123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670 |
- .. _guide-workers:
- ===============
- Workers Guide
- ===============
- .. contents::
- :local:
- :depth: 1
- .. _worker-starting:
- Starting the worker
- ===================
- .. sidebar:: Daemonizing
- You probably want to use a daemonization tool to start
- in the background. See :ref:`daemonizing` for help
- detaching the worker using popular daemonization tools.
- You can start the worker in the foreground by executing the command::
- $ celery worker --loglevel=INFO --app=app
- For a full list of available command line options see
- :mod:`~celery.bin.celeryd`, or simply do::
- $ celery worker --help
- You can also start multiple workers on the same machine. If you do so
- be sure to give a unique name to each individual worker by specifying a
- host name with the :option:`--hostname|-n` argument::
- $ celery worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=10 -n worker1.example.com
- $ celery worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=10 -n worker2.example.com
- $ celery worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=10 -n worker3.example.com
- .. _worker-stopping:
- Stopping the worker
- ===================
- Shutdown should be accomplished using the :sig:`TERM` signal.
- When shutdown is initiated the worker will finish all currently executing
- tasks before it actually terminates, so if these tasks are important you should
- wait for it to finish before doing anything drastic (like sending the :sig:`KILL`
- signal).
- If the worker won't shutdown after considerate time, for example because
- of tasks stuck in an infinite-loop, you can use the :sig:`KILL` signal to
- force terminate the worker, but be aware that currently executing tasks will
- be lost (unless the tasks have the :attr:`~@Task.acks_late`
- option set).
- Also as processes can't override the :sig:`KILL` signal, the worker will
- not be able to reap its children, so make sure to do so manually. This
- command usually does the trick::
- $ ps auxww | grep 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
- .. _worker-restarting:
- Restarting the worker
- =====================
- Other than stopping then starting the worker to restart, you can also
- restart the worker using the :sig:`HUP` signal::
- $ kill -HUP $pid
- The worker will then replace itself with a new instance using the same
- arguments as it was started with.
- .. note::
- Restarting by :sig:`HUP` only works if the worker is running
- in the background as a daemon (it does not have a controlling
- terminal).
- :sig:`HUP` is disabled on OS X because of a limitation on
- that platform.
- .. _worker-process-signals:
- Process Signals
- ===============
- The worker's main process overrides the following signals:
- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | :sig:`TERM` | Warm shutdown, wait for tasks to complete. |
- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | :sig:`QUIT` | Cold shutdown, terminate ASAP |
- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | :sig:`USR1` | Dump traceback for all active threads. |
- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | :sig:`USR2` | Remote debug, see :mod:`celery.contrib.rdb`. |
- +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- .. _worker-concurrency:
- Concurrency
- ===========
- By default multiprocessing is used to perform concurrent execution of tasks,
- but you can also use :ref:`Eventlet <concurrency-eventlet>`. The number
- of worker processes/threads can be changed using the :option:`--concurrency`
- argument and defaults to the number of CPUs available on the machine.
- .. admonition:: Number of processes (multiprocessing)
- More pool processes are usually better, but there's a cut-off point where
- adding more pool processes affects performance in negative ways.
- There is even some evidence to support that having multiple worker
- instances running, may perform better than having a single worker.
- For example 3 workers with 10 pool processes each. You need to experiment
- to find the numbers that works best for you, as this varies based on
- application, work load, task run times and other factors.
- .. _worker-persistent-revokes:
- Persistent revokes
- ==================
- Revoking tasks works by sending a broadcast message to all the workers,
- the workers then keep a list of revoked tasks in memory.
- If you want tasks to remain revoked after worker restart you need to
- specify a file for these to be stored in, either by using the `--statedb`
- argument to :mod:`~celery.bin.celeryd` or the :setting:`CELERYD_STATE_DB`
- setting. See :setting:`CELERYD_STATE_DB` for more information.
- Note that remote control commands must be working for revokes to work.
