123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424 |
- """celery.worker"""
- from carrot.connection import DjangoAMQPConnection
- from celery.messaging import TaskConsumer
- from celery.conf import DAEMON_CONCURRENCY, DAEMON_LOG_FILE
- from celery.conf import QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER, EMPTY_MSG_EMIT_EVERY
- from celery.conf import SEND_CELERY_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS
- from celery.log import setup_logger
- from celery.registry import tasks
- from celery.pool import TaskPool
- from celery.datastructures import ExceptionInfo
- from celery.backends import default_backend, default_periodic_status_backend
- from celery.timer import EventTimer
- from django.core.mail import mail_admins
- import multiprocessing
- import traceback
- import logging
- import socket
- import time
- import sys
- # pep8.py borks on a inline signature separator and
- # says "trailing whitespace" ;)
- Task %%(name)s with id %%(id)s raised exception: %%(exc)s
- The contents of the full traceback was:
- %%(traceback)s
- Just thought I'd let you know!
- celeryd at %%(hostname)s.
- class EmptyQueue(Exception):
- """The message queue is currently empty."""
- class UnknownTask(Exception):
- """Got an unknown task in the queue. The message is requeued and
- ignored."""
- def jail(task_id, func, args, kwargs):
- """Wraps the task in a jail, which catches all exceptions, and
- saves the status and result of the task execution to the task
- meta backend.
- If the call was successful, it saves the result to the task result
- backend, and sets the task status to ``"DONE"``.
- If the call results in an exception, it saves the exception as the task
- result, and sets the task status to ``"FAILURE"``.
- :param task_id: The id of the task.
- :param func: Callable object to execute.
- :param args: List of positional args to pass on to the function.
- :param kwargs: Keyword arguments mapping to pass on to the function.
- :returns: the function return value on success, or
- the exception instance on failure.
- """
- # See: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/
- # thread/78200863d0c07c6d/38402e76cf3233e8?hl=en&lnk=gst&
- # q=multiprocessing#38402e76cf3233e8
- from django.db import connection
- connection.close()
- # Convert any unicode keys in the keyword arguments to ascii.
- kwargs = dict([(k.encode("utf-8"), v)
- for k, v in kwargs.items()])
- try:
- result = func(*args, **kwargs)
- except Exception, exc:
- default_backend.mark_as_failure(task_id, exc)
- return ExceptionInfo(sys.exc_info())
- else:
- default_backend.mark_as_done(task_id, result)
- return result
- class TaskWrapper(object):
- """Class wrapping a task to be run.
- :param task_name: see :attr:`task_name`.
- :param task_id: see :attr:`task_id`.
- :param task_func: see :attr:`task_func`
- :param args: see :attr:`args`
- :param kwargs: see :attr:`kwargs`.
- .. attribute:: task_name
- Kind of task. Must be a name registered in the task registry.
- .. attribute:: task_id
- UUID of the task.
- .. attribute:: task_func
- The tasks callable object.
- .. attribute:: args
- List of positional arguments to apply to the task.
- .. attribute:: kwargs
- Mapping of keyword arguments to apply to the task.
- """
- success_msg = "Task %(name)s[%(id)s] processed: %(return_value)s"
- fail_msg = """
- Task %(name)s[%(id)s] raised exception: %(exc)s\n%(traceback)s
- """
- fail_email_subject = """
- [celery@%(hostname)s] Error: Task %(name)s (%(id)s): %(exc)s
- """
- fail_email_body = TASK_FAIL_EMAIL_BODY
- def __init__(self, task_name, task_id, task_func, args, kwargs, **opts):
- self.task_name = task_name
- self.task_id = task_id
- self.task_func = task_func
- self.args = args
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- for opt in ("success_msg", "fail_msg", "fail_email_subject",
- "fail_email_body", "logger"):
- setattr(self, opt, opts.get(opt, getattr(self, opt, None)))
- if not self.logger:
- self.logger = multiprocessing.get_logger()
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s: {name:"%s", id:"%s", args:"%s", kwargs:"%s"}>' % (
- self.__class__.__name__,
- self.task_name, self.task_id,
- self.args, self.kwargs)
- @classmethod
- def from_message(cls, message, logger):
- """Create a :class:`TaskWrapper` from a task message sent by
- :class:`celery.messaging.TaskPublisher`.
