1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018 |
- .. _changelog-2.2:
- ===============================
- Change history for Celery 2.2
- ===============================
- .. contents::
- :local:
- .. _version-2.2.8:
- 2.2.8
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-11-25 16:00 P.M GMT
- :by: Ask Solem
- .. _v228-security-fixes:
- Security Fixes
- --------------
- * [Security: `CELERYSA-0001`_] Daemons would set effective id's rather than
- real id's when the :option:`--uid`/:option:`--gid` arguments to
- :program:`celery multi`, :program:`celeryd_detach`,
- :program:`celery beat` and :program:`celery events` were used.
- This means privileges weren't properly dropped, and that it would
- be possible to regain supervisor privileges later.
- .. _`CELERYSA-0001`:
- http://github.com/celery/celery/tree/master/docs/sec/CELERYSA-0001.txt
- .. _version-2.2.7:
- 2.2.7
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-06-13 16:00 P.M BST
- * New signals: :signal:`after_setup_logger` and
- :signal:`after_setup_task_logger`
- These signals can be used to augment logging configuration
- after Celery has set up logging.
- * Redis result backend now works with Redis 2.4.4.
- * multi: The :option:`--gid` option now works correctly.
- * worker: Retry wrongfully used the repr of the traceback instead
- of the string representation.
- * App.config_from_object: Now loads module, not attribute of module.
- * Fixed issue where logging of objects would give "<Unrepresentable: ...>"
- .. _version-2.2.6:
- 2.2.6
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-04-15 16:00 P.M CEST
- .. _v226-important:
- Important Notes
- ---------------
- * Now depends on Kombu 1.1.2.
- * Dependency lists now explicitly specifies that we don't want python-dateutil
- 2.x, as this version only supports py3k.
- If you have installed dateutil 2.0 by accident you should downgrade
- to the 1.5.0 version::
- pip install -U python-dateutil==1.5.0
- or by easy_install::
- easy_install -U python-dateutil==1.5.0
- .. _v226-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * The new ``WatchedFileHandler`` broke Python 2.5 support (Issue #367).
- * Task: Don't use ``app.main`` if the task name is set explicitly.
- * Sending emails did not work on Python 2.5, due to a bug in
- the version detection code (Issue #378).
- * Beat: Adds method ``ScheduleEntry._default_now``
- This method can be overridden to change the default value
- of ``last_run_at``.
- * An error occurring in process cleanup could mask task errors.
- We no longer propagate errors happening at process cleanup,
- but log them instead. This way they will not interfere with publishing
- the task result (Issue #365).
- * Defining tasks did not work properly when using the Django
- ``shell_plus`` utility (Issue #366).
- * ``AsyncResult.get`` did not accept the ``interval`` and ``propagate``
- arguments.
- * worker: Fixed a bug where the worker would not shutdown if a
- :exc:`socket.error` was raised.
- .. _version-2.2.5:
- 2.2.5
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-03-28 06:00 P.M CEST
- .. _v225-important:
- Important Notes
- ---------------
- * Now depends on Kombu 1.0.7
- .. _v225-news:
- News
- ----
- * Our documentation is now hosted by Read The Docs
- (http://docs.celeryproject.org), and all links have been changed to point to
- the new URL.
- * Logging: Now supports log rotation using external tools like `logrotate.d`_
- (Issue #321)
- This is accomplished by using the ``WatchedFileHandler``, which re-opens
- the file if it is renamed or deleted.
- .. _`logrotate.d`:
- http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/06/rotating-linux-log-files-part-2-logrotate/
- * otherqueues tutorial now documents how to configure Redis/Database result
- backends.
- * gevent: Now supports ETA tasks.
- But gevent still needs ``CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS=True`` to work.
- * TaskSet User Guide: now contains TaskSet callback recipes.
- * Eventlet: New signals:
- * ``eventlet_pool_started``
- * ``eventlet_pool_preshutdown``
- * ``eventlet_pool_postshutdown``
- * ``eventlet_pool_apply``
- See :mod:`celery.signals` for more information.
- * New :setting:`BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS` setting can be used to pass
- additional arguments to a particular broker transport.
- * worker: ``worker_pid`` is now part of the request info as returned by
- broadcast commands.
