Changelog 100 KB

  1. ================
  2. Change history
  3. ================
  4. .. contents::
  5. :local:
  6. .. _version-2.2.0:
  7. 2.2.0
  8. =====
  9. :release-date: TBA
  10. :status: in-progress
  11. :branch: app
  12. =======
  13. .. _version-2.1.0:
  14. 2.1.0
  15. =====
  16. :release-date: TBA
  17. :status: FREEZE
  18. :branch: master
  19. :roadmap:
  20. .. _v210-important:
  21. Important Notes
  22. ---------------
  23. * Celery is now following the versioning semantics defined by `semver`_.
  24. This means we are no longer allowed to use odd/even versioning semantics
  25. (see
  26. By our previous versioning scheme this stable release should have
  27. been version 2.2.
  28. The document describing our release cycle and versioning scheme
  29. can be found at `Wiki: Release Cycle`_.
  30. .. _`semver`:
  31. .. _`Wiki: Release Cycle`:
  32. * Now depends on Carrot 0.10.6.
  33. * No longer depends on SQLAlchemy, this needs to be installed separately
  34. if the database backend is used (does not apply to users of
  35. `django-celery`_).
  36. .. _v210-news:
  37. News
  38. ----
  39. * Added support for expiration of AMQP results (requires RabbitMQ 2.1.0)
  40. The new configuration option :setting:`CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES`
  41. sets the expiry time in seconds (can be int or float):
  42. .. code-block:: python
  43. CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = 30 * 60 # 30 mins
  45. * celeryev: Event Snapshots
  46. If enabled, celeryd can send messages every time something
  47. happens in the worker. These messages are called "events".
  48. The events are used by real-time monitors to show what the
  49. cluster is doing, but they are not very useful for monitoring
  50. over time. That's where the snapshots comes in. Snapshots
  51. lets you take "pictures" of the clusters state at regular intervals.
  52. These can then be stored in the database to generate statistics
  53. with, or even monitoring.
  54. Django-celery now comes with a Celery monitor for the Django
  55. Admin interface. To use this you need to run the django-celery
  56. snapshot camera, which stores snapshots to the database at configurable
  57. intervals.
  58. To use the Django admin monitor you need to do the following:
  59. 1. Create the new database tables.
  60. $ python syncdb
  61. 2. Start the django-celery snapshot camera::
  62. $ python celerycam
  63. 3. Open up the django admin to monitor your cluster.
  64. The admin interface shows tasks, worker nodes, and even
  65. lets you perform some actions, like revoking and rate limiting tasks,
  66. and shutting down worker nodes.
  67. There's also a Debian init.d script for :mod:`~celery.bin.celeryev` available,
  68. see :doc:`cookbook/daemonizing` for more information.
  69. New command line argments to celeryev:
  70. * :option:`-c|--camera`: Snapshot camera class to use.
  71. * :option:`--logfile|-f`: Logfile
  72. * :option:`--loglevel|-l`: Loglevel
  73. * :option:`--maxrate|-r`: Shutter rate limit.
  74. * :option:`--freq|-F`: Shutter frequency
  75. The :option:`--camera` argument is the name of a class used to take
  76. snapshots with. It must support the interface defined by
  77. :class:``.
  78. Shutter frequency controls how often the camera thread wakes up,
  79. while the rate limit controls how often it will actually take
  80. a snapshot.
  81. The rate limit can be an integer (snapshots/s), or a rate limit string
  82. which has the same syntax as the task rate limit strings (``"200/m"``,
  83. ``"10/s"``, ``"1/h",`` etc).
  84. For the Django camera case, this rate limit can be used to control
  85. how often the snapshots are written to the database, and the frequency
  86. used to control how often the thread wakes up to check if there's
  87. anything new.
  88. The rate limit is off by default, which means it will take a snapshot
  89. for every :option:`--frequency` seconds.
  90. The django-celery camera also automatically deletes old events.
  91. It deletes successful tasks after 1 day, failed tasks after 3 days,
  92. and tasks in other states after 5 days.
  93. .. seealso::
  94. :ref:`monitoring-django-admin` and :ref:`monitoring-snapshots`.
  95. * celeryd: Now emits a warning if there is already a worker node using the same
  96. name running on the current virtual host.
  97. * :func:`celery.task.control.broadcast`: Added callback argument, this can be
  98. used to process replies immediately as they arrive.
  99. * celeryctl: New command-line utility to manage and inspect worker nodes,
  100. apply tasks and inspect the results of tasks.
  101. .. seealso::
  102. The :ref:`monitoring-celeryctl` section in the :ref:`guide`.
  103. Some examples::
  104. $ celeryctl apply tasks.add -a '[2, 2]' --countdown=10
  105. $ celeryctl inspect active
  106. $ celeryctl inspect registered_tasks
  107. $ celeryctl inspect scheduled
  108. $ celeryctl inspect --help
  109. $ celeryctl apply --help
  110. * Added the ability to set an expiry date and time for tasks.
  111. Example::
  112. >>> # Task expires after one minute from now.
  113. >>> task.apply_async(args, kwargs, expires=60)
  114. >>> # Also supports datetime
  115. >>> task.apply_async(args, kwargs,
  116. ... + timedelta(days=1)
  117. When a worker receives a task that has been expired it will be
  118. marked as revoked (:exc:`celery.exceptions.TaskRevokedError`).
  119. * Changed the way logging is configured.
  120. We now configure the root logger instead of only configuring
  121. our custom logger. In addition we don't hijack
  122. the multiprocessing logger anymore, but instead use a custom logger name
  123. (celeryd uses "celery", celerybeat uses "celery.beat", celeryev uses
  124. "celery.ev").
  125. ===================================== =====================================
  126. **Application** **Logger Name**
  127. ===================================== =====================================
  128. ``celeryd`` "celery"
  129. ``celerybeat`` "celery.beat"
  130. ``celeryev`` "celery.ev"
  131. ===================================== =====================================
  132. This means that the ``loglevel`` and ``logfile`` arguments will
  133. affect all registered loggers (even those from 3rd party libraries).
  134. That is unless you configure the loggers manually as shown below.
  135. Users can choose to configure logging by subscribing to the
  136. :data:`~celery.signals.setup_logging` signal:
  137. .. code-block:: python
  138. from logging.config import fileConfig
  139. from celery import signals
  140. def setup_logging(**kwargs):
  141. fileConfig("logging.conf")
  142. signals.setup_logging.connect(setup_logging)
  143. If there are no receivers for this signal, the logging subsystem
  144. will be configured using the :option:`--loglevel`/:option:`--logfile`
  145. argument, this will be used for *all defined loggers*.
  146. Remember that celeryd also redirects stdout and stderr
  147. to the celery logger, if you want to manually configure logging
  148. ands redirect stdouts, you need to enable this manually:
  149. .. code-block:: python
  150. from logging.config import fileConfig
  151. from celery import log
  152. def setup_logging(**kwargs):
  153. import logging
  154. fileConfig("logging.conf")
  155. stdouts = logging.getLogger("mystdoutslogger")
  156. log.redirect_stdouts_to_logger(stdouts, loglevel=logging.WARNING)
  157. * celeryd: Added command-line option :option:`-I`/:option:`--include`:
  158. Additional (task) modules to be imported
  159. * :func:`celery.messaging.establish_connection`: Ability to override defaults
  160. used using kwarg "defaults".
  161. * celeryd: Now uses ``multiprocessing.freeze_support()`` so it should work
  162. with py2exe and similar tools.
  163. * celeryd: Now includes more metadata for the STARTED state: pid and
  164. hostname of the worker that started the task.
  165. See issue #181
  166. * subtask: Merge addititional keyword args to ``subtask()`` into task kwargs.
  167. e.g:
  168. >>> s = subtask((1, 2), {"foo": "bar"}, baz=1)
  169. >>> s.args
  170. (1, 2)
  171. >>> s.kwargs
  172. {"foo": "bar", "baz": 1}
  173. See issue #182.
  174. * AMQP result backend: Sending of results are now retried if the connection
  175. is down.
  176. * AMQP result backend: ``result.get()``: Wait for next state if state is not
  177. in :data:`~celery.states.READY_STATES`.
  178. * TaskSetResult now supports ``__getitem__``
  179. ::
  180. >>> res = TaskSet(tasks).apply_async()
  181. >>> res[0].get()
  182. * Added ``Task.send_error_emails`` + ``Task.error_whitelist``, so these can
  183. be configured per task instead of just globally
  184. * Added ``Task.store_errors_even_if_ignored``, so it can be changed per Task,
  185. not just globally.
  186. * The crontab schedule no longer wakes up every second, but implements
  187. ``remaining_estimate``.
  188. * celeryd: Store :state:`FAILURE` result if the
  189. :exc:`~celery.exceptions.WorkerLostError` exception occurs (worker process
  190. disappeared).
  191. * celeryd: Store :state:`FAILURE` result if one of the ``*TimeLimitExceeded``
  192. exceptions occurs.
  193. * Refactored the periodic task responsible for cleaning up results.
  194. * The backend cleanup task is now only added to the schedule if
  195. :setting:`CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` is set.
  196. * If the schedule already contains a periodic task named
  197. "celery.backend_cleanup" it won't change it, so the behavior of the
  198. backend cleanup task can be easily changed.
  199. * The task is now run by every day at 4:00 AM, instead of every day since
  200. fist run (using crontab schedule instead of run_every)
  201. * Renamed ``celery.task.builtins.DeleteExpiredTaskMetaTask``
  202. -> :class:`celery.task.builtins.backend_cleanup`
  203. * The task itself has been renamed from "celery.delete_expired_task_meta"
  204. to "celery.backend_cleanup"
  205. See issue #134.
  206. * Implemented ``AsyncResult.forget`` for sqla/cache/redis/tyrant backends.
  207. (Forget and remove task result).
  208. See issue #184.
  209. * Added ``Task.update_state(task_id, state, meta)``
  210. as a shortcut to ``task.backend.store_result(task_id, meta, state)``.
  211. The backend interface is "private" and the terminology outdated,
  212. so better to move this to :class:`~celery.task.base.Task` so it can be
  213. used.
  214. * timer2: Set ``self.running=False`` in
  215. :meth:`~celery.utils.timer2.Timer.stop` so it won't try to join again on
  216. subsequent calls to ``stop()``.
  217. * Log colors are now disabled by default on Windows.
  218. * ``celery.platform`` renamed to :mod:`celery.platforms`, so it doesn't
  219. collide with the built-in :mod:`platform` module.
  220. * Exceptions occuring in Mediator+Pool callbacks are now catched and logged
  221. instead of taking down the worker.
  222. * Redis result backend: Now supports result expiration using the Redis
  223. ``EXPIRE`` command.
  224. * unittests: Don't leave threads running at teardown.
  225. * celeryd: Task results shown in logs are now truncated to 46 chars.
  226. * ``Task.__name__`` is now an alias to ``self.__class__.__name__``.
  227. This way it introspects more like a regular function.
  228. * ``Task.retry``: Now raises :exc:`TypeError` if kwargs argument is empty.
  229. See issue #164.
  230. * timedelta_seconds: Use ``timedelta.total_seconds`` if running on Python 2.7
  231. * :class:`~celery.datastructures.TokenBucket`: Generic Token Bucket algorithm
  232. * :class:``: Recording of cluster state can now
  233. be paused.
  234. * ``State.freeze(buffer=True)``
  235. Pauses recording of the stream. If buffer is true, then events received
  236. while being frozen will be kept, so it can be replayed later.
  237. * ``State.thaw(replay=True)``
  238. Resumes recording of the stream. If replay is true, then the buffer
  239. will be applied.
  240. * ``State.freeze_while(fun)``
  241. Apply function. Freezes the stream before the function,
  242. and replays the buffer when the function returns.
  243. * :meth:`EventReceiver.capture <>`
  244. Now supports a timeout keyword argument.
  245. .. _v210-fixes:
  246. Fixes
  247. -----
  248. * AMQP result backend: ``result.get()`` returned and cached
  249. ``None`` for states other than success and failure states.
  250. See
  251. * Pool: Process timed out by TimeoutHandler must be joined by the Supervisor,
  252. so don't remove it from self._pool
  253. See issue #192.
  254. * TaskPublisher.delay_task now supports exchange argument, so exchange can be
  255. overriden when sending tasks in bulk using the same publisher
  256. See issue #187.
  257. * Compat ``LoggerAdapter`` implementation: Now works for Python 2.4.
  258. Also added support for several new methods:
  259. ``fatal``, ``makeRecord``, ``_log``, ``log``, ``isEnabledFor``,
  260. ``addHandler``, ``removeHandler``.
  261. .. _v210-documentation:
  262. Documentation
  263. -------------
  264. * Added User guide section: Monitoring
  265. * Added user guide section: Periodic Tasks
  266. Moved from `getting-started/periodic-tasks` and updated.
  267. * tutorials/external moved to new section: "community".
  268. * References has been added to all sections in the documentation.
  269. This makes it easier to link between documents.
  270. .. _version-2.0.3:
  271. 2.0.3
  272. =====
  273. :release-date: 2010-08-27 12:00 P.M CEST
  274. .. _v203-fixes:
  275. Fixes
  276. -----
  277. * celeryd: Properly handle connection errors happening while
  278. closing consumers.
