monitoring.rst 20 KB

  1. .. _guide-monitoring:
  2. =================================
  3. Monitoring and Management Guide
  4. =================================
  5. .. contents::
  6. :local:
  7. Introduction
  8. ============
  9. There are several tools available to monitor and inspect Celery clusters.
  10. This document describes some of these, as as well as
  11. features related to monitoring, like events and broadcast commands.
  12. .. _monitoring-workers:
  13. Workers
  14. =======
  15. .. _monitoring-control:
  16. Management Command-line Utilities (``inspect``/``control``)
  17. -----------------------------------------------------------
  18. :program:`celery` can also be used to inspect
  19. and manage worker nodes (and to some degree tasks).
  20. To list all the commands available do:
  21. .. code-block:: console
  22. $ celery help
  23. or to get help for a specific command do:
  24. .. code-block:: console
  25. $ celery <command> --help
  26. Commands
  27. ~~~~~~~~
  28. * **shell**: Drop into a Python shell.
  29. The locals will include the ``celery`` variable, which is the current app.
  30. Also all known tasks will be automatically added to locals (unless the
  31. :option:`--without-tasks <celery shell --without-tasks>` flag is set).
  32. Uses :pypi:`Ipython`, :pypi:`bpython`, or regular python in that order if
  33. installed. You can force an implementation using
  34. :option:`--ipython <celery shell --ipython>`,
  35. :option:`--bpython <celery shell --bpython>`, or
  36. :option:`--python <celery shell --python>`.
  37. * **status**: List active nodes in this cluster
  38. .. code-block:: console
  39. $ celery -A proj status
  40. * **result**: Show the result of a task
  41. .. code-block:: console
  42. $ celery -A proj result -t tasks.add 4e196aa4-0141-4601-8138-7aa33db0f577
  43. Note that you can omit the name of the task as long as the
  44. task doesn't use a custom result backend.
  45. * **purge**: Purge messages from all configured task queues.
  46. This command will remove all messages from queues configured in
  47. the :setting:`CELERY_QUEUES` setting:
  48. .. warning::
  49. There is no undo for this operation, and messages will
  50. be permanently deleted!
  51. .. code-block:: console
  52. $ celery -A proj purge
  53. You can also specify the queues to purge using the `-Q` option:
  54. .. code-block:: console
  55. $ celery -A proj purge -Q celery,foo,bar
  56. and exclude queues from being purged using the `-X` option:
  57. .. code-block:: console
  58. $ celery -A proj purge -X celery
  59. * **inspect active**: List active tasks
  60. .. code-block:: console
  61. $ celery -A proj inspect active
  62. These are all the tasks that are currently being executed.
  63. * **inspect scheduled**: List scheduled ETA tasks
  64. .. code-block:: console
  65. $ celery -A proj inspect scheduled
  66. These are tasks reserved by the worker because they have the
  67. `eta` or `countdown` argument set.
  68. * **inspect reserved**: List reserved tasks
  69. .. code-block:: console
  70. $ celery -A proj inspect reserved
  71. This will list all tasks that have been prefetched by the worker,
  72. and is currently waiting to be executed (does not include tasks
  73. with an eta).
  74. * **inspect revoked**: List history of revoked tasks
  75. .. code-block:: console
  76. $ celery -A proj inspect revoked
  77. * **inspect registered**: List registered tasks
  78. .. code-block:: console
  79. $ celery -A proj inspect registered
  80. * **inspect stats**: Show worker statistics (see :ref:`worker-statistics`)
  81. .. code-block:: console
  82. $ celery -A proj inspect stats
  83. * **inspect query_task**: Show information about task(s) by id.
  84. Any worker having a task in this set of ids reserved/active will respond
  85. with status and information.
  86. .. code-block:: console
  87. $ celery -A proj inspect query_task e9f6c8f0-fec9-4ae8-a8c6-cf8c8451d4f8
  88. You can also query for information about multiple tasks:
  89. .. code-block:: console
  90. $ celery -A proj inspect query_task id1 id2 ... idN
  91. * **control enable_events**: Enable events
  92. .. code-block:: console
  93. $ celery -A proj control enable_events
  94. * **control disable_events**: Disable events
  95. .. code-block:: console
  96. $ celery -A proj control disable_events
  97. * **migrate**: Migrate tasks from one broker to another (**EXPERIMENTAL**).