- * TaskSet.apply/Taskset.apply_async now accepts an optional ``taskset_id``
- argument.
- * The taskset_id (if any) is now available in the Task request context.
- * SQLAlchemy result backend: taskset_id and taskset_id columns now have a
- unique constraint. (Tables need to recreated for this to take affect).
- * Task Userguide: Added section about choosing a result backend.
- * Removed unused attribute ``AsyncResult.uuid``.
- .. _v225-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * multiprocessing.Pool: Fixes race condition when marking job with
- ``WorkerLostError`` (Issue #268).
- The process may have published a result before it was terminated,
- but we have no reliable way to detect that this is the case.
- So we have to wait for 10 seconds before marking the result with
- WorkerLostError. This gives the result handler a chance to retrieve the
- result.
- * multiprocessing.Pool: Shutdown could hang if rate limits disabled.
- There was a race condition when the MainThread was waiting for the pool
- semaphore to be released. The ResultHandler now terminates after 5
- seconds if there are unacked jobs, but no worker processes left to start
- them (it needs to timeout because there could still be an ack+result
- that we haven't consumed from the result queue. It
- is unlikely we will receive any after 5 seconds with no worker processes).
- * celerybeat: Now creates pidfile even if the ``--detach`` option is not set.
- * eventlet/gevent: The broadcast command consumer is now running in a separate
- greenthread.
- This ensures broadcast commands will take priority even if there are many
- active tasks.
- * Internal module ``celery.worker.controllers`` renamed to
- ``celery.worker.mediator``.
- * worker: Threads now terminates the program by calling ``os._exit``, as it
- is the only way to ensure exit in the case of syntax errors, or other
- unrecoverable errors.
- * Fixed typo in ``maybe_timedelta`` (Issue #352).
- * worker: Broadcast commands now logs with loglevel debug instead of warning.
- * AMQP Result Backend: Now resets cached channel if the connection is lost.
- * Polling results with the AMQP result backend was not working properly.
- * Rate limits: No longer sleeps if there are no tasks, but rather waits for
- the task received condition (Performance improvement).
- * ConfigurationView: ``iter(dict)`` should return keys, not items (Issue #362).
- * celerybeat: PersistentScheduler now automatically removes a corrupted
- schedule file (Issue #346).
- * Programs that doesn't support positional command-line arguments now provides
- a user friendly error message.
- * Programs no longer tries to load the configuration file when showing
- ``--version`` (Issue #347).
- * Autoscaler: The "all processes busy" log message is now severity debug
- instead of error.
- * worker: If the message body can't be decoded, it is now passed through
- ``safe_str`` when logging.
- This to ensure we don't get additional decoding errors when trying to log
- the failure.
- * ``app.config_from_object``/``app.config_from_envvar`` now works for all
- loaders.
- * Now emits a user-friendly error message if the result backend name is
- unknown (Issue #349).
- * :mod:`celery.contrib.batches`: Now sets loglevel and logfile in the task
- request so ``task.get_logger`` works with batch tasks (Issue #357).
- * worker: An exception was raised if using the amqp transport and the prefetch
- count value exceeded 65535 (Issue #359).
- The prefetch count is incremented for every received task with an
- ETA/countdown defined. The prefetch count is a short, so can only support
- a maximum value of 65535. If the value exceeds the maximum value we now
- disable the prefetch count, it is re-enabled as soon as the value is below
- the limit again.
- * cursesmon: Fixed unbound local error (Issue #303).
- * eventlet/gevent is now imported on demand so autodoc can import the modules
- without having eventlet/gevent installed.
- * worker: Ack callback now properly handles ``AttributeError``.
- * ``Task.after_return`` is now always called *after* the result has been
- written.
- * Cassandra Result Backend: Should now work with the latest ``pycassa``
- version.
- * multiprocessing.Pool: No longer cares if the putlock semaphore is released
- too many times. (this can happen if one or more worker processes are
- killed).
- * SQLAlchemy Result Backend: Now returns accidentally removed ``date_done`` again
- (Issue #325).
- * Task.request contex is now always initialized to ensure calling the task
- function directly works even if it actively uses the request context.
- * Exception occuring when iterating over the result from ``TaskSet.apply``
- fixed.