  279. * celeryd: Events are now buffered if the connection is down,
  280. then sent when the connection is re-established.
  281. * No longer depends on the :mod:`mailer` package.
  282. This package had a namespace collision with ``django-mailer``,
  283. so its functionality was replaced.
  284. * Redis result backend: Documentation typos: Redis doesn't have
  285. database names, but database numbers. The default database is now 0.
  286. * :class:`~celery.task.control.inspect`:
  287. ``registered_tasks`` was requesting an invalid command because of a typo.
  288. See issue #170.
  289. * :setting:`CELERY_ROUTES`: Values defined in the route should now have
  290. precedence over values defined in :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES` when merging
  291. the two.
  292. With the follow settings::
  293. CELERY_QUEUES = {"cpubound": {"exchange": "cpubound",
  294. "routing_key": "cpubound"}}
  295. CELERY_ROUTES = {"tasks.add": {"queue": "cpubound",
  296. "routing_key": "tasks.add",
  297. "serializer": "json"}}
  298. The final routing options for ``tasks.add`` will become::
  299. {"exchange": "cpubound",
  300. "routing_key": "tasks.add",
  301. "serializer": "json"}
  302. This was not the case before: the values
  303. in :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES` would take precedence.
  304. * Worker crashed if the value of :setting:`CELERY_TASK_ERROR_WHITELIST` was
  305. not an iterable
  306. * :func:`~celery.execute.apply`: Make sure ``kwargs["task_id"]`` is
  307. always set.
  308. * ``AsyncResult.traceback``: Now returns :const:`None`, instead of raising
  309. :exc:`KeyError` if traceback is missing.
  310. * :class:`~celery.task.control.inspect`: Replies did not work correctly
  311. if no destination was specified.
  312. * Can now store result/metadata for custom states.
  313. * celeryd: A warning is now emitted if the sending of task error
  314. e-mails fails.
  315. * celeryev: Curses monitor no longer crashes if the terminal window
  316. is resized.
  317. See issue #160.
  318. * celeryd: On OS X it is not possible to run ``os.exec*`` in a process
  319. that is threaded.
  320. This breaks the SIGHUP restart handler,
  321. and is now disabled on OS X, emitting a warning instead.
  322. See issue #152.
  323. * :mod:`celery.execute.trace`: Properly handle ``raise(str)``,
  324. which is still allowed in Python 2.4.
  325. See issue #175.
  326. * Using urllib2 in a periodic task on OS X crashed because
  327. of the proxy autodetection used in OS X.
  328. This is now fixed by using a workaround.
  329. See issue #143.
  330. * Debian init scripts: Commands should not run in a subshell
  331. See issue #163.
  332. * Debian init scripts: Use abspath for celeryd to allow stat
  333. See issue #162.
  334. .. _v203-documentation:
  335. Documentation
  336. -------------
  337. * getting-started/broker-installation: Fixed typo
  338. ``set_permissions ""`` -> ``set_permissions ".*"``.
  339. * Tasks Userguide: Added section on database transactions.
  340. See issue #169.
  341. * Routing Userguide: Fixed typo ``"feed": -> {"queue": "feeds"}``.
  342. See issue #169.
  343. * Documented the default values for the :setting:`CELERYD_CONCURRENCY`
  344. and :setting:`CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER` settings.
  345. * Tasks Userguide: Fixed typos in the subtask example
  346. * celery.signals: Documented worker_process_init.
  347. * Daemonization cookbook: Need to export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in
  348. ``/etc/default/celeryd``.
  349. * Added some more FAQs from stack overflow
  350. * Daemonization cookbook: Fixed typo ``CELERYD_LOGFILE/CELERYD_PIDFILE``
  352. Also added troubleshooting section for the init scripts.
  353. .. _version-2.0.2:
  354. 2.0.2
  355. =====
  356. :release-date: 2010-07-22 11:31 A.M CEST
  357. * Routes: When using the dict route syntax, the exchange for a task
  358. could dissapear making the task unroutable.
  359. See issue #158.
  360. * Test suite now passing on Python 2.4
  361. * No longer have to type PYTHONPATH=. to use celeryconfig in current dir.
  362. This is accomplished by the default loader ensuring that the current
  363. directory is in ``sys.path`` when loading the config module.
  364. ``sys.path`` is reset to its original state after loading.
  365. Adding cwd to ``sys.path`` without the user knowing may be a security
  366. issue, as this means someone can drop a Python module in the users
  367. directory that executes arbitrary commands. This was the original reason
  368. not to do this, but if done *only when loading the config module*, this
  369. means that the behvavior will only apply to the modules imported in the
  370. config module, which I think is a good compromise (certainly better than
  371. just explictly setting PYTHONPATH=. anyway)
  372. * Experimental Cassandra backend added.
  373. * celeryd: SIGHUP handler accidentally propagated to worker pool processes.
  374. In combination with 7a7c44e39344789f11b5346e9cc8340f5fe4846c
  375. this would make each child process start a new celeryd when
  376. the terminal window was closed :/
  377. * celeryd: Do not install SIGHUP handler if running from a terminal.
  378. This fixes the problem where celeryd is launched in the background
  379. when closing the terminal.
  380. * celeryd: Now joins threads at shutdown.
  381. See issue #152.
  382. * Test teardown: Don't use atexit but nose's ``teardown()`` functionality
  383. instead.
  384. See issue #154.
  385. * Debian init script for celeryd: Stop now works correctly.
  386. * Task logger: ``warn`` method added (synonym for ``warning``)
  387. * Can now define a whitelist of errors to send error e-mails for.
  388. Example::
  389. CELERY_TASK_ERROR_WHITELIST = ('myapp.MalformedInputError')
  390. See issue #153.
  391. * celeryd: Now handles overflow exceptions in ``time.mktime`` while parsing
  392. the ETA field.
  393. * LoggerWrapper: Try to detect loggers logging back to stderr/stdout making
  394. an infinite loop.
  395. * Added :class:`celery.task.control.inspect`: Inspects a running worker.
  396. Examples::
  397. # Inspect a single worker
  398. >>> i = inspect("")
  399. # Inspect several workers
  400. >>> i = inspect(["", ""])
  401. # Inspect all workers consuming on this vhost.
  402. >>> i = inspect()
  403. ### Methods
  404. # Get currently executing tasks
  405. >>>
  406. # Get currently reserved tasks
  407. >>> i.reserved()
  408. # Get the current eta schedule
  409. >>> i.scheduled()
  410. # Worker statistics and info
  411. >>> i.stats()
  412. # List of currently revoked tasks
  413. >>> i.revoked()
  414. # List of registered tasks
  415. >>> i.registered_tasks()
  416. * Remote control commands ``dump_active``/``dump_reserved``/``dump_schedule``
  417. now replies with detailed task requests.
  418. Containing the original arguments and fields of the task requested.
  419. In addition the remote control command ``set_loglevel`` has been added,
  420. this only changes the loglevel for the main process.
  421. * Worker control command execution now catches errors and returns their
  422. string representation in the reply.
  423. * Functional test suite added
  424. :mod:`` contains utilities to start
  425. and stop an embedded celeryd process, for use in functional testing.
  426. .. _version-2.0.1:
  427. 2.0.1
  428. =====
  429. :release-date: 2010-07-09 03:02 P.M CEST
  430. * multiprocessing.pool: Now handles encoding errors, so that pickling errors
  431. doesn't crash the worker processes.
  432. * The remote control command replies was not working with RabbitMQ 1.8.0's
  433. stricter equivalence checks.
  434. If you've already hit this problem you may have to delete the
  435. declaration::
  436. $ camqadm exchange.delete celerycrq
  437. or::
  438. $ python camqadm exchange.delete celerycrq
  439. * A bug sneaked in the ETA scheduler that made it only able to execute
  440. one task per second(!)
  441. The scheduler sleeps between iterations so it doesn't consume too much CPU.
  442. It keeps a list of the scheduled items sorted by time, at each iteration
  443. it sleeps for the remaining time of the item with the nearest deadline.
  444. If there are no eta tasks it will sleep for a minimum amount of time, one
  445. second by default.
  446. A bug sneaked in here, making it sleep for one second for every task
  447. that was scheduled. This has been fixed, so now it should move
  448. tasks like hot knife through butter.
  449. In addition a new setting has been added to control the minimum sleep
  450. interval; :setting:`CELERYD_ETA_SCHEDULER_PRECISION`. A good
  451. value for this would be a float between 0 and 1, depending
  452. on the needed precision. A value of 0.8 means that when the ETA of a task
  453. is met, it will take at most 0.8 seconds for the task to be moved to the
  454. ready queue.
  455. * Pool: Supervisor did not release the semaphore.
  456. This would lead to a deadlock if all workers terminated prematurely.
  457. * Added Python version trove classifiers: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7
  458. * Tests now passing on Python 2.7.
  459. * Task.__reduce__: Tasks created using the task decorator can now be pickled.
  460. * nose added to ``tests_require``.
  461. * Pickle should now work with SQLAlchemy 0.5.x
  462. * New homepage design by Jan Henrik Helmers:
  463. * New Sphinx theme by Armin Ronacher:
  464. * Fixed "pending_xref" errors shown in the HTML rendering of the
  465. documentation. Apparently this was caused by new changes in Sphinx 1.0b2.
  466. * Router classes in :setting:`CELERY_ROUTES` are now imported lazily.
  467. Importing a router class in a module that also loads the Celery
  468. environment would cause a circular dependency. This is solved
  469. by importing it when needed after the environment is set up.
  470. * :setting:`CELERY_ROUTES` was broken if set to a single dict.
  471. This example in the docs should now work again::
  472. CELERY_ROUTES = {"feed.tasks.import_feed": "feeds"}
  473. * ``CREATE_MISSING_QUEUES`` was not honored by apply_async.
  474. * New remote control command: ``stats``
  475. Dumps information about the worker, like pool process pids, and
  476. total number of tasks executed by type.
  477. Example reply::
  478. [{'worker.local':
  479. 'total': {'tasks.sleeptask': 6},
  480. 'pool': {'timeouts': [None, None],
  481. 'processes': [60376, 60377],
  482. 'max-concurrency': 2,
  483. 'max-tasks-per-child': None,
  484. 'put-guarded-by-semaphore': True}}]
  485. * New remote control command: ``dump_active``
  486. Gives a list of tasks currently being executed by the worker.
  487. By default arguments are passed through repr in case there
  488. are arguments that is not JSON encodable. If you know
  489. the arguments are JSON safe, you can pass the argument ``safe=True``.
  490. Example reply::
  491. >>> broadcast("dump_active", arguments={"safe": False}, reply=True)
  492. [{'worker.local': [
  493. {'args': '(1,)',
  494. 'time_start': 1278580542.6300001,
  495. 'name': 'tasks.sleeptask',
  496. 'delivery_info': {
  497. 'consumer_tag': '30',
  498. 'routing_key': 'celery',
  499. 'exchange': 'celery'},
  500. 'hostname': 'casper.local',
  501. 'acknowledged': True,
  502. 'kwargs': '{}',
  503. 'id': '802e93e9-e470-47ed-b913-06de8510aca2',
  504. }
  505. ]}]
  506. * Added experimental support for persistent revokes.
  507. Use the ``-S|--statedb`` argument to celeryd to enable it::
  508. $ celeryd --statedb=/var/run/celeryd
  509. This will use the file: ``/var/run/celeryd.db``,
  510. as the ``shelve`` module automatically adds the ``.db`` suffix.
  511. .. _version-2.0.0:
  512. 2.0.0
  513. =====
  514. :release-date: 2010-07-02 02:30 P.M CEST
  515. Foreword
  516. --------
  517. Celery 2.0 contains backward incompatible changes, the most important
  518. being that the Django dependency has been removed so Celery no longer
  519. supports Django out of the box, but instead as an add-on package
  520. called `django-celery`_.
  521. We're very sorry for breaking backwards compatibility, but there's
  522. also many new and exciting features to make up for the time you lose
  523. upgrading, so be sure to read the :ref:`News <v200-news>` section.
  524. Quite a lot of potential users have been upset about the Django dependency,
  525. so maybe this is a chance to get wider adoption by the Python community as
  526. well.
  527. Big thanks to all contributors, testers and users!
  528. .. _v200-django-upgrade:
  529. Upgrading for Django-users
  530. --------------------------
  531. Django integration has been moved to a separate package: `django-celery`_.
  532. * To upgrade you need to install the `django-celery`_ module and change::
  533. INSTALLED_APPS = "celery"
  534. to::
  535. INSTALLED_APPS = "djcelery"
  536. * If you use ``mod_wsgi`` you need to add the following line to your ``.wsgi``
  537. file::
  538. import os
  539. os.environ["CELERY_LOADER"] = "django"
  540. * The following modules has been moved to `django-celery`_:
  541. ===================================== =====================================
  542. **Module name** **Replace with**
  543. ===================================== =====================================
  544. ``celery.models`` ``djcelery.models``
  545. ``celery.managers`` ``djcelery.managers``
  546. ``celery.views`` ``djcelery.views``
  547. ``celery.urls`` ``djcelery.urls``
  548. ```` ````
  549. ``celery.loaders.djangoapp`` ``djcelery.loaders``
  550. ``celery.backends.database`` ``djcelery.backends.database``
  551. ``celery.backends.cache`` ``djcelery.backends.cache``
  552. ===================================== =====================================
  553. Importing :mod:`djcelery` will automatically setup Celery to use Django loader.
  554. loader. It does this by setting the :envvar:`CELERY_LOADER` environment variable to
  555. ``"django"`` (it won't change it if a loader is already set.)