  98. .. code-block:: console
  99. $ celery -A proj migrate amqp:// amqp://B.example.cmo
  100. This command will migrate all the tasks on one broker to another.
  101. As this command is new and experimental you should be sure to have
  102. a backup of the data before proceeding.
  103. .. note::
  104. All ``inspect`` and ``control`` commands supports a
  105. :option:`--timeout <celery inspect --timeout>` argument,
  106. This is the number of seconds to wait for responses.
  107. You may have to increase this timeout if you're not getting a response
  108. due to latency.
  109. .. _inspect-destination:
  110. Specifying destination nodes
  111. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  112. By default the inspect and control commands operates on all workers.
  113. You can specify a single, or a list of workers by using the
  114. :option:`--destination <celery inspect --destination>` argument:
  115. .. code-block:: console
  116. $ celery -A proj inspect -d, reserved
  117. $ celery -A proj control -d, enable_events
  118. .. _monitoring-flower:
  119. Flower: Real-time Celery web-monitor
  120. ------------------------------------
  121. Flower is a real-time web based monitor and administration tool for Celery.
  122. It is under active development, but is already an essential tool.
  123. Being the recommended monitor for Celery, it obsoletes the Django-Admin
  124. monitor, ``celerymon`` and the ``ncurses`` based monitor.
  125. Flower is pronounced like "flow", but you can also use the botanical version
  126. if you prefer.
  127. Features
  128. ~~~~~~~~
  129. - Real-time monitoring using Celery Events
  130. - Task progress and history
  131. - Ability to show task details (arguments, start time, run-time, and more)
  132. - Graphs and statistics
  133. - Remote Control
  134. - View worker status and statistics
  135. - Shutdown and restart worker instances
  136. - Control worker pool size
  137. - View and modify the queues a worker instance consumes from
  138. - View currently running tasks
  139. - View scheduled tasks (ETA/countdown)
  140. - View reserved and revoked tasks
  141. - Apply time and rate limits
  142. - Configuration viewer
  143. - Revoke or terminate tasks
  144. - HTTP API
  145. - List workers
  146. - Shut down a worker
  147. - Restart worker’s pool
  148. - Grow worker’s pool
  149. - Shrink worker’s pool
  150. - Start consuming from a queue
  151. - Stop consuming from a queue
  152. - List tasks
  153. - List (seen) task types
  154. - Get a task info
  155. - Execute a task
  156. - Execute a task by name
  157. - Get a task result
  158. - Change soft and hard time limits for a task
  159. - Change rate limit for a task
  160. - Revoke a task
  161. - OpenID authentication
  162. **Screenshots**
  163. .. figure:: ../images/dashboard.png
  164. :width: 700px
  165. .. figure:: ../images/monitor.png
  166. :width: 700px
  167. More screenshots_:
  168. .. _screenshots:
  169. Usage
  170. ~~~~~
  171. You can use pip to install Flower:
  172. .. code-block:: console
  173. $ pip install flower
  174. Running the flower command will start a web-server that you can visit:
  175. .. code-block:: console
  176. $ celery -A proj flower
  177. The default port is http://localhost:5555, but you can change this using the
  178. :option:`--port <flower --port>` argument:
  179. .. code-block:: console
  180. $ celery -A proj flower --port=5555
  181. Broker URL can also be passed through the
  182. :option:`--broker <celery --broker>` argument :
  183. .. code-block:: console
  184. $ celery flower --broker=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//
  185. Then, you can visit flower in your web browser :
  186. .. code-block:: console
  187. $ open http://localhost:5555
  188. Flower has many more features than are detailed here, including
  189. authorization options. Check out the `official documentation`_ for more
  190. information.
