123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- celery.result
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Task results/state and groups of results.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import time
- from collections import deque
- from copy import copy
- from itertools import imap
- from kombu.utils import cached_property
- from kombu.utils.compat import OrderedDict
- from . import current_app
- from . import states
- from .app import app_or_default
- from .datastructures import DependencyGraph
- from .exceptions import IncompleteStream, TimeoutError
- def from_serializable(r):
- # earlier backends may just pickle, so check if
- # result is already prepared.
- if not isinstance(r, ResultBase):
- id, nodes = r
- if nodes:
- return GroupResult(id, [AsyncResult(id) for id, _ in nodes])
- return AsyncResult(id)
- return r
- class ResultBase(object):
- """Base class for all results"""
- class AsyncResult(ResultBase):
- """Query task state.
- :param id: see :attr:`id`.
- :keyword backend: see :attr:`backend`.
- """
- app = None
- #: Error raised for timeouts.
- TimeoutError = TimeoutError
- #: The task's UUID.
- id = None
- #: The task result backend to use.
- backend = None
- #: Parent result (if part of a chain)
- parent = None
- def __init__(self, id, backend=None, task_name=None,
- app=None, parent=None):
- self.app = app_or_default(app or self.app)
- self.id = id
- self.backend = backend or self.app.backend
- self.task_name = task_name
- self.parent = parent
- def serializable(self):
- return self.id, None
- def forget(self):
- """Forget about (and possibly remove the result of) this task."""
- self.backend.forget(self.id)
- def revoke(self, connection=None, terminate=False, signal=None):
- """Send revoke signal to all workers.
- Any worker receiving the task, or having reserved the
- task, *must* ignore it.
- :keyword terminate: Also terminate the process currently working
- on the task (if any).
- :keyword signal: Name of signal to send to process if terminate.
- Default is TERM.
- """
- self.app.control.revoke(self.id, connection=connection,
- terminate=terminate, signal=signal)
- def get(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, interval=0.5):
- """Wait until task is ready, and return its result.
- .. warning::
- Waiting for tasks within a task may lead to deadlocks.
- Please read :ref:`task-synchronous-subtasks`.
- :keyword timeout: How long to wait, in seconds, before the
- operation times out.
- :keyword propagate: Re-raise exception if the task failed.
- :keyword interval: Time to wait (in seconds) before retrying to
- retrieve the result. Note that this does not have any effect
- when using the amqp result store backend, as it does not
- use polling.
- :raises celery.exceptions.TimeoutError: if `timeout` is not
- :const:`None` and the result does not arrive within `timeout`
- seconds.
- If the remote call raised an exception then that exception will
- be re-raised.
- """
- return self.backend.wait_for(self.id, timeout=timeout,
- propagate=propagate,
- interval=interval)
- wait = get # deprecated alias to :meth:`get`.
- def collect(self, intermediate=False, **kwargs):
- """Iterator, like :meth:`get` will wait for the task to complete,
- but will also follow :class:`AsyncResult` and :class:`ResultSet`
- returned by the task, yielding for each result in the tree.
- An example would be having the following tasks:
- .. code-block:: python
- @task()
- def A(how_many):
- return group(B.s(i) for i in xrange(how_many))
- @task()
- def B(i):
- return pow2.delay(i)
- @task()
- def pow2(i):
- return i ** 2
- Calling :meth:`collect` would return:
- .. code-block:: python
- >>> result = A.delay(10)
- >>> list(result.collect())
- [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
- """
- for _, R in self.iterdeps(intermediate=intermediate):
- yield R, R.get(**kwargs)
- def get_leaf(self):
- value = None
- for _, R in self.iterdeps():
- value = R.get()
- return value
- def iterdeps(self, intermediate=False):
- stack = deque([(None, self)])
- while stack:
- parent, node = stack.popleft()
- yield parent, node
- if node.ready():
- stack.extend((node, child) for child in node.children or [])
- else:
- if not intermediate:
- raise IncompleteStream()
- def ready(self):
- """Returns :const:`True` if the task has been executed.