  556. When the Django loader is used, the "database" and "cache" result backend
  557. aliases will point to the :mod:`djcelery` backends instead of the built-in backends,
  558. and configuration will be read from the Django settings.
  559. .. _`django-celery`:
  560. .. _v200-upgrade:
  561. Upgrading for others
  562. --------------------
  563. .. _v200-upgrade-database:
  564. Database result backend
  565. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  566. The database result backend is now using `SQLAlchemy`_ instead of the
  567. Django ORM, see `Supported Databases`_ for a table of supported databases.
  568. The ``DATABASE_*`` settings has been replaced by a single setting:
  569. :setting:`CELERY_RESULT_DBURI`. The value here should be an
  570. `SQLAlchemy Connection String`_, some examples include:
  571. .. code-block:: python
  572. # sqlite (filename)
  573. CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "sqlite:///celerydb.sqlite"
  574. # mysql
  575. CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/foo"
  576. # postgresql
  577. CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase"
  578. # oracle
  579. CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "oracle://scott:tiger@"
  580. See `SQLAlchemy Connection Strings`_ for more information about connection
  581. strings.
  582. To specify additional SQLAlchemy database engine options you can use
  583. the :setting:`CELERY_RESULT_ENGINE_OPTIONS` setting::
  584. # echo enables verbose logging from SQLAlchemy.
  585. CELERY_RESULT_ENGINE_OPTIONS = {"echo": True}
  586. .. _`SQLAlchemy`:
  588. .. _`Supported Databases`:
  590. .. _`SQLAlchemy Connection String`:
  592. .. _`SQLAlchemy Connection Strings`:
  594. .. _v200-upgrade-cache:
  595. Cache result backend
  596. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  597. The cache result backend is no longer using the Django cache framework,
  598. but it supports mostly the same configuration syntax::
  599. CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND = "memcached://;"
  600. To use the cache backend you must either have the `pylibmc`_ or
  601. `python-memcached`_ library installed, of which the former is regarded
  602. as the best choice.
  603. .. _`pylibmc`:
  604. .. _`python-memcached`:
  605. The support backend types are ``memcached://`` and ``memory://``,
  606. we haven't felt the need to support any of the other backends
  607. provided by Django.
  608. .. _v200-incompatible:
  609. Backward incompatible changes
  610. -----------------------------
  611. * Default (python) loader now prints warning on missing ````
  612. instead of raising :exc:`ImportError`.
  613. celeryd raises :exc:`~celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured` if the configuration
  614. is not set up. This makes it possible to use ``--help`` etc, without having a
  615. working configuration.
  616. Also this makes it possible to use the client side of celery without being
  617. configured::
  618. >>> from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection
  619. >>> conn = BrokerConnection("localhost", "guest", "guest", "/")
  620. >>> from celery.execute import send_task
  621. >>> r = send_task("", args=(), kwargs={}, connection=conn)
  622. >>> from celery.backends.amqp import AMQPBackend
  623. >>> r.backend = AMQPBackend(connection=conn)
  624. >>> r.get()
  625. 'pong'
  626. * The following deprecated settings has been removed (as scheduled by
  627. the `deprecation timeline`_):
  628. ===================================== =====================================
  629. **Setting name** **Replace with**
  630. ===================================== =====================================
  636. ===================================== =====================================
  637. .. _`deprecation timeline`:
  639. * The ```` module has been removed, use :mod:`celery.task.http`
  640. instead (as scheduled by the `deprecation timeline`_).
  641. * It's no longer allowed to skip the class name in loader names.
  642. (as scheduled by the `deprecation timeline`_):
  643. Assuming the implicit ``Loader`` class name is no longer supported,
  644. if you use e.g.::
  645. CELERY_LOADER = "myapp.loaders"
  646. You need to include the loader class name, like this::
  647. CELERY_LOADER = "myapp.loaders.Loader"
  648. * :setting:`CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` now defaults to 1 day.
  649. Previous default setting was to expire in 5 days.
  650. * AMQP backend: Don't use different values for `auto_delete`.
  651. This bug became visible with RabbitMQ 1.8.0, which no longer
  652. allows conflicting declarations for the auto_delete and durable settings.
  653. If you've already used celery with this backend chances are you
  654. have to delete the previous declaration::
  655. $ camqadm exchange.delete celeryresults
  656. * Now uses pickle instead of cPickle on Python versions <= 2.5
  657. cPikle is broken in Python <= 2.5.
  658. It unsafely and incorrectly uses relative instead of absolute imports,
  659. so e.g::
  660. exceptions.KeyError
  661. becomes::
  662. celery.exceptions.KeyError
  663. Your best choice is to upgrade to Python 2.6,
  664. as while the pure pickle version has worse performance,
  665. it is the only safe option for older Python versions.
  666. .. _v200-news:
  667. News
  668. ----
  669. * **celeryev**: Curses Celery Monitor and Event Viewer.
  670. This is a simple monitor allowing you to see what tasks are
  671. executing in real-time and investigate tracebacks and results of ready
  672. tasks. It also enables you to set new rate limits and revoke tasks.
  673. Screenshot:
  674. .. image::
  675. If you run ``celeryev`` with the ``-d`` switch it will act as an event
  676. dumper, simply dumping the events it receives to standard out::
  677. $ celeryev -d
  678. -> celeryev: starting capture...
  679. casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:07.020000] heartbeat
  680. casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:14.750000] task received:
  681. tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e) args=[2, 2] kwargs={}
  682. eta=2010-06-04T10:42:16.669290, retries=0
  683. casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:17.230000] task started
  684. tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e) args=[2, 2] kwargs={}
  685. casper.local [2010-06-04 10:42:17.960000] task succeeded:
  686. tasks.add(61a68756-27f4-4879-b816-3cf815672b0e)
  687. args=[2, 2] kwargs={} result=4, runtime=0.782663106918
  688. The fields here are, in order: *sender hostname*, *timestamp*, *event type* and
  689. *additional event fields*.
  690. * AMQP result backend: Now supports ``.ready()``, ``.successful()``,
  691. ``.result``, ``.status``, and even responds to changes in task state
  692. * New user guides:
  693. * :doc:`userguide/workers`
  694. * :doc:`userguide/tasksets`
  695. * :doc:`userguide/routing`
  696. * celeryd: Standard out/error is now being redirected to the logfile.
  697. * :mod:`billiard` has been moved back to the celery repository.
  698. ===================================== =====================================
  699. **Module name** **celery equivalent**
  700. ===================================== =====================================
  701. ``billiard.pool`` ``celery.concurrency.processes.pool``
  702. ``billiard.serialization`` ``celery.serialization``
  703. ``billiard.utils.functional`` ``celery.utils.functional``
  704. ===================================== =====================================
  705. The :mod:`billiard` distribution may be maintained, depending on interest.
  706. * now depends on :mod:`carrot` >= 0.10.5
  707. * now depends on :mod:`pyparsing`
  708. * celeryd: Added ``--purge`` as an alias to ``--discard``.
  709. * celeryd: Ctrl+C (SIGINT) once does warm shutdown, hitting Ctrl+C twice
  710. forces termination.
  711. * Added support for using complex crontab-expressions in periodic tasks. For
  712. example, you can now use::
  713. >>> crontab(minute="*/15")
  714. or even::
  715. >>> crontab(minute="*/30", hour="8-17,1-2", day_of_week="thu-fri")
  716. See :doc:`userguide/periodic-tasks`.
  717. * celeryd: Now waits for available pool processes before applying new
  718. tasks to the pool.
  719. This means it doesn't have to wait for dozens of tasks to finish at shutdown
  720. because it has applied prefetched tasks without having any pool
  721. processes available to immediately accept them.
  722. See issue #122.
  723. * New built-in way to do task callbacks using
  724. :class:`~celery.task.sets.subtask`.
  725. See :doc:`userguide/tasksets` for more information.
  726. * TaskSets can now contain several types of tasks.
  727. :class:`~celery.task.sets.TaskSet` has been refactored to use
  728. a new syntax, please see :doc:`userguide/tasksets` for more information.
  729. The previous syntax is still supported, but will be deprecated in
  730. version 1.4.
  731. * TaskSet failed() result was incorrect.
  732. See issue #132.
  733. * Now creates different loggers per task class.
  734. See issue #129.
  735. * Missing queue definitions are now created automatically.
  736. You can disable this using the :setting:`CELERY_CREATE_MISSING_QUEUES`
  737. setting.
  738. The missing queues are created with the following options::
  739. CELERY_QUEUES[name] = {"exchange": name,
  740. "exchange_type": "direct",
  741. "routing_key": "name}
  742. This feature is added for easily setting up routing using the ``-Q``
  743. option to ``celeryd``::
  744. $ celeryd -Q video, image
  745. See the new routing section of the userguide for more information:
  746. :doc:`userguide/routing`.
  747. * New Task option: ``Task.queue``
  748. If set, message options will be taken from the corresponding entry
  749. in :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES`. ``exchange``, ``exchange_type`` and ``routing_key``
  750. will be ignored
  751. * Added support for task soft and hard timelimits.
  752. New settings added:
  753. * :setting:`CELERYD_TASK_TIME_LIMIT`
  754. Hard time limit. The worker processing the task will be killed and
  755. replaced with a new one when this is exceeded.
  756. * :setting:`CELERYD_SOFT_TASK_TIME_LIMIT`
  757. Soft time limit. The celery.exceptions.SoftTimeLimitExceeded exception
  758. will be raised when this is exceeded. The task can catch this to
  759. e.g. clean up before the hard time limit comes.
  760. New command line arguments to celeryd added:
  761. ``--time-limit`` and ``--soft-time-limit``.
  762. What's left?
  763. This won't work on platforms not supporting signals (and specifically
  764. the ``SIGUSR1`` signal) yet. So an alternative the ability to disable
  765. the feature alltogether on nonconforming platforms must be implemented.
  766. Also when the hard time limit is exceeded, the task result should
  767. be a ``TimeLimitExceeded`` exception.
  768. * Test suite is now passing without a running broker, using the carrot
  769. in-memory backend.
  770. * Log output is now available in colors.
  771. ===================================== =====================================
  772. **Log level** **Color**
  773. ===================================== =====================================
  774. ``DEBUG`` Blue
  775. ``WARNING`` Yellow
  776. ``CRITICAL`` Magenta
  777. ``ERROR`` Red
  778. ===================================== =====================================
  779. This is only enabled when the log output is a tty.
  780. You can explicitly enable/disable this feature using the
  781. :setting:`CELERYD_LOG_COLOR` setting.
  782. * Added support for task router classes (like the django multidb routers)
  783. * New setting: :setting:`CELERY_ROUTES`
  784. This is a single, or a list of routers to traverse when
  785. sending tasks. Dicts in this list converts to a
  786. :class:`celery.routes.MapRoute` instance.
  787. Examples:
  788. >>> CELERY_ROUTES = {"": "default",
  789. "mytasks.add": "cpu-bound",
  790. "video.encode": {
  791. "queue": "video",
  792. "exchange": "media"
  793. "routing_key": ""}}
  794. >>> CELERY_ROUTES = ("myapp.tasks.Router",
  795. {"": "default})
  796. Where ``myapp.tasks.Router`` could be:
  797. .. code-block:: python
  798. class Router(object):
  799. def route_for_task(self, task, args=None, kwargs=None):
  800. if task == "":
  801. return "default"
  802. route_for_task may return a string or a dict. A string then means
  803. it's a queue name in :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES`, a dict means it's a custom route.
  804. When sending tasks, the routers are consulted in order. The first
  805. router that doesn't return ``None`` is the route to use. The message options
  806. is then merged with the found route settings, where the routers settings
  807. have priority.
  808. Example if :func:`~celery.execute.apply_async` has these arguments::
  809. >>> Task.apply_async(immediate=False, exchange="video",
  810. ... routing_key="video.compress")
  811. and a router returns::
  812. {"immediate": True,
  813. "exchange": "urgent"}
  814. the final message options will be::
  815. immediate=True, exchange="urgent", routing_key="video.compress"
  816. (and any default message options defined in the
  817. :class:`~celery.task.base.Task` class)
  818. * New Task handler called after the task returns:
  819. :meth:`~celery.task.base.Task.after_return`.
  820. * :class:`~celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo` now passed to
  821. :meth:`~celery.task.base.Task.on_retry`/
  822. :meth:`~celery.task.base.Task.on_failure` as einfo keyword argument.
  823. * celeryd: Added :setting:`CELERYD_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD` /
  824. :option:`--maxtasksperchild`
  825. Defines the maximum number of tasks a pool worker can process before
  826. the process is terminated and replaced by a new one.
