Changelog 8.7 KB

  1. .. _changelog:
  2. ================
  3. Change history
  4. ================
  5. .. contents::
  6. :local:
  7. If you're looking for versions prior to 3.x you should see :ref:`history`.
  8. .. _version-3.0.5:
  9. 3.0.5
  10. =====
  11. :release-date: 2012-08-01 04:00 P.M BST
  12. - Now depends on kombu 2.3.1 + billiard
  13. - Fixed a bug with the -B option (``cannot pickle thread.lock objects``)
  14. (Issue #894 + Issue #892, + django-celery #154).
  15. - The :control:`restart_pool` control command now requires the
  16. :setting:`CELERYD_POOL_RESTARTS` setting to be enabled
  17. This change was necessary as the multiprocessing event that the restart
  18. command depends on is responsible for creating many semaphores/file
  19. descriptors, resulting in problems in some environments.
  20. - ``chain.apply`` now passes args to the first task (Issue #889).
  21. - Documented previously secret options to the Django-Celery monitor
  22. in the monitoring userguide (Issue #396).
  23. - Old changelog are now organized in separate documents for each series,
  24. see :ref:`history`.
  25. .. _version-3.0.4:
  26. 3.0.4
  27. =====
  28. :release-date: 2012-07-26 07:00 P.M BST
  29. - Now depends on Kombu 2.3
  30. - New experimental standalone Celery monitor: Flower
  31. See :ref:`monitoring-flower` to read more about it!
  32. Contributed by Mher Movsisyan.
  33. - Now supports AMQP heartbeats if using the new ``pyamqp://`` transport.
  34. - The py-amqp transport requires the :mod:`amqp` library to be installed::
  35. $ pip install amqp
  36. - Then you need to set the transport URL prefix to ``pyamqp://``.
  37. - The default heartbeat value is 10 seconds, but this can be changed using
  38. the :setting:`BROKER_HEARTBEAT` setting::
  40. - If the broker heartbeat is set to 10 seconds, the heartbeats will be
  41. monitored every 5 seconds (double the hertbeat rate).
  42. See the `Kombu 2.3 changelog`_ for more information.
  43. .. _`Kombu 2.3 changelog`:
  45. - Now supports RabbitMQ Consumer Cancel Notifications, using the ``pyamqp://``
  46. transport.
  47. This is essential when running RabbitMQ in a cluster.
  48. See the `Kombu 2.3 changelog`_ for more information.
  49. - Delivery info is no longer passed directly through.
  50. It was discovered that the SQS transport adds objects that can't
  51. be pickled to the delivery info mapping, so we had to go back
  52. to using the whitelist again.
  53. Fixing this bug also means that the SQS transport is now working again.
  54. - The semaphore was not properly released when a task was revoked (Issue #877).
  55. This could lead to tasks being swallowed and not released until a worker
  56. restart.
  57. Thanks to Hynek Schlawack for debugging the issue.
  58. - Retrying a task now also forwards any linked tasks.
  59. This means that if a task is part of a chain (or linked in some other
  60. way) and that even if the task is retried, then the next task in the chain
  61. will be executed when the retry succeeds.
  62. - Chords: Now supports setting the interval and other keyword arguments
  63. to the chord unlock task.
  64. - The interval can now be set as part of the chord subtasks kwargs::
  65. chord(header)(body, interval=10.0)
  66. - In addition the chord unlock task now honors the Task.default_retry_delay
  67. option, used when none is specified, which also means that the default
  68. interval can also be changed using annotations:
  69. .. code-block:: python
  71. 'celery.chord_unlock': {
  72. 'default_retry_delay': 10.0,
  73. }
  74. }
  75. - New :meth:`@Celery.add_defaults` method can add new default configuration
  76. dicts to the applications configuration.
  77. For example::
  78. config = {'FOO': 10}
  79. celery.add_defaults(config)
  80. is the same as ``celery.conf.update(config)`` except that data will not be
  81. copied, and that it will not be pickled when the worker spawns child
  82. processes.
  83. In addition the method accepts a callable::
  84. def initialize_config():
  85. # insert heavy stuff that can't be done at import time here.
  86. celery.add_defaults(initialize_config)
  87. which means the same as the above except that it will not happen
  88. until the celery configuration is actually used.
  89. As an example, Celery can lazily use the configuration of a Flask app::
  90. flask_app = Flask()
  91. celery = Celery()
  92. celery.add_defaults(lambda: flask_app.config)
  93. - Revoked tasks were not marked as revoked in the result backend (Issue #871).
  94. Fix contributed by Hynek Schlawack.
  95. - Eventloop now properly handles the case when the epoll poller object
  96. has been closed (Issue #882).