  191. .. _official documentation:
  192. .. _monitoring-celeryev:
  193. celery events: Curses Monitor
  194. -----------------------------
  195. .. versionadded:: 2.0
  196. `celery events` is a simple curses monitor displaying
  197. task and worker history. You can inspect the result and traceback of tasks,
  198. and it also supports some management commands like rate limiting and shutting
  199. down workers. This monitor was started as a proof of concept, and you
  200. probably want to use Flower instead.
  201. Starting:
  202. .. code-block:: console
  203. $ celery -A proj events
  204. You should see a screen like:
  205. .. figure:: ../images/celeryevshotsm.jpg
  206. `celery events` is also used to start snapshot cameras (see
  207. :ref:`monitoring-snapshots`:
  208. .. code-block:: console
  209. $ celery -A proj events --camera=<camera-class> --frequency=1.0
  210. and it includes a tool to dump events to :file:`stdout`:
  211. .. code-block:: console
  212. $ celery -A proj events --dump
  213. For a complete list of options use :option:`--help <celery --help>`:
  214. .. code-block:: console
  215. $ celery events --help
  216. .. _`celerymon`:
  217. .. _monitoring-rabbitmq:
  218. RabbitMQ
  219. ========
  220. To manage a Celery cluster it is important to know how
  221. RabbitMQ can be monitored.
  222. RabbitMQ ships with the `rabbitmqctl(1)`_ command,
  223. with this you can list queues, exchanges, bindings,
  224. queue lengths, the memory usage of each queue, as well
  225. as manage users, virtual hosts and their permissions.
  226. .. note::
  227. The default virtual host (``"/"``) is used in these
  228. examples, if you use a custom virtual host you have to add
  229. the ``-p`` argument to the command, e.g:
  230. ``rabbitmqctl list_queues -p my_vhost …``
  231. .. _`rabbitmqctl(1)`:
  232. .. _monitoring-rmq-queues:
  233. Inspecting queues
  234. -----------------
  235. Finding the number of tasks in a queue:
  236. .. code-block:: console
  237. $ rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages messages_ready \
  238. messages_unacknowledged
  239. Here `messages_ready` is the number of messages ready
  240. for delivery (sent but not received), `messages_unacknowledged`
  241. is the number of messages that has been received by a worker but
  242. not acknowledged yet (meaning it is in progress, or has been reserved).
  243. `messages` is the sum of ready and unacknowledged messages.
  244. Finding the number of workers currently consuming from a queue:
  245. .. code-block:: console
  246. $ rabbitmqctl list_queues name consumers
  247. Finding the amount of memory allocated to a queue:
  248. .. code-block:: console
  249. $ rabbitmqctl list_queues name memory
  250. :Tip: Adding the ``-q`` option to `rabbitmqctl(1)`_ makes the output
  251. easier to parse.
  252. .. _monitoring-munin:
  253. Munin
  254. =====
  255. This is a list of known Munin plug-ins that can be useful when
  256. maintaining a Celery cluster.
  257. * ``rabbitmq-munin``: Munin plug-ins for RabbitMQ.
  259. * ``celery_tasks``: Monitors the number of times each task type has
  260. been executed (requires `celerymon`).
  262. * ``celery_task_states``: Monitors the number of tasks in each state
  263. (requires `celerymon`).
  265. .. _monitoring-events:
  266. Events
  267. ======
  268. The worker has the ability to send a message whenever some event
  269. happens. These events are then captured by tools like Flower,
  270. and :program:`celery events` to monitor the cluster.
  271. .. _monitoring-snapshots:
  272. Snapshots
  273. ---------
  274. .. versionadded:: 2.1
  275. Even a single worker can produce a huge amount of events, so storing
  276. the history of all events on disk may be very expensive.
  277. A sequence of events describes the cluster state in that time period,
  278. by taking periodic snapshots of this state you can keep all history, but
  279. still only periodically write it to disk.
  280. To take snapshots you need a Camera class, with this you can define
  281. what should happen every time the state is captured; You can
  282. write it to a database, send it by email or something else entirely.
