123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650 |
- """
- celery.worker.consumer
- ======================
- This module contains the component responsible for consuming messages
- from the broker, processing the messages and keeping the broker connections
- up and running.
- * :meth:`~Consumer.start` is an infinite loop, which only iterates
- again if the connection is lost. For each iteration (at start, or if the
- connection is lost) it calls :meth:`~Consumer.reset_connection`,
- and starts the consumer by calling :meth:`~Consumer.consume_messages`.
- * :meth:`~Consumer.reset_connection`, clears the internal queues,
- establishes a new connection to the broker, sets up the task
- consumer (+ QoS), and the broadcast remote control command consumer.
- Also if events are enabled it configures the event dispatcher and starts
- up the heartbeat thread.
- * Finally it can consume messages. :meth:`~Consumer.consume_messages`
- is simply an infinite loop waiting for events on the AMQP channels.
- Both the task consumer and the broadcast consumer uses the same
- callback: :meth:`~Consumer.receive_message`.
- * So for each message received the :meth:`~Consumer.receive_message`
- method is called, this checks the payload of the message for either
- a `task` key or a `control` key.
- If the message is a task, it verifies the validity of the message
- converts it to a :class:`celery.worker.job.TaskRequest`, and sends
- it to :meth:`~Consumer.on_task`.
- If the message is a control command the message is passed to
- :meth:`~Consumer.on_control`, which in turn dispatches
- the control command using the control dispatcher.
- It also tries to handle malformed or invalid messages properly,
- so the worker doesn't choke on them and die. Any invalid messages
- are acknowledged immediately and logged, so the message is not resent
- again, and again.
- * If the task has an ETA/countdown, the task is moved to the `eta_schedule`
- so the :class:`timer2.Timer` can schedule it at its
- deadline. Tasks without an eta are moved immediately to the `ready_queue`,
- so they can be picked up by the :class:`~celery.worker.mediator.Mediator`
- to be sent to the pool.
- * When a task with an ETA is received the QoS prefetch count is also
- incremented, so another message can be reserved. When the ETA is met
- the prefetch count is decremented again, though this cannot happen
- immediately because amqplib doesn't support doing broker requests
- across threads. Instead the current prefetch count is kept as a
- shared counter, so as soon as :meth:`~Consumer.consume_messages`
- detects that the value has changed it will send out the actual
- QoS event to the broker.
- * Notice that when the connection is lost all internal queues are cleared
- because we can no longer ack the messages reserved in memory.
- However, this is not dangerous as the broker will resend them
- to another worker when the channel is closed.
- * **WARNING**: :meth:`~Consumer.stop` does not close the connection!
- This is because some pre-acked messages may be in processing,
- and they need to be finished before the channel is closed.
- For celeryd this means the pool must finish the tasks it has acked
- early, *then* close the connection.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import with_statement
- import socket
- import sys
- import threading
- import traceback
- import warnings
- from ..app import app_or_default
- from ..datastructures import AttributeDict
- from ..exceptions import NotRegistered
- from ..utils import noop
- from ..utils import timer2
- from ..utils.encoding import safe_repr
- from . import state
- from .job import TaskRequest, InvalidTaskError
- from .control.registry import Panel
- from .heartbeat import Heart
- __all__ = ["QoS", "Consumer"]
- RUN = 0x1
- CLOSE = 0x2
- #: Prefetch count can't exceed short.
- #: Error message for when an unregistered task is received.
- Received unregistered task of type %s.
- The message has been ignored and discarded.
- Did you remember to import the module containing this task?
- Or maybe you are using relative imports?
- Please see http://bit.ly/gLye1c for more information.
- The full contents of the message body was:
- %s
- """
- #: Error message for when an invalid task message is received.
- Received invalid task message: %s
- The message has been ignored and discarded.
- Please ensure your message conforms to the task
- message protocol as described here: http://bit.ly/hYj41y
- The full contents of the message body was:
- %s
- """
- body: %s {content_type:%s content_encoding:%s delivery_info:%s}\
- """
- class QoS(object):
- """Quality of Service for Channel.
- For thread-safe increment/decrement of a channels prefetch count value.
- :param consumer: A :class:`kombu.messaging.Consumer` instance.
- :param initial_value: Initial prefetch count value.
- :param logger: Logger used to log debug messages.
- """
- prev = None
- def __init__(self, consumer, initial_value, logger):
- self.consumer = consumer
- self.logger = logger
- self._mutex = threading.RLock()
- self.value = initial_value
- def increment(self, n=1):
- """Increment the current prefetch count value by n."""
- with self._mutex:
- if self.value:
- new_value = self.value + max(n, 0)
- self.value = self.set(new_value)
- return self.value
- def _sub(self, n=1):
- assert self.value - n > 1
- self.value -= n
- def decrement(self, n=1):
- """Decrement the current prefetch count value by n."""