- If the task is still running, pending, or is waiting
- for retry then :const:`False` is returned.
- """
- return self.state in self.backend.READY_STATES
- def successful(self):
- """Returns :const:`True` if the task executed successfully."""
- return self.state == states.SUCCESS
- def failed(self):
- """Returns :const:`True` if the task failed."""
- return self.state == states.FAILURE
- def build_graph(self, intermediate=False):
- graph = DependencyGraph()
- for parent, node in self.iterdeps(intermediate=intermediate):
- if parent:
- graph.add_arc(parent)
- graph.add_edge(parent, node)
- return graph
- def __str__(self):
- """`str(self) -> self.id`"""
- return self.id
- def __hash__(self):
- """`hash(self) -> hash(self.id)`"""
- return hash(self.id)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<{0}: {1}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.id)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, AsyncResult):
- return other.id == self.id
- elif isinstance(other, basestring):
- return other == self.id
- return NotImplemented
- def __copy__(self):
- r = self.__reduce__()
- return r[0](*r[1])
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, self.__reduce_args__()
- def __reduce_args__(self):
- return self.id, self.backend, self.task_name, self.parent
- @cached_property
- def graph(self):
- return self.build_graph()
- @property
- def supports_native_join(self):
- return self.backend.supports_native_join
- @property
- def children(self):
- children = self.backend.get_children(self.id)
- if children:
- return [from_serializable(child) for child in children]
- @property
- def result(self):
- """When the task has been executed, this contains the return value.
- If the task raised an exception, this will be the exception
- instance."""
- return self.backend.get_result(self.id)
- info = result
- @property
- def traceback(self):
- """Get the traceback of a failed task."""
- return self.backend.get_traceback(self.id)
- @property
- def state(self):
- """The tasks current state.
- Possible values includes:
- The task is waiting for execution.
- The task has been started.
- The task is to be retried, possibly because of failure.
- The task raised an exception, or has exceeded the retry limit.
- The :attr:`result` attribute then contains the
- exception raised by the task.
- The task executed successfully. The :attr:`result` attribute
- then contains the tasks return value.
- """
- return self.backend.get_status(self.id)
- status = state
- @property
- def task_id(self):
- """compat alias to :attr:`id`"""
- return self.id
- @task_id.setter # noqa
- def task_id(self, id):
- self.id = id
- BaseAsyncResult = AsyncResult # for backwards compatibility.
- class ResultSet(ResultBase):
- """Working with more than one result.
- :param results: List of result instances.
- """
- app = None
- #: List of results in in the set.
- results = None
- def __init__(self, results, app=None, **kwargs):
- self.app = app_or_default(app or self.app)
- self.results = results
- def add(self, result):
- """Add :class:`AsyncResult` as a new member of the set.
- Does nothing if the result is already a member.
- """
- if result not in self.results:
- self.results.append(result)
- def remove(self, result):
- """Removes result from the set; it must be a member.
- :raises KeyError: if the result is not a member.
- """
- if isinstance(result, basestring):
- result = AsyncResult(result)
- try:
- self.results.remove(result)
- except ValueError:
- raise KeyError(result)
- def discard(self, result):
- """Remove result from the set if it is a member.
- If it is not a member, do nothing.
- """
- try:
- self.remove(result)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def update(self, results):
- """Update set with the union of itself and an iterable with
- results."""
- self.results.extend(r for r in results if r not in self.results)
- def clear(self):
- """Remove all results from this set."""
- self.results[:] = [] # don't create new list.
- def successful(self):
- """Was all of the tasks successful?
- :returns: :const:`True` if all of the tasks finished
- successfully (i.e. did not raise an exception).
- """
- return all(result.successful() for result in self.results)
- def failed(self):
- """Did any of the tasks fail?
- :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks failed.
- (i.e., raised an exception)
- """
- return any(result.failed() for result in self.results)
- def waiting(self):
- """Are any of the tasks incomplete?
