2.2 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import sys
  3. import os
  4. # If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
  5. # is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
  6. # absolute, like shown here.
  7. sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.pardir, "tests"))
  8. sys.path.append("_ext")
  9. import celery
  10. # General configuration
  11. # ---------------------
  12. extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc',
  13. 'sphinx.ext.coverage',
  14. 'sphinxcontrib.issuetracker',
  15. 'celerydocs']
  16. # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
  17. templates_path = ['.templates']
  18. # The suffix of source filenames.
  19. source_suffix = '.rst'
  20. # The master toctree document.
  21. master_doc = 'index'
  22. # General information about the project.
  23. project = u'Celery'
  24. copyright = u'2009-2010, Ask Solem & contributors'
  25. # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
  26. # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
  27. # built documents.
  28. #
  29. # The short X.Y version.
  30. version = ".".join(map(str, celery.VERSION[0:2]))
  31. # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
  32. release = celery.__version__
  33. exclude_trees = ['.build']
  34. # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
  35. add_function_parentheses = True
  36. # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
  37. pygments_style = 'trac'
  38. # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
  39. # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
  40. # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
  41. html_static_path = ['.static']
  42. html_use_smartypants = True
  43. # If false, no module index is generated.
  44. html_use_modindex = True
  45. # If false, no index is generated.
  46. html_use_index = True
  47. latex_documents = [
  48. ('index', 'Celery.tex', ur'Celery Documentation',
  49. ur'Ask Solem', 'manual'),
  50. ]
  51. html_theme = "celery"
  52. html_theme_path = ["_theme"]
  53. html_sidebars = {
  54. 'index': ['sidebarintro.html', 'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html'],
  55. '**': ['sidebarlogo.html', 'relations.html',
  56. 'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html'],
  57. }
  58. ### Issuetracker
  59. issuetracker = "github"
  60. issuetracker_user = "ask"
  61. issuetracker_project = "celery"
  62. issuetracker_issue_pattern = r'[Ii]ssue #(\d+)'