- with self._mutex:
- if self.value:
- self._sub(n)
- self.set(self.value)
- return self.value
- def decrement_eventually(self, n=1):
- """Decrement the value, but do not update the qos.
- The MainThread will be responsible for calling :meth:`update`
- when necessary.
- """
- with self._mutex:
- if self.value:
- self._sub(n)
- def set(self, pcount):
- """Set channel prefetch_count setting."""
- if pcount != self.prev:
- new_value = pcount
- if pcount > PREFETCH_COUNT_MAX:
- self.logger.warning("QoS: Disabled: prefetch_count exceeds %r",
- new_value = 0
- self.logger.debug("basic.qos: prefetch_count->%s", new_value)
- self.consumer.qos(prefetch_count=new_value)
- self.prev = pcount
- return pcount
- def update(self):
- """Update prefetch count with current value."""
- with self._mutex:
- return self.set(self.value)
- class Consumer(object):
- """Listen for messages received from the broker and
- move them to the ready queue for task processing.
- :param ready_queue: See :attr:`ready_queue`.
- :param eta_schedule: See :attr:`eta_schedule`.
- """
- #: The queue that holds tasks ready for immediate processing.
- ready_queue = None
- #: Timer for tasks with an ETA/countdown.
- eta_schedule = None
- #: Enable/disable events.
- send_events = False
- #: Optional callback to be called when the connection is established.
- #: Will only be called once, even if the connection is lost and
- #: re-established.
- init_callback = None
- #: The current hostname. Defaults to the system hostname.
- hostname = None
- #: Initial QoS prefetch count for the task channel.
- initial_prefetch_count = 0
- #: A :class:`celery.events.EventDispatcher` for sending events.
- event_dispatcher = None
- #: The thread that sends event heartbeats at regular intervals.
- #: The heartbeats are used by monitors to detect that a worker
- #: went offline/disappeared.
- heart = None
- #: The logger instance to use. Defaults to the default Celery logger.
- logger = None
- #: The broker connection.
- connection = None
- #: The consumer used to consume task messages.
- task_consumer = None
- #: The consumer used to consume broadcast commands.
- broadcast_consumer = None
- #: The process mailbox (kombu pidbox node).
- pidbox_node = None
- #: The current worker pool instance.
- pool = None
- #: A timer used for high-priority internal tasks, such
- #: as sending heartbeats.
- priority_timer = None
- # Consumer state, can be RUN or CLOSE.
- _state = None
- def __init__(self, ready_queue, eta_schedule, logger,
- init_callback=noop, send_events=False, hostname=None,
- initial_prefetch_count=2, pool=None, app=None,
- priority_timer=None, controller=None):
- self.app = app_or_default(app)
- self.connection = None
- self.task_consumer = None
- self.controller = controller
- self.broadcast_consumer = None
- self.ready_queue = ready_queue
- self.eta_schedule = eta_schedule
- self.send_events = send_events
- self.init_callback = init_callback
- self.logger = logger
- self.hostname = hostname or socket.gethostname()
- self.initial_prefetch_count = initial_prefetch_count
- self.event_dispatcher = None
- self.heart = None
- self.pool = pool
- self.priority_timer = priority_timer or timer2.default_timer
- pidbox_state = AttributeDict(app=self.app,
- logger=logger,
- hostname=self.hostname,
- listener=self, # pre 2.2
- consumer=self)
- self.pidbox_node = self.app.control.mailbox.Node(self.hostname,
- state=pidbox_state,
- handlers=Panel.data)
- conninfo = self.app.broker_connection()
- self.connection_errors = conninfo.connection_errors
- self.channel_errors = conninfo.channel_errors
- def start(self):
- """Start the consumer.
- Automatically survives intermittent connection failure,
- and will retry establishing the connection and restart
- consuming messages.
- """
- self.init_callback(self)
- while self._state != CLOSE:
- try:
- self.reset_connection()
- self.consume_messages()
- except self.connection_errors:
- self.logger.error("Consumer: Connection to broker lost."
- + " Trying to re-establish the connection...",
- exc_info=sys.exc_info())
- def consume_messages(self):
- """Consume messages forever (or until an exception is raised)."""
- self._debug("Starting message consumer...")
- self.task_consumer.consume()
- self._debug("Ready to accept tasks!")
- while self._state != CLOSE and self.connection:
- if self.qos.prev != self.qos.value:
- self.qos.update()
- try:
- self.connection.drain_events(timeout=1)
- except socket.timeout:
- pass
- except socket.error:
- if self._state != CLOSE:
- raise
- def on_task(self, task):
- """Handle received task.