  827. * Revoked tasks now marked with state :state:`REVOKED`, and ``result.get()``
  828. will now raise :exc:`~celery.exceptions.TaskRevokedError`.
  829. * :func:`` now works as expected.
  830. * ``apply(throw=True)`` / :setting:`CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS`:
  831. Makes eager execution re-raise task errors.
  832. * New signal: :data:`~celery.signals.worker_process_init`: Sent inside the
  833. pool worker process at init.
  834. * celeryd :option:`-Q` option: Ability to specifiy list of queues to use,
  835. disabling other configured queues.
  836. For example, if :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES` defines four
  837. queues: ``image``, ``video``, ``data`` and ``default``, the following
  838. command would make celeryd only consume from the ``image`` and ``video``
  839. queues::
  840. $ celeryd -Q image,video
  841. * celeryd: New return value for the ``revoke`` control command:
  842. Now returns::
  843. {"ok": "task $id revoked"}
  844. instead of ``True``.
  845. * celeryd: Can now enable/disable events using remote control
  846. Example usage:
  847. >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
  848. >>> broadcast("enable_events")
  849. >>> broadcast("disable_events")
  850. * Removed top-level tests directory. Test config now in celery.tests.config
  851. This means running the unittests doesn't require any special setup.
  852. ``celery/tests/__init__`` now configures the :envvar:`CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE`
  853. and :envvar:`CELERY_LOADER` environment variables, so when ``nosetests``
  854. imports that, the unit test environment is all set up.
  855. Before you run the tests you need to install the test requirements::
  856. $ pip install -r contrib/requirements/test.txt
  857. Running all tests::
  858. $ nosetests
  859. Specifying the tests to run::
  860. $ nosetests celery.tests.test_task
  861. Producing HTML coverage::
  862. $ nosetests --with-coverage3
  863. The coverage output is then located in ``celery/tests/cover/index.html``.
  864. * celeryd: New option ``--version``: Dump version info and exit.
  865. * :mod:`celeryd-multi <celeryd.bin.celeryd_multi>`: Tool for shell scripts
  866. to start multiple workers.
  867. Some examples::
  868. # Advanced example with 10 workers:
  869. # * Three of the workers processes the images and video queue
  870. # * Two of the workers processes the data queue with loglevel DEBUG
  871. # * the rest processes the default' queue.
  872. $ celeryd-multi start 10 -l INFO -Q:1-3 images,video -Q:4,5:data
  873. -Q default -L:4,5 DEBUG
  874. # get commands to start 10 workers, with 3 processes each
  875. $ celeryd-multi start 3 -c 3
  876. celeryd -n celeryd1.myhost -c 3
  877. celeryd -n celeryd2.myhost -c 3
  878. celeryd- n celeryd3.myhost -c 3
  879. # start 3 named workers
  880. $ celeryd-multi start image video data -c 3
  881. celeryd -n image.myhost -c 3
  882. celeryd -n video.myhost -c 3
  883. celeryd -n data.myhost -c 3
  884. # specify custom hostname
  885. $ celeryd-multi start 2 -n -c 3
  886. celeryd -n -c 3
  887. celeryd -n -c 3
  888. # Additionl options are added to each celeryd',
  889. # but you can also modify the options for ranges of or single workers
  890. # 3 workers: Two with 3 processes, and one with 10 processes.
  891. $ celeryd-multi start 3 -c 3 -c:1 10
  892. celeryd -n celeryd1.myhost -c 10
  893. celeryd -n celeryd2.myhost -c 3
  894. celeryd -n celeryd3.myhost -c 3
  895. # can also specify options for named workers
  896. $ celeryd-multi start image video data -c 3 -c:image 10
  897. celeryd -n image.myhost -c 10
  898. celeryd -n video.myhost -c 3
  899. celeryd -n data.myhost -c 3
  900. # ranges and lists of workers in options is also allowed:
  901. # (-c:1-3 can also be written as -c:1,2,3)
  902. $ celeryd-multi start 5 -c 3 -c:1-3 10
  903. celeryd-multi -n celeryd1.myhost -c 10
  904. celeryd-multi -n celeryd2.myhost -c 10
  905. celeryd-multi -n celeryd3.myhost -c 10
  906. celeryd-multi -n celeryd4.myhost -c 3
  907. celeryd-multi -n celeryd5.myhost -c 3
  908. # lists also works with named workers
  909. $ celeryd-multi start foo bar baz xuzzy -c 3 -c:foo,bar,baz 10
  910. celeryd-multi -n foo.myhost -c 10
  911. celeryd-multi -n bar.myhost -c 10
  912. celeryd-multi -n baz.myhost -c 10
  913. celeryd-multi -n xuzzy.myhost -c 3
  914. * The worker now calls the result backends ``process_cleanup`` method
  915. *after* task execution instead of before.
  916. * AMQP result backend now supports Pika.
  917. .. _version-1.0.6:
  918. 1.0.6
  919. =====
  920. :release-date: 2010-06-30 09:57 A.M CEST
  921. * RabbitMQ 1.8.0 has extended their exchange equivalence tests to
  922. include ``auto_delete`` and ``durable``. This broke the AMQP backend.
  923. If you've already used the AMQP backend this means you have to
  924. delete the previous definitions::
  925. $ camqadm exchange.delete celeryresults
  926. or::
  927. $ python camqadm exchange.delete celeryresults
  928. .. _version-1.0.5:
  929. 1.0.5
  930. =====
  931. :release-date: 2010-06-01 02:36 P.M CEST
  932. .. _v105-critical:
  933. Critical
  934. --------
  935. * SIGINT/Ctrl+C killed the pool, abrubtly terminating the currently executing
  936. tasks.
  937. Fixed by making the pool worker processes ignore :const:`SIGINT`.
  938. * Should not close the consumers before the pool is terminated, just cancel
  939. the consumers.
  940. See issue #122.
  941. * Now depends on :mod:`billiard` >= 0.3.1
  942. * celeryd: Previously exceptions raised by worker components could stall startup,
  943. now it correctly logs the exceptions and shuts down.
  944. * celeryd: Prefetch counts was set too late. QoS is now set as early as possible,
  945. so celeryd can't slurp in all the messages at start-up.
  946. .. _v105-changes:
  947. Changes
  948. -------
  949. * :mod:`celery.contrib.abortable`: Abortable tasks.
  950. Tasks that defines steps of execution, the task can then
  951. be aborted after each step has completed.
  952. * :class:``: No longer creates AMQP channel
  953. if events are disabled
  954. * Added required RPM package names under ``[bdist_rpm]`` section, to support building RPMs
  955. from the sources using
  956. * Running unittests: :envvar:`NOSE_VERBOSE` environment var now enables verbose output from Nose.
  957. * :func:`celery.execute.apply`: Pass logfile/loglevel arguments as task kwargs.
  958. See issue #110.
  959. * celery.execute.apply: Should return exception, not :class:`~celery.datastructures.ExceptionInfo`
  960. on error.
  961. See issue #111.
  962. * Added new entries to the :doc:`FAQs <faq>`:
  963. * Should I use retry or acks_late?
  964. * Can I execute a task by name?
  965. .. _version-1.0.4:
  966. 1.0.4
  967. =====
  968. :release-date: 2010-05-31 09:54 A.M CEST
  969. * Changlog merged with 1.0.5 as the release was never announced.
  970. .. _version-1.0.3:
  971. 1.0.3
  972. =====
  973. :release-date: 2010-05-15 03:00 P.M CEST
  974. .. _v103-important:
  975. Important notes
  976. ---------------
  977. * Messages are now acked *just before* the task function is executed.
  978. This is the behavior we've wanted all along, but couldn't have because of
  979. limitations in the multiprocessing module.
  980. The previous behavior was not good, and the situation worsened with the
  981. release of 1.0.1, so this change will definitely improve
  982. reliability, performance and operations in general.
  983. For more information please see
  984. * Database result backend: result now explicitly sets ``null=True`` as
  985. ``django-picklefield`` version 0.1.5 changed the default behavior
  986. right under our noses :(
  987. See:
  988. This means those who created their celery tables (via syncdb or
  989. celeryinit) with picklefield versions >= 0.1.5 has to alter their tables to
  990. allow the result field to be ``NULL`` manually.
  991. MySQL::
  992. ALTER TABLE celery_taskmeta MODIFY result TEXT NULL
  993. PostgreSQL::
  994. ALTER TABLE celery_taskmeta ALTER COLUMN result DROP NOT NULL
  995. * Removed ``Task.rate_limit_queue_type``, as it was not really useful
  996. and made it harder to refactor some parts.
  997. * Now depends on carrot >= 0.10.4
  998. * Now depends on billiard >= 0.3.0
  999. .. _v103-news:
  1000. News
  1001. ----
  1002. * AMQP backend: Added timeout support for ``result.get()`` /
  1003. ``result.wait()``.
  1004. * New task option: ``Task.acks_late`` (default: :setting:`CELERY_ACKS_LATE`)
  1005. Late ack means the task messages will be acknowledged **after** the task
  1006. has been executed, not *just before*, which is the default behavior.
  1007. .. note::
  1008. This means the tasks may be executed twice if the worker
  1009. crashes in mid-execution. Not acceptable for most
  1010. applications, but desirable for others.
  1011. * Added crontab-like scheduling to periodic tasks.
  1012. Like a cron job, you can specify units of time of when
  1013. you would like the task to execute. While not a full implementation
  1014. of cron's features, it should provide a fair degree of common scheduling
  1015. needs.
  1016. You can specify a minute (0-59), an hour (0-23), and/or a day of the
  1017. week (0-6 where 0 is Sunday, or by names: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri,
  1018. sat).
  1019. Examples:
  1020. .. code-block:: python
  1021. from celery.task.schedules import crontab
  1022. from celery.decorators import periodic_task
  1023. @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=30))
  1024. def every_morning():
  1025. print("Runs every morning at 7:30a.m")
  1026. @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week="mon"))
  1027. def every_monday_morning():
  1028. print("Run every monday morning at 7:30a.m")
  1029. @periodic_task(run_every=crontab(minutes=30))
  1030. def every_hour():
  1031. print("Runs every hour on the clock. e.g. 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 etc.")
  1032. .. note::
  1033. This a late addition. While we have unittests, due to the
  1034. nature of this feature we haven't been able to completely test this
  1035. in practice, so consider this experimental.
  1036. * ``TaskPool.apply_async``: Now supports the ``accept_callback`` argument.
  1037. * ``apply_async``: Now raises :exc:`ValueError` if task args is not a list,
  1038. or kwargs is not a tuple (Issue #95).
  1039. * ``Task.max_retries`` can now be ``None``, which means it will retry forever.
  1040. * Celerybeat: Now reuses the same connection when publishing large
  1041. sets of tasks.
  1042. * Modified the task locking example in the documentation to use
  1043. ``cache.add`` for atomic locking.
  1044. * Added experimental support for a *started* status on tasks.
  1045. If ``Task.track_started`` is enabled the task will report its status
  1046. as "started" when the task is executed by a worker.
  1047. The default value is ``False`` as the normal behaviour is to not
  1048. report that level of granularity. Tasks are either pending, finished,
  1049. or waiting to be retried. Having a "started" status can be useful for
  1050. when there are long running tasks and there is a need to report which
  1051. task is currently running.
  1052. The global default can be overridden by the :setting:`CELERY_TRACK_STARTED`
  1053. setting.
  1054. * User Guide: New section ``Tips and Best Practices``.
  1055. Contributions welcome!
  1056. .. _v103-remote-control:
  1057. Remote control commands
  1058. -----------------------
  1059. * Remote control commands can now send replies back to the caller.
  1060. Existing commands has been improved to send replies, and the client
  1061. interface in ``celery.task.control`` has new keyword arguments: ``reply``,
  1062. ``timeout`` and ``limit``. Where reply means it will wait for replies,
  1063. timeout is the time in seconds to stop waiting for replies, and limit
  1064. is the maximum number of replies to get.
  1065. By default, it will wait for as many replies as possible for one second.
  1066. * rate_limit(task_name, destination=all, reply=False, timeout=1, limit=0)
  1067. Worker returns ``{"ok": message}`` on success,
  1068. or ``{"failure": message}`` on failure.
  1069. >>> from celery.task.control import rate_limit
  1070. >>> rate_limit("tasks.add", "10/s", reply=True)
  1071. [{'worker1': {'ok': 'new rate limit set successfully'}},
  1072. {'worker2': {'ok': 'new rate limit set successfully'}}]
  1073. * ping(destination=all, reply=False, timeout=1, limit=0)
  1074. Worker returns the simple message ``"pong"``.
  1075. >>> from celery.task.control import ping
  1076. >>> ping(reply=True)
  1077. [{'worker1': 'pong'},
  1078. {'worker2': 'pong'},
  1079. * revoke(destination=all, reply=False, timeout=1, limit=0)
  1080. Worker simply returns ``True``.
  1081. >>> from celery.task.control import revoke
  1082. >>> revoke("419e46eb-cf6a-4271-86a8-442b7124132c", reply=True)
  1083. [{'worker1': True},
  1084. {'worker2'; True}]
  1085. * You can now add your own remote control commands!