- :returns: :const:`True` if any of the tasks is still
- waiting for execution.
- """
- return any(not result.ready() for result in self.results)
- def ready(self):
- """Did all of the tasks complete? (either by success of failure).
- :returns: :const:`True` if all of the tasks been
- executed.
- """
- return all(result.ready() for result in self.results)
- def completed_count(self):
- """Task completion count.
- :returns: the number of tasks completed.
- """
- return sum(imap(int, (result.successful() for result in self.results)))
- def forget(self):
- """Forget about (and possible remove the result of) all the tasks."""
- for result in self.results:
- result.forget()
- def revoke(self, connection=None):
- """Revoke all tasks in the set."""
- with self.app.connection_or_acquire(connection) as conn:
- for result in self.results:
- result.revoke(connection=conn)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.iterate()
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- """`res[i] -> res.results[i]`"""
- return self.results[index]
- def iterate(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, interval=0.5):
- """Iterate over the return values of the tasks as they finish
- one by one.
- :raises: The exception if any of the tasks raised an exception.
- """
- elapsed = 0.0
- results = OrderedDict((result.id, copy(result))
- for result in self.results)
- while results:
- removed = set()
- for task_id, result in results.iteritems():
- if result.ready():
- yield result.get(timeout=timeout and timeout - elapsed,
- propagate=propagate)
- removed.add(task_id)
- else:
- if result.backend.subpolling_interval:
- time.sleep(result.backend.subpolling_interval)
- for task_id in removed:
- results.pop(task_id, None)
- time.sleep(interval)
- elapsed += interval
- if timeout and elapsed >= timeout:
- raise TimeoutError('The operation timed out')
- def get(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, interval=0.5):
- """See :meth:`join`
- This is here for API compatibility with :class:`AsyncResult`,
- in addition it uses :meth:`join_native` if available for the
- current result backend.
- """
- return (self.join_native if self.supports_native_join else self.join)(
- timeout=timeout, propagate=propagate, interval=interval)
- def join(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, interval=0.5):
- """Gathers the results of all tasks as a list in order.
- .. note::
- This can be an expensive operation for result store
- backends that must resort to polling (e.g. database).
- You should consider using :meth:`join_native` if your backend
- supports it.
- .. warning::
- Waiting for tasks within a task may lead to deadlocks.
- Please see :ref:`task-synchronous-subtasks`.
- :keyword timeout: The number of seconds to wait for results before
- the operation times out.
- :keyword propagate: If any of the tasks raises an exception, the
- exception will be re-raised.
- :keyword interval: Time to wait (in seconds) before retrying to
- retrieve a result from the set. Note that this
- does not have any effect when using the amqp
- result store backend, as it does not use polling.
- :raises celery.exceptions.TimeoutError: if `timeout` is not
- :const:`None` and the operation takes longer than `timeout`
- seconds.
- """
- time_start = time.time()
- remaining = None
- results = []
- for result in self.results:
- remaining = None
- if timeout:
- remaining = timeout - (time.time() - time_start)
- if remaining <= 0.0:
- raise TimeoutError('join operation timed out')
- results.append(result.get(timeout=remaining,
- propagate=propagate,
- interval=interval))
- return results
- def iter_native(self, timeout=None, interval=None):
- """Backend optimized version of :meth:`iterate`.
- .. versionadded:: 2.2
- Note that this does not support collecting the results
- for different task types using different backends.
- This is currently only supported by the amqp, Redis and cache
- result backends.
- """
- backend = self.results[0].backend
- ids = [result.id for result in self.results]
- return backend.get_many(ids, timeout=timeout, interval=interval)
- def join_native(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, interval=0.5):
- """Backend optimized version of :meth:`join`.
- .. versionadded:: 2.2
- Note that this does not support collecting the results
- for different task types using different backends.
- This is currently only supported by the amqp, Redis and cache
- result backends.