- If the task has an `eta` we enter it into the ETA schedule,
- otherwise we move it the ready queue for immediate processing.
- """
- if task.revoked():
- return
- self.logger.info("Got task from broker: %s", task.shortinfo())
- if self.event_dispatcher.enabled:
- self.event_dispatcher.send("task-received", uuid=task.task_id,
- name=task.task_name, args=safe_repr(task.args),
- kwargs=safe_repr(task.kwargs), retries=task.retries,
- eta=task.eta and task.eta.isoformat(),
- expires=task.expires and task.expires.isoformat())
- if task.eta:
- try:
- eta = timer2.to_timestamp(task.eta)
- except OverflowError, exc:
- self.logger.error(
- "Couldn't convert eta %s to timestamp: %r. Task: %r",
- task.eta, exc, task.info(safe=True),
- exc_info=sys.exc_info())
- task.acknowledge()
- else:
- self.qos.increment()
- self.eta_schedule.apply_at(eta,
- self.apply_eta_task, (task, ))
- else:
- state.task_reserved(task)
- self.ready_queue.put(task)
- def on_control(self, body, message):
- """Process remote control command message."""
- try:
- self.pidbox_node.handle_message(body, message)
- except KeyError, exc:
- self.logger.error("No such control command: %s", exc)
- except Exception, exc:
- self.logger.error(
- "Error occurred while handling control command: %r\n%r",
- exc, traceback.format_exc(), exc_info=sys.exc_info())
- self.reset_pidbox_node()
- def apply_eta_task(self, task):
- """Method called by the timer to apply a task with an
- ETA/countdown."""
- state.task_reserved(task)
- self.ready_queue.put(task)
- self.qos.decrement_eventually()
- def _message_report(self, body, message):
- return MESSAGE_REPORT_FMT % (safe_repr(body),
- safe_repr(message.content_type),
- safe_repr(message.content_encoding),
- safe_repr(message.delivery_info))
- def receive_message(self, body, message):
- """Handles incoming messages.
- :param body: The message body.
- :param message: The kombu message object.
- """
- # need to guard against errors occurring while acking the message.
- def ack():
- try:
- message.ack()
- except self.connection_errors + (AttributeError, ), exc:
- self.logger.critical(
- "Couldn't ack %r: %s reason:%r",
- message.delivery_tag,
- self._message_report(body, message), exc)
- try:
- body["task"]
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(
- "Received and deleted unknown message. Wrong destination?!? \
- the full contents of the message body was: %s" % (
- self._message_report(body, message), )))
- ack()
- return
- try:
- task = TaskRequest.from_message(message, body, ack,
- app=self.app,
- logger=self.logger,
- hostname=self.hostname,
- eventer=self.event_dispatcher)
- except NotRegistered, exc:
- self.logger.error(UNKNOWN_TASK_ERROR, exc, safe_repr(body),
- exc_info=sys.exc_info())
- ack()
- except InvalidTaskError, exc:
- self.logger.error(INVALID_TASK_ERROR, str(exc), safe_repr(body),
- exc_info=sys.exc_info())
- ack()
- else:
- self.on_task(task)
- def maybe_conn_error(self, fun):
- """Applies function but ignores any connection or channel
- errors raised."""
- try:
- fun()
- except (AttributeError, ) + \
- self.connection_errors + \
- self.channel_errors:
- pass
- def close_connection(self):
- """Closes the current broker connection and all open channels."""
- if self.task_consumer:
- self._debug("Closing consumer channel...")
- self.task_consumer = \
- self.maybe_conn_error(self.task_consumer.close)
- if self.broadcast_consumer:
- self._debug("Closing broadcast channel...")
- self.broadcast_consumer = \
- self.maybe_conn_error(self.broadcast_consumer.channel.close)
- if self.connection:
- self._debug("Closing broker connection...")
- self.connection = self.maybe_conn_error(self.connection.close)
- def stop_consumers(self, close_connection=True):
- """Stop consuming tasks and broadcast commands, also stops
- the heartbeat thread and event dispatcher.
- :keyword close_connection: Set to False to skip closing the broker
- connection.
- """
- if not self._state == RUN:
- return
- if self.heart:
- # Stop the heartbeat thread if it's running.
- self.logger.debug("Heart: Going into cardiac arrest...")
- self.heart = self.heart.stop()
- self._debug("Cancelling task consumer...")
- if self.task_consumer:
- self.maybe_conn_error(self.task_consumer.cancel)
- if self.event_dispatcher:
- self._debug("Shutting down event dispatcher...")
- self.event_dispatcher = \
- self.maybe_conn_error(self.event_dispatcher.close)
- self._debug("Cancelling broadcast consumer...")