- Remote control commands are only supported by the amqp, redis and mongodb
- transports at this point.
- .. _worker-time-limits:
- Time Limits
- ===========
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- pool support: *processes*
- .. sidebar:: Soft, or hard?
- The time limit is set in two values, `soft` and `hard`.
- The soft time limit allows the task to catch an exception
- to clean up before it is killed: the hard timeout is not catchable
- and force terminates the task.
- A single task can potentially run forever, if you have lots of tasks
- waiting for some event that will never happen you will block the worker
- from processing new tasks indefinitely. The best way to defend against
- this scenario happening is enabling time limits.
- The time limit (`--time-limit`) is the maximum number of seconds a task
- may run before the process executing it is terminated and replaced by a
- new process. You can also enable a soft time limit (`--soft-time-limit`),
- this raises an exception the task can catch to clean up before the hard
- time limit kills it:
- .. code-block:: python
- from myapp import celery
- from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
- @celery.task()
- def mytask():
- try:
- do_work()
- except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
- clean_up_in_a_hurry()
- Time limits can also be set using the :setting:`CELERYD_TASK_TIME_LIMIT` /
- :setting:`CELERYD_SOFT_TASK_TIME_LIMIT` settings.
- .. note::
- Time limits do not currently work on Windows and other
- platforms that do not support the ``SIGUSR1`` signal.
- Changing time limits at runtime
- -------------------------------
- .. versionadded:: 2.3
- broker support: *amqp, redis, mongodb*
- There is a remote control command that enables you to change both soft
- and hard time limits for a task — named ``time_limit``.
- Example changing the time limit for the ``tasks.crawl_the_web`` task
- to have a soft time limit of one minute, and a hard time limit of
- two minutes::
- >>> celery.control.time_limit("tasks.crawl_the_web",
- soft=60, hard=120, reply=True)
- [{'worker1.example.com': {'ok': 'time limits set successfully'}}]
- Only tasks that starts executing after the time limit change will be affected.
- .. _worker-maxtasksperchild:
- Max tasks per child setting
- ===========================
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- pool support: *processes*
- With this option you can configure the maximum number of tasks
- a worker can execute before it's replaced by a new process.
- This is useful if you have memory leaks you have no control over
- for example from closed source C extensions.
- The option can be set using the workers `--maxtasksperchild` argument
- or using the :setting:`CELERYD_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD` setting.
- .. _worker-autoscaling:
- Autoscaling
- ===========
- .. versionadded:: 2.2
- pool support: *processes*, *gevent*
- The *autoscaler* component is used to dynamically resize the pool
- based on load:
- - The autoscaler adds more pool processes when there is work to do,
- - and starts removing processes when the workload is low.
- It's enabled by the :option:`--autoscale` option, which needs two
- numbers: the maximum and minumum number of pool processes::
- --autoscale=AUTOSCALE
- Enable autoscaling by providing
- max_concurrency,min_concurrency. Example:
- --autoscale=10,3 (always keep 3 processes, but grow to
- 10 if necessary).
- You can also define your own rules for the autoscaler by subclassing
- :class:`~celery.worker.autoscaler.Autoscaler`.
- Some ideas for metrics include load average or the amount of memory available.
- You can specify a custom autoscaler with the :setting:`CELERYD_AUTOSCALER` setting.
- .. _worker-autoreloading:
- Autoreloading
- =============
- .. versionadded:: 2.5
- pool support: *processes, eventlet, gevent, threads, solo*
- Starting :program:`celery worker` with the :option:`--autoreload` option will
- enable the worker to watch for file system changes to all imported task
- modules imported (and also any non-task modules added to the
- :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS` setting or the :option:`-I|--include` option).
- This is an experimental feature intended for use in development only,
- using auto-reload in production is discouraged as the behavior of reloading
- a module in Python is undefined, and may cause hard to diagnose bugs and
- crashes. Celery uses the same approach as the auto-reloader found in e.g.