  1086. Remote control commands are functions registered in the command
  1087. registry. Registering a command is done using
  1088. :meth:`celery.worker.control.Panel.register`:
  1089. .. code-block:: python
  1090. from celery.task.control import Panel
  1091. @Panel.register
  1092. def reset_broker_connection(panel, **kwargs):
  1093. panel.listener.reset_connection()
  1094. return {"ok": "connection re-established"}
  1095. With this module imported in the worker, you can launch the command
  1096. using ``celery.task.control.broadcast``::
  1097. >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
  1098. >>> broadcast("reset_broker_connection", reply=True)
  1099. [{'worker1': {'ok': 'connection re-established'},
  1100. {'worker2': {'ok': 'connection re-established'}}]
  1101. **TIP** You can choose the worker(s) to receive the command
  1102. by using the ``destination`` argument::
  1103. >>> broadcast("reset_broker_connection", destination=["worker1"])
  1104. [{'worker1': {'ok': 'connection re-established'}]
  1105. * New remote control command: ``dump_reserved``
  1106. Dumps tasks reserved by the worker, waiting to be executed::
  1107. >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
  1108. >>> broadcast("dump_reserved", reply=True)
  1109. [{'myworker1': [<TaskRequest ....>]}]
  1110. * New remote control command: ``dump_schedule``
  1111. Dumps the workers currently registered ETA schedule.
  1112. These are tasks with an ``eta`` (or ``countdown``) argument
  1113. waiting to be executed by the worker.
  1114. >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
  1115. >>> broadcast("dump_schedule", reply=True)
  1116. [{'w1': []},
  1117. {'w3': []},
  1118. {'w2': ['0. 2010-05-12 11:06:00 pri0 <TaskRequest
  1119. {name:"opalfeeds.tasks.refresh_feed_slice",
  1120. id:"95b45760-4e73-4ce8-8eac-f100aa80273a",
  1121. args:"(<Feeds freq_max:3600 freq_min:60
  1122. start:2184.0 stop:3276.0>,)",
  1123. kwargs:"{'page': 2}"}>']},
  1124. {'w4': ['0. 2010-05-12 11:00:00 pri0 <TaskRequest
  1125. {name:"opalfeeds.tasks.refresh_feed_slice",
  1126. id:"c053480b-58fb-422f-ae68-8d30a464edfe",
  1127. args:"(<Feeds freq_max:3600 freq_min:60
  1128. start:1092.0 stop:2184.0>,)",
  1129. kwargs:"{\'page\': 1}"}>',
  1130. '1. 2010-05-12 11:12:00 pri0 <TaskRequest
  1131. {name:"opalfeeds.tasks.refresh_feed_slice",
  1132. id:"ab8bc59e-6cf8-44b8-88d0-f1af57789758",
  1133. args:"(<Feeds freq_max:3600 freq_min:60
  1134. start:3276.0 stop:4365>,)",
  1135. kwargs:"{\'page\': 3}"}>']}]
  1136. .. _v103-fixes:
  1137. Fixes
  1138. -----
  1139. * Mediator thread no longer blocks for more than 1 second.
  1140. With rate limits enabled and when there was a lot of remaining time,
  1141. the mediator thread could block shutdown (and potentially block other
  1142. jobs from coming in).
  1143. * Remote rate limits was not properly applied (Issue #98).
  1144. * Now handles exceptions with unicode messages correctly in
  1145. ``TaskRequest.on_failure``.
  1146. * Database backend: ``TaskMeta.result``: default value should be ``None``
  1147. not empty string.
  1148. .. _version-1.0.2:
  1149. 1.0.2
  1150. =====
  1151. :release-date: 2010-03-31 12:50 P.M CET
  1152. * Deprecated: :setting:`CELERY_BACKEND`, please use
  1153. :setting:`CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND` instead.
  1154. * We now use a custom logger in tasks. This logger supports task magic
  1155. keyword arguments in formats.
  1156. The default format for tasks (:setting:`CELERYD_TASK_LOG_FORMAT`) now
  1157. includes the id and the name of tasks so the origin of task log messages
  1158. can easily be traced.
  1159. Example output::
  1160. [2010-03-25 13:11:20,317: INFO/PoolWorker-1]
  1161. [tasks.add(a6e1c5ad-60d9-42a0-8b24-9e39363125a4)] Hello from add
  1162. To revert to the previous behavior you can set::
  1164. [%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s/%(processName)s] %(message)s
  1165. """.strip()
  1166. * Unittests: Don't disable the django test database teardown,
  1167. instead fixed the underlying issue which was caused by modifications
  1168. to the ``DATABASE_NAME`` setting (Issue #82).
  1169. * Django Loader: New config :setting:`CELERY_DB_REUSE_MAX` (max number of
  1170. tasks to reuse the same database connection)
  1171. The default is to use a new connection for every task.
  1172. We would very much like to reuse the connection, but a safe number of
  1173. reuses is not known, and we don't have any way to handle the errors
  1174. that might happen, which may even be database dependent.
  1175. See:
  1176. * celeryd: The worker components are now configurable: :setting:`CELERYD_POOL`,
  1177. :setting:`CELERYD_LISTENER`, :setting:`CELERYD_MEDIATOR`, and
  1178. :setting:`CELERYD_ETA_SCHEDULER`.
  1179. The default configuration is as follows:
  1180. .. code-block:: python
  1181. CELERYD_POOL = "celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool"
  1182. CELERYD_MEDIATOR = "celery.worker.controllers.Mediator"
  1183. CELERYD_ETA_SCHEDULER = "celery.worker.controllers.ScheduleController"
  1184. CELERYD_LISTENER = "celery.worker.listener.CarrotListener"
  1185. The :setting:`CELERYD_POOL` setting makes it easy to swap out the
  1186. multiprocessing pool with a threaded pool, or how about a
  1187. twisted/eventlet pool?
  1188. Consider the competition for the first pool plug-in started!
  1189. * Debian init scripts: Use ``-a`` not ``&&`` (Issue #82).
  1190. * Debian init scripts: Now always preserves ``$CELERYD_OPTS`` from the
  1191. ``/etc/default/celeryd`` and ``/etc/default/celerybeat``.
  1192. * celery.beat.Scheduler: Fixed a bug where the schedule was not properly
  1193. flushed to disk if the schedule had not been properly initialized.
  1194. * celerybeat: Now syncs the schedule to disk when receiving the ``SIGTERM``
  1195. and ``SIGINT`` signals.
  1196. * Control commands: Make sure keywords arguments are not in unicode.
  1197. * ETA scheduler: Was missing a logger object, so the scheduler crashed
  1198. when trying to log that a task had been revoked.
  1199. * management.commands.camqadm: Fixed typo ``camqpadm`` -> ``camqadm``
  1200. (Issue #83).
  1201. * PeriodicTask.delta_resolution: Was not working for days and hours, now fixed
  1202. by rounding to the nearest day/hour.
  1203. * Fixed a potential infinite loop in ``BaseAsyncResult.__eq__``, although
  1204. there is no evidence that it has ever been triggered.
  1205. * celeryd: Now handles messages with encoding problems by acking them and
  1206. emitting an error message.
  1207. .. _version-1.0.1:
  1208. 1.0.1
  1209. =====
  1210. :release-date: 2010-02-24 07:05 P.M CET
  1211. * Tasks are now acknowledged early instead of late.
  1212. This is done because messages can only be acked within the same
  1213. connection channel, so if the connection is lost we would have to refetch
  1214. the message again to acknowledge it.
  1215. This might or might not affect you, but mostly those running tasks with a
  1216. really long execution time are affected, as all tasks that has made it
  1217. all the way into the pool needs to be executed before the worker can
  1218. safely terminate (this is at most the number of pool workers, multiplied
  1219. by the :setting:`CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER` setting.)
  1220. We multiply the prefetch count by default to increase the performance at
  1221. times with bursts of tasks with a short execution time. If this doesn't
  1222. apply to your use case, you should be able to set the prefetch multiplier
  1223. to zero, without sacrificing performance.
  1224. .. note::
  1225. A patch to :mod:`multiprocessing` is currently being
  1226. worked on, this patch would enable us to use a better solution, and is
  1227. scheduled for inclusion in the ``2.0.0`` release.
  1228. * celeryd now shutdowns cleanly when receving the ``TERM`` signal.
  1229. * celeryd now does a cold shutdown if the ``INT`` signal is received (Ctrl+C),
  1230. this means it tries to terminate as soon as possible.
  1231. * Caching of results now moved to the base backend classes, so no need
  1232. to implement this functionality in the base classes.
  1233. * Caches are now also limited in size, so their memory usage doesn't grow
  1234. out of control.
  1235. You can set the maximum number of results the cache
  1236. can hold using the :setting:`CELERY_MAX_CACHED_RESULTS` setting (the
  1237. default is five thousand results). In addition, you can refetch already
  1238. retrieved results using ``backend.reload_task_result`` +
  1239. ``backend.reload_taskset_result`` (that's for those who want to send
  1240. results incrementally).
  1241. * ``celeryd`` now works on Windows again.
  1242. .. warning::
  1243. If you're using Celery with Django, you can't use ``project.settings``
  1244. as the settings module name, but the following should work::
  1245. $ python celeryd --settings=settings
  1246. * Execution: ``.messaging.TaskPublisher.send_task`` now
  1247. incorporates all the functionality apply_async previously did.
  1248. Like converting countdowns to eta, so :func:`celery.execute.apply_async` is
  1249. now simply a convenient front-end to
  1250. :meth:`celery.messaging.TaskPublisher.send_task`, using
  1251. the task classes default options.
  1252. Also :func:`celery.execute.send_task` has been
  1253. introduced, which can apply tasks using just the task name (useful
  1254. if the client does not have the destination task in its task registry).
  1255. Example:
  1256. >>> from celery.execute import send_task
  1257. >>> result = send_task("", args=[], kwargs={})
  1258. >>> result.get()
  1259. 'pong'
  1260. * ``camqadm``: This is a new utility for command line access to the AMQP API.
  1261. Excellent for deleting queues/bindings/exchanges, experimentation and
  1262. testing::
  1263. $ camqadm
  1264. 1> help
  1265. Gives an interactive shell, type ``help`` for a list of commands.
  1266. When using Django, use the management command instead::
  1267. $ python camqadm
  1268. 1> help
  1269. * Redis result backend: To conform to recent Redis API changes, the following
  1270. settings has been deprecated:
  1271. * ``REDIS_TIMEOUT``
  1273. These will emit a ``DeprecationWarning`` if used.
  1274. A ``REDIS_PASSWORD`` setting has been added, so you can use the new
  1275. simple authentication mechanism in Redis.
  1276. * The redis result backend no longer calls ``SAVE`` when disconnecting,
  1277. as this is apparently better handled by Redis itself.
  1278. * If ``settings.DEBUG`` is on, celeryd now warns about the possible
  1279. memory leak it can result in.
  1280. * The ETA scheduler now sleeps at most two seconds between iterations.
  1281. * The ETA scheduler now deletes any revoked tasks it might encounter.
  1282. As revokes are not yet persistent, this is done to make sure the task
  1283. is revoked even though it's currently being hold because its eta is e.g.
  1284. a week into the future.
  1285. * The ``task_id`` argument is now respected even if the task is executed
  1286. eagerly (either using apply, or :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`).
  1287. * The internal queues are now cleared if the connection is reset.
  1288. * New magic keyword argument: ``delivery_info``.
  1289. Used by retry() to resend the task to its original destination using the same
  1290. exchange/routing_key.
  1291. * Events: Fields was not passed by ``.send()`` (fixes the uuid keyerrors
  1292. in celerymon)
  1293. * Added ``--schedule``/``-s`` option to celeryd, so it is possible to
  1294. specify a custom schedule filename when using an embedded celerybeat
  1295. server (the ``-B``/``--beat``) option.
  1296. * Better Python 2.4 compatibility. The test suite now passes.
  1297. * task decorators: Now preserve docstring as ``cls.__doc__``, (was previously
  1298. copied to ````)
  1299. * The ``testproj`` directory has been renamed to ``tests`` and we're now using
  1300. ``nose`` + ``django-nose`` for test discovery, and ``unittest2`` for test
  1301. cases.
  1302. * New pip requirements files available in ``contrib/requirements``.
  1303. * TaskPublisher: Declarations are now done once (per process).
  1304. * Added ``Task.delivery_mode`` and the :setting:`CELERY_DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE`
  1305. setting.
  1306. These can be used to mark messages non-persistent (i.e. so they are
  1307. lost if the broker is restarted).
  1308. * Now have our own ``ImproperlyConfigured`` exception, instead of using the
  1309. Django one.
  1310. * Improvements to the debian init scripts: Shows an error if the program is
  1311. not executeable. Does not modify ``CELERYD`` when using django with
  1312. virtualenv.
  1313. .. _version-1.0.0:
  1314. 1.0.0
  1315. =====
  1316. :release-date: 2010-02-10 04:00 P.M CET
  1317. .. _v100-incompatible:
  1318. Backward incompatible changes
  1319. -----------------------------
  1320. * Celery does not support detaching anymore, so you have to use the tools
  1321. available on your platform, or something like supervisord to make
  1322. celeryd/celerybeat/celerymon into background processes.
