giórni fa
  93. daysAgo-long[other] = {{d}} giórni fa
  94. daysAgo-short={[ plural(d) ]}
  95. daysAgo-short[zero] = ancheu
  96. daysAgo-short[other] = {{d}}g fa
  97. inMinutes-long={[ plural(m) ]}
  98. inMinutes-long[zero] = òua
  99. inMinutes-long[one] = tra un menûto
  100. inMinutes-long[two] = tra {{m}} menûti
  101. inMinutes-long[few] = tra {{m}} menûti
  102. inMinutes-long[many] = tra {{m}} menûti
  103. inMinutes-long[other] = tra {{m}} menûti
  104. inMinutes-short={[ plural(m) ]}
  105. inMinutes-short[zero] = òua
  106. inMinutes-short[other] = fra {{m}}’
  107. inHours-long={[ plural(h) ]}
  108. inHours-long[zero] = òua
  109. inHours-long[one] = tra un’ôa
  110. inHours-long[two] = tra {{h}} ôe
  111. inHours-long[few] = tra {{h}} ôe
  112. inHours-long[many] = tra {{h}} ôe
  113. inHours-long[other] = tra {{h}} ôe
  114. inHours-short={[ plural(h) ]}
  115. inHours-short[zero] = òua
  116. inHours-short[other] = tra {{h}}ôe
  117. inDays-long={[ plural(d) ]}
  118. inDays-long[zero] = ancheu
  119. inDays-long[one] = domàn
  120. inDays-long[two] = tra {{d}} giórni
  121. inDays-long[few] = tra {{d}} giórni
  122. inDays-long[many] = tra {{d}} giórni
  123. inDays-long[other] = tra {{d}} giórni
  124. inDays-short={[ plural(d) ]}
  125. inDays-short[zero] = ancheu
  126. inDays-short[other] = tra {{d}}g
  127. incorrectDate = (dæta sbaliâ)
  128. dateTimeFormat_%c = %a %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S
  129. dateTimeFormat_%x = %d/%m/%Y
  130. dateTimeFormat_%X = %H:%M:%S
  131. shortTimeFormat = %I:%M %p
  132. shortDateTimeFormat = %x %I:%M %p
  133. # Boolean to indicate if weekStarts on Monday (1) or Sunday (0).
  134. weekStartsOnMonday = 1