- the Django ``runserver`` command.
- When auto-reload is enabled the worker starts an additional thread
- that watches for changes in the file system. New modules are imported,
- and already imported modules are reloaded whenever a change is detected,
- and if the processes pool is used the child processes will finish the work
- they are doing and exit, so that they can be replaced by fresh processes
- effectively reloading the code.
- File system notification backends are pluggable, and it comes with three
- implementations:
- * inotify (Linux)
- Used if the :mod:`pyinotify` library is installed.
- If you are running on Linux this is the recommended implementation,
- to install the :mod:`pyinotify` library you have to run the following
- command::
- $ pip install pyinotify
- * kqueue (OS X/BSD)
- * stat
- The fallback implementation simply polls the files using ``stat`` and is very
- expensive.
- You can force an implementation by setting the :envvar:`CELERYD_FSNOTIFY`
- environment variable::
- $ env CELERYD_FSNOTIFY=stat celery worker -l info --autoreload
- .. _worker-remote-control:
- Remote control
- ==============
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- pool support: *processes, eventlet, gevent*, blocking:*threads/solo* (see note)
- broker support: *amqp, redis, mongodb*
- Workers have the ability to be remote controlled using a high-priority
- broadcast message queue. The commands can be directed to all, or a specific
- list of workers.
- Commands can also have replies. The client can then wait for and collect
- those replies. Since there's no central authority to know how many
- workers are available in the cluster, there is also no way to estimate
- how many workers may send a reply, so the client has a configurable
- timeout — the deadline in seconds for replies to arrive in. This timeout
- defaults to one second. If the worker doesn't reply within the deadline
- it doesn't necessarily mean the worker didn't reply, or worse is dead, but
- may simply be caused by network latency or the worker being slow at processing
- commands, so adjust the timeout accordingly.
- In addition to timeouts, the client can specify the maximum number
- of replies to wait for. If a destination is specified, this limit is set
- to the number of destination hosts.
- .. seealso::
- The :program:`celery` program is used to execute remote control
- commands from the command line. It supports all of the commands
- listed below. See :ref:`monitoring-celeryctl` for more information.
- .. note::
- The solo and threads pool supports remote control commands,
- but any task executing will block any waiting control command,
- so it is of limited use if the worker is very busy. In that
- case you must increase the timeout waitin for replies in the client.
- .. _worker-broadcast-fun:
- The :meth:`~@control.broadcast` function.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- This is the client function used to send commands to the workers.
- Some remote control commands also have higher-level interfaces using
- :meth:`~@control.broadcast` in the background, like
- :meth:`~@control.rate_limit` and :meth:`~@control.ping`.
- Sending the :control:`rate_limit` command and keyword arguments::
- >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("rate_limit",
- ... arguments={"task_name": "myapp.mytask",
- ... "rate_limit": "200/m"})
- This will send the command asynchronously, without waiting for a reply.
- To request a reply you have to use the `reply` argument::
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("rate_limit", {
- ... "task_name": "myapp.mytask", "rate_limit": "200/m"}, reply=True)
- [{'worker1.example.com': 'New rate limit set successfully'},
- {'worker2.example.com': 'New rate limit set successfully'},
- {'worker3.example.com': 'New rate limit set successfully'}]
- Using the `destination` argument you can specify a list of workers
- to receive the command::
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("rate_limit", {
- ... "task_name": "myapp.mytask",
- ... "rate_limit": "200/m"}, reply=True,
- ... destination=["worker1.example.com"])
- [{'worker1.example.com': 'New rate limit set successfully'}]
- Of course, using the higher-level interface to set rate limits is much
- more convenient, but there are commands that can only be requested
- using :meth:`~@control.broadcast`.