  1323. We've had too many problems with celeryd daemonizing itself, so it was
  1324. decided it has to be removed. Example startup scripts has been added to
  1325. ``contrib/``:
  1326. * Debian, Ubuntu, (start-stop-daemon)
  1327. ``contrib/debian/init.d/celeryd``
  1328. ``contrib/debian/init.d/celerybeat``
  1329. * Mac OS X launchd
  1330. ``contrib/mac/org.celeryq.celeryd.plist``
  1331. ``contrib/mac/org.celeryq.celerybeat.plist``
  1332. ``contrib/mac/org.celeryq.celerymon.plist``
  1333. * Supervisord (
  1334. ``contrib/supervisord/supervisord.conf``
  1335. In addition to ``--detach``, the following program arguments has been
  1336. removed: ``--uid``, ``--gid``, ``--workdir``, ``--chroot``, ``--pidfile``,
  1337. ``--umask``. All good daemonization tools should support equivalent
  1338. functionality, so don't worry.
  1339. Also the following configuration keys has been removed:
  1341. * Default celeryd loglevel is now ``WARN``, to enable the previous log level
  1342. start celeryd with ``--loglevel=INFO``.
  1343. * Tasks are automatically registered.
  1344. This means you no longer have to register your tasks manually.
  1345. You don't have to change your old code right away, as it doesn't matter if
  1346. a task is registered twice.
  1347. If you don't want your task to be automatically registered you can set
  1348. the ``abstract`` attribute
  1349. .. code-block:: python
  1350. class MyTask(Task):
  1351. abstract = True
  1352. By using ``abstract`` only tasks subclassing this task will be automatically
  1353. registered (this works like the Django ORM).
  1354. If you don't want subclasses to be registered either, you can set the
  1355. ``autoregister`` attribute to ``False``.
  1356. Incidentally, this change also fixes the problems with automatic name
  1357. assignment and relative imports. So you also don't have to specify a task name
  1358. anymore if you use relative imports.
  1359. * You can no longer use regular functions as tasks.
  1360. This change was added
  1361. because it makes the internals a lot more clean and simple. However, you can
  1362. now turn functions into tasks by using the ``@task`` decorator:
  1363. .. code-block:: python
  1364. from celery.decorators import task
  1365. @task
  1366. def add(x, y):
  1367. return x + y
  1368. .. seealso::
  1369. :ref:`guide-tasks` for more information about the task decorators.
  1370. * The periodic task system has been rewritten to a centralized solution.
  1371. This means ``celeryd`` no longer schedules periodic tasks by default,
  1372. but a new daemon has been introduced: ``celerybeat``.
  1373. To launch the periodic task scheduler you have to run celerybeat::
  1374. $ celerybeat
  1375. Make sure this is running on one server only, if you run it twice, all
  1376. periodic tasks will also be executed twice.
  1377. If you only have one worker server you can embed it into celeryd like this::
  1378. $ celeryd --beat # Embed celerybeat in celeryd.
  1379. * The supervisor has been removed.
  1380. This means the ``-S`` and ``--supervised`` options to ``celeryd`` is
  1381. no longer supported. Please use something like
  1382. instead.
  1383. * ``TaskSet.join`` has been removed, use ``TaskSetResult.join`` instead.
  1384. * The task status ``"DONE"`` has been renamed to `"SUCCESS"`.
  1385. * ``AsyncResult.is_done`` has been removed, use ``AsyncResult.successful``
  1386. instead.
  1387. * The worker no longer stores errors if ``Task.ignore_result`` is set, to
  1388. revert to the previous behaviour set
  1389. :setting:`CELERY_STORE_ERRORS_EVEN_IF_IGNORED` to ``True``.
  1390. * The staticstics functionality has been removed in favor of events,
  1391. so the ``-S`` and ``--statistics`` switches has been removed.
  1392. * The module ``celery.task.strategy`` has been removed.
  1393. * ``celery.discovery`` has been removed, and it's ``autodiscover`` function is
  1394. now in ``celery.loaders.djangoapp``. Reason: Internal API.
  1395. * The :envvar:`CELERY_LOADER` environment variable now needs loader class name
  1396. in addition to module name,
  1397. E.g. where you previously had: ``"celery.loaders.default"``, you now need
  1398. ``"celery.loaders.default.Loader"``, using the previous syntax will result
  1399. in a DeprecationWarning.
  1400. * Detecting the loader is now lazy, and so is not done when importing
  1401. ``celery.loaders``.
  1402. To make this happen ``celery.loaders.settings`` has
  1403. been renamed to ``load_settings`` and is now a function returning the
  1404. settings object. ``celery.loaders.current_loader`` is now also
  1405. a function, returning the current loader.
  1406. So::
  1407. loader = current_loader
  1408. needs to be changed to::
  1409. loader = current_loader()
  1410. .. _v100-deprecations:
  1411. Deprecations
  1412. ------------
  1413. * The following configuration variables has been renamed and will be
  1414. deprecated in v2.0:
  1421. * The public api names in celery.conf has also changed to a consistent naming
  1422. scheme.
  1423. * We now support consuming from an arbitrary number of queues.
  1424. To do this we had to rename the configuration syntax. If you use any of
  1425. the custom AMQP routing options (queue/exchange/routing_key, etc), you
  1426. should read the new FAQ entry:
  1427. The previous syntax is deprecated and scheduled for removal in v2.0.
  1428. * ```` has been renamed to ``TaskSet.apply_async``.
  1429. ```` has now been deprecated, and is scheduled for
  1430. removal in v2.0.
  1431. .. v100-news:
  1432. News
  1433. ----
  1434. * Rate limiting support (per task type, or globally).
  1435. * New periodic task system.
  1436. * Automatic registration.
  1437. * New cool task decorator syntax.
  1438. * celeryd now sends events if enabled with the ``-E`` argument.
  1439. Excellent for monitoring tools, one is already in the making
  1440. (
  1441. Current events include: worker-heartbeat,
  1442. task-[received/succeeded/failed/retried],
  1443. worker-online, worker-offline.
  1444. * You can now delete (revoke) tasks that has already been applied.
  1445. * You can now set the hostname celeryd identifies as using the ``--hostname``
  1446. argument.
  1447. * Cache backend now respects the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` setting.
  1448. * Message format has been standardized and now uses ISO-8601 format
  1449. for dates instead of datetime.
  1450. * ``celeryd`` now responds to the ``HUP`` signal by restarting itself.
  1451. * Periodic tasks are now scheduled on the clock.
  1452. I.e. ``timedelta(hours=1)`` means every hour at :00 minutes, not every
  1453. hour from the server starts. To revert to the previous behaviour you
  1454. can set ``PeriodicTask.relative = True``.
  1455. * Now supports passing execute options to a TaskSets list of args, e.g.:
  1456. >>> ts = TaskSet(add, [([2, 2], {}, {"countdown": 1}),
  1457. ... ([4, 4], {}, {"countdown": 2}),
  1458. ... ([8, 8], {}, {"countdown": 3})])
  1459. >>>
  1460. * Got a 3x performance gain by setting the prefetch count to four times the
  1461. concurrency, (from an average task round-trip of 0.1s to 0.03s!).
  1462. A new setting has been added: :setting:`CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER`, which
  1463. is set to ``4`` by default.
  1464. * Improved support for webhook tasks.
  1465. ```` is now deprecated, replaced with the new and shiny
  1466. :mod:`celery.task.http`. With more reflective names, sensible interface,
  1467. and it's possible to override the methods used to perform HTTP requests.
  1468. * The results of tasksets are now cached by storing it in the result
  1469. backend.
  1470. .. _v100-changes:
  1471. Changes
  1472. -------
  1473. * Now depends on carrot >= 0.8.1
  1474. * New dependencies: billiard, python-dateutil, django-picklefield
  1475. * No longer depends on python-daemon
  1476. * The ``uuid`` distribution is added as a dependency when running Python 2.4.
  1477. * Now remembers the previously detected loader by keeping it in
  1478. the :envvar:`CELERY_LOADER` environment variable.
  1479. This may help on windows where fork emulation is used.
  1480. * ETA no longer sends datetime objects, but uses ISO 8601 date format in a
  1481. string for better compatibility with other platforms.
  1482. * No longer sends error mails for retried tasks.
  1483. * Task can now override the backend used to store results.
  1484. * Refactored the ExecuteWrapper, ``apply`` and :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`
  1485. now also executes the task callbacks and signals.
  1486. * Now using a proper scheduler for the tasks with an ETA.
  1487. This means waiting eta tasks are sorted by time, so we don't have
  1488. to poll the whole list all the time.
  1489. * Now also imports modules listed in :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS` when running
  1490. with django (as documented).
  1491. * Loglevel for stdout/stderr changed from INFO to ERROR
  1492. * ImportErrors are now properly propogated when autodiscovering tasks.
  1493. * You can now use ``celery.messaging.establish_connection`` to establish a
  1494. connection to the broker.
  1495. * When running as a separate service the periodic task scheduler does some
  1496. smart moves to not poll too regularly.
  1497. If you need faster poll times you can lower the value
  1498. of :setting:`CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL`.
  1499. * You can now change periodic task intervals at runtime, by making
  1500. ``run_every`` a property, or subclassing ``PeriodicTask.is_due``.
  1501. * The worker now supports control commands enabled through the use of a
  1502. broadcast queue, you can remotely revoke tasks or set the rate limit for
  1503. a task type. See :mod:`celery.task.control`.
  1504. * The services now sets informative process names (as shown in ``ps``
  1505. listings) if the :mod:`setproctitle` module is installed.
  1506. * :exc:`celery.exceptions.NotRegistered` now inherits from :exc:`KeyError`,
  1507. and ``TaskRegistry.__getitem__``+``pop`` raises ``NotRegistered`` instead
  1508. * You can set the loader via the :envvar:`CELERY_LOADER` environment variable.
  1509. * You can now set :setting:`CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT` to ignore task results by
  1510. default (if enabled, tasks doesn't save results or errors to the backend used).
  1511. * celeryd now correctly handles malformed messages by throwing away and
  1512. acknowledging the message, instead of crashing.
  1513. .. _v100-bugs:
  1514. Bugs
  1515. ----
  1516. * Fixed a race condition that could happen while storing task results in the
  1517. database.
  1518. .. _v100-documentation:
  1519. Documentation
  1520. -------------
  1521. * Reference now split into two sections; API reference and internal module
  1522. reference.
  1523. .. _version-0.8.4:
  1524. 0.8.4
  1525. =====
  1526. :release-date: 2010-02-05 01:52 P.M CEST
  1527. * Now emits a warning if the --detach argument is used.
  1528. --detach should not be used anymore, as it has several not easily fixed
  1529. bugs related to it. Instead, use something like start-stop-daemon,
  1530. supervisord or launchd (os x).
  1531. * Make sure logger class is process aware, even if running Python >= 2.6.
  1532. * Error e-mails are not sent anymore when the task is retried.
  1533. .. _version-0.8.3:
  1534. 0.8.3
  1535. =====
  1536. :release-date: 2009-12-22 09:43 A.M CEST
  1537. * Fixed a possible race condition that could happen when storing/querying
  1538. task results using the the database backend.
  1539. * Now has console script entry points in the file, so tools like
  1540. buildout will correctly install the programs celerybin and celeryinit.
  1541. .. _version-0.8.2:
  1542. 0.8.2
  1543. =====
  1544. :release-date: 2009-11-20 03:40 P.M CEST
  1545. * QOS Prefetch count was not applied properly, as it was set for every message
  1546. received (which apparently behaves like, "receive one more"), instead of only
  1547. set when our wanted value changed.
  1548. .. _version-0.8.1:
  1549. 0.8.1
  1550. =================================
  1551. :release-date: 2009-11-16 05:21 P.M CEST
  1552. .. _v081-very-important:
  1553. Very important note
  1554. -------------------
  1555. This release (with carrot 0.8.0) enables AMQP QoS (quality of service), which
  1556. means the workers will only receive as many messages as it can handle at a
  1557. time. As with any release, you should test this version upgrade on your
  1558. development servers before rolling it out to production!
  1559. .. _v081-important:
  1560. Important changes
  1561. -----------------
  1562. * If you're using Python < 2.6 and you use the multiprocessing backport, then
  1563. multiprocessing version is required.
  1564. * All AMQP_* settings has been renamed to BROKER_*, and in addition
  1565. AMQP_SERVER has been renamed to BROKER_HOST, so before where you had::
  1566. AMQP_SERVER = "localhost"
  1567. AMQP_PORT = 5678
  1568. AMQP_USER = "myuser"
  1569. AMQP_PASSWORD = "mypassword"
  1570. AMQP_VHOST = "celery"
  1571. You need to change that to::
  1572. BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
  1573. BROKER_PORT = 5678
  1574. BROKER_USER = "myuser"
  1575. BROKER_PASSWORD = "mypassword"
  1576. BROKER_VHOST = "celery"
  1577. * Custom carrot backends now need to include the backend class name, so before
  1578. where you had::
  1579. CARROT_BACKEND = "mycustom.backend.module"
  1580. you need to change it to::
  1581. CARROT_BACKEND = "mycustom.backend.module.Backend"
  1582. where ``Backend`` is the class name. This is probably ``"Backend"``, as
  1583. that was the previously implied name.
