123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- celery.schedules
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Schedules define the intervals at which periodic tasks
- should run.
- :copyright: (c) 2009 - 2011 by Ask Solem.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import re
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
- from .utils import is_iterable
- from .utils.timeutils import (timedelta_seconds, weekday,
- remaining, humanize_seconds)
- class ParseException(Exception):
- """Raised by crontab_parser when the input can't be parsed."""
- class schedule(object):
- relative = False
- def __init__(self, run_every=None, relative=False):
- self.run_every = run_every
- self.relative = relative
- def remaining_estimate(self, last_run_at):
- """Returns when the periodic task should run next as a timedelta."""
- return remaining(last_run_at, self.run_every, relative=self.relative)
- def is_due(self, last_run_at):
- """Returns tuple of two items `(is_due, next_time_to_run)`,
- where next time to run is in seconds.
- e.g.
- * `(True, 20)`, means the task should be run now, and the next
- time to run is in 20 seconds.
- * `(False, 12)`, means the task should be run in 12 seconds.
- You can override this to decide the interval at runtime,
- but keep in mind the value of :setting:`CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL`,
- which decides the maximum number of seconds celerybeat can sleep
- between re-checking the periodic task intervals. So if you
- dynamically change the next run at value, and the max interval is
- set to 5 minutes, it will take 5 minutes for the change to take
- effect, so you may consider lowering the value of
- :setting:`CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL` if responsiveness is of
- importance to you.
- """
- rem_delta = self.remaining_estimate(last_run_at)
- rem = timedelta_seconds(rem_delta)
- if rem == 0:
- return True, timedelta_seconds(self.run_every)
- return False, rem
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<freq: %s>" % (
- humanize_seconds(timedelta_seconds(self.run_every)), )
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, schedule):
- return self.run_every == other.run_every
- return self.run_every == other
- class crontab_parser(object):
- """Parser for crontab expressions. Any expression of the form 'groups'
- (see BNF grammar below) is accepted and expanded to a set of numbers.
- These numbers represent the units of time that the crontab needs to
- run on::
- digit :: '0'..'9'
- dow :: 'a'..'z'
- number :: digit+ | dow+
- steps :: number
- range :: number ( '-' number ) ?
- numspec :: '*' | range
- expr :: numspec ( '/' steps ) ?
- groups :: expr ( ',' expr ) *
- The parser is a general purpose one, useful for parsing hours, minutes and
- day_of_week expressions. Example usage::
- >>> minutes = crontab_parser(60).parse("*/15")
- [0, 15, 30, 45]
- >>> hours = crontab_parser(24).parse("*/4")
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
- >>> day_of_week = crontab_parser(7).parse("*")
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- """
- ParseException = ParseException
- _range = r'(\w+?)-(\w+)'
- _steps = r'/(\w+)?'
- _star = r'\*'
- def __init__(self, max_=60):
- self.max_ = max_
- self.pats = (
- (re.compile(self._range + self._steps), self._range_steps),
- (re.compile(self._range), self._expand_range),
- (re.compile(self._star + self._steps), self._star_steps),
- (re.compile('^' + self._star + '$'), self._expand_star))
- def parse(self, spec):
- acc = set()
- for part in spec.split(','):
- if not part:
- raise self.ParseException("empty part")
- acc |= set(self._parse_part(part))
- return acc
- def _parse_part(self, part):
- for regex, handler in self.pats:
- m = regex.match(part)
- if m:
- return handler(m.groups())
- return self._expand_range((part, ))
- def _expand_range(self, toks):
- fr = self._expand_number(toks[0])
- if len(toks) > 1:
- to = self._expand_number(toks[1])
- return range(fr, min(to + 1, self.max_ + 1))
- return [fr]
- def _range_steps(self, toks):
- if len(toks) != 3 or not toks[2]:
- raise self.ParseException("empty filter")
- return self._filter_steps(self._expand_range(toks[:2]), int(toks[2]))
- def _star_steps(self, toks):
- if not toks or not toks[0]:
- raise self.ParseException("empty filter")
- return self._filter_steps(self._expand_star(), int(toks[0]))
- def _filter_steps(self, numbers, steps):
- return [n for n in numbers if n % steps == 0]
- def _expand_star(self, *args):
- return range(self.max_)
- def _expand_number(self, s):
- if isinstance(s, basestring) and s[0] == '-':
- raise self.ParseException("negative numbers not supported")
- try:
- i = int(s)
- except ValueError:
- try:
- i = weekday(s)
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError("Invalid weekday literal '%s'." % s)
- return i
- class crontab(schedule):
- """A crontab can be used as the `run_every` value of a
- :class:`PeriodicTask` to add cron-like scheduling.
- Like a :manpage:`cron` job, you can specify units of time of when
- you would like the task to execute. It is a reasonably complete
- implementation of cron's features, so it should provide a fair
- degree of scheduling needs.
- You can specify a minute, an hour, and/or a day of the week in any
- of the following formats:
- .. attribute:: minute
- - A (list of) integers from 0-59 that represent the minutes of
- an hour of when execution should occur; or
- - A string representing a crontab pattern. This may get pretty
- advanced, like `minute="*/15"` (for every quarter) or
- `minute="1,13,30-45,50-59/2"`.