- .. _worker-rate-limits:
- .. control:: rate_limit
- Rate limits
- -----------
- Example changing the rate limit for the `myapp.mytask` task to accept
- 200 tasks a minute on all servers::
- >>> celery.control.rate_limit("myapp.mytask", "200/m")
- Example changing the rate limit on a single host by specifying the
- destination host name::
- >>> celery.control.rate_limit("myapp.mytask", "200/m",
- ... destination=["worker1.example.com"])
- .. warning::
- This won't affect workers with the
- :setting:`CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS` setting on. To re-enable rate limits
- then you have to restart the worker.
- .. control:: revoke
- Revoking tasks
- --------------
- All worker nodes keeps a memory of revoked task ids, either in-memory or
- persistent on disk (see :ref:`worker-persistent-revokes`).
- When a worker receives a revoke request it will skip executing
- the task, but it won't terminate an already executing task unless
- the `terminate` option is set.
- If `terminate` is set the worker child process processing the task
- will be terminated. The default signal sent is `TERM`, but you can
- specify this using the `signal` argument. Signal can be the uppercase name
- of any signal defined in the :mod:`signal` module in the Python Standard
- Library.
- Terminating a task also revokes it.
- **Example**
- ::
- >>> celery.control.revoke("d9078da5-9915-40a0-bfa1-392c7bde42ed")
- >>> celery.control.revoke("d9078da5-9915-40a0-bfa1-392c7bde42ed",
- ... terminate=True)
- >>> celery.control.revoke("d9078da5-9915-40a0-bfa1-392c7bde42ed",
- ... terminate=True, signal="SIGKILL")
- .. control:: shutdown
- Remote shutdown
- ---------------
- This command will gracefully shut down the worker remotely::
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("shutdown") # shutdown all workers
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("shutdown, destination="worker1.example.com")
- .. control:: ping
- Ping
- ----
- This command requests a ping from alive workers.
- The workers reply with the string 'pong', and that's just about it.
- It will use the default one second timeout for replies unless you specify
- a custom timeout::
- >>> celery.control.ping(timeout=0.5)
- [{'worker1.example.com': 'pong'},
- {'worker2.example.com': 'pong'},
- {'worker3.example.com': 'pong'}]
- :meth:`~@control.ping` also supports the `destination` argument,
- so you can specify which workers to ping::
- >>> ping(['worker2.example.com', 'worker3.example.com'])
- [{'worker2.example.com': 'pong'},
- {'worker3.example.com': 'pong'}]
- .. _worker-enable-events:
- .. control:: enable_events
- .. control:: disable_events
- Enable/disable events
- ---------------------
- You can enable/disable events by using the `enable_events`,
- `disable_events` commands. This is useful to temporarily monitor
- a worker using :program:`celery events`/:program:`celerymon`.
- .. code-block:: python
- >>> celery.control.enable_events()
- >>> celery.control.disable_events()
- .. _worker-autoreload:
- Autoreloading
- -------------
- .. versionadded:: 2.5
- The remote control command ``pool_restart`` sends restart requests to
- the workers child processes. It is particularly useful for forcing
- the worker to import new modules, or for reloading already imported
- modules. This command does not interrupt executing tasks.
- Example
- ~~~~~~~
- Running the following command will result in the `foo` and `bar` modules
- being imported by the worker processes:
- .. code-block:: python
- >>> from celery.task.control import broadcast
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("pool_restart",
- ... arguments={"modules": ["foo", "bar"]})
- Use the ``reload`` argument to reload modules it has already imported:
- .. code-block:: python
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("pool_restart",
- ... arguments={"modules": ["foo"],
- ... "reload": True})
- If you don't specify any modules then all known tasks modules will
- be imported/reloaded:
- .. code-block:: python
- >>> celery.control.broadcast("pool_restart", arguments={"reload": True})
- The ``modules`` argument is a list of modules to modify. ``reload``
- specifies whether to reload modules if they have previously been imported.
- By default ``reload`` is disabled. The `pool_restart` command uses the
- Python :func:`reload` function to reload modules, or you can provide
- your own custom reloader by passing the ``reloader`` argument.
