123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """The :program:`celery amqp` command.
- .. program:: celery amqp
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
- import cmd
- import sys
- import shlex
- import pprint
- from functools import partial
- from itertools import count
- from kombu.utils.encoding import safe_str
- from celery.utils.functional import padlist
- from celery.bin.base import Command
- from celery.five import string_t
- from celery.utils.serialization import strtobool
- __all__ = ['AMQPAdmin', 'AMQShell', 'Spec', 'amqp']
- # Map to coerce strings to other types.
- COERCE = {bool: strtobool}
- Commands
- --------
- """.rstrip()
- Example:
- -> queue.delete myqueue yes no
- """
- say = partial(print, file=sys.stderr)
- class Spec(object):
- """AMQP Command specification.
- Used to convert arguments to Python values and display various help
- and tool-tips.
- Arguments:
- args (Sequence): see :attr:`args`.
- returns (str): see :attr:`returns`.
- """
- #: List of arguments this command takes.
- #: Should contain ``(argument_name, argument_type)`` tuples.
- args = None
- #: Helpful human string representation of what this command returns.
- #: May be :const:`None`, to signify the return type is unknown.
- returns = None
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.args = args
- self.returns = kwargs.get('returns')
- def coerce(self, index, value):
- """Coerce value for argument at index."""
- arg_info = self.args[index]
- arg_type = arg_info[1]
- # Might be a custom way to coerce the string value,
- # so look in the coercion map.
- return COERCE.get(arg_type, arg_type)(value)
- def str_args_to_python(self, arglist):
- """Process list of string arguments to values according to spec.
- e.g::
- >>> spec = Spec([('queue', str), ('if_unused', bool)])
- >>> spec.str_args_to_python('pobox', 'true')
- ('pobox', True)
- """
- return tuple(
- self.coerce(index, value) for index, value in enumerate(arglist))
- def format_response(self, response):
- """Format the return value of this command in a human-friendly way."""
- if not self.returns:
- return 'ok.' if response is None else response
- if callable(self.returns):
- return self.returns(response)
- return self.returns.format(response)
- def format_arg(self, name, type, default_value=None):
- if default_value is not None:
- return '{0}:{1}'.format(name, default_value)
- return name
- def format_signature(self):
- return ' '.join(self.format_arg(*padlist(list(arg), 3))
- for arg in self.args)
- def dump_message(message):
- if message is None:
- return 'No messages in queue. basic.publish something.'
- return {'body': message.body,
- 'properties': message.properties,
- 'delivery_info': message.delivery_info}
- def format_declare_queue(ret):
- return 'ok. queue:{0} messages:{1} consumers:{2}.'.format(*ret)
- class AMQShell(cmd.Cmd):
- """AMQP API Shell.
- Arguments:
- connect (Callable): Function used to connect to the server.
- Must return :class:`kombu.Connection` object.
- silent (bool): If enabled, the commands won't have annoying
- output not relevant when running in non-shell mode.
- """
- conn = None
- chan = None
- prompt_fmt = '{self.counter}> '
- identchars = cmd.IDENTCHARS = '.'
- needs_reconnect = False
- counter = 1
- inc_counter = count(2)
- #: Map of built-in command names -> method names
- builtins = {
- 'EOF': 'do_exit',
- 'exit': 'do_exit',
- 'help': 'do_help',
- }
- #: Map of AMQP API commands and their :class:`Spec`.
- amqp = {
- 'exchange.declare': Spec(('exchange', str),
- ('type', str),
- ('passive', bool, 'no'),
- ('durable', bool, 'no'),
- ('auto_delete', bool, 'no'),
- ('internal', bool, 'no')),
- 'exchange.delete': Spec(('exchange', str),
- ('if_unused', bool)),
- 'queue.bind': Spec(('queue', str),
- ('exchange', str),
- ('routing_key', str)),
- 'queue.declare': Spec(('queue', str),
- ('passive', bool, 'no'),
- ('durable', bool, 'no'),
- ('exclusive', bool, 'no'),
- ('auto_delete', bool, 'no'),
- returns=format_declare_queue),
- 'queue.delete': Spec(('queue', str),
- ('if_unused', bool, 'no'),
- ('if_empty', bool, 'no'),
- returns='ok. {0} messages deleted.'),
- 'queue.purge': Spec(('queue', str),
- returns='ok. {0} messages deleted.'),
- 'basic.get': Spec(('queue', str),
- ('no_ack', bool, 'off'),
- returns=dump_message),
- 'basic.publish': Spec(('msg', str),
- ('exchange', str),
- ('routing_key', str),
- ('mandatory', bool, 'no'),
- ('immediate', bool, 'no')),
- 'basic.ack': Spec(('delivery_tag', int)),
- }
- def _prepare_spec(self, conn):
- # XXX Hack to fix Issue #2013
- from amqp import Connection, Message
- if isinstance(conn.connection, Connection):
- self.amqp['basic.publish'] = Spec(('msg', Message),
- ('exchange', str),
- ('routing_key', str),
- ('mandatory', bool, 'no'),
- ('immediate', bool, 'no'))
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.connect = kwargs.pop('connect')
- self.silent = kwargs.pop('silent', False)
- self.out = kwargs.pop('out', sys.stderr)
- cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self._reconnect()
- def note(self, m):
- """Say something to the user. Disabled if :attr:`silent`."""
