123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667 |
- .. _signals:
- =======
- Signals
- =======
- .. contents::
- :local:
- Signals allows decoupled applications to receive notifications when
- certain actions occur elsewhere in the application.
- Celery ships with many signals that you application can hook into
- to augment behavior of certain actions.
- .. _signal-basics:
- Basics
- ======
- Several kinds of events trigger signals, you can connect to these signals
- to perform actions as they trigger.
- Example connecting to the :signal:`after_task_publish` signal:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.signals import after_task_publish
- @after_task_publish.connect
- def task_sent_handler(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
- # information about task are located in headers for task messages
- # using the task protocol version 2.
- info = headers if 'task' in headers else body
- print('after_task_publish for task id {info[id]}'.format(
- info=info,
- ))
- Some signals also have a sender which you can filter by. For example the
- :signal:`after_task_publish` signal uses the task name as a sender, so by
- providing the ``sender`` argument to
- :class:`~celery.utils.dispatch.signal.Signal.connect` you can
- connect your handler to be called every time a task with name `"proj.tasks.add"`
- is published:
- .. code-block:: python
- @after_task_publish.connect(sender='proj.tasks.add')
- def task_sent_handler(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
- # information about task are located in headers for task messages
- # using the task protocol version 2.
- info = headers if 'task' in headers else body
- print('after_task_publish for task id {info[id]}'.format(
- info=info,
- ))
- Signals use the same implementation as django.core.dispatch. As a result other
- keyword parameters (e.g. signal) are passed to all signal handlers by default.
- The best practice for signal handlers is to accept arbitrary keyword
- arguments (i.e. ``**kwargs``). That way new celery versions can add additional
- arguments without breaking user code.
- .. _signal-ref:
- Signals
- =======
- Task Signals
- ------------
- .. signal:: before_task_publish
- before_task_publish
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. versionadded:: 3.1
- Dispatched before a task is published.
- Note that this is executed in the process sending the task.
- Sender is the name of the task being sent.
- Provides arguements:
- * body
- Task message body.
- This is a mapping containing the task message fields
- (see :ref:`task-message-protocol-v1`).
- * exchange
- Name of the exchange to send to or a :class:`~kombu.Exchange` object.
- * routing_key
- Routing key to use when sending the message.
- * headers
- Application headers mapping (can be modified).
- * properties
- Message properties (can be modified)
- * declare
- List of entities (:class:`~kombu.Exchange`,
- :class:`~kombu.Queue` or :class:~`kombu.binding` to declare before
- publishing the message. Can be modified.
- * retry_policy
- Mapping of retry options. Can be any argument to
- :meth:`kombu.Connection.ensure` and can be modified.
- .. signal:: after_task_publish
- after_task_publish
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when a task has been sent to the broker.
- Note that this is executed in the process that sent the task.
- Sender is the name of the task being sent.
- Provides arguments:
- * headers
- The task message headers, see :ref:`task-message-protocol-v2`
- and :ref:`task-message-protocol-v1`.
- for a reference of possible fields that can be defined.
- * body
- The task message body, see :ref:`task-message-protocol-v2`
- and :ref:`task-message-protocol-v1`.
- for a reference of possible fields that can be defined.
- * exchange
- Name of the exchange or :class:`~kombu.Exchange` object used.
- * routing_key
- Routing key used.
- .. signal:: task_prerun
- task_prerun
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched before a task is executed.
- Sender is the task object being executed.
- Provides arguments:
- * task_id
- Id of the task to be executed.
- * task
- The task being executed.
- * args
- the tasks positional arguments.
- * kwargs
- The tasks keyword arguments.
- .. signal:: task_postrun
- task_postrun
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched after a task has been executed.
- Sender is the task object executed.
- Provides arguments:
- * task_id
- Id of the task to be executed.
- * task
- The task being executed.
- * args
- The tasks positional arguments.
- * kwargs
- The tasks keyword arguments.
- * retval
- The return value of the task.
- * state
- Name of the resulting state.
- .. signal:: task_retry
- task_retry
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when a task will be retried.
- Sender is the task object.
- Provides arguments:
- * request
- The current task request.
- * reason
- Reason for retry (usually an exception instance, but can always be
- coerced to :class:`str`).