- .. note::
- Module reloading comes with caveats that are documented in :func:`reload`.
- Please read this documentation and make sure your modules are suitable
- for reloading.
- .. seealso::
- - http://pyunit.sourceforge.net/notes/reloading.html
- - http://www.indelible.org/ink/python-reloading/
- - http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#reload
- .. _worker-custom-control-commands:
- Writing your own remote control commands
- ----------------------------------------
- Remote control commands are registered in the control panel and
- they take a single argument: the current
- :class:`~celery.worker.control.ControlDispatch` instance.
- From there you have access to the active
- :class:`~celery.worker.consumer.Consumer` if needed.
- Here's an example control command that restarts the broker connection:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery.worker.control import Panel
- @Panel.register
- def reset_connection(panel):
- panel.logger.critical("Connection reset by remote control.")
- panel.consumer.reset_connection()
- return {"ok": "connection reset"}
- These can be added to task modules, or you can keep them in their own module
- then import them using the :setting:`CELERY_IMPORTS` setting::
- CELERY_IMPORTS = ("myapp.worker.control", )
- .. _worker-inspect:
- Inspecting workers
- ==================
- :class:`@control.inspect` lets you inspect running workers. It
- uses remote control commands under the hood.
- .. code-block:: python
- # Inspect all nodes.
- >>> i = celery.control.inspect()
- # Specify multiple nodes to inspect.
- >>> i = celery.control.inspect(["worker1.example.com",
- "worker2.example.com"])
- # Specify a single node to inspect.
- >>> i = celery.control.inspect("worker1.example.com")
- .. _worker-inspect-registered-tasks:
- Dump of registered tasks
- ------------------------
- You can get a list of tasks registered in the worker using the
- :meth:`~@control.inspect.registered`::
- >>> i.registered()
- [{'worker1.example.com': ['celery.delete_expired_task_meta',
- 'celery.execute_remote',
- 'celery.map_async',
- 'celery.ping',
- 'celery.task.http.HttpDispatchTask',
- 'tasks.add',
- 'tasks.sleeptask']}]
- .. _worker-inspect-active-tasks:
- Dump of currently executing tasks
- ---------------------------------
- You can get a list of active tasks using
- :meth:`~@control.inspect.active`::
- >>> i.active()
- [{'worker1.example.com':
- [{"name": "tasks.sleeptask",
- "id": "32666e9b-809c-41fa-8e93-5ae0c80afbbf",
- "args": "(8,)",
- "kwargs": "{}"}]}]
- .. _worker-inspect-eta-schedule:
- Dump of scheduled (ETA) tasks
- -----------------------------
- You can get a list of tasks waiting to be scheduled by using
- :meth:`~@control.inspect.scheduled`::
- >>> i.scheduled()
- [{'worker1.example.com':
- [{"eta": "2010-06-07 09:07:52", "priority": 0,
- "request": {
- "name": "tasks.sleeptask",
- "id": "1a7980ea-8b19-413e-91d2-0b74f3844c4d",
- "args": "[1]",
- "kwargs": "{}"}},
- {"eta": "2010-06-07 09:07:53", "priority": 0,
- "request": {
- "name": "tasks.sleeptask",
- "id": "49661b9a-aa22-4120-94b7-9ee8031d219d",
- "args": "[2]",
- "kwargs": "{}"}}]}]
- Note that these are tasks with an eta/countdown argument, not periodic tasks.
- .. _worker-inspect-reserved:
- Dump of reserved tasks
- ----------------------
- Reserved tasks are tasks that has been received, but is still waiting to be
- executed.
- You can get a list of these using
- :meth:`~@control.inspect.reserved`::
- >>> i.reserved()
- [{'worker1.example.com':
- [{"name": "tasks.sleeptask",
- "id": "32666e9b-809c-41fa-8e93-5ae0c80afbbf",
- "args": "(8,)",
- "kwargs": "{}"}]}]