ChangeLog --------- Please also read the [Upgrade Guide]( for more information. #### Version 0.8.4 (04.01.2016) - Bug fixes - SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list #### Version 0.8.3 (03.01.2016) - Platform enhancements - Support for the `Crosswalk Engine` - Support for `cordova-ios@4` and the `WKWebView Engine` - Support for `cordova-windows@4` and `Windows 10` without using hooks - Enhancements - New `color` attribute for Android (Thanks to @Eusebius1920) - New `quarter` intervall for iOS & Android - `smallIcon` is optional (Android) - `update` checks for permission like _schedule_ - Decreased time-frame for trigger event (iOS) - Force `every:` to be a string on iOS - Bug fixes - Fixed #634 option to skip permission check - Fixed #588 crash when basename & extension can't be extracted (Android) - Fixed #732 loop between update and trigger (Android) - Fixed #710 crash due to >500 notifications (Android) - Fixed #682 crash while resuming app from notification (Android 6) - Fixed #612 cannot update icon or sound (Android) - Fixed crashing get(ID) if notification doesn't exist - Fixed #569 getScheduled returns two items per notification - Fixed #700 notifications appears on bootup #### Version 0.8.2 (08.11.2015) - Submitted to npm - Initial support for the `windows` platform - Re-add autoCancel option on Android - Warn about unknown properties - Fix crash on iOS 9 - Fixed webView-Problems with cordova-android 4.0 - Fix get* with single id - Fix issue when passing data in milliseconds - Update device plugin id - Several other fixes #### Version 0.8.1 (08.03.2015) - Fix incompatibility with cordova version 3.5-3.0 - Fire `clear` instead of `cancel` event when clicked on repeating notifications - Do not fire `clear` or `cancel` event when clicked on persistent notifications ### Version 0.8.0 (05.03.2015) - Support for iOS 8, Android 2 (SDK >= 7) and Android 5 - Windows Phone 8.1 will be added soon - New interfaces to ask for / register permissions required to schedule local notifications - `hasPermission()` and `registerPermission()` - _schedule()_ will register the permission automatically and schedule the notification if granted. - New interface to update already scheduled|triggered local notifications - `update()` - New interfaces to clear the notification center - `clear()` and `clearAll()` - New interfaces to query for local notifications, their properties, their IDs and their existence depend on their state - `isPresent()`, `isScheduled()`, `isTriggered()` - `getIds()`, `getAllIds()`, `getScheduledIds()`, `getTriggeredIds()` - `get()`, `getAll()`, `getScheduled()`, `getTriggered()` - Schedule multiple local notifications at once - `schedule( [{...},{...}] )` - Update multiple local notifications at once - `update( [{...},{...}] )` - Clear multiple local notifications at once - `clear( [1, 2] )` - Cancel multiple local notifications at once - `cancel( [1, 2] )` - New URI format to specify sound and image resources - `http(s):` for remote resources _(Android)_ - `file:` for local resources relative to the _www_ folder - `res:` for native resources - New events - `schedule`, `update`, `clear`, `clearall` and `cancelall` - Enhanced event informations - Listener will get called with the local notification object instead of only the ID - Multiple listener for one event - `on(event, callback, scope)` - Unregister event listener - `un(event, callback)` - New Android specific properties - `led` properties - `sound` and `image` accepts remote resources - Callback function and scope for all interface methods - `schedule( notification, callback, scope )` - Renamed `add()` to `schedule()` - `autoCancel` property has been removed - Use `ongoing: true` for persistent local notifications on Android - Renamed repeat intervals - `second`, `minute`, `hour`, `day`, `week`, `month` and `year` - Renamed some local notification properties - `date`, `json`, `message` and `repeat` - Scheduling local notifications with the deprecated properties is still possible - [Kitchen Sink sample app]( - [Wiki](