- """
- results = self.results
- acc = [None for _ in xrange(len(self))]
- for task_id, meta in self.iter_native(timeout=timeout,
- interval=interval):
- acc[results.index(task_id)] = meta['result']
- return acc
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.results)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, ResultSet):
- return other.results == self.results
- return NotImplemented
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<{0}: [{1}]>'.format(type(self).__name__,
- ', '.join(r.id for r in self.results))
- @property
- def subtasks(self):
- """Deprecated alias to :attr:`results`."""
- return self.results
- @property
- def supports_native_join(self):
- return self.results[0].supports_native_join
- class GroupResult(ResultSet):
- """Like :class:`ResultSet`, but with an associated id.
- This type is returned by :class:`~celery.group`, and the
- deprecated TaskSet, meth:`~celery.task.TaskSet.apply_async` method.
- It enables inspection of the tasks state and return values as
- a single entity.
- :param id: The id of the group.
- :param results: List of result instances.
- """
- #: The UUID of the group.
- id = None
- #: List/iterator of results in the group
- results = None
- def __init__(self, id=None, results=None, **kwargs):
- self.id = id
- ResultSet.__init__(self, results, **kwargs)
- def save(self, backend=None):
- """Save group-result for later retrieval using :meth:`restore`.
- Example::
- >>> result.save()
- >>> result = GroupResult.restore(group_id)
- """
- return (backend or self.app.backend).save_group(self.id, self)
- def delete(self, backend=None):
- """Remove this result if it was previously saved."""
- (backend or self.app.backend).delete_group(self.id)
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, self.__reduce_args__()
- def __reduce_args__(self):
- return self.id, self.results
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, GroupResult):
- return other.id == self.id and other.results == self.results
- return NotImplemented
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<{0}: {1} [{2}]>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.id,
- ', '.join(r.id for r in self.results))
- def serializable(self):
- return self.id, [r.serializable() for r in self.results]
- @property
- def children(self):
- return self.results
- @classmethod
- def restore(self, id, backend=None):
- """Restore previously saved group result."""
- return (backend or current_app.backend).restore_group(id)
- class TaskSetResult(GroupResult):
- """Deprecated version of :class:`GroupResult`"""
- def __init__(self, taskset_id, results=None, **kwargs):
- # XXX supports the taskset_id kwarg.
- # XXX previously the "results" arg was named "subtasks".
- if 'subtasks' in kwargs:
- results = kwargs['subtasks']
- GroupResult.__init__(self, taskset_id, results, **kwargs)
- def itersubtasks(self):
- """Deprecated. Use ``iter(self.results)`` instead."""
- return iter(self.results)
- @property
- def total(self):
- """Deprecated: Use ``len(r)``."""
- return len(self)
- @property
- def taskset_id(self):
- """compat alias to :attr:`self.id`"""
- return self.id
- @taskset_id.setter # noqa
- def taskset_id(self, id):
- self.id = id
- class EagerResult(AsyncResult):
- """Result that we know has already been executed."""
- task_name = None
- def __init__(self, id, ret_value, state, traceback=None):
- self.id = id
- self._result = ret_value
- self._state = state
- self._traceback = traceback
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, self.__reduce_args__()
- def __reduce_args__(self):
- return (self.id, self._result, self._state, self._traceback)
- def __copy__(self):
- cls, args = self.__reduce__()
- return cls(*args)
- def ready(self):
- return True
- def get(self, timeout=None, propagate=True, **kwargs):
- if self.successful():
- return self.result
- elif self.state in states.PROPAGATE_STATES:
- if propagate:
- raise self.result
- return self.result
- wait = get
- def forget(self):
- pass
- def revoke(self):
- self._state = states.REVOKED
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<EagerResult: {0.id}>'.format(self)
- @property
- def result(self):
- """The tasks return value"""
- return self._result
- @property
- def state(self):
- """The tasks state."""
- return self._state
- status = state
- @property
- def traceback(self):
- """The traceback if the task failed."""
- return self._traceback
- @property
- def supports_native_join(self):
- return False