var should = require( 'should' ); var testConfig = require( './config' ); var rongSDK = require( '../index' ); describe( 'User Test', function() { before( function( done ) { // Init the SDK before testing. rongSDK.init( testConfig.appKey, testConfig.appSecret ); done(); } ); after( function( done ) { done(); } ); describe( 'Get token', function() { it( 'Should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.getToken( testConfig.token.userId,, testConfig.token.portraitUri, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Refresh user info', function() { it( 'Should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.refresh( testConfig.token.userId,, testConfig.token.portraitUri, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Check user online status', function() { it( 'Check a non-existing user, should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.checkOnline( 'im not here', function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); result.status.should.equal( '0' ); // Notice: the status is a string, not int. done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Block user', function() { it( 'Block a user within 1 minute, should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.block( testConfig.token.userId, 1, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); // Check if the user is in the blocked list. rongSDK.user.block.query ( function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); should.exists( result.users ); var isUserBlocked = findUser( result.users, testConfig.token.userId ); isUserBlocked.should.equal( true ); done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Unblock user', function() { it( 'Unblock the previously blocked user, should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.unblock( testConfig.token.userId, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); // Check if the user is in the blocked list. rongSDK.user.block.query( function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); should.exists( result.users ); var isUserBlocked = findUser( result.users, testConfig.token.userId ); isUserBlocked.should.equal( false ); done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Query blocked users', function() { it( 'The test is obtained in the block/unblock user API tests', function( done ) { done(); } ); } ); describe( 'Black list', function() { it( 'Add a user to the black list, should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.blacklist.add( testConfig.message.toUserId, testConfig.message.fromUserId, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); // TODO Send a message from fromUserId to toUserId it( 'Query a user\'s black list, should get the "Black User"', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.blacklist.query( testConfig.message.toUserId, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); var isInBlacklist = findUserId( result.users, testConfig.message.fromUserId ); isInBlacklist.should.equal( true ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); it( 'Remove a user from the black list, should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.blacklist.remove( testConfig.message.toUserId, testConfig.message.fromUserId, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); // TODO Send a message from fromUserId to toUserId it( 'Query a user\'s black list, should get not the "Black User"', function( done ) { rongSDK.user.blacklist.query( testConfig.message.toUserId, function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); var isInBlacklist = findUserId( result.users, testConfig.message.fromUserId ); isInBlacklist.should.equal( false ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); function findUser( users, userId ) { var found = false; for( var i=0; i