- :raises UnknownTask: if the message does not describe a task,
- the message is also rejected.
- :returns: :class:`TaskWrapper` instance.
- """
- message_data = message.decode()
- task_name = message_data["task"]
- task_id = message_data["id"]
- args = message_data["args"]
- kwargs = message_data["kwargs"]
- if task_name not in tasks:
- raise UnknownTask(task_name)
- task_func = tasks[task_name]
- return cls(task_name, task_id, task_func, args, kwargs, logger=logger)
- def extend_with_default_kwargs(self, loglevel, logfile):
- """Extend the tasks keyword arguments with standard task arguments.
- These are ``logfile``, ``loglevel``, ``task_id`` and ``task_name``.
- """
- task_func_kwargs = {"logfile": logfile,
- "loglevel": loglevel,
- "task_id": self.task_id,
- "task_name": self.task_name}
- task_func_kwargs.update(self.kwargs)
- return task_func_kwargs
- def execute(self, loglevel=None, logfile=None):
- """Execute the task in a :func:`jail` and store return value
- and status in the task meta backend.
- :keyword loglevel: The loglevel used by the task.
- :keyword logfile: The logfile used by the task.
- """
- task_func_kwargs = self.extend_with_default_kwargs(loglevel, logfile)
- return jail(self.task_id, [
- self.task_func, self.args, task_func_kwargs])
- def on_success(self, ret_value, meta):
- """The handler used if the task was successfully processed (
- without raising an exception)."""
- task_id = meta.get("task_id")
- task_name = meta.get("task_name")
- msg = self.success_msg.strip() % {
- "id": task_id,
- "name": task_name,
- "return_value": ret_value}
- self.logger.info(msg)
- def on_failure(self, exc_info, meta):
- """The handler used if the task raised an exception."""
- task_id = meta.get("task_id")
- task_name = meta.get("task_name")
- context = {
- "hostname": socket.gethostname(),
- "id": task_id,
- "name": task_name,
- "exc": exc_info.exception,
- "traceback": exc_info.traceback,
- }
- self.logger.error(self.fail_msg.strip() % context)
- subject = self.fail_email_subject.strip() % context
- body = self.fail_email_body.strip() % context
- mail_admins(subject, body, fail_silently=True)
- def execute_using_pool(self, pool, loglevel=None, logfile=None):
- """Like :meth:`execute`, but using the :mod:`multiprocessing` pool.
- :param pool: A :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` instance.
- :keyword loglevel: The loglevel used by the task.
- :keyword logfile: The logfile used by the task.
- :returns :class:`multiprocessing.AsyncResult` instance.
- """
- task_func_kwargs = self.extend_with_default_kwargs(loglevel, logfile)
- jail_args = [self.task_id, self.task_func,
- self.args, task_func_kwargs]
- return pool.apply_async(jail, args=jail_args,
- callbacks=[self.on_success], errbacks=[self.on_failure],
- meta={"task_id": self.task_id, "task_name": self.task_name})
- class WorkController(object):
- """Executes tasks waiting in the task queue.
- :param concurrency: see :attr:`concurrency`.
- :param logfile: see :attr:`logfile`.
- :param loglevel: see :attr:`loglevel`.
- :param queue_wakeup_after: see :attr:`queue_wakeup_after`.
- .. attribute:: concurrency
- The number of simultaneous processes doing work (default:
- :const:`celery.conf.DAEMON_CONCURRENCY`)
- .. attribute:: loglevel
- The loglevel used (default: :const:`logging.INFO`)
- .. attribute:: logfile
- The logfile used, if no logfile is specified it uses ``stderr``
- (default: :const:`celery.conf.DAEMON_LOG_FILE`).
- .. attribute:: queue_wakeup_after
- The time it takes for the daemon to wake up after the queue is empty,
- so it can check for more work
- (default: :const:`celery.conf.QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER`).
- .. attribute:: empty_msg_emit_every
- How often the daemon emits the ``"Waiting for queue..."`` message.
- If this is ``None``, the message will never be logged.
- (default: :const:`celery.conf.EMPTY_MSG_EMIT_EVERY`)
- .. attribute:: logger
- The :class:`logging.Logger` instance used for logging.
- .. attribute:: pool
- The :class:`multiprocessing.Pool` instance used.
- .. attribute:: task_consumer
- The :class:`celery.messaging.TaskConsumer` instance used.
