var should = require( 'should' ); var _ = require( 'underscore' ); var testConfig = require( './config' ); var rongSDK = require( '../index' ); var chatroomIDs = _.keys( testConfig.chatroom.chatroomIdNamePairs ); var chatroomNames = _.values( testConfig.chatroom.chatroomIdNamePairs ); describe( 'Chatroom Test', function() { before( function( done ) { // Init the SDK before testing. rongSDK.init( testConfig.appKey, testConfig.appSecret ); done(); } ); after( function( done ) { done(); } ); describe( 'Create Chatroom', function() { it( 'Create chatroom: should return OK', function( done ) { var chatroomIdNamePairsArray = []; _.each( chatroomIDs, function( chatroomId ) { chatroomIdNamePairsArray.push( { id : chatroomId, name : testConfig.chatroom.chatroomIdNamePairs[ chatroomId ] } ); } ); rongSDK.chatroom.create( chatroomIdNamePairsArray , function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Destroy Chatroom', function() { it( 'Destroy a single chatroom: should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.chatroom.destroy( chatroomIDs.pop(), function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); it( 'Destroy chatrooms: should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.chatroom.destroy( chatroomIDs.splice( 0, 2 ), function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Query Chatroom', function() { it( 'Query a single chatroom: should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.chatroom.query( chatroomIDs[0], function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); var found = _.findWhere( result.chatRooms, { chrmId : chatroomIDs[0] } );; 'chrmId', chatroomIDs[0] ); done(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Query Chatroom Users', function() { it( 'Query the users of a chatroom: should return OK', function( done ) { rongSDK.chatroom.user.query( chatroomIDs[0], function( err, resultText ) { should.not.exists( err ); var result = JSON.parse( resultText ); result.code.should.equal( 200 ); done(); } ); } ); } ); } );