  283. :program:`celery events` is then used to take snapshots with the camera,
  284. for example if you want to capture state every 2 seconds using the
  285. camera ``myapp.Camera`` you run :program:`celery events` with the following
  286. arguments:
  287. .. code-block:: console
  288. $ celery -A proj events -c myapp.Camera --frequency=2.0
  289. .. _monitoring-camera:
  290. Custom Camera
  291. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  292. Cameras can be useful if you need to capture events and do something
  293. with those events at an interval. For real-time event processing
  294. you should use :class:`@events.Receiver` directly, like in
  295. :ref:`event-real-time-example`.
  296. Here is an example camera, dumping the snapshot to screen:
  297. .. code-block:: python
  298. from pprint import pformat
  299. from import Polaroid
  300. class DumpCam(Polaroid):
  301. clear_after = True # clear after flush (incl, state.event_count).
  302. def on_shutter(self, state):
  303. if not state.event_count:
  304. # No new events since last snapshot.
  305. return
  306. print('Workers: {0}'.format(pformat(state.workers, indent=4)))
  307. print('Tasks: {0}'.format(pformat(state.tasks, indent=4)))
  308. print('Total: {0.event_count} events, {0.task_count} tasks'.format(
  309. state))
  310. See the API reference for :mod:`` to read more
  311. about state objects.
  312. Now you can use this cam with :program:`celery events` by specifying
  313. it with the :option:`-c <celery events -c>` option:
  314. .. code-block:: console
  315. $ celery -A proj events -c myapp.DumpCam --frequency=2.0
  316. Or you can use it programmatically like this:
  317. .. code-block:: python
  318. from celery import Celery
  319. from myapp import DumpCam
  320. def main(app, freq=1.0):
  321. state =
  322. with app.connection() as connection:
  323. recv =, handlers={'*': state.event})
  324. with DumpCam(state, freq=freq):
  325. recv.capture(limit=None, timeout=None)
  326. if __name__ == '__main__':
  327. app = Celery(broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')
  328. main(app)
  329. .. _event-real-time-example:
  330. Real-time processing
  331. --------------------
  332. To process events in real-time you need the following
  333. - An event consumer (this is the ``Receiver``)
  334. - A set of handlers called when events come in.
  335. You can have different handlers for each event type,
  336. or a catch-all handler can be used ('*')
  337. - State (optional)
  338. :class:`@events.State` is a convenient in-memory representation
  339. of tasks and workers in the cluster that is updated as events come in.
  340. It encapsulates solutions for many common things, like checking if a
  341. worker is still alive (by verifying heartbeats), merging event fields
  342. together as events come in, making sure time-stamps are in sync, and so on.
  343. Combining these you can easily process events in real-time:
  344. .. code-block:: python
  345. from celery import Celery
  346. def my_monitor(app):
  347. state =
  348. def announce_failed_tasks(event):
  349. state.event(event)
  350. # task name is sent only with -received event, and state
  351. # will keep track of this for us.
  352. task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
  353. print('TASK FAILED: %s[%s] %s' % (
  354., task.uuid,,))
  355. with app.connection() as connection:
  356. recv =, handlers={
  357. 'task-failed': announce_failed_tasks,
  358. '*': state.event,
  359. })
  360. recv.capture(limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True)
  361. if __name__ == '__main__':
  362. app = Celery(broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')
  363. my_monitor(app)
  364. .. note::
  365. The ``wakeup`` argument to ``capture`` sends a signal to all workers
  366. to force them to send a heartbeat. This way you can immediately see
  367. workers when the monitor starts.
  368. You can listen to specific events by specifying the handlers:
  369. .. code-block:: python
  370. from celery import Celery
  371. def my_monitor(app):
  372. state =
  373. def announce_failed_tasks(event):
  374. state.event(event)
  375. # task name is sent only with -received event, and state
  376. # will keep track of this for us.
