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Ask Solem 2887be0daf Disable execv by default 12 yıl önce
celery 2887be0daf Disable execv by default 12 yıl önce
docs e8515ed7c5 Defines what happens when a chord task fails. Closes #1172 12 yıl önce
examples 613ccff592 Fix typo in examples/eventlet and formatting. 12 yıl önce
extra 2d6125e1f3 Typo in /etc/init.d/celery usage help 12 yıl önce
funtests 5338f86341 Tests passing 12 yıl önce
requirements ba8f0a1c8f Now depends on Kombu 2.5.4 12 yıl önce
.gitignore 9ffda83ab1 Ignoring eclipse / pydev settings files. 13 yıl önce
.travis.yml eba56471d5 Tests Py2.5 on Travis 12 yıl önce
CONTRIBUTORS.txt 167523c2e2 Add myself to contributors 12 yıl önce
Changelog a2d088865e Updates Changelog 12 yıl önce
LICENSE 566c4da7b4 Use ' instead of " 12 yıl önce
MANIFEST.in c16c0fed24 Module celery.state renamed -> celery._state 12 yıl önce
README.rst 0538ba201a Bumps version to 3.0.13 12 yıl önce
TODO 7e94295c72 Fix wrong url in TODO 12 yıl önce
pavement.py 6c004c93e2 Fixes flakes E126,E127,E128 12 yıl önce
setup.cfg ba8f0a1c8f Now depends on Kombu 2.5.4 12 yıl önce
setup.py 9761c0ab7e setup.py broke Py3 support 12 yıl önce
tox.ini a20ff8a98e Fixes more eventlet/gevent/threads early patch problems, and also moves importlib+ordereddict (<Py2.7) and simplejson (Py<2.6) dependencies to Kombu 12 yıl önce


celery - Distributed Task Queue

.. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/celery/celery/celery_128.png

:Version: 3.0.13 (Chiastic Slide)
:Web: http://celeryproject.org/
:Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery/
:Source: http://github.com/celery/celery/
:Keywords: task queue, job queue, asynchronous, rabbitmq, amqp, redis,
python, webhooks, queue, distributed


What is a Task Queue?

Task queues are used as a mechanism to distribute work across threads or

A task queue's input is a unit of work, called a task, dedicated worker
processes then constantly monitor the queue for new work to perform.

Celery communicates via messages using a broker
to mediate between clients and workers. To initiate a task a client puts a
message on the queue, the broker then delivers the message to a worker.

A Celery system can consist of multiple workers and brokers, giving way
to high availability and horizontal scaling.

Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any
language. So far there's RCelery_ for the Ruby programming language, and a
`PHP client`, but language interoperability can also be achieved
by using webhooks.

.. _RCelery: http://leapfrogdevelopment.github.com/rcelery/
.. _`PHP client`: https://github.com/gjedeer/celery-php
.. _`using webhooks`:

What do I need?

Celery version 3.0 runs on,

- Python (2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3)
- PyPy (1.8, 1.9)
- Jython (2.5, 2.7).

This is the last version to support Python 2.5,
and from Celery 3.1, Python 2.6 or later is required.
The last version to support Python 2.4 was Celery series 2.2.

*Celery* requires a message broker to send and receive messages.
The RabbitMQ, Redis and MongoDB broker transports are feature complete,
but there's also support for a myriad of other solutions, including
using SQLite for local development.

*Celery* can run on a single machine, on multiple machines, or even
across datacenters.

Get Started

If this is the first time you're trying to use Celery, or you are
new to Celery 3.0 coming from previous versions then you should read our
getting started tutorials:

- `First steps with Celery`_

Tutorial teaching you the bare minimum needed to get started with Celery.

- `Next steps`_

A more complete overview, showing more features.

.. _`First steps with Celery`:

.. _`Next steps`:

Celery is...

- **Simple**

Celery is easy to use and maintain, and does *not need configuration files*.

It has an active, friendly community you can talk to for support,
including a `mailing-list`_ and and an IRC channel.

Here's one of the simplest applications you can make::

from celery import Celery

celery = Celery('hello', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')

def hello():
return 'hello world'

- **Highly Available**

Workers and clients will automatically retry in the event
of connection loss or failure, and some brokers support
HA in way of *Master/Master* or *Master/Slave* replication.

- **Fast**

A single Celery process can process millions of tasks a minute,
with sub-millisecond round-trip latency (using RabbitMQ,
py-librabbitmq, and optimized settings).

- **Flexible**

Almost every part of *Celery* can be extended or used on its own,
Custom pool implementations, serializers, compression schemes, logging,
schedulers, consumers, producers, autoscalers, broker transports and much more.