- * einfo
- Detailed exception information, including traceback
- (a :class:`billiard.einfo.ExceptionInfo` object).
- .. signal:: task_success
- task_success
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when a task succeeds.
- Sender is the task object executed.
- Provides arguments
- * result
- Return value of the task.
- .. signal:: task_failure
- task_failure
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when a task fails.
- Sender is the task object executed.
- Provides arguments:
- * task_id
- Id of the task.
- * exception
- Exception instance raised.
- * args
- Positional arguments the task was called with.
- * kwargs
- Keyword arguments the task was called with.
- * traceback
- Stack trace object.
- * einfo
- The :class:`celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo` instance.
- .. signal:: task_revoked
- task_revoked
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when a task is revoked/terminated by the worker.
- Sender is the task object revoked/terminated.
- Provides arguments:
- * request
- This is a :class:`~celery.worker.request.Request` instance, and not
- ``task.request``. When using the prefork pool this signal
- is dispatched in the parent process, so ``task.request`` is not available
- and should not be used. Use this object instead, which should have many
- of the same fields.
- * terminated
- Set to :const:`True` if the task was terminated.
- * signum
- Signal number used to terminate the task. If this is :const:`None` and
- terminated is :const:`True` then :sig:`TERM` should be assumed.
- * expired
- Set to :const:`True` if the task expired.
- App Signals
- -----------
- .. signal:: import_modules
- import_modules
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This signal is sent when a program (worker, beat, shell) etc, asks
- for modules in the :setting:`CELERY_INCLUDE` and :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS`
- settings to be imported.
- Sender is the app instance.
- Worker Signals
- --------------
- .. signal:: celeryd_after_setup
- celeryd_after_setup
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This signal is sent after the worker instance is set up,
- but before it calls run. This means that any queues from the :option:`-Q`
- option is enabled, logging has been set up and so on.
- It can be used to e.g. add custom queues that should always be consumed
- from, disregarding the :option:`-Q` option. Here's an example
- that sets up a direct queue for each worker, these queues can then be
- used to route a task to any specific worker:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.signals import celeryd_after_setup
- @celeryd_after_setup.connect
- def setup_direct_queue(sender, instance, **kwargs):
- queue_name = '{0}.dq'.format(sender) # sender is the nodename of the worker
- instance.app.amqp.queues.select_add(queue_name)
- Provides arguments:
- * sender
- Hostname of the worker.
- * instance
- This is the :class:`celery.apps.worker.Worker` instance to be initialized.
- Note that only the :attr:`app` and :attr:`hostname` (nodename) attributes have been
- set so far, and the rest of ``__init__`` has not been executed.
- * conf
- The configuration of the current app.
- .. signal:: celeryd_init
- celeryd_init
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is the first signal sent when :program:`celery worker` starts up.
- The ``sender`` is the host name of the worker, so this signal can be used
- to setup worker specific configuration:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.signals import celeryd_init
- @celeryd_init.connect(sender='worker12@example.com')
- def configure_worker12(conf=None, **kwargs):
- or to set up configuration for multiple workers you can omit specifying a
- sender when you connect:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.signals import celeryd_init
- @celeryd_init.connect
- def configure_workers(sender=None, conf=None, **kwargs):
- if sender in ('worker1@example.com', 'worker2@example.com'):
- if sender == 'worker3@example.com':
- Provides arguments:
- * sender
- Nodename of the worker.
- * instance
- This is the :class:`celery.apps.worker.Worker` instance to be initialized.
- Note that only the :attr:`app` and :attr:`hostname` (nodename) attributes have been
- set so far, and the rest of ``__init__`` has not been executed.
- * conf
- The configuration of the current app.
- * options
- Options passed to the worker from command-line arguments (including
- defaults).
- .. signal:: worker_init
- worker_init
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched before the worker is started.
- .. signal:: worker_ready
- worker_ready
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when the worker is ready to accept work.
- .. signal:: worker_process_init
- worker_process_init
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched in all pool child processes when they start.
- Note that handlers attached to this signal must not be blocking
- for more than 4 seconds, or the process will be killed assuming
- it failed to start.
- .. signal:: worker_process_shutdown
- worker_process_shutdown
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched in all pool child processes just before they exit.
