periodic-tasks.rst 7.5 KB

  1. .. _guide-beat:
  2. ================
  3. Periodic Tasks
  4. ================
  5. .. contents::
  6. :local:
  7. Introduction
  8. ============
  9. :program:`celerybeat` is a scheduler. It kicks off tasks at regular intervals,
  10. which are then executed by the worker nodes available in the cluster.
  11. By default the entries are taken from the :setting:`CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE` setting,
  12. but custom stores can also be used, like storing the entries
  13. in an SQL database.
  14. You have to ensure only a single scheduler is running for a schedule
  15. at a time, otherwise you would end up with duplicate tasks. Using
  16. a centralized approach means the schedule does not have to be synchronized,
  17. and the service can operate without using locks.
  18. .. _beat-entries:
  19. Entries
  20. =======
  21. To schedule a task periodically you have to add an entry to the
  22. :setting:`CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE` setting.
  23. Example: Run the `tasks.add` task every 30 seconds.
  24. .. code-block:: python
  25. from datetime import timedelta
  27. "runs-every-30-seconds": {
  28. "task": "tasks.add",
  29. "schedule": timedelta(seconds=30),
  30. "args": (16, 16)
  31. },
  32. }
  33. Using a :class:`~datetime.timedelta` for the schedule means the task will
  34. be executed 30 seconds after `celerybeat` starts, and then every 30 seconds
  35. after the last run. A crontab like schedule also exists, see the section
  36. on `Crontab schedules`_.
  37. .. _beat-entry-fields:
  38. Available Fields
  39. ----------------
  40. * `task`
  41. The name of the task to execute.
  42. * `schedule`
  43. The frequency of execution.
  44. This can be the number of seconds as an integer, a
  45. :class:`~datetime.timedelta`, or a :class:`~celery.schedules.crontab`.
  46. You can also define your own custom schedule types, by extending the
  47. interface of :class:`~celery.schedules.schedule`.
  48. * `args`
  49. Positional arguments (:class:`list` or :class:`tuple`).
  50. * `kwargs`
  51. Keyword arguments (:class:`dict`).
  52. * `options`
  53. Execution options (:class:`dict`).
  54. This can be any argument supported by :meth:`~celery.execute.apply_async`,
  55. e.g. `exchange`, `routing_key`, `expires`, and so on.
  56. * `relative`
  57. By default :class:`~datetime.timedelta` schedules are scheduled
  58. "by the clock". This means the frequency is rounded to the nearest
  59. second, minute, hour or day depending on the period of the timedelta.
  60. If `relative` is true the frequency is not rounded and will be
  61. relative to the time when :program:`celerybeat` was started.
  62. .. _beat-crontab:
  63. Crontab schedules
  64. =================
  65. If you want more control over when the task is executed, for
  66. example, a particular time of day or day of the week, you can use
  67. the `crontab` schedule type:
  68. .. code-block:: python
  69. from celery.schedules import crontab
  71. # Executes every Monday morning at 7:30 A.M
  72. "every-monday-morning": {
  73. "task": "tasks.add",
  74. "schedule": crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week=1),
  75. "args": (16, 16),
  76. },
  77. }
  78. The syntax of these crontab expressions are very flexible. Some examples:
  79. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  80. | **Example** | **Meaning** |
  81. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  82. | crontab() | Execute every minute. |
  83. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  84. | crontab(minute=0, hour=0) | Execute daily at midnight. |
  85. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  86. | crontab(minute=0, | Execute every three hours---at midnight, |
  87. | | 3am, 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm. |
  88. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  89. | crontab(minute=0, | Same as previous. |
  90. | hour=[0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]) | |
  91. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  92. | crontab(minute="\*/15") | Execute every 15 minutes. |
  93. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  94. | crontab(day_of_week="sunday") | Execute every minute (!) at Sundays. |
  95. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  96. | crontab(minute="*", | Same as previous. |
  97. | hour="*", | |
  98. | day_of_week="sun") | |
  99. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  100. | crontab(minute="\*/10", | Execute every ten minutes, but only |
  101. | hour="3,17,22", | between 3-4 am, 5-6 pm and 10-11 pm on |
  102. | day_of_week="thu,fri") | Thursdays or Fridays. |
  103. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  104. | crontab(minute=0, hour="\*/2,\*/3") | Execute every even hour, and every hour |
  105. | | divisible by three. This means: |
  106. | | at every hour *except*: 1am, |
  107. | | 5am, 7am, 11am, 1pm, 5pm, 7pm, |
  108. | | 11pm |
  109. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  110. | crontab(minute=0, hour="\*/5") | Execute hour divisible by 5. This means |
  111. | | that it is triggered at 3pm, not 5pm |
  112. | | (since 3pm equals the 24-hour clock |
  113. | | value of "15", which is divisible by 5). |
  114. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  115. | crontab(minute=0, hour="\*/3,8-17") | Execute every hour divisible by 3, and |
  116. | | every hour during office hours (8am-5pm). |
  117. +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
  118. .. _beat-starting:
  119. Starting celerybeat
  120. ===================
  121. To start the :program:`celerybeat` service::
  122. $ celerybeat
  123. You can also start `celerybeat` with `celeryd` by using the `-B` option,
  124. this is convenient if you only intend to use one worker node::
  125. $ celeryd -B
  126. Celerybeat needs to store the last run times of the tasks in a local database
  127. file (named `celerybeat-schedule` by default), so it needs access to
  128. write in the current directory, or alternatively you can specify a custom
  129. location for this file::
  130. $ celerybeat -s /home/celery/var/run/celerybeat-schedule
  131. .. note::
  132. To daemonize celerybeat see :ref:`daemonizing`.
  133. .. _beat-custom-schedulers:
  134. Using custom scheduler classes
  135. ------------------------------
  136. Custom scheduler classes can be specified on the command line (the `-S`
  137. argument). The default scheduler is :class:`celery.beat.PersistentScheduler`,
  138. which is simply keeping track of the last run times in a local database file
  139. (a :mod:`shelve`).
  140. `django-celery` also ships with a scheduler that stores the schedule in the
  141. Django database::
  142. $ celerybeat -S djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler
  143. Using `django-celery`'s scheduler you can add, modify and remove periodic
  144. tasks from the Django Admin.