123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- set broker to "h8.opera.com"
- set workers to {"h8.opera.com", "h9.opera.com", "h10.opera.com"}
- tell application "iTerm"
- activate
- set myterm to (make new terminal)
- tell myterm
- set number of columns to 80
- set number of rows to 50
- repeat with workerhost in workers
- set worker to (make new session at the end of sessions)
- tell worker
- set name to workerhost
- set foreground color to "white"
- set background color to "black"
- set transparency to 0.1
- exec command "/bin/sh -i"
- write text "ssh root@" & workerhost & " 'tail -f /var/log/celeryd.log'"
- end tell
- end repeat
- set rabbit to (make new session at the end of sessions)
- tell rabbit
- set name to "rabbit.log"
- set foreground color to "white"
- set background color to "black"
- set transparency to 0.1
- exec command "/bin/sh -i"
- write text "ssh root@" & broker & " 'tail -f /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit.log'"
- end tell
- tell the first session
- activate
- end tell
- end tell
- end tell