How To Install
Install in Sphinx
Copy this directory into the ``sphinx/templates`` directory where Shpinx is installed. For example, a standard install of sphinx on Mac OS X is at ``/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Sphinx-0.6.3-py2.6.egg/``
Install Somewhere Else
If you want to install this theme somewhere else, you will have to modify the ``conf.py`` file. ::
templates_path = ['/absolute/path/to/dir/','relative/path/']
Making Sphinx Use the Theme
Edit the ``conf.py`` file and make the following setting: ::
html_theme = 'ADCtheme'
Screen Shots
.. image:: http://github.com/coordt/ADCtheme/raw/master/static/scrn1.png
.. image:: http://github.com/coordt/ADCtheme/raw/master/static/scrn2.png
To Do
* Gotta get the javascript working so the Table of Contents is hide-able.
* Probably lots of css cleanup.