- if self.broadcast_consumer:
- self.maybe_conn_error(self.broadcast_consumer.cancel)
- if close_connection:
- self.close_connection()
- def on_decode_error(self, message, exc):
- """Callback called if an error occurs while decoding
- a message received.
- Simply logs the error and acknowledges the message so it
- doesn't enter a loop.
- :param message: The message with errors.
- :param exc: The original exception instance.
- """
- self.logger.critical(
- "Can't decode message body: %r (type:%r encoding:%r raw:%r')",
- exc, message.content_type, message.content_encoding,
- safe_repr(message.body))
- message.ack()
- def reset_pidbox_node(self):
- """Sets up the process mailbox."""
- # close previously opened channel if any.
- if self.pidbox_node.channel:
- try:
- self.pidbox_node.channel.close()
- except self.connection_errors + self.channel_errors:
- pass
- if self.pool is not None and self.pool.is_green:
- return self.pool.spawn_n(self._green_pidbox_node)
- self.pidbox_node.channel = self.connection.channel()
- self.broadcast_consumer = self.pidbox_node.listen(
- callback=self.on_control)
- self.broadcast_consumer.consume()
- def _green_pidbox_node(self):
- """Sets up the process mailbox when running in a greenlet
- environment."""
- conn = self._open_connection()
- self.pidbox_node.channel = conn.channel()
- self.broadcast_consumer = self.pidbox_node.listen(
- callback=self.on_control)
- self.broadcast_consumer.consume()
- try:
- while self.connection: # main connection still open?
- conn.drain_events()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def reset_connection(self):
- """Re-establish the broker connection and set up consumers,
- heartbeat and the event dispatcher."""
- self._debug("Re-establishing connection to the broker...")
- self.stop_consumers()
- # Clear internal queues to get rid of old messages.
- # They can't be acked anyway, as a delivery tag is specific
- # to the current channel.
- self.ready_queue.clear()
- self.eta_schedule.clear()
- # Re-establish the broker connection and setup the task consumer.
- self.connection = self._open_connection()
- self._debug("Connection established.")
- self.task_consumer = self.app.amqp.get_task_consumer(self.connection,
- on_decode_error=self.on_decode_error)
- # QoS: Reset prefetch window.
- self.qos = QoS(self.task_consumer,
- self.initial_prefetch_count, self.logger)
- self.qos.update()
- # receive_message handles incoming messages.
- self.task_consumer.register_callback(self.receive_message)
- # Setup the process mailbox.
- self.reset_pidbox_node()
- # Flush events sent while connection was down.
- prev_event_dispatcher = self.event_dispatcher
- self.event_dispatcher = self.app.events.Dispatcher(self.connection,
- hostname=self.hostname,
- enabled=self.send_events)
- if prev_event_dispatcher:
- self.event_dispatcher.copy_buffer(prev_event_dispatcher)
- self.event_dispatcher.flush()
- # Restart heartbeat thread.
- self.restart_heartbeat()
- # We're back!
- self._state = RUN
- def restart_heartbeat(self):
- """Restart the heartbeat thread.
- This thread sends heartbeat events at intervals so monitors
- can tell if the worker is off-line/missing.
- """
- self.heart = Heart(self.priority_timer, self.event_dispatcher)
- self.heart.start()
- def _open_connection(self):
- """Establish the broker connection.
- Will retry establishing the connection if the
- :setting:`BROKER_CONNECTION_RETRY` setting is enabled
- """
- # Callback called for each retry while the connection
- # can't be established.
- def _error_handler(exc, interval):
- self.logger.error("Consumer: Connection Error: %s. "
- "Trying again in %d seconds...", exc, interval)
- # remember that the connection is lazy, it won't establish
- # until it's needed.
- conn = self.app.broker_connection()
- if not self.app.conf.BROKER_CONNECTION_RETRY:
- # retry disabled, just call connect directly.
- conn.connect()
- return conn
- return conn.ensure_connection(_error_handler,
- def stop(self):
- """Stop consuming.
- Does not close the broker connection, so be sure to call
- :meth:`close_connection` when you are finished with it.
- """
- # Notifies other threads that this instance can't be used
- # anymore.
- self._state = CLOSE
- self._debug("Stopping consumers...")
- self.stop_consumers(close_connection=False)
- @property
- def info(self):
- """Returns information about this consumer instance
- as a dict.
- This is also the consumer related info returned by
- ``celeryctl stats``.
- """
- conninfo = {}
- if self.connection:
- conninfo = self.connection.info()
- conninfo.pop("password", None) # don't send password.
- return {"broker": conninfo, "prefetch_count": self.qos.value}
- def _debug(self, msg, **kwargs):
- self.logger.debug("Consumer: %s", msg, **kwargs)