  1584. * New version requirement for carrot: 0.8.0
  1585. .. _v081-changes:
  1586. Changes
  1587. -------
  1588. * Incorporated the multiprocessing backport patch that fixes the
  1589. ``processName`` error.
  1590. * Ignore the result of PeriodicTask's by default.
  1591. * Added a Redis result store backend
  1592. * Allow /etc/default/celeryd to define additional options for the celeryd init
  1593. script.
  1594. * MongoDB periodic tasks issue when using different time than UTC fixed.
  1595. * Windows specific: Negate test for available os.fork (thanks miracle2k)
  1596. * Now tried to handle broken PID files.
  1597. * Added a Django test runner to contrib that sets
  1598. ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True`` for testing with the database backend.
  1599. * Added a :setting:`CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND` setting for using something other
  1600. than the django-global cache backend.
  1601. * Use custom implementation of functools.partial (curry) for Python 2.4 support
  1602. (Probably still problems with running on 2.4, but it will eventually be
  1603. supported)
  1604. * Prepare exception to pickle when saving :state:`RETRY` status for all backends.
  1605. * SQLite no concurrency limit should only be effective if the db backend
  1606. is used.
  1607. .. _version-0.8.0:
  1608. 0.8.0
  1609. =====
  1610. :release-date: 2009-09-22 03:06 P.M CEST
  1611. .. _v080-incompatible:
  1612. Backward incompatible changes
  1613. -----------------------------
  1614. * Add traceback to result value on failure.
  1615. .. note::
  1616. If you use the database backend you have to re-create the
  1617. database table ``celery_taskmeta``.
  1618. Contact the :ref:`mailing-list` or :ref:`irc-channel` channel
  1619. for help doing this.
  1620. * Database tables are now only created if the database backend is used,
  1621. so if you change back to the database backend at some point,
  1622. be sure to initialize tables (django: ``syncdb``, python: ``celeryinit``).
  1623. .. note::
  1624. This is only applies if using Django version 1.1 or higher.
  1625. * Now depends on ``carrot`` version 0.6.0.
  1626. * Now depends on python-daemon 1.4.8
  1627. .. _v080-important:
  1628. Important changes
  1629. -----------------
  1630. * Celery can now be used in pure Python (outside of a Django project).
  1631. This means celery is no longer Django specific.
  1632. For more information see the FAQ entry
  1633. :ref:`faq-is-celery-for-django-only`.
  1634. * Celery now supports task retries.
  1635. See `Cookbook: Retrying Tasks`_ for more information.
  1636. .. _`Cookbook: Retrying Tasks`:
  1638. * We now have an AMQP result store backend.
  1639. It uses messages to publish task return value and status. And it's
  1640. incredibly fast!
  1641. See issue #6 for more info!
  1642. * AMQP QoS (prefetch count) implemented:
  1643. This to not receive more messages than we can handle.
  1644. * Now redirects stdout/stderr to the celeryd logfile when detached
  1645. * Now uses ``inspect.getargspec`` to only pass default arguments
  1646. the task supports.
  1647. * Add Task.on_success, .on_retry, .on_failure handlers
  1648. See :meth:`celery.task.base.Task.on_success`,
  1649. :meth:`celery.task.base.Task.on_retry`,
  1650. :meth:`celery.task.base.Task.on_failure`,
  1651. * ``celery.utils.gen_unique_id``: Workaround for
  1653. * You can now customize what happens at worker start, at process init, etc
  1654. by creating your own loaders. (see :mod:`celery.loaders.default`,
  1655. :mod:`celery.loaders.djangoapp`, :mod:`celery.loaders`.)
  1656. * Support for multiple AMQP exchanges and queues.
  1657. This feature misses documentation and tests, so anyone interested
  1658. is encouraged to improve this situation.
  1659. * celeryd now survives a restart of the AMQP server!
  1660. Automatically re-establish AMQP broker connection if it's lost.
  1661. New settings:
  1663. Set to ``True`` to enable connection retries.
  1665. Maximum number of restarts before we give up. Default: ``100``.
  1666. .. _v080-news:
  1667. News
  1668. ----
  1669. * Fix an incompatibility between python-daemon and multiprocessing,
  1670. which resulted in the ``[Errno 10] No child processes`` problem when
  1671. detaching.
  1672. * Fixed a possible DjangoUnicodeDecodeError being raised when saving pickled
  1673. data to Django's memcached cache backend.
  1674. * Better Windows compatibility.
  1675. * New version of the pickled field (taken from
  1677. * New signals introduced: ``task_sent``, ``task_prerun`` and
  1678. ``task_postrun``, see :mod:`celery.signals` for more information.
  1679. * ``TaskSetResult.join`` caused ``TypeError`` when ``timeout=None``.
  1680. Thanks Jerzy Kozera. Closes #31
  1681. * ``views.apply`` should return ``HttpResponse`` instance.
  1682. Thanks to Jerzy Kozera. Closes #32
  1683. * ``PeriodicTask``: Save conversion of ``run_every`` from ``int``
  1684. to ``timedelta`` to the class attribute instead of on the instance.
  1685. * Exceptions has been moved to ``celery.exceptions``, but are still
  1686. available in the previous module.
  1687. * Try to rollback transaction and retry saving result if an error happens
  1688. while setting task status with the database backend.
  1689. * jail() refactored into :class:`celery.execute.ExecuteWrapper`.
  1690. * ``views.apply`` now correctly sets mimetype to "application/json"
  1691. * ``views.task_status`` now returns exception if state is :state:`RETRY`
  1692. * ``views.task_status`` now returns traceback if state is :state:`FAILURE`
  1693. or :state:`RETRY`
  1694. * Documented default task arguments.
  1695. * Add a sensible __repr__ to ExceptionInfo for easier debugging
  1696. * Fix documentation typo ``.. import map`` -> ``.. import dmap``.
  1697. Thanks mikedizon
  1698. .. _version-0.6.0:
  1699. 0.6.0
  1700. =====
  1701. :release-date: 2009-08-07 06:54 A.M CET
  1702. .. _v060-important:
  1703. Important changes
  1704. -----------------
  1705. * Fixed a bug where tasks raising unpickleable exceptions crashed pool
  1706. workers. So if you've had pool workers mysteriously dissapearing, or
  1707. problems with celeryd stopping working, this has been fixed in this
  1708. version.
  1709. * Fixed a race condition with periodic tasks.
  1710. * The task pool is now supervised, so if a pool worker crashes,
  1711. goes away or stops responding, it is automatically replaced with
  1712. a new one.
  1713. * is now automatically generated out of class module+name, e.g.
  1714. ``"djangotwitter.tasks.UpdateStatusesTask"``. Very convenient. No idea why
  1715. we didn't do this before. Some documentation is updated to not manually
  1716. specify a task name.
  1717. .. _v060-news:
  1718. News
  1719. ----
  1720. * Tested with Django 1.1
  1721. * New Tutorial: Creating a click counter using carrot and celery
  1722. * Database entries for periodic tasks are now created at ``celeryd``
  1723. startup instead of for each check (which has been a forgotten TODO/XXX
  1724. in the code for a long time)
  1725. * New settings variable: :setting:`CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES`
  1726. Time (in seconds, or a `datetime.timedelta` object) for when after
  1727. stored task results are deleted. For the moment this only works for the
  1728. database backend.
  1729. * ``celeryd`` now emits a debug log message for which periodic tasks
  1730. has been launched.
  1731. * The periodic task table is now locked for reading while getting
  1732. periodic task status. (MySQL only so far, seeking patches for other
  1733. engines)
  1734. * A lot more debugging information is now available by turning on the
  1735. ``DEBUG`` loglevel (``--loglevel=DEBUG``).
  1736. * Functions/methods with a timeout argument now works correctly.
  1737. * New: ``celery.strategy.even_time_distribution``:
  1738. With an iterator yielding task args, kwargs tuples, evenly distribute
  1739. the processing of its tasks throughout the time window available.
  1740. * Log message ``Unknown task ignored...`` now has loglevel ``ERROR``
  1741. * Log message ``"Got task from broker"`` is now emitted for all tasks, even if
  1742. the task has an ETA (estimated time of arrival). Also the message now
  1743. includes the ETA for the task (if any).
  1744. * Acknowledgement now happens in the pool callback. Can't do ack in the job
  1745. target, as it's not pickleable (can't share AMQP connection, etc)).
  1746. * Added note about .delay hanging in README
  1747. * Tests now passing in Django 1.1
  1748. * Fixed discovery to make sure app is in INSTALLED_APPS
  1749. * Previously overrided pool behaviour (process reap, wait until pool worker
  1750. available, etc.) is now handled by ``multiprocessing.Pool`` itself.
  1751. * Convert statistics data to unicode for use as kwargs. Thanks Lucy!
  1752. .. _version-0.4.1:
  1753. 0.4.1
  1754. =====
  1755. :release-date: 2009-07-02 01:42 P.M CET
  1756. * Fixed a bug with parsing the message options (``mandatory``,
  1757. ``routing_key``, ``priority``, ``immediate``)
  1758. .. _version-0.4.0:
  1759. 0.4.0
  1760. =====
  1761. :release-date: 2009-07-01 07:29 P.M CET
  1762. * Adds eager execution. ``celery.execute.apply``|``Task.apply`` executes the
  1763. function blocking until the task is done, for API compatiblity it
  1764. returns an ``celery.result.EagerResult`` instance. You can configure
  1765. celery to always run tasks locally by setting the
  1766. :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER` setting to ``True``.
  1767. * Now depends on ``anyjson``.
  1768. * 99% coverage using python ``coverage`` 3.0.
  1769. .. _version-0.3.20:
  1770. 0.3.20
  1771. ======
  1772. :release-date: 2009-06-25 08:42 P.M CET
  1773. * New arguments to ``apply_async`` (the advanced version of
  1774. ``delay_task``), ``countdown`` and ``eta``;
  1775. >>> # Run 10 seconds into the future.
  1776. >>> res = apply_async(MyTask, countdown=10);
  1777. >>> # Run 1 day from now
  1778. >>> res = apply_async(MyTask,
  1779. ... + timedelta(days=1))
  1780. * Now unlinks the pidfile if it's stale.
  1781. * Lots of more tests.
  1782. * Now compatible with carrot >= 0.5.0.
  1783. * **IMPORTANT** The ``subtask_ids`` attribute on the ``TaskSetResult``
  1784. instance has been removed. To get this information instead use:
  1785. >>> subtask_ids = [subtask.task_id for subtask in ts_res.subtasks]
  1786. * ```` now respects extra message options from the task class.
  1787. * Task: Add attribute ``ignore_result``: Don't store the status and
  1788. return value. This means you can't use the
  1789. ``celery.result.AsyncResult`` to check if the task is
  1790. done, or get its return value. Only use if you need the performance
  1791. and is able live without these features. Any exceptions raised will
  1792. store the return value/status as usual.
  1793. * Task: Add attribute ``disable_error_emails`` to disable sending error
  1794. emails for that task.
  1795. * Should now work on Windows (although running in the background won't
  1796. work, so using the ``--detach`` argument results in an exception
  1797. being raised.)
  1798. * Added support for statistics for profiling and monitoring.
  1799. To start sending statistics start ``celeryd`` with the
  1800. ``--statistics`` option. Then after a while you can dump the results
  1801. by running ``python celerystats``. See
  1802. ``celery.monitoring`` for more information.
  1803. * The celery daemon can now be supervised (i.e it is automatically
  1804. restarted if it crashes). To use this start celeryd with the
  1805. ``--supervised`` option (or alternatively ``-S``).
  1806. * views.apply: View applying a task. Example
  1807. ::
  1809. .. warning::
  1810. Use with caution! Do not expose this URL to the public
  1811. without first ensuring that your code is safe!
  1812. * Refactored ``celery.task``. It's now split into three modules:
  1813. * celery.task
  1814. Contains ``apply_async``, ``delay_task``, ``discard_all``, and task
  1815. shortcuts, plus imports objects from ``celery.task.base`` and
  1816. ``celery.task.builtins``
  1817. * celery.task.base
  1818. Contains task base classes: ``Task``, ``PeriodicTask``,
  1819. ``TaskSet``, ``AsynchronousMapTask``, ``ExecuteRemoteTask``.
  1820. * celery.task.builtins
  1821. Built-in tasks: ``PingTask``, ``DeleteExpiredTaskMetaTask``.
  1822. .. _version-0.3.7:
  1823. 0.3.7
  1824. =====
  1825. :release-date: 2008-06-16 11:41 P.M CET
  1826. * **IMPORTANT** Now uses AMQP's ``basic.consume`` instead of
  1827. ``basic.get``. This means we're no longer polling the broker for
  1828. new messages.
  1829. * **IMPORTANT** Default concurrency limit is now set to the number of CPUs
  1830. available on the system.