  377. task = state.tasks.get(event['uuid'])
  378. print('TASK FAILED: %s[%s] %s' % (
  379., task.uuid,,))
  380. with app.connection() as connection:
  381. recv =, handlers={
  382. 'task-failed': announce_failed_tasks,
  383. })
  384. recv.capture(limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True)
  385. if __name__ == '__main__':
  386. app = Celery(broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')
  387. my_monitor(app)
  388. .. _event-reference:
  389. Event Reference
  390. ===============
  391. This list contains the events sent by the worker, and their arguments.
  392. .. _event-reference-task:
  393. Task Events
  394. -----------
  395. .. event:: task-sent
  396. task-sent
  397. ~~~~~~~~~
  398. :signature: ``task-sent(uuid, name, args, kwargs, retries, eta, expires,
  399. queue, exchange, routing_key, root_id, parent_id)``
  400. Sent when a task message is published and
  401. the :setting:`task_send_sent_event` setting is enabled.
  402. .. event:: task-received
  403. task-received
  404. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  405. :signature: ``task-received(uuid, name, args, kwargs, retries, eta, hostname,
  406. timestamp, root_id, parent_id)``
  407. Sent when the worker receives a task.
  408. .. event:: task-started
  409. task-started
  410. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  411. :signature: ``task-started(uuid, hostname, timestamp, pid)``
  412. Sent just before the worker executes the task.
  413. .. event:: task-succeeded
  414. task-succeeded
  415. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  416. :signature: ``task-succeeded(uuid, result, runtime, hostname, timestamp)``
  417. Sent if the task executed successfully.
  418. Run-time is the time it took to execute the task using the pool.
  419. (Starting from the task is sent to the worker pool, and ending when the
  420. pool result handler callback is called).
  421. .. event:: task-failed
  422. task-failed
  423. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  424. :signature: ``task-failed(uuid, exception, traceback, hostname, timestamp)``
  425. Sent if the execution of the task failed.
  426. .. event:: task-rejected
  427. task-rejected
  428. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  429. :signature: ``task-rejected(uuid, requeued)``
  430. The task was rejected by the worker, possibly to be re-queued or moved to a
  431. dead letter queue.
  432. .. event:: task-revoked
  433. task-revoked
  434. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  435. :signature: ``task-revoked(uuid, terminated, signum, expired)``
  436. Sent if the task has been revoked (Note that this is likely
  437. to be sent by more than one worker).
  438. - ``terminated`` is set to true if the task process was terminated,
  439. and the ``signum`` field set to the signal used.
  440. - ``expired`` is set to true if the task expired.
  441. .. event:: task-retried
  442. task-retried
  443. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  444. :signature: ``task-retried(uuid, exception, traceback, hostname, timestamp)``
  445. Sent if the task failed, but will be retried in the future.
  446. .. _event-reference-worker:
  447. Worker Events
  448. -------------
  449. .. event:: worker-online
  450. worker-online
  451. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  452. :signature: ``worker-online(hostname, timestamp, freq, sw_ident, sw_ver, sw_sys)``
  453. The worker has connected to the broker and is online.
  454. - `hostname`: Nodename of the worker.
  455. - `timestamp`: Event time-stamp.
  456. - `freq`: Heartbeat frequency in seconds (float).
  457. - `sw_ident`: Name of worker software (e.g. ``py-celery``).
  458. - `sw_ver`: Software version (e.g. 2.2.0).
  459. - `sw_sys`: Operating System (e.g. Linux/Darwin).
  460. .. event:: worker-heartbeat
  461. worker-heartbeat
  462. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  463. :signature: ``worker-heartbeat(hostname, timestamp, freq, sw_ident, sw_ver, sw_sys,
  464. active, processed)``
  465. Sent every minute, if the worker has not sent a heartbeat in 2 minutes,
  466. it is considered to be offline.
  467. - `hostname`: Nodename of the worker.
  468. - `timestamp`: Event time-stamp.
  469. - `freq`: Heartbeat frequency in seconds (float).
  470. - `sw_ident`: Name of worker software (e.g. ``py-celery``).
  471. - `sw_ver`: Software version (e.g. 2.2.0).
  472. - `sw_sys`: Operating System (e.g. Linux/Darwin).
  473. - `active`: Number of currently executing tasks.
  474. - `processed`: Total number of tasks processed by this worker.
  475. .. event:: worker-offline
  476. worker-offline
  477. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  478. :signature: ``worker-offline(hostname, timestamp, freq, sw_ident, sw_ver, sw_sys)``
  479. The worker has disconnected from the broker.