celeryconfig.py 498 B

  1. import os
  2. import sys
  3. sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
  4. DATABASE_ENGINE = "sqlite3"
  5. DATABASE_NAME = "celery.db"
  6. # or for Redis use ghettoq.taproot.Redis
  7. CARROT_BACKEND = "ghettoq.taproot.Database"
  8. # not needed for database.
  9. # BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
  10. # BROKER_USER = "guest"
  11. # BROKER_PASSWORD = "guest"
  12. # BROKER_VHOST = "/"
  13. # Need to add ghettoq when using the database backend, so
  14. # the database tables are created at syncdb.
  15. INSTALLED_APPS = ("celery", "ghettoq")
  16. CELERY_IMPORTS = ("tasks", )