- if not self.silent:
- say(m, file=self.out)
- def say(self, m):
- say(m, file=self.out)
- def get_amqp_api_command(self, cmd, arglist):
- """With a command name and a list of arguments, convert the arguments
- to Python values and find the corresponding method on the AMQP channel
- object.
- Returns:
- Tuple: of `(method, processed_args)` pairs.
- """
- spec = self.amqp[cmd]
- args = spec.str_args_to_python(arglist)
- attr_name = cmd.replace('.', '_')
- if self.needs_reconnect:
- self._reconnect()
- return getattr(self.chan, attr_name), args, spec.format_response
- def do_exit(self, *args):
- """The `'exit'` command."""
- self.note("\n-> please, don't leave!")
- sys.exit(0)
- def display_command_help(self, cmd, short=False):
- spec = self.amqp[cmd]
- self.say('{0} {1}'.format(cmd, spec.format_signature()))
- def do_help(self, *args):
- if not args:
- self.say(HELP_HEADER)
- for cmd_name in self.amqp:
- self.display_command_help(cmd_name, short=True)
- self.say(EXAMPLE_TEXT)
- else:
- self.display_command_help(args[0])
- def default(self, line):
- self.say("unknown syntax: {0!r}. how about some 'help'?".format(line))
- def get_names(self):
- return set(self.builtins) | set(self.amqp)
- def completenames(self, text, *ignored):
- """Return all commands starting with `text`, for tab-completion."""
- names = self.get_names()
- first = [cmd for cmd in names
- if cmd.startswith(text.replace('_', '.'))]
- if first:
- return first
- return [cmd for cmd in names
- if cmd.partition('.')[2].startswith(text)]
- def dispatch(self, cmd, arglist):
- """Dispatch and execute the command.
- Look-up order is: :attr:`builtins` -> :attr:`amqp`.
- """
- if isinstance(arglist, string_t):
- arglist = shlex.split(safe_str(arglist))
- if cmd in self.builtins:
- return getattr(self, self.builtins[cmd])(*arglist)
- fun, args, formatter = self.get_amqp_api_command(cmd, arglist)
- return formatter(fun(*args))
- def parseline(self, parts):
- """Parse input line.
- Returns:
- Tuple: of three items:
- `(command_name, arglist, original_line)`
- """
- if parts:
- return parts[0], parts[1:], ' '.join(parts)
- return '', '', ''
- def onecmd(self, line):
- """Parse line and execute command."""
- if isinstance(line, string_t):
- line = shlex.split(safe_str(line))
- cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line)
- if not line:
- return self.emptyline()
- self.lastcmd = line
- self.counter = next(self.inc_counter)
- try:
- self.respond(self.dispatch(cmd, arg))
- except (AttributeError, KeyError) as exc:
- self.default(line)
- except Exception as exc:
- self.say(exc)
- self.needs_reconnect = True
- def respond(self, retval):
- """What to do with the return value of a command."""
- if retval is not None:
- if isinstance(retval, string_t):
- self.say(retval)
- else:
- self.say(pprint.pformat(retval))
- def _reconnect(self):
- """Re-establish connection to the AMQP server."""
- self.conn = self.connect(self.conn)
- self._prepare_spec(self.conn)
- self.chan = self.conn.default_channel
- self.needs_reconnect = False
- @property
- def prompt(self):
- return self.prompt_fmt.format(self=self)
- class AMQPAdmin(object):
- """The celery :program:`celery amqp` utility."""
- Shell = AMQShell
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.app = kwargs['app']
- self.out = kwargs.setdefault('out', sys.stderr)
- self.silent = kwargs.get('silent')
- self.args = args
- def connect(self, conn=None):
- if conn:
- conn.close()
- conn = self.app.connection()
- self.note('-> connecting to {0}.'.format(conn.as_uri()))
- conn.connect()
- self.note('-> connected.')
- return conn
- def run(self):
- shell = self.Shell(connect=self.connect, out=self.out)
- if self.args:
- return shell.onecmd(self.args)
- try:
- return shell.cmdloop()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.note('(bibi)')
- pass
- def note(self, m):
- if not self.silent:
- say(m, file=self.out)
- class amqp(Command):
- """AMQP Administration Shell.
- Also works for non-AMQP transports (but not ones that
- store declarations in memory).
- Examples:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ # start shell mode
- $ celery amqp
- $ # show list of commands
- $ celery amqp help
- $ celery amqp exchange.delete name
- $ celery amqp queue.delete queue
- $ celery amqp queue.delete queue yes yes
- """
- def run(self, *args, **options):
- options['app'] = self.app
- return AMQPAdmin(*args, **options).run()
- def main():
- amqp().execute_from_commandline()
- if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
- main()