- Note: There is no guarantee that this signal will be dispatched,
- similarly to finally blocks it's impossible to guarantee that handlers
- will be called at shutdown, and if called it may be interrupted during.
- Provides arguments:
- * pid
- The pid of the child process that is about to shutdown.
- * exitcode
- The exitcode that will be used when the child process exits.
- .. signal:: worker_shutdown
- worker_shutdown
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when the worker is about to shut down.
- Beat Signals
- ------------
- .. signal:: beat_init
- beat_init
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched when :program:`celery beat` starts (either standalone or embedded).
- Sender is the :class:`celery.beat.Service` instance.
- .. signal:: beat_embedded_init
- beat_embedded_init
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dispatched in addition to the :signal:`beat_init` signal when :program:`celery
- beat` is started as an embedded process. Sender is the
- :class:`celery.beat.Service` instance.
- Eventlet Signals
- ----------------
- .. signal:: eventlet_pool_started
- eventlet_pool_started
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent when the eventlet pool has been started.
- Sender is the :class:`celery.concurrency.eventlet.TaskPool` instance.
- .. signal:: eventlet_pool_preshutdown
- eventlet_pool_preshutdown
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent when the worker shutdown, just before the eventlet pool
- is requested to wait for remaining workers.
- Sender is the :class:`celery.concurrency.eventlet.TaskPool` instance.
- .. signal:: eventlet_pool_postshutdown
- eventlet_pool_postshutdown
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent when the pool has been joined and the worker is ready to shutdown.
- Sender is the :class:`celery.concurrency.eventlet.TaskPool` instance.
- .. signal:: eventlet_pool_apply
- eventlet_pool_apply
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent whenever a task is applied to the pool.
- Sender is the :class:`celery.concurrency.eventlet.TaskPool` instance.
- Provides arguments:
- * target
- The target function.
- * args
- Positional arguments.
- * kwargs
- Keyword arguments.
- Logging Signals
- ---------------
- .. signal:: setup_logging
- setup_logging
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Celery won't configure the loggers if this signal is connected,
- so you can use this to completely override the logging configuration
- with your own.
- If you would like to augment the logging configuration setup by
- Celery then you can use the :signal:`after_setup_logger` and
- :signal:`after_setup_task_logger` signals.
- Provides arguments:
- * loglevel
- The level of the logging object.
- * logfile
- The name of the logfile.
- * format
- The log format string.
- * colorize
- Specify if log messages are colored or not.
- .. signal:: after_setup_logger
- after_setup_logger
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent after the setup of every global logger (not task loggers).
- Used to augment logging configuration.
- Provides arguments:
- * logger
- The logger object.
- * loglevel
- The level of the logging object.
- * logfile
- The name of the logfile.
- * format
- The log format string.
- * colorize
- Specify if log messages are colored or not.
- .. signal:: after_setup_task_logger
- after_setup_task_logger
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sent after the setup of every single task logger.
- Used to augment logging configuration.
- Provides arguments:
- * logger
- The logger object.
- * loglevel
- The level of the logging object.
- * logfile
- The name of the logfile.
- * format
- The log format string.
- * colorize
- Specify if log messages are colored or not.
- Command signals
- ---------------
- .. signal:: user_preload_options
- user_preload_options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This signal is sent after any of the Celery command line programs
- are finished parsing the user preload options.
- It can be used to add additional command-line arguments to the
- :program:`celery` umbrella command:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery import Celery
- from celery import signals
- from celery.bin.base import Option
- app = Celery()
- app.user_options['preload'].add(Option(
- '--monitoring', action='store_true',
- help='Enable our external monitoring utility, blahblah',
- ))
- @signals.user_preload_options.connect
- def handle_preload_options(options, **kwargs):
- if options['monitoring']:
- enable_monitoring()
- Sender is the :class:`~celery.bin.base.Command` instance, which depends
- on what program was called (e.g. for the umbrella command it will be
- a :class:`~celery.bin.celery.CeleryCommand`) object).
- Provides arguments:
- * app
- The app instance.
- * options
- Mapping of the parsed user preload options (with default values).
- Deprecated Signals
- ------------------
- .. signal:: task_sent
- task_sent
- ~~~~~~~~~
- This signal is deprecated, please use :signal:`after_task_publish` instead.