- .. attribute:: hour
- - A (list of) integers from 0-23 that represent the hours of
- a day of when execution should occur; or
- - A string representing a crontab pattern. This may get pretty
- advanced, like `hour="*/3"` (for every three hours) or
- `hour="0,8-17/2"` (at midnight, and every two hours during
- office hours).
- .. attribute:: day_of_week
- - A (list of) integers from 0-6, where Sunday = 0 and Saturday =
- 6, that represent the days of a week that execution should
- occur.
- - A string representing a crontab pattern. This may get pretty
- advanced, like `day_of_week="mon-fri"` (for weekdays only).
- (Beware that `day_of_week="*/2"` does not literally mean
- "every two days", but "every day that is divisible by two"!)
- """
- @staticmethod
- def _expand_cronspec(cronspec, max_):
- """Takes the given cronspec argument in one of the forms::
- int (like 7)
- basestring (like '3-5,*/15', '*', or 'monday')
- set (like set([0,15,30,45]))
- list (like [8-17])
- And convert it to an (expanded) set representing all time unit
- values on which the crontab triggers. Only in case of the base
- type being 'basestring', parsing occurs. (It is fast and
- happens only once for each crontab instance, so there is no
- significant performance overhead involved.)
- For the other base types, merely Python type conversions happen.
- The argument `max_` is needed to determine the expansion of '*'.
- """
- if isinstance(cronspec, int):
- result = set([cronspec])
- elif isinstance(cronspec, basestring):
- result = crontab_parser(max_).parse(cronspec)
- elif isinstance(cronspec, set):
- result = cronspec
- elif is_iterable(cronspec):
- result = set(cronspec)
- else:
- raise TypeError(
- "Argument cronspec needs to be of any of the "
- "following types: int, basestring, or an iterable type. "
- "'%s' was given." % type(cronspec))
- # assure the result does not exceed the max
- for number in result:
- if number >= max_:
- raise ValueError(
- "Invalid crontab pattern. Valid "
- "range is 0-%d. '%d' was found." % (max_ - 1, number))
- return result
- def __init__(self, minute='*', hour='*', day_of_week='*',
- nowfun=datetime.now):
- self._orig_minute = minute
- self._orig_hour = hour
- self._orig_day_of_week = day_of_week
- self.hour = self._expand_cronspec(hour, 24)
- self.minute = self._expand_cronspec(minute, 60)
- self.day_of_week = self._expand_cronspec(day_of_week, 7)
- self.nowfun = nowfun
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<crontab: %s %s %s (m/h/d)>" % (self._orig_minute or "*",
- self._orig_hour or "*",
- self._orig_day_of_week or "*")
- def __reduce__(self):
- return (self.__class__, (self._orig_minute,
- self._orig_hour,
- self._orig_day_of_week), None)
- def remaining_estimate(self, last_run_at):
- """Returns when the periodic task should run next as a timedelta."""
- weekday = last_run_at.isoweekday()
- weekday = 0 if weekday == 7 else weekday # Sunday is day 0, not day 7.
- execute_this_hour = (weekday in self.day_of_week and
- last_run_at.hour in self.hour and
- last_run_at.minute < max(self.minute))
- if execute_this_hour:
- next_minute = min(minute for minute in self.minute
- if minute > last_run_at.minute)
- delta = relativedelta(minute=next_minute,
- second=0,
- microsecond=0)
- else:
- next_minute = min(self.minute)
- execute_today = (weekday in self.day_of_week and
- last_run_at.hour < max(self.hour))
- if execute_today:
- next_hour = min(hour for hour in self.hour
- if hour > last_run_at.hour)
- delta = relativedelta(hour=next_hour,
- minute=next_minute,
- second=0,
- microsecond=0)
- else:
- next_hour = min(self.hour)
- next_day = min([day for day in self.day_of_week
- if day > weekday] or
- self.day_of_week)
- add_week = next_day == weekday
- delta = relativedelta(weeks=add_week and 1 or 0,
- weekday=(next_day - 1) % 7,
- hour=next_hour,
- minute=next_minute,
- second=0,
- microsecond=0)
- return remaining(last_run_at, delta, now=self.nowfun())
- def is_due(self, last_run_at):
- """Returns tuple of two items `(is_due, next_time_to_run)`,
- where next time to run is in seconds.
- See :meth:`celery.schedules.schedule.is_due` for more information.
- """
- rem_delta = self.remaining_estimate(last_run_at)
- rem = timedelta_seconds(rem_delta)
- due = rem == 0
- if due:
- rem_delta = self.remaining_estimate(last_run_at=self.nowfun())
- rem = timedelta_seconds(rem_delta)
- return due, rem
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, crontab):
- return (other.day_of_week == self.day_of_week and
- other.hour == self.hour and
- other.minute == self.minute)
- return other is self
- def maybe_schedule(s, relative=False):
- if isinstance(s, int):
- s = timedelta(seconds=s)
- if isinstance(s, timedelta):
- return schedule(s, relative)
- return s