설명 없음

Ask Solem dc1bc81203 Sphinx: Set html style to "agogo.css" in conf py 16 년 전
bin 9677c67764 Forgot to import sys in bin/celeryd 16 년 전
celery b589feb587 Add strings in weak quotes 16 년 전
contrib dc1bc81203 Sphinx: Set html style to "agogo.css" in conf py 16 년 전
docs dc1bc81203 Sphinx: Set html style to "agogo.css" in conf py 16 년 전
testproj 1cda75ac78 Test coverage now at 95% (that's without celeryd/worker.py/process/platform) 16 년 전
.gitignore 2068f1897b Added .build to gitignore 16 년 전
AUTHORS 39bb72c5ab Added runeh and antont as name contributors. 16 년 전
Changelog d4ebeaedc4 [Internal Release] Bumped version to 0.2.0-pre3, and updated changelog 16 년 전
LICENSE 8dd7ac781a And here comes the code 16 년 전
MANIFEST.in cf0ebe2664 Updated MANIFEST.in 16 년 전
README.rst b56ffa0c80 Fix sectioning in README.rst 16 년 전
TODO 0f7dc467e1 Added more TODO items. 16 년 전
setup.py 6787df2dac Fix celery daemon documentaion. 16 년 전


celery - Distributed Task Queue for Django.

Ask Solem (askh@opera.com)
:Version: 0.2.0-pre3


``celery`` is a distributed task queue framework for Django.

It is used for executing tasks *asynchronously*, routed to one or more
worker servers, running concurrently using multiprocessing.

It is designed to solve certain problems related to running websites
demanding high-availability and performance.

It is perfect for filling caches, posting updates to twitter, mass
downloading data like syndication feeds or web scraping. Use-cases are
plentiful. Implementing these features asynchronously using ``celery`` is
easy and fun, and the performance improvements can make it more than


* Uses AMQP messaging (RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ) to route tasks to the
worker servers.

* You can run as many worker servers as you want, and still
be *guaranteed that the task is only executed once.*

* Tasks are executed *concurrently* using the Python 2.6
``multiprocessing`` module (also available as a backport
to older python versions)

* Supports *periodic tasks*, which makes it a (better) replacement
for cronjobs.

* When a task has been executed, the return value is stored using either
a MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL/SQLite database, memcached,
or Tokyo Tyrant backend.

* If the task raises an exception, the exception instance is stored,
instead of the return value.

* All tasks has a Universaly Unique Identifier (UUID), which is the
task id, used for querying task status and return values.

* Supports *tasksets*, which is a task consisting of several subtasks.
You can find out how many, or if all of the subtasks has been executed.
Excellent for progress-bar like functionality.

* Has a ``map`` like function that uses tasks, called ``dmap``.

* However, you rarely want to wait for these results in a web-environment.
You'd rather want to use Ajax to poll the task status, which is
available from a URL like ``celery//status/``. This view
returns a JSON-serialized data structure containing the task status,
and the return value if completed, or exception on failure.

API Reference Documentation

The `API Reference Documentation`_ is hosted at Github

.. _`API Reference Docmentation`: http://ask.github.com/celery/


You can install ``celery`` either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
or from source.

To install using ``pip``,::

$ pip install celery

To install using ``easy_install``,::

$ easy_install celery

If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it
by doing the following,::

$ python setup.py build
# python setup.py install # as root


Have to write a cool tutorial, but here is some simple usage info.

*Note* You need to have a AMQP message broker running, like `RabbitMQ`_,
and you need to have the amqp server setup in your settings file, as described
in the `carrot distribution README`_.

*Note* If you're running ``SQLite`` as the database backend, ``celeryd`` will
only be able to process one message at a time, this is because ``SQLite``
doesn't allow concurrent writes.

.. _`RabbitMQ`: http://www.rabbitmq.com
.. _`carrot distribution README`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/carrot/0.3.3

Defining tasks

>>> from celery.task import tasks
>>> from celery.log import setup_logger
>>> def do_something(some_arg, **kwargs):
... logger = setup_logger(**kwargs)
... logger.info("Did something: %s" % some_arg)
... return 42
>>> task.register(do_something, "do_something")

Tell the celery daemon to run a task

>>> from celery.task import delay_task
>>> delay_task("do_something", some_arg="foo bar baz")

Execute a task, and get its return value.

>>> from celery.task import delay_task
>>> result = delay_task("do_something", some_arg="foo bar baz")
>>> result.ready()
>>> result.get() # Waits until the task is done.
>>> result.status()

If the task raises an exception, the tasks status will be ``FAILURE``, and
``result.result`` will contain the exception instance raised.

Running the celery daemon


$ cd mydjangoproject
$ env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings celeryd
[2009-04-23 17:44:05,115: INFO/Process-1] Did something: foo bar baz
[2009-04-23 17:44:05,118: INFO/MainProcess] Waiting for queue.

Autodiscovery of tasks

``celery`` has an autodiscovery feature like the Django Admin, that
automatically loads any ``tasks.py`` module in the applications listed
in ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``.

A good place to add this command could be in your ``urls.py``,

from celery.task import tasks

Then you can add new tasks in your applications ``tasks.py`` module,

from celery.task import tasks
from celery.log import setup_logger
from clickcounter.models import ClickCount

def increment_click(for_url, **kwargs):
logger = setup_logger(**kwargs)
clicks_for_url, cr = ClickCount.objects.get_or_create(url=for_url)
clicks_for_url.clicks = clicks_for_url.clicks + 1
logger.info("Incremented click count for %s (not at %d)" % (
for_url, clicks_for_url.clicks)
tasks.register(increment_click, "increment_click")

Periodic Tasks

Periodic tasks are tasks that are run every ``n`` seconds. They don't
support extra arguments. Here's an example of a periodic task:

>>> from celery.task import tasks, PeriodicTask
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> class MyPeriodicTask(PeriodicTask):
... name = "foo.my-periodic-task"
... run_every = timedelta(seconds=30)
... def run(self, **kwargs):
... logger = self.get_logger(**kwargs)
... logger.info("Running periodic task!")
>>> tasks.register(MyPeriodicTask)

For periodic tasks to work you need to add ``celery`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``,
and issue a ``syncdb``.


This software is licensed under the ``New BSD License``. See the ``LICENSE``
file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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