123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465 |
- .. _tut-celery:
- .. _first-steps:
- =========================
- First Steps with Celery
- =========================
- Celery is a task queue with batteries included.
- It is easy to use so that you can get started without learning
- the full complexities of the problem it solves. It is designed
- around best practices so that your product can scale
- and integrate with other languages, and it comes with the
- tools and support you need to run such a system in production.
- In this tutorial you will learn the absolute basics of using Celery.
- You will learn about;
- - Choosing and installing a message transport (broker).
- - Installing Celery and creating your first task.
- - Starting the worker and calling tasks.
- - Keeping track of tasks as they transition through different states,
- and inspecting return values.
- Celery may seem daunting at first - but don't worry - this tutorial
- will get you started in no time. It is deliberately kept simple, so
- to not confuse you with advanced features.
- After you have finished this tutorial
- it's a good idea to browse the rest of the documentation,
- for example the :ref:`next-steps` tutorial, which will
- showcase Celery's capabilities.
- .. contents::
- :local:
- .. _celerytut-broker:
- Choosing a Broker
- =================
- Celery requires a solution to send and receive messages; usually this
- comes in the form of a separate service called a *message broker*.
- There are several choices available, including:
- RabbitMQ
- --------
- `RabbitMQ`_ is feature-complete, stable, durable and easy to install.
- It's an excellent choice for a production environment.
- Detailed information about using RabbitMQ with Celery:
- :ref:`broker-rabbitmq`
- .. _`RabbitMQ`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/
- If you are using Ubuntu or Debian install RabbitMQ by executing this
- command:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
- When the command completes the broker is already running in the background,
- ready to move messages for you: ``Starting rabbitmq-server: SUCCESS``.
- And don't worry if you're not running Ubuntu or Debian, you can go to this
- website to find similarly simple installation instructions for other
- platforms, including Microsoft Windows:
- http://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html
- Using a database
- ----------------
- Using a database as a message queue is not recommended, but can be sufficient
- for very small installations. Your options include:
- * :ref:`broker-sqlalchemy`
- * :ref:`broker-django`
- If you're already using a Django database for example, using it as your
- message broker can be convenient while developing even if you use a more
- robust system in production.
- Other brokers
- -------------
- In addition to the above, there are other experimental transport implementations
- to choose from, including :ref:`Amazon SQS <broker-sqs>`, :ref:`broker-mongodb`.
- See :ref:`broker-overview` for a full list.
- .. _celerytut-installation:
- Installing Celery
- =================
- Celery is on the Python Package Index (PyPI), so it can be installed
- with standard Python tools like ``pip`` or ``easy_install``:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ pip install celery
- Application
- ===========
- The first thing you need is a Celery instance, which is called the celery
- application or just "app" for short. Since this instance is used as
- the entry-point for everything you want to do in Celery, like creating tasks and
- managing workers, it must be possible for other modules to import it.
- In this tutorial you will keep everything contained in a single module,
- but for larger projects you want to create
- a :ref:`dedicated module <project-layout>`.
- Let's create the file :file:`tasks.py`:
- .. code-block:: python
- from celery import Celery
- app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')
- @app.task
- def add(x, y):
- return x + y
- The first argument to :class:`~celery.app.Celery` is the name of the current module,
- this is needed so that names can be automatically generated, the second
- argument is the broker keyword argument which specifies the URL of the
- message broker you want to use, using RabbitMQ here, which is already the
- default option. See :ref:`celerytut-broker` above for more choices,
- e.g. for RabbitMQ you can use ``amqp://localhost``.
- You defined a single task, called ``add``, which returns the sum of two numbers.
- .. _celerytut-running-the-worker:
- Running the celery worker server
- ================================
- You now run the worker by executing our program with the ``worker``
- argument:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
- .. note::
- See the :ref:`celerytut-troubleshooting` section if the worker
- does not start.
- In production you will want to run the worker in the
- background as a daemon. To do this you need to use the tools provided
- by your platform, or something like `supervisord`_ (see :ref:`daemonizing`
- for more information).