  97. - Fixed syntax error in ``funtests/``
  98. Fix contributed by Catalin Iacob.
  99. - group/chunks: Now accepts empty task list (Issue #873).
  100. - New method names:
  101. - ``Celery.default_connection()`` ➠ :meth:`~@Celery.connection_or_acquire`.
  102. - ``Celery.default_producer()`` ➠ :meth:`~@Celery.producer_or_acquire`.
  103. The old names still work for backward compatibility.
  104. .. _version-3.0.3:
  105. 3.0.3
  106. =====
  107. :release-date: 2012-07-20 09:17 P.M BST
  108. :by: Ask Solem
  109. - amqplib passes the channel object as part of the delivery_info
  110. and it's not pickleable, so we now remove it.
  111. .. _version-3.0.2:
  112. 3.0.2
  113. =====
  114. :release-date: 2012-07-20 04:00 P.M BST
  115. :by: Ask Solem
  116. - A bug caused the following task options to not take defaults from the
  117. configuration (Issue #867 + Issue #858)
  118. The following settings were affected:
  119. - :setting:`CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT`
  121. - :setting:`CELERY_TRACK_STARTED`
  123. Fix contributed by John Watson.
  124. - Task Request: ``delivery_info`` is now passed through as-is (Issue #807).
  125. - The eta argument now supports datetime's with a timezone set (Issue #855).
  126. - The worker's banner displayed the autoscale settings in the wrong order
  127. (Issue #859).
  128. - Extension commands are now loaded after concurrency is set up
  129. so that they don't interfere with e.g. eventlet patching.
  130. - Fixed bug in the threaded pool (Issue #863)
  131. - The task failure handler mixed up the fields in :func:`sys.exc_info`.
  132. Fix contributed by Rinat Shigapov.
  133. - Fixed typos and wording in the docs.
  134. Fix contributed by Paul McMillan
  135. - New setting: :setting:`CELERY_WORKER_DIRECT`
  136. If enabled each worker will consume from their own dedicated queue
  137. which can be used to route tasks to specific workers.
  138. - Fixed several edge case bugs in the add consumer remote control command.
  139. - :mod:`~celery.contrib.migrate`: Can now filter and move tasks to specific
  140. workers if :setting:`CELERY_WORKER_DIRECT` is enabled.
  141. Among other improvements, the following functions have been added:
  142. * ``move_direct(filterfun, **opts)``
  143. * ``move_direct_by_id(task_id, worker_hostname, **opts)``
  144. * ``move_direct_by_idmap({task_id: worker_hostname, ...}, **opts)``
  145. * ``move_direct_by_taskmap({task_name: worker_hostname, ...}, **opts)``
  146. - :meth:`~celery.Celery.default_connection` now accepts a pool argument that
  147. if set to false causes a new connection to be created instead of acquiring
  148. one from the pool.
  149. - New signal: :signal:`celeryd_after_setup`.
  150. - Default loader now keeps lowercase attributes from the configuration module.
  151. .. _version-3.0.1:
  152. 3.0.1
  153. =====
  154. :release-date: 2012-07-10 06:00 P.M BST
  155. :by: Ask Solem
  156. - Now depends on kombu 2.2.5
  157. - inspect now supports limit argument::
  158. myapp.control.inspect(limit=1).ping()
  159. - Beat: now works with timezone aware datetime's.
  160. - Task classes inheriting ``from celery import Task``
  161. mistakingly enabled ``accept_magic_kwargs``.
  162. - Fixed bug in ``inspect scheduled`` (Issue #829).
  163. - Beat: Now resets the schedule to upgrade to UTC.
  164. - The :program:`celery worker` command now works with eventlet/gevent.
  165. Previously it would not patch the environment early enough.
  166. - The :program:`celery` command now supports extension commands
  167. using setuptools entry-points.
  168. Libraries can add additional commands to the :program:`celery`
  169. command by adding an entry-point like::
  170. setup(
  171. entry_points=[
  172. 'celery.commands': [
  173. 'foo = my.module:Command',
  174. ],
  175. ],
  176. ...)
  177. The command must then support the interface of
  178. :class:`celery.bin.base.Command`.
  179. - contrib.migrate: New utilities to move tasks from one queue to another.
  180. - :func:`~celery.contrib.migrate.move_tasks`
  181. - :func:`~celery.contrib.migrate.move_task_by_id`
  182. - The task-sent event now contains ``exchange`` and ``routing_key``
  183. fields.
  184. - Fixes bug with installing on Python 3.
  185. Fix contributed by Jed Smith.
  186. .. _version-3.0.0:
  187. 3.0.0 (Chiastic Slide)
  188. ======================
  189. :release-date: 2012-07-07 01:30 P.M BST
  190. :by: Ask Solem
  191. See :ref:`whatsnew-3.0`.