  1831. * **IMPORTANT** ``tasks.register``: Renamed ``task_name`` argument to
  1832. ``name``, so
  1833. >>> tasks.register(func, task_name="mytask")
  1834. has to be replaced with:
  1835. >>> tasks.register(func, name="mytask")
  1836. * The daemon now correctly runs if the pidlock is stale.
  1837. * Now compatible with carrot 0.4.5
  1838. * Default AMQP connnection timeout is now 4 seconds.
  1839. * ```` was always returning ``True``.
  1840. * Only use README as long_description if the file exists so easy_install
  1841. doesn't break.
  1842. * ``celery.view``: JSON responses now properly set its mime-type.
  1843. * ``apply_async`` now has a ``connection`` keyword argument so you
  1844. can re-use the same AMQP connection if you want to execute
  1845. more than one task.
  1846. * Handle failures in task_status view such that it won't throw 500s.
  1847. * Fixed typo ``AMQP_SERVER`` in documentation to ``AMQP_HOST``.
  1848. * Worker exception e-mails sent to admins now works properly.
  1849. * No longer depends on ``django``, so installing ``celery`` won't affect
  1850. the preferred Django version installed.
  1851. * Now works with PostgreSQL (psycopg2) again by registering the
  1852. ``PickledObject`` field.
  1853. * ``celeryd``: Added ``--detach`` option as an alias to ``--daemon``, and
  1854. it's the term used in the documentation from now on.
  1855. * Make sure the pool and periodic task worker thread is terminated
  1856. properly at exit. (So ``Ctrl-C`` works again).
  1857. * Now depends on ``python-daemon``.
  1858. * Removed dependency to ``simplejson``
  1859. * Cache Backend: Re-establishes connection for every task process
  1860. if the Django cache backend is memcached/libmemcached.
  1861. * Tyrant Backend: Now re-establishes the connection for every task
  1862. executed.
  1863. .. _version-0.3.3:
  1864. 0.3.3
  1865. =====
  1866. :release-date: 2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET
  1867. * The ``PeriodicWorkController`` now sleeps for 1 second between checking
  1868. for periodic tasks to execute.
  1869. .. _version-0.3.2:
  1870. 0.3.2
  1871. =====
  1872. :release-date: 2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET
  1873. * celeryd: Added option ``--discard``: Discard (delete!) all waiting
  1874. messages in the queue.
  1875. * celeryd: The ``--wakeup-after`` option was not handled as a float.
  1876. .. _version-0.3.1:
  1877. 0.3.1
  1878. =====
  1879. :release-date: 2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET
  1880. * The `PeriodicTask`` worker is now running in its own thread instead
  1881. of blocking the ``TaskController`` loop.
  1882. * Default ``QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER`` has been lowered to ``0.1`` (was ``0.3``)
  1883. .. _version-0.3.0:
  1884. 0.3.0
  1885. =====
  1886. :release-date: 2009-06-08 12:41 P.M CET
  1887. .. warning::
  1888. This is a development version, for the stable release, please
  1889. see versions 0.2.x.
  1890. **VERY IMPORTANT:** Pickle is now the encoder used for serializing task
  1891. arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
  1892. * **IMPORTANT** now returns a celery.result.TaskSetResult
  1893. instance, which lets you inspect the status and return values of a
  1894. taskset as it was a single entity.
  1895. * **IMPORTANT** Celery now depends on carrot >= 0.4.1.
  1896. * The celery daemon now sends task errors to the registered admin e-mails.
  1897. To turn off this feature, set ``SEND_CELERY_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS`` to
  1898. ``False`` in your ````. Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
  1899. * You can now run the celery daemon by using ````::
  1900. $ python celeryd
  1901. Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
  1902. * Added support for message priorities, topic exchanges, custom routing
  1903. keys for tasks. This means we have introduced
  1904. ``celery.task.apply_async``, a new way of executing tasks.
  1905. You can use ``celery.task.delay`` and ``celery.Task.delay`` like usual, but
  1906. if you want greater control over the message sent, you want
  1907. ``celery.task.apply_async`` and ``celery.Task.apply_async``.
  1908. This also means the AMQP configuration has changed. Some settings has
  1909. been renamed, while others are new::
  1915. See the entry `Can I send some tasks to only some servers?`_ in the
  1916. `FAQ`_ for more information.
  1917. .. _`Can I send some tasks to only some servers?`:
  1919. .. _`FAQ`:
  1920. * Task errors are now logged using loglevel ``ERROR`` instead of ``INFO``,
  1921. and backtraces are dumped. Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
  1922. * Make every new worker process re-establish it's Django DB connection,
  1923. this solving the "MySQL connection died?" exceptions.
  1924. Thanks to Vitaly Babiy and Jirka Vejrazka.
  1925. * **IMOPORTANT** Now using pickle to encode task arguments. This means you
  1926. now can pass complex python objects to tasks as arguments.
  1927. * Removed dependency to ``yadayada``.
  1928. * Added a FAQ, see ``docs/faq.rst``.
  1929. * Now converts any unicode keys in task ``kwargs`` to regular strings.
  1930. Thanks Vitaly Babiy.
  1931. * Renamed the ``TaskDaemon`` to ``WorkController``.
  1932. * ``celery.datastructures.TaskProcessQueue`` is now renamed to
  1933. ``celery.pool.TaskPool``.
  1934. * The pool algorithm has been refactored for greater performance and
  1935. stability.
  1936. .. _version-0.2.0:
  1937. 0.2.0
  1938. =====
  1939. :release-date: 2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET
  1940. * Final release of 0.2.0
  1941. * Compatible with carrot version 0.4.0.
  1942. * Fixes some syntax errors related to fetching results
  1943. from the database backend.
  1944. .. _version-0.2.0-pre3:
  1945. 0.2.0-pre3
  1946. ==========
  1947. :release-date: 2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET
  1948. * *Internal release*. Improved handling of unpickled exceptions,
  1949. ``get_result`` now tries to recreate something looking like the
  1950. original exception.
  1951. .. _version-0.2.0-pre2:
  1952. 0.2.0-pre2
  1953. ==========
  1954. :release-date: 2009-05-20 01:56 P.M CET
  1955. * Now handles unpickleable exceptions (like the dynimically generated
  1956. subclasses of ``django.core.exception.MultipleObjectsReturned``).
  1957. .. _version-0.2.0-pre1:
  1958. 0.2.0-pre1
  1959. ==========
  1960. :release-date: 2009-05-20 12:33 P.M CET
  1961. * It's getting quite stable, with a lot of new features, so bump
  1962. version to 0.2. This is a pre-release.
  1963. * ``celery.task.mark_as_read()`` and ``celery.task.mark_as_failure()`` has
  1964. been removed. Use ``celery.backends.default_backend.mark_as_read()``,
  1965. and ``celery.backends.default_backend.mark_as_failure()`` instead.
  1966. .. _version-0.1.15:
  1967. 0.1.15
  1968. ======
  1969. :release-date: 2009-05-19 04:13 P.M CET
  1970. * The celery daemon was leaking AMQP connections, this should be fixed,
  1971. if you have any problems with too many files open (like ``emfile``
  1972. errors in ``rabbit.log``, please contact us!
  1973. .. _version-0.1.14:
  1974. 0.1.14
  1975. ======
  1976. :release-date: 2009-05-19 01:08 P.M CET
  1977. * Fixed a syntax error in the ``TaskSet`` class. (No such variable
  1978. ``TimeOutError``).
  1979. .. _version-0.1.13:
  1980. 0.1.13
  1981. ======
  1982. :release-date: 2009-05-19 12:36 P.M CET
  1983. * Forgot to add ``yadayada`` to install requirements.
  1984. * Now deletes all expired task results, not just those marked as done.
  1985. * Able to load the Tokyo Tyrant backend class without django
  1986. configuration, can specify tyrant settings directly in the class
  1987. constructor.
  1988. * Improved API documentation
  1989. * Now using the Sphinx documentation system, you can build
  1990. the html documentation by doing ::
  1991. $ cd docs
  1992. $ make html
  1993. and the result will be in ``docs/.build/html``.
  1994. .. _version-0.1.12:
  1995. 0.1.12
  1996. ======
  1997. :release-date: 2009-05-18 04:38 P.M CET
  1998. * ``delay_task()`` etc. now returns ``celery.task.AsyncResult`` object,
  1999. which lets you check the result and any failure that might have
  2000. happened. It kind of works like the ``multiprocessing.AsyncResult``
  2001. class returned by ``multiprocessing.Pool.map_async``.
  2002. * Added dmap() and dmap_async(). This works like the
  2003. ``multiprocessing.Pool`` versions except they are tasks
  2004. distributed to the celery server. Example:
  2005. >>> from celery.task import dmap
  2006. >>> import operator
  2007. >>> dmap(operator.add, [[2, 2], [4, 4], [8, 8]])
  2008. >>> [4, 8, 16]
  2009. >>> from celery.task import dmap_async
  2010. >>> import operator
  2011. >>> result = dmap_async(operator.add, [[2, 2], [4, 4], [8, 8]])
  2012. >>> result.ready()
  2013. False
  2014. >>> time.sleep(1)
  2015. >>> result.ready()
  2016. True
  2017. >>> result.result
  2018. [4, 8, 16]
  2019. * Refactored the task metadata cache and database backends, and added
  2020. a new backend for Tokyo Tyrant. You can set the backend in your django
  2021. settings file. e.g::
  2022. CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "database"; # Uses the database
  2023. CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "cache"; # Uses the django cache framework
  2024. CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "tyrant"; # Uses Tokyo Tyrant
  2025. TT_HOST = "localhost"; # Hostname for the Tokyo Tyrant server.
  2026. TT_PORT = 6657; # Port of the Tokyo Tyrant server.
  2027. .. _version-0.1.11:
  2028. 0.1.11
  2029. ======
  2030. :release-date: 2009-05-12 02:08 P.M CET
  2031. * The logging system was leaking file descriptors, resulting in
  2032. servers stopping with the EMFILES (too many open files) error. (fixed)
  2033. .. _version-0.1.10:
  2034. 0.1.10
  2035. ======
  2036. :release-date: 2009-05-11 12:46 P.M CET
  2037. * Tasks now supports both positional arguments and keyword arguments.
  2038. * Requires carrot 0.3.8.
  2039. * The daemon now tries to reconnect if the connection is lost.
  2040. .. _version-0.1.8:
  2041. 0.1.8
  2042. =====
  2043. :release-date: 2009-05-07 12:27 P.M CET
  2044. * Better test coverage
  2045. * More documentation
  2046. * celeryd doesn't emit ``Queue is empty`` message if
  2047. ``settings.CELERYD_EMPTY_MSG_EMIT_EVERY`` is 0.
  2048. .. _version-0.1.7:
  2049. 0.1.7
  2050. =====
  2051. :release-date: 2009-04-30 1:50 P.M CET
  2052. * Added some unittests
  2053. * Can now use the database for task metadata (like if the task has
  2054. been executed or not). Set ``settings.CELERY_TASK_META``
  2055. * Can now run ``python test`` to run the unittests from
  2056. within the ``tests`` project.
  2057. * Can set the AMQP exchange/routing key/queue using
  2058. ``settings.CELERY_AMQP_EXCHANGE``, ``settings.CELERY_AMQP_ROUTING_KEY``,
  2059. and ``settings.CELERY_AMQP_CONSUMER_QUEUE``.
  2060. .. _version-0.1.6:
  2061. 0.1.6
  2062. =====
  2063. :release-date: 2009-04-28 2:13 P.M CET
  2064. * Introducing ``TaskSet``. A set of subtasks is executed and you can
  2065. find out how many, or if all them, are done (excellent for progress
  2066. bars and such)
  2067. * Now catches all exceptions when running ``Task.__call__``, so the
  2068. daemon doesn't die. This does't happen for pure functions yet, only
  2069. ``Task`` classes.
  2070. * ``autodiscover()`` now works with zipped eggs.
  2071. * celeryd: Now adds curernt working directory to ``sys.path`` for
  2072. convenience.
  2073. * The ``run_every`` attribute of ``PeriodicTask`` classes can now be a
  2074. ``datetime.timedelta()`` object.
  2075. * celeryd: You can now set the ``DJANGO_PROJECT_DIR`` variable
  2076. for ``celeryd`` and it will add that to ``sys.path`` for easy launching.
  2077. * Can now check if a task has been executed or not via HTTP.
  2078. * You can do this by including the celery ```` into your project,
  2079. >>> url(r'^celery/$', include("celery.urls"))
  2080. then visiting the following url,::
  2081. http://mysite/celery/$task_id/done/
  2082. this will return a JSON dictionary like e.g:
  2083. >>> {"task": {"id": $task_id, "executed": true}}
  2084. * ``delay_task`` now returns string id, not ``uuid.UUID`` instance.
  2085. * Now has ``PeriodicTasks``, to have ``cron`` like functionality.
  2086. * Project changed name from ``crunchy`` to ``celery``. The details of
  2087. the name change request is in ``docs/name_change_request.txt``.
  2088. .. _version-0.1.0:
  2089. 0.1.0
  2090. =====
  2091. :release-date: 2009-04-24 11:28 A.M CET
  2092. * Initial release