- * eventlet: Now properly schedules tasks with an ETA in the past.
- .. _version-2.2.4:
- 2.2.4
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-02-19 12:00 AM CET
- .. _v224-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * worker: 2.2.3 broke error logging, resulting in tracebacks not being logged.
- * AMQP result backend: Polling task states did not work properly if there were
- more than one result message in the queue.
- * ``TaskSet.apply_async()`` and ``TaskSet.apply()`` now supports an optional
- ``taskset_id`` keyword argument (Issue #331).
- * The current taskset id (if any) is now available in the task context as
- ``request.taskset`` (Issue #329).
- * SQLAlchemy result backend: `date_done` was no longer part of the results as it had
- been accidentally removed. It is now available again (Issue #325).
- * SQLAlchemy result backend: Added unique constraint on `Task.id` and
- `TaskSet.taskset_id`. Tables needs to be recreated for this to take effect.
- * Fixed exception raised when iterating on the result of ``TaskSet.apply()``.
- * Tasks Userguide: Added section on choosing a result backend.
- .. _version-2.2.3:
- 2.2.3
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-02-12 04:00 P.M CET
- .. _v223-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * Now depends on Kombu 1.0.3
- * Task.retry now supports a ``max_retries`` argument, used to change the
- default value.
- * `multiprocessing.cpu_count` may raise :exc:`NotImplementedError` on
- platforms where this is not supported (Issue #320).
- * Coloring of log messages broke if the logged object was not a string.
- * Fixed several typos in the init script documentation.
- * A regression caused `Task.exchange` and `Task.routing_key` to no longer
- have any effect. This is now fixed.
- * Routing Userguide: Fixes typo, routers in :setting:`CELERY_ROUTES` must be
- instances, not classes.
- * :program:`celeryev` did not create pidfile even though the
- :option:`--pidfile` argument was set.
- * Task logger format was no longer used. (Issue #317).
- The id and name of the task is now part of the log message again.
- * A safe version of ``repr()`` is now used in strategic places to ensure
- objects with a broken ``__repr__`` does not crash the worker, or otherwise
- make errors hard to understand (Issue #298).
- * Remote control command ``active_queues``: did not account for queues added
- at runtime.
- In addition the dictionary replied by this command now has a different
- structure: the exchange key is now a dictionary containing the
- exchange declaration in full.
- * The :option:`-Q` option to :program:`celery worker` removed unused queue
- declarations, so routing of tasks could fail.
- Queues are no longer removed, but rather `app.amqp.queues.consume_from()`
- is used as the list of queues to consume from.
- This ensures all queues are available for routing purposes.
- * celeryctl: Now supports the `inspect active_queues` command.
- .. _version-2.2.2:
- 2.2.2
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-02-03 04:00 P.M CET
- .. _v222-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * Celerybeat could not read the schedule properly, so entries in
- :setting:`CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE` would not be scheduled.
- * Task error log message now includes `exc_info` again.
- * The `eta` argument can now be used with `task.retry`.
- Previously it was overwritten by the countdown argument.
- * celery multi/celeryd_detach: Now logs errors occuring when executing
- the `celery worker` command.
- * daemonizing tutorial: Fixed typo ``--time-limit 300`` ->
- ``--time-limit=300``
- * Colors in logging broke non-string objects in log messages.
- * ``setup_task_logger`` no longer makes assumptions about magic task kwargs.
- .. _version-2.2.1:
- 2.2.1
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-02-02 04:00 P.M CET
- .. _v221-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * Eventlet pool was leaking memory (Issue #308).
- * Deprecated function ``celery.execute.delay_task`` was accidentally removed,
- now available again.
- * ``BasePool.on_terminate`` stub did not exist
- * celeryd_detach: Adds readable error messages if user/group name does not
- exist.
- * Smarter handling of unicode decod errors when logging errors.
- .. _version-2.2.0:
- 2.2.0
- =====
- :release-date: 2011-02-01 10:00 AM CET
- .. _v220-important:
- Important Notes
- ---------------
- * Carrot has been replaced with `Kombu`_
- Kombu is the next generation messaging library for Python,
- fixing several flaws present in Carrot that was hard to fix
- without breaking backwards compatibility.
