installation.txt 3.8 KB

  1. .. _celery-installation:
  2. Installation
  3. ============
  4. You can install Celery either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
  5. or from source.
  6. To install using :command:`pip`:
  7. .. code-block:: console
  8. $ pip install -U Celery
  9. .. _bundles:
  10. Bundles
  11. -------
  12. Celery also defines a group of bundles that can be used
  13. to install Celery and the dependencies for a given feature.
  14. You can specify these in your requirements or on the :command:`pip`
  15. command-line by using brackets. Multiple bundles can be specified by
  16. separating them by commas.
  17. .. code-block:: console
  18. $ pip install "celery[librabbitmq]"
  19. $ pip install "celery[librabbitmq,redis,auth,msgpack]"
  20. The following bundles are available:
  21. Serializers
  22. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  23. :``celery[auth]``:
  24. for using the ``auth`` security serializer.
  25. :``celery[msgpack]``:
  26. for using the msgpack serializer.
  27. :``celery[yaml]``:
  28. for using the yaml serializer.
  29. Concurrency
  30. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  31. :``celery[eventlet]``:
  32. for using the :pypi:`eventlet` pool.
  33. :``celery[gevent]``:
  34. for using the :pypi:`gevent` pool.
  35. Transports and Backends
  36. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  37. :``celery[librabbitmq]``:
  38. for using the librabbitmq C library.
  39. :``celery[redis]``:
  40. for using Redis as a message transport or as a result backend.
  41. :``celery[sqs]``:
  42. for using Amazon SQS as a message transport (*experimental*).
  43. :``celery[tblib]``:
  44. for using the :setting:`task_remote_tracebacks` feature.
  45. :``celery[memcache]``:
  46. for using Memcached as a result backend (using :pypi:`pylibmc`)
  47. :``celery[pymemcache]``:
  48. for using Memcached as a result backend (pure-Python implementation).
  49. :``celery[cassandra]``:
  50. for using Apache Cassandra as a result backend with DataStax driver.
  51. :``celery[couchbase]``:
  52. for using Couchbase as a result backend.
  53. :``celery[elasticsearch]``:
  54. for using Elasticsearch as a result backend.
  55. :``celery[riak]``:
  56. for using Riak as a result backend.
  57. :``celery[dynamodb]``:
  58. for using AWS DynamoDB as a result backend.
  59. :``celery[zookeeper]``:
  60. for using Zookeeper as a message transport.
  61. :``celery[sqlalchemy]``:
  62. for using SQLAlchemy as a result backend (*supported*).
  63. :``celery[pyro]``:
  64. for using the Pyro4 message transport (*experimental*).
  65. :``celery[slmq]``:
  66. for using the SoftLayer Message Queue transport (*experimental*).
  67. :``celery[consul]``:
  68. for using the Key/Value store as a message transport or result backend (*experimental*).
  69. :``celery[django]``:
  70. specifies the lowest version possible for Django support.
  71. You should probably not use this in your requirements, it's here
  72. for informational purposes only.
  73. .. _celery-installing-from-source:
  74. Downloading and installing from source
  75. --------------------------------------
  76. Download the latest version of Celery from PyPI:
  78. You can install it by doing the following,:
  79. .. code-block:: console
  80. $ tar xvfz celery-0.0.0.tar.gz
  81. $ cd celery-0.0.0
  82. $ python build
  83. # python install
  84. The last command must be executed as a privileged user if
  85. you aren't currently using a virtualenv.
  86. .. _celery-installing-from-git:
  87. Using the development version
  88. -----------------------------
  89. With pip
  90. ~~~~~~~~
  91. The Celery development version also requires the development
  92. versions of :pypi:`kombu`, :pypi:`amqp`, :pypi:`billiard`, and :pypi:`vine`.
  93. You can install the latest snapshot of these using the following
  94. pip commands:
  95. .. code-block:: console
  96. $ pip install
  97. $ pip install
  98. $ pip install
  99. $ pip install
  100. $ pip install
  101. With git
  102. ~~~~~~~~
  103. Please the Contributing section.