@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-var async = require( 'async' );
-var parseString = require( 'xml2js' ).parseString;
-var fs = require( 'fs' );
-var should = require( 'should' );
-var testConfig = require( './config' );
-var rongSDK = require( '../index' );
-var base64Voice = new Buffer( fs.readFileSync( './testvoice.amr' ) ).toString( 'base64' );
-var base64Image = new Buffer( fs.readFileSync( './raindrop.jpg' ) ).toString( 'base64' );
-var optionalArgs = [ 'push content', 'push data' ];
-describe( 'Message Test', function() {
- before( function( done ) {
- // Init the SDK before testing.
- rongSDK.init( testConfig.appKey, testConfig.appSecret );
- done();
- } );
- after( function( done ) {
- done();
- } );
- describe( 'Publish Message', function() {
- it( 'Text message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var textMessageObject = { content : testConfig.message.textMsg };
- // Testing for all the situations of arguments.
- var args = [ testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:TxtMsg', JSON.stringify( textMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Image message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var imageMessageObject = { content : base64Image, imageUrl : 'http://lanceju-com.qiniudn.com/raindrop.jpg' };
- var args = [ testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:ImgMsg', JSON.stringify( imageMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Voice message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var voiceMessageObject = { content : base64Voice, duration : 4 };
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:VcMsg', JSON.stringify( voiceMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Image Text message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var imageTextMessageObject = { title : 'hellotitle', content : 'hello', imageUrl : 'http://lanceju-com.qiniudn.com/raindrop.jpg', extra : 'image from a user' };
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:ImgTextMsg', JSON.stringify( imageTextMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Location message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var locationMessageObject = { content : 'You got a location message', latitude : 24.114, longitude : 334.221, poi : '北京市朝阳区北苑路北辰泰岳大厦', extra : 'The location of rong cloud' };
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:LBSMsg', JSON.stringify( locationMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.private.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'ContactNtf message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var contactNtfMessageObject = { operation:"op1",sourceUserId:"24",targetUserId:"21",message:"haha",extra:"helloExtra"};
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, testConfig.message.toUserId, 'RC:ContactNtf', JSON.stringify( contactNtfMessageObject ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.private.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- describe( 'Publish Template Message', function() {
- it( 'Send template message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var content = JSON.stringify( { content : "aa{c}{e}{d}", extra : "bb" } );
- var values = [ { "{c}":"1","{d}":"2","{e}":"3"} ];
- /*
- rongSDK.message.private.publish_template( testConfig.message.fromUserId, [testConfig.message.toUserId], 'RC:TxtMsg', content, values, [ 'push content for user' ], ['push data for user'], function( err, resultText ) {
- return done();
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- done();
- } );
- */
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, [testConfig.message.toUserId], 'RC:TxtMsg', content, values, [ 'push content for user' ], ['push data for user'] ];
- var argsArray = [];
- argsArray.push( args.concat() );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( 'xml' ) );
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.private.publish_template.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Send system message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, [testConfig.message.toUserId], 'RC:TxtMsg', JSON.stringify( { content : 'Hello, world!' } )];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.system.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Send group message before joining the group: should return error', function( done ) {
- rongSDK.message.group.publish( testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'ProgrammerGroup1', 'RC:TxtMsg', JSON.stringify( { content : 'Hello, world!' } ), null, null, function( err, resultText ) {
- should.exists( err );
- // Joining the group
- rongSDK.group.join( testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'ProgrammerGroup1', 'Programmers group', function( err, resultText ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- done();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Send group message after joining the group: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'ProgrammerGroup1', 'RC:TxtMsg', JSON.stringify( { content : 'Hello, world!' } )];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.group.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- // Dismiss the group after testing.
- rongSDK.group.quit( testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'ProgrammerGroup1', function( err, resultText ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- done();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- it( 'Send chatroom message: should return OK', function( done ) {
- var args = [testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'my chatroom', 'RC:TxtMsg', JSON.stringify( { content : 'Hello, world!' } ) ];
- var argsArray = [];
- for( var i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ) ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'json' ) );
- argsArray.push( args.concat( optionalArgs.slice( 0, i ), 'xml' ) );
- }
- async.each( argsArray, function( _args, cb ) {
- rongSDK.message.chatroom.publish.apply( this, _args.concat( function( err, resultText ) {
- if( _args[ _args.length - 1 ] === 'xml' ) {
- should.not.exists( err );
- parseString( resultText, function( err, result ) {
- parseInt( result.xml.code[0] ).should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- } );
- }
- else {
- should.not.exists( err );
- var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- cb();
- }
- } ) );
- }, function() {
- done();
- } );
- } );
- } );
- // Since this API is a charing service, make sure your appKey&appSecret is from an charged account.
- // describe( 'Broadcast Message', function() {
- // it( 'Should return OK', function( done ) {
- // rongSDK.message.broadcast( testConfig.message.fromUserId, 'RC:TxtMsg', testConfig.message.textMsg, function( err, resultText ) {
- // should.not.exists( err );
- // var result = JSON.parse( resultText );
- // result.code.should.equal( 200 );
- // done();
- // } );
- // } );
- // } );
-} );