- Also it adds:
- * First-class support for virtual transports; Redis, Django ORM,
- SQLAlchemy, Beanstalk, MongoDB, CouchDB and in-memory.
- * Consistent error handling with introspection,
- * The ability to ensure that an operation is performed by gracefully
- handling connection and channel errors,
- * Message compression (zlib, bzip2, or custom compression schemes).
- This means that `ghettoq` is no longer needed as the
- functionality it provided is already available in Celery by default.
- The virtual transports are also more feature complete with support
- for exchanges (direct and topic). The Redis transport even supports
- fanout exchanges so it is able to perform worker remote control
- commands.
- .. _`Kombu`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/kombu
- * Magic keyword arguments pending deprecation.
- The magic keyword arguments were responsibile for many problems
- and quirks: notably issues with tasks and decorators, and name
- collisions in keyword arguments for the unaware.
- It wasn't easy to find a way to deprecate the magic keyword arguments,
- but we think this is a solution that makes sense and it will not
- have any adverse effects for existing code.
- The path to a magic keyword argument free world is:
- * the `celery.decorators` module is deprecated and the decorators
- can now be found in `celery.task`.
- * The decorators in `celery.task` disables keyword arguments by
- default
- * All examples in the documentation have been changed to use
- `celery.task`.
- This means that the following will have magic keyword arguments
- enabled (old style):
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.decorators import task
- @task()
- def add(x, y, **kwargs):
- print("In task %s" % kwargs["task_id"])
- return x + y
- And this will not use magic keyword arguments (new style):
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.task import task
- @task()
- def add(x, y):
- print("In task %s" % add.request.id)
- return x + y
- In addition, tasks can choose not to accept magic keyword arguments by
- setting the `task.accept_magic_kwargs` attribute.
- .. admonition:: Deprecation
- Using the decorators in :mod:`celery.decorators` emits a
- :class:`PendingDeprecationWarning` with a helpful message urging
- you to change your code, in version 2.4 this will be replaced with
- a :class:`DeprecationWarning`, and in version 4.0 the
- :mod:`celery.decorators` module will be removed and no longer exist.
- Similarly, the `task.accept_magic_kwargs` attribute will no
- longer have any effect starting from version 4.0.
- * The magic keyword arguments are now available as `task.request`
- This is called *the context*. Using thread-local storage the
- context contains state that is related to the current request.
- It is mutable and you can add custom attributes that will only be seen
- by the current task request.
- The following context attributes are always available:
- ===================================== ===================================
- **Magic Keyword Argument** **Replace with**
- ===================================== ===================================
- `kwargs["task_id"]` `self.request.id`
- `kwargs["delivery_info"]` `self.request.delivery_info`
- `kwargs["task_retries"]` `self.request.retries`
- `kwargs["logfile"]` `self.request.logfile`
- `kwargs["loglevel"]` `self.request.loglevel`
- `kwargs["task_is_eager` `self.request.is_eager`
- **NEW** `self.request.args`
- **NEW** `self.request.kwargs`
- ===================================== ===================================
- In addition, the following methods now automatically uses the current
- context, so you don't have to pass `kwargs` manually anymore:
- * `task.retry`
- * `task.get_logger`
- * `task.update_state`
- * `Eventlet`_ support.
- This is great news for I/O-bound tasks!
- To change pool implementations you use the :option:`-P|--pool` argument
- to :program:`celery worker`, or globally using the
- :setting:`CELERYD_POOL` setting. This can be the full name of a class,
- or one of the following aliases: `processes`, `eventlet`, `gevent`.
- For more information please see the :ref:`concurrency-eventlet` section
- in the User Guide.
- .. admonition:: Why not gevent?
- For our first alternative concurrency implementation we have focused
- on `Eventlet`_, but there is also an experimental `gevent`_ pool
- available. This is missing some features, notably the ability to
- schedule ETA tasks.
- Hopefully the `gevent`_ support will be feature complete by
- version 2.3, but this depends on user demand (and contributions).
- .. _`Eventlet`: http://eventlet.net
- .. _`gevent`: http://gevent.org
- * Python 2.4 support deprecated!
- We're happy^H^H^H^H^Hsad to announce that this is the last version
- to support Python 2.4.
