setup.cfg 450 B

  1. [tool:pytest]
  2. testpaths = t/unit/
  3. python_classes = test_*
  4. [build_sphinx]
  5. source-dir = docs/
  6. build-dir = docs/_build
  7. all_files = 1
  8. [flake8]
  9. # classes can be lowercase, arguments and variables can be uppercase
  10. # whenever it makes the code more readable.
  11. ignore = N806, N802, N801, N803
  12. [pep257]
  13. ignore = D102,D104,D203,D105,D213
  14. [bdist_rpm]
  15. requires = pytz >= 2011b
  16. billiard >=
  17. kombu >= 3.0.15
  18. [wheel]
  19. universal = 1