- For a complete listing of the command-line options available, do:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ celery worker --help
- There are also several other commands available, and help is also available:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ celery help
- .. _`supervisord`: http://supervisord.org
- .. _celerytut-calling:
- Calling the task
- ================
- To call our task you can use the :meth:`~@Task.delay` method.
- This is a handy shortcut to the :meth:`~@Task.apply_async`
- method which gives greater control of the task execution (see
- :ref:`guide-calling`)::
- >>> from tasks import add
- >>> add.delay(4, 4)
- The task has now been processed by the worker you started earlier,
- and you can verify that by looking at the workers console output.
- Calling a task returns an :class:`~@AsyncResult` instance,
- which can be used to check the state of the task, wait for the task to finish
- or get its return value (or if the task failed, the exception and traceback).
- But this isn't enabled by default, and you have to configure Celery to
- use a result backend, which is detailed in the next section.
- .. _celerytut-keeping-results:
- Keeping Results
- ===============
- If you want to keep track of the tasks' states, Celery needs to store or send
- the states somewhere. There are several
- built-in result backends to choose from: `SQLAlchemy`_/`Django`_ ORM,
- `Memcached`_, `Redis`_, :ref:`RPC <conf-rpc-result-backend>` (`RabbitMQ`_/AMQP),
- and -- or you can define your own.
- .. _`Memcached`: http://memcached.org
- .. _`MongoDB`: http://www.mongodb.org
- .. _`Redis`: http://redis.io
- .. _`SQLAlchemy`: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
- .. _`Django`: http://djangoproject.com
- For this example you will use the `rpc` result backend, which sends states
- back as transient messages. The backend is specified via the ``backend`` argument to
- :class:`@Celery`, (or via the :setting:`task_result_backend` setting if
- you choose to use a configuration module):
- .. code-block:: python
- app = Celery('tasks', backend='rpc://', broker='amqp://')
- Or if you want to use Redis as the result backend, but use RabbitMQ as
- the message broker (a popular combination):
- .. code-block:: python
- app = Celery('tasks', backend='redis://localhost', broker='amqp://')
- To read more about result backends please see :ref:`task-result-backends`.
- Now with the result backend configured, let's call the task again.
- This time you'll hold on to the :class:`~@AsyncResult` instance returned
- when you call a task:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result = add.delay(4, 4)
- The :meth:`~@AsyncResult.ready` method returns whether the task
- has finished processing or not:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result.ready()
- False
- You can wait for the result to complete, but this is rarely used
- since it turns the asynchronous call into a synchronous one:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result.get(timeout=1)
- 8
- In case the task raised an exception, :meth:`~@AsyncResult.get` will
- re-raise the exception, but you can override this by specifying
- the ``propagate`` argument:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result.get(propagate=False)
- If the task raised an exception you can also gain access to the
- original traceback:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result.traceback
- …
- See :mod:`celery.result` for the complete result object reference.
- .. _celerytut-configuration:
- Configuration
- =============
- Celery, like a consumer appliance, doesn't need much to be operated.
- It has an input and an output, where you must connect the input to a broker and maybe
- the output to a result backend if so wanted. But if you look closely at the back
- there's a lid revealing loads of sliders, dials and buttons: this is the configuration.
- The default configuration should be good enough for most uses, but there are
- many things to tweak so Celery works just the way you want it to.
- Reading about the options available is a good idea to get familiar with what
- can be configured. You can read about the options in the
- :ref:`configuration` reference.
- The configuration can be set on the app directly or by using a dedicated
- configuration module.
- As an example you can configure the default serializer used for serializing
- task payloads by changing the :setting:`task_serializer` setting:
- .. code-block:: python
- app.conf.task_serializer = 'json'
- If you are configuring many settings at once you can use ``update``:
- .. code-block:: python
- app.conf.update(
- task_serializer='json',
- accept_content=['json'], # Ignore other content
- result_serializer='json',
- timezone='Europe/Oslo',
- enable_utc=True,
- )
- For larger projects using a dedicated configuration module is useful,
- in fact you are discouraged from hard coding
- periodic task intervals and task routing options, as it is much
- better to keep this in a centralized location, and especially for libraries
- it makes it possible for users to control how they want your tasks to behave,
- you can also imagine your SysAdmin making simple changes to the configuration
- in the event of system trouble.