- You are urged to make some noise if you're currently stuck with
- Python 2.4. Complain to your package maintainers, sysadmins and bosses:
- tell them it's time to move on!
- Apart from wanting to take advantage of with-statements, coroutines,
- conditional expressions and enhanced try blocks, the code base
- now contains so many 2.4 related hacks and workarounds it's no longer
- just a compromise, but a sacrifice.
- If it really isn't your choice, and you don't have the option to upgrade
- to a newer version of Python, you can just continue to use Celery 2.2.
- Important fixes can be backported for as long as there is interest.
- * worker: Now supports Autoscaling of child worker processes.
- The :option:`--autoscale` option can be used to configure the minimum
- and maximum number of child worker processes::
- --autoscale=AUTOSCALE
- Enable autoscaling by providing
- max_concurrency,min_concurrency. Example:
- --autoscale=10,3 (always keep 3 processes, but grow to
- 10 if necessary).
- * Remote Debugging of Tasks
- ``celery.contrib.rdb`` is an extended version of :mod:`pdb` that
- enables remote debugging of processes that does not have terminal
- access.
- Example usage:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.contrib import rdb
- from celery.task import task
- @task()
- def add(x, y):
- result = x + y
- rdb.set_trace() # <- set breakpoint
- return result
- :func:`~celery.contrib.rdb.set_trace` sets a breakpoint at the current
- location and creates a socket you can telnet into to remotely debug
- your task.
- The debugger may be started by multiple processes at the same time,
- so rather than using a fixed port the debugger will search for an
- available port, starting from the base port (6900 by default).
- The base port can be changed using the environment variable
- :envvar:`CELERY_RDB_PORT`.
- By default the debugger will only be available from the local host,
- to enable access from the outside you have to set the environment
- variable :envvar:`CELERY_RDB_HOST`.
- When the worker encounters your breakpoint it will log the following
- information::
- [INFO/MainProcess] Received task:
- tasks.add[d7261c71-4962-47e5-b342-2448bedd20e8]
- [WARNING/PoolWorker-1] Remote Debugger:6900:
- Please telnet 6900. Type `exit` in session to continue.
- [2011-01-18 14:25:44,119: WARNING/PoolWorker-1] Remote Debugger:6900:
- Waiting for client...
- If you telnet the port specified you will be presented
- with a ``pdb`` shell:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ telnet localhost 6900
- Connected to localhost.
- Escape character is '^]'.
- > /opt/devel/demoapp/tasks.py(128)add()
- -> return result
- (Pdb)
- Enter ``help`` to get a list of available commands,
- It may be a good idea to read the `Python Debugger Manual`_ if
- you have never used `pdb` before.
- .. _`Python Debugger Manual`: http://docs.python.org/library/pdb.html
- * Events are now transient and is using a topic exchange (instead of direct).
- `CELERYD_EVENT_EXCHANGE_TYPE` settings are no longer in use.
- This means events will not be stored until there is a consumer, and the
- events will be gone as soon as the consumer stops. Also it means there
- can be multiple monitors running at the same time.
- The routing key of an event is the type of event (e.g. `worker.started`,
- `worker.heartbeat`, `task.succeeded`, etc. This means a consumer can
- filter on specific types, to only be alerted of the events it cares about.
- Each consumer will create a unique queue, meaning it is in effect a
- broadcast exchange.
- This opens up a lot of possibilities, for example the workers could listen
- for worker events to know what workers are in the neighborhood, and even
- restart workers when they go down (or use this information to optimize
- tasks/autoscaling).
- .. note::
- The event exchange has been renamed from "celeryevent" to "celeryev"
- so it does not collide with older versions.
- If you would like to remove the old exchange you can do so
- by executing the following command:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ camqadm exchange.delete celeryevent
- * The worker now starts without configuration, and configuration can be
- specified directly on the command-line.
- Configuration options must appear after the last argument, separated
- by two dashes:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ celery worker -l info -I tasks -- broker.host=localhost broker.vhost=/app
- * Configuration is now an alias to the original configuration, so changes
- to the original will reflect Celery at runtime.
- * `celery.conf` has been deprecated, and modifying `celery.conf.ALWAYS_EAGER`
- will no longer have any effect.