- """
- loglevel = logging.ERROR
- concurrency = DAEMON_CONCURRENCY
- logfile = DAEMON_LOG_FILE
- queue_wakeup_after = QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER
- empty_msg_emit_every = EMPTY_MSG_EMIT_EVERY
- def __init__(self, concurrency=None, logfile=None, loglevel=None,
- queue_wakeup_after=None, is_detached=False):
- self.loglevel = loglevel or self.loglevel
- self.concurrency = concurrency or self.concurrency
- self.logfile = logfile or self.logfile
- self.queue_wakeup_after = queue_wakeup_after or \
- self.queue_wakeup_after
- self.logger = setup_logger(loglevel, logfile)
- self.pool = TaskPool(self.concurrency, logger=self.logger)
- self.task_consumer = None
- self.is_detached = is_detached
- self.reset_connection()
- def reset_connection(self):
- """Reset the AMQP connection, and reinitialize the
- :class:`celery.messaging.TaskConsumer` instance.
- Resets the task consumer in :attr:`task_consumer`.
- """
- if self.task_consumer:
- self.task_consumer.connection.close()
- amqp_connection = DjangoAMQPConnection()
- self.task_consumer = TaskConsumer(connection=amqp_connection)
- self.task_consumer_it = self.task_consumer.iterqueue(infinite=True)
- def connection_diagnostics(self):
- """Diagnose the AMQP connection, and reset connection if
- necessary."""
- connection = self.task_consumer.backend.channel.connection
- if not connection:
- self.logger.info(
- "AMQP Connection has died, restoring connection.")
- self.reset_connection()
- def receive_message(self):
- """Receive the next message from the message broker.
- Tries to reset the AMQP connection if not available.
- Returns ``None`` if no message is waiting on the queue.
- :rtype: :class:`carrot.messaging.Message` instance.
- """
- message = self.task_consumer_it.next()
- if not message:
- raise EmptyQueue()
- return message
- def process_task(self, message):
- task = TaskWrapper.from_message(message, logger=self.logger)
- self.logger.info("Got task from broker: %s[%s]" % (
- task.task_name, task.task_id))
- self.logger.debug("Got a task: %s. Trying to execute it..." % task)
- result = task.execute_using_pool(self.pool, self.loglevel,
- self.logfile)
- self.logger.debug("Task %s has been executed asynchronously." % task)
- return result
- def execute_next_task(self):
- """Execute the next task on the queue using the multiprocessing pool.
- Catches all exceptions and logs them with level
- :const:`logging.CRITICAL`.
- Raises :exc:`EmptyQueue` exception if there is no message
- waiting on the queue.
- """
- self.process_task(self.receive_message())
- def run_periodic_tasks(self):
- """Schedule all waiting periodic tasks for execution.
- """
- self.logger.debug("Looking for periodic tasks ready for execution...")
- default_periodic_status_backend.run_periodic_tasks()
- def schedule_retry_tasks(self):
- """Reschedule all requeued tasks waiting for retry."""
- pass
- def run(self):
- """Starts the workers main loop."""
- log_wait = lambda: self.logger.info("Waiting for queue...")
- ev_msg_waiting = EventTimer(log_wait, self.empty_msg_emit_every)
- events = [
- EventTimer(self.run_periodic_tasks, 1),
- EventTimer(self.schedule_retry_tasks, 2),
- ]
- self.pool.run()
- # If not running as daemon, and DEBUG logging level is enabled,
- # print pool PIDs and sleep for a second before we start.
- if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
- self.logger.debug("Pool child processes: [%s]" % (
- "|".join(map(str, self.pool.get_worker_pids()))))
- if not self.is_detached:
- time.sleep(1)
- while True:
- [event.tick() for event in events]
- try:
- self.execute_next_task()
- except ValueError:
- # execute_next_task didn't return a r/name/id tuple,
- # probably because it got an exception.
- continue
- except EmptyQueue:
- ev_msg_waiting.tick()
- time.sleep(self.queue_wakeup_after)
- continue
- except UnknownTask, exc:
- self.logger.info("Unknown task ignored: %s" % (exc))
- continue
- except Exception, exc:
- self.logger.critical("Message queue raised %s: %s\n%s" % (
- exc.__class__, exc, traceback.format_exc()))
- continue