- You can tell your Celery instance to use a configuration module,
- by calling the :meth:`@config_from_object` method:
- .. code-block:: python
- app.config_from_object('celeryconfig')
- This module is often called "``celeryconfig``", but you can use any
- module name.
- A module named ``celeryconfig.py`` must then be available to load from the
- current directory or on the Python path, it could look like this:
- :file:`celeryconfig.py`:
- .. code-block:: python
- broker_url = 'amqp://'
- result_backend = 'rpc://'
- task_serializer = 'json'
- result_serializer = 'json'
- accept_content = ['json']
- timezone = 'Europe/Oslo'
- enable_utc = True
- To verify that your configuration file works properly, and doesn't
- contain any syntax errors, you can try to import it:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ python -m celeryconfig
- For a complete reference of configuration options, see :ref:`configuration`.
- To demonstrate the power of configuration files, this is how you would
- route a misbehaving task to a dedicated queue:
- :file:`celeryconfig.py`:
- .. code-block:: python
- task_routes = {
- 'tasks.add': 'low-priority',
- }
- Or instead of routing it you could rate limit the task
- instead, so that only 10 tasks of this type can be processed in a minute
- (10/m):
- :file:`celeryconfig.py`:
- .. code-block:: python
- task_annotations = {
- 'tasks.add': {'rate_limit': '10/m'}
- }
- If you are using RabbitMQ as broker you can also direct the
- workers to set a new rate limit
- for the task at runtime:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ celery -A tasks control rate_limit tasks.add 10/m
- worker@example.com: OK
- new rate limit set successfully
- See :ref:`guide-routing` to read more about task routing,
- and the :setting:`task_annotations` setting for more about annotations,
- or :ref:`guide-monitoring` for more about remote control commands,
- and how to monitor what your workers are doing.
- Where to go from here
- =====================
- If you want to learn more you should continue to the
- :ref:`Next Steps <next-steps>` tutorial, and after that you
- can study the :ref:`User Guide <guide>`.
- .. _celerytut-troubleshooting:
- Troubleshooting
- ===============
- There's also a troubleshooting section in the :ref:`faq`.
- Worker does not start: Permission Error
- ---------------------------------------
- - If you're using Debian, Ubuntu or other Debian-based distributions:
- Debian recently renamed the :file:`/dev/shm` special file
- to :file:`/run/shm`.
- A simple workaround is to create a symbolic link:
- .. code-block:: console
- # ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm
- - Others:
- If you provide any of the :option:`--pidfile <celery worker --pidfile>`,
- :option:`--logfile <celery worker --logfile>` or
- :option:`--statedb <celery worker --statedb>` arguments, then you must
- make sure that they point to a file/directory that is writable and
- readable by the user starting the worker.
- Result backend does not work or tasks are always in ``PENDING`` state.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- All tasks are :state:`PENDING` by default, so the state would have been
- better named "unknown". Celery does not update any state when a task
- is sent, and any task with no history is assumed to be pending (you know
- the task id after all).
- 1) Make sure that the task does not have ``ignore_result`` enabled.
- Enabling this option will force the worker to skip updating
- states.
- 2) Make sure the :setting:`task_ignore_result` setting is not enabled.
- 3) Make sure that you do not have any old workers still running.
- It's easy to start multiple workers by accident, so make sure
- that the previous worker is properly shutdown before you start a new one.
- An old worker that is not configured with the expected result backend
- may be running and is hijacking the tasks.
- The :option:`--pidfile <celery worker --pidfile>` argument can be set to
- an absolute path to make sure this doesn't happen.
- 4) Make sure the client is configured with the right backend.
- If for some reason the client is configured to use a different backend
- than the worker, you will not be able to receive the result,
- so make sure the backend is correct by inspecting it:
- .. code-block:: pycon
- >>> result = task.delay()
- >>> print(result.backend)