- The default configuration is now available in the
- :mod:`celery.app.defaults` module. The available configuration options
- and their types can now be introspected.
- * Remote control commands are now provided by `kombu.pidbox`, the generic
- process mailbox.
- * Internal module `celery.worker.listener` has been renamed to
- `celery.worker.consumer`, and `.CarrotListener` is now `.Consumer`.
- * Previously deprecated modules `celery.models` and
- `celery.management.commands` have now been removed as per the deprecation
- timeline.
- * [Security: Low severity] Removed `celery.task.RemoteExecuteTask` and
- accompanying functions: `dmap`, `dmap_async`, and `execute_remote`.
- Executing arbitrary code using pickle is a potential security issue if
- someone gains unrestricted access to the message broker.
- If you really need this functionality, then you would have to add
- this to your own project.
- * [Security: Low severity] The `stats` command no longer transmits the
- broker password.
- One would have needed an authenticated broker connection to receive
- this password in the first place, but sniffing the password at the
- wire level would have been possible if using unencrypted communication.
- .. _v220-news:
- News
- ----
- * The internal module `celery.task.builtins` has been removed.
- * The module `celery.task.schedules` is deprecated, and
- `celery.schedules` should be used instead.
- For example if you have::
- from celery.task.schedules import crontab
- You should replace that with::
- from celery.schedules import crontab
- The module needs to be renamed because it must be possible
- to import schedules without importing the `celery.task` module.
- * The following functions have been deprecated and is scheduled for
- removal in version 2.3:
- * `celery.execute.apply_async`
- Use `task.apply_async()` instead.
- * `celery.execute.apply`
- Use `task.apply()` instead.
- * `celery.execute.delay_task`
- Use `registry.tasks[name].delay()` instead.
- * Importing `TaskSet` from `celery.task.base` is now deprecated.
- You should use::
- >>> from celery.task import TaskSet
- instead.
- * New remote control commands:
- * `active_queues`
- Returns the queue declarations a worker is currently consuming from.
- * Added the ability to retry publishing the task message in
- the event of connection loss or failure.
- This is disabled by default but can be enabled using the
- :setting:`CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY` setting, and tweaked by
- the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY_POLICY` setting.
- In addition `retry`, and `retry_policy` keyword arguments have
- been added to `Task.apply_async`.
- .. note::
- Using the `retry` argument to `apply_async` requires you to
- handle the publisher/connection manually.
- * Periodic Task classes (`@periodic_task`/`PeriodicTask`) will *not* be
- deprecated as previously indicated in the source code.
- But you are encouraged to use the more flexible
- :setting:`CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE` setting.
- * Built-in daemonization support of the worker using `celery multi`
- is no longer experimental and is considered production quality.
- See :ref:`daemon-generic` if you want to use the new generic init
- scripts.
- * Added support for message compression using the
- :setting:`CELERY_MESSAGE_COMPRESSION` setting, or the `compression` argument
- to `apply_async`. This can also be set using routers.
- * worker: Now logs stacktrace of all threads when receiving the
- `SIGUSR1` signal. (Does not work on cPython 2.4, Windows or Jython).
- Inspired by https://gist.github.com/737056
- * Can now remotely terminate/kill the worker process currently processing
- a task.
- The `revoke` remote control command now supports a `terminate` argument
- Default signal is `TERM`, but can be specified using the `signal`
- argument. Signal can be the uppercase name of any signal defined
- in the :mod:`signal` module in the Python Standard Library.
- Terminating a task also revokes it.
- Example::
- >>> from celery.task.control import revoke
- >>> revoke(task_id, terminate=True)
- >>> revoke(task_id, terminate=True, signal="KILL")
- >>> revoke(task_id, terminate=True, signal="SIGKILL")
- * `TaskSetResult.join_native`: Backend-optimized version of `join()`.
- If available, this version uses the backends ability to retrieve
- multiple results at once, unlike `join()` which fetches the results
- one by one.
- So far only supported by the AMQP result backend. Support for memcached
- and Redis may be added later.
- * Improved implementations of `TaskSetResult.join` and `AsyncResult.wait`.
- An `interval` keyword argument have been added to both so the
- polling interval can be specified (default interval is 0.5 seconds).