It supports...

- **Brokers**

- RabbitMQ_, Redis_,
- MongoDB_, Beanstalk_,
- CouchDB_, SQLAlchemy_,
- Django ORM, Amazon SQS,
- and more...

- **Concurrency**

- multiprocessing, Eventlet_, gevent_, threads/single threaded

- **Result Stores**

- AMQP, Redis
- memcached, MongoDB
- SQLAlchemy, Django ORM
- Apache Cassandra

- **Serialization**

- *pickle*, *json*, *yaml*, *msgpack*.
- *zlib*, *bzip2* compression.
- Cryptographic message signing.

.. _`Eventlet`: http://eventlet.net/
.. _`gevent`: http://gevent.org/

.. _RabbitMQ: http://rabbitmq.com
.. _Redis: http://redis.io
.. _MongoDB: http://mongodb.org
.. _Beanstalk: http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd
.. _CouchDB: http://couchdb.apache.org
.. _SQLAlchemy: http://sqlalchemy.org

Framework Integration

Celery is easy to integrate with web frameworks, some of which even have
integration packages:

| `Django`_ | `django-celery`_ |
| `Pyramid`_ | `pyramid_celery`_ |
| `Pylons`_ | `celery-pylons`_ |
| `Flask`_ | not needed |
| `web2py`_ | `web2py-celery`_ |
| `Tornado`_ | `tornado-celery`_ |

The integration packages are not strictly necessary, but they can make
development easier, and sometimes they add important hooks like closing
database connections at ``fork``.

.. _`Django`: http://djangoproject.com/
.. _`Pylons`: http://pylonshq.com/
.. _`Flask`: http://flask.pocoo.org/
.. _`web2py`: http://web2py.com/
.. _`Bottle`: http://bottlepy.org/
.. _`Pyramid`: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest/docs/pyramid.html
.. _`pyramid_celery`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyramid_celery/
.. _`django-celery`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-celery
.. _`celery-pylons`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery-pylons
.. _`web2py-celery`: http://code.google.com/p/web2py-celery/
.. _`Tornado`: http://www.tornadoweb.org/
.. _`tornado-celery`: http://github.com/mher/tornado-celery/

.. _celery-documentation:


The `latest documentation`_ with user guides, tutorials and API reference
is hosted at Read The Docs.

.. _`latest documentation`: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/

.. _celery-installation:


You can install Celery either via the Python Package Index (PyPI)
or from source.

To install using `pip`,::

$ pip install -U Celery

To install using `easy_install`,::

$ easy_install -U Celery

.. _bundles:


Celery also defines a group of bundles that can be used
to install Celery and the dependencies for a given feature.

The following bundles are available:

for using Redis as a broker.

for using MongoDB as a broker.

for Django, and using Redis as a broker.

for Django, and using MongoDB as a broker.

.. _`celery-with-redis`:
.. _`celery-with-mongodb`:
.. _`django-celery-with-redis`:
.. _`django-celery-with-mongodb`:

.. _celery-installing-from-source:

Downloading and installing from source

Download the latest version of Celery from

You can install it by doing the following,::

$ tar xvfz celery-0.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd celery-0.0.0
$ python setup.py build
# python setup.py install

The last command must be executed as a privileged user if
you are not currently using a virtualenv.

.. _celery-installing-from-git:

Using the development version

You can clone the repository by doing the following::

$ git clone https://github.com/celery/celery
$ cd celery
$ python setup.py develop

The development version will usually also depend on the development
version of `kombu`_, the messaging framework Celery uses
to send and receive messages, so you should also install that from git::

$ git clone https://github.com/celery/kombu
$ cd kombu
$ python setup.py develop

.. _`kombu`: http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

.. _getting-help:

Getting Help

.. _mailing-list:

Mailing list

For discussions about the usage, development, and future of celery,
please join the `celery-users`_ mailing list.

.. _`celery-users`: http://groups.google.com/group/celery-users/

.. _irc-channel:


Come chat with us on IRC. The **#celery** channel is located at the `Freenode`_

.. _`Freenode`: http://freenode.net

.. _bug-tracker:

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them
to our issue tracker at http://github.com/celery/celery/issues/

.. _wiki:



.. _contributing-short:


Development of `celery` happens at Github: http://github.com/celery/celery

You are highly encouraged to participate in the development
of `celery`. If you don't like Github (for some reason) you're welcome
to send regular patches.

Be sure to also read the `Contributing to Celery`_ section in the

.. _`Contributing to Celery`:

.. _license:


This software is licensed under the `New BSD License`. See the ``LICENSE``
file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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