- A `propagate` keyword argument have been added to `result.wait()`,
- errors will be returned instead of raised if this is set to False.
- .. warning::
- You should decrease the polling interval when using the database
- result backend, as frequent polling can result in high database load.
- * The PID of the child worker process accepting a task is now sent as a field
- with the :event:`task-started` event.
- * The following fields have been added to all events in the worker class:
- * `sw_ident`: Name of worker software (e.g. py-celery).
- * `sw_ver`: Software version (e.g. 2.2.0).
- * `sw_sys`: Operating System (e.g. Linux, Windows, Darwin).
- * For better accuracy the start time reported by the multiprocessing worker
- process is used when calculating task duration.
- Previously the time reported by the accept callback was used.
- * `celerybeat`: New built-in daemonization support using the `--detach`
- option.
- * `celeryev`: New built-in daemonization support using the `--detach`
- option.
- * `TaskSet.apply_async`: Now supports custom publishers by using the
- `publisher` argument.
- * Added :setting:`CELERY_SEND_TASK_SENT_EVENT` setting.
- If enabled an event will be sent with every task, so monitors can
- track tasks before the workers receive them.
- * `celerybeat`: Now reuses the broker connection when calling
- scheduled tasks.
- * The configuration module and loader to use can now be specified on
- the command-line.
- For example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ celery worker --config=celeryconfig.py --loader=myloader.Loader
- * Added signals: `beat_init` and `beat_embedded_init`
- * :signal:`celery.signals.beat_init`
- Dispatched when :program:`celerybeat` starts (either standalone or
- embedded). Sender is the :class:`celery.beat.Service` instance.
- * :signal:`celery.signals.beat_embedded_init`
- Dispatched in addition to the :signal:`beat_init` signal when
- :program:`celerybeat` is started as an embedded process. Sender
- is the :class:`celery.beat.Service` instance.
- * Redis result backend: Removed deprecated settings `REDIS_TIMEOUT` and
- * CentOS init script for :program:`celery worker` now available in `extra/centos`.
- * Now depends on `pyparsing` version 1.5.0 or higher.
- There have been reported issues using Celery with pyparsing 1.4.x,
- so please upgrade to the latest version.
- * Lots of new unit tests written, now with a total coverage of 95%.
- .. _v220-fixes:
- Fixes
- -----
- * `celeryev` Curses Monitor: Improved resize handling and UI layout
- (Issue #274 + Issue #276)
- * AMQP Backend: Exceptions occurring while sending task results are now
- propagated instead of silenced.
- the worker will then show the full traceback of these errors in the log.
- * AMQP Backend: No longer deletes the result queue after successful
- poll, as this should be handled by the
- :setting:`CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` setting instead.
- * AMQP Backend: Now ensures queues are declared before polling results.
- * Windows: worker: Show error if running with `-B` option.
- Running celerybeat embedded is known not to work on Windows, so
- users are encouraged to run celerybeat as a separate service instead.
- * Windows: Utilities no longer output ANSI color codes on Windows
- * camqadm: Now properly handles Ctrl+C by simply exiting instead of showing
- confusing traceback.
- * Windows: All tests are now passing on Windows.
- * Remove bin/ directory, and `scripts` section from setup.py.
- This means we now rely completely on setuptools entrypoints.
- .. _v220-experimental:
- Experimental
- ------------
- * Jython: worker now runs on Jython using the threaded pool.
- All tests pass, but there may still be bugs lurking around the corners.
- * PyPy: worker now runs on PyPy.
- It runs without any pool, so to get parallel execution you must start
- multiple instances (e.g. using :program:`multi`).
- Sadly an initial benchmark seems to show a 30% performance decrease on
- pypy-1.4.1 + JIT. We would like to find out why this is, so stay tuned.
- * :class:`PublisherPool`: Experimental pool of task publishers and
- connections to be used with the `retry` argument to `apply_async`.
- The example code below will re-use connections and channels, and
- retry sending of the task message if the connection is lost.
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery import current_app
- # Global pool
- pool = current_app().amqp.PublisherPool(limit=10)
- def my_view(request):
- with pool.acquire() as publisher:
- add.apply_async((2, 2), publisher=publisher, retry=True)