extending.rst 24 KB

  1. .. _guide-extending:
  2. ==========================
  3. Extensions and Bootsteps
  4. ==========================
  5. .. contents::
  6. :local:
  7. :depth: 2
  8. .. _extending-custom-consumers:
  9. Custom Message Consumers
  10. ========================
  11. You may want to embed custom Kombu consumers to manually process your messages.
  12. For that purpose a special :class:`~celery.bootstep.ConsumerStep` bootstep class
  13. exists, where you only need to define the ``get_consumers`` method, which must
  14. return a list of :class:`kombu.Consumer` objects to start
  15. whenever the connection is established:
  16. .. code-block:: python
  17. from celery import Celery
  18. from celery import bootsteps
  19. from kombu import Consumer, Exchange, Queue
  20. my_queue = Queue('custom', Exchange('custom'), 'routing_key')
  21. app = Celery(broker='amqp://')
  22. class MyConsumerStep(bootsteps.ConsumerStep):
  23. def get_consumers(self, channel):
  24. return [Consumer(channel,
  25. queues=[my_queue],
  26. callbacks=[self.handle_message],
  27. accept=['json'])]
  28. def handle_message(self, body, message):
  29. print('Received message: {0!r}'.format(body))
  30. message.ack()
  31. app.steps['consumer'].add(MyConsumerStep)
  32. def send_me_a_message(self, who='world!', producer=None):
  33. with app.producer_or_acquire(producer) as producer:
  34. producer.send(
  35. {'hello': who},
  36. serializer='json',
  37. exchange=my_queue.exchange,
  38. routing_key='routing_key',
  39. declare=[my_queue],
  40. retry=True,
  41. )
  42. if __name__ == '__main__':
  43. send_me_a_message('celery')
  44. .. note::
  45. Kombu Consumers can take use of two different message callback dispatching
  46. mechanisms. The first one is the ``callbacks`` argument which accepts
  47. a list of callbacks with a ``(body, message)`` signature,
  48. the second one is the ``on_message`` argument which takes a single
  49. callback with a ``(message, )`` signature. The latter will not
  50. automatically decode and deserialize the payload which is useful
  51. in many cases:
  52. .. code-block:: python
  53. def get_consumers(self, channel):
  54. return [Consumer(channel, queues=[my_queue],
  55. on_message=self.on_message)]
  56. def on_message(self, message):
  57. payload = message.decode()
  58. print(
  59. 'Received message: {0!r} {props!r} rawlen={s}'.format(
  60. payload, props=message.properties, s=len(message.body),
  61. ))
  62. message.ack()
  63. .. _extending-blueprints:
  64. Blueprints
  65. ==========
  66. Bootsteps is a technique to add functionality to the workers.
  67. A bootstep is a custom class that defines hooks to do custom actions
  68. at different stages in the worker. Every bootstep belongs to a blueprint,
  69. and the worker currently defines two blueprints: **Worker**, and **Consumer**
  70. ----------------------------------------------------------
  71. **Figure A:** Bootsteps in the Worker and Consumer blueprints. Starting
  72. from the bottom up the first step in the worker blueprint
  73. is the Timer, and the last step is to start the Consumer blueprint,
  74. which then establishes the broker connection and starts
  75. consuming messages.
  76. .. figure:: ../images/worker_graph_full.png
  77. ----------------------------------------------------------
  78. Worker
  79. ======
  80. The Worker is the first blueprint to start, and with it starts major components like
  81. the event loop, processing pool, the timer, and also optional components
  82. like the autoscaler. When the worker is fully started it will continue
  83. to the Consumer blueprint.
  84. The :class:`~celery.worker.WorkController` is the core worker implementation,
  85. and contains several methods and attributes that you can use in your bootstep.
  86. Attributes
  87. ----------
  88. .. attribute:: app
  89. The current app instance.
  90. .. attribute:: hostname
  91. The workers node name (e.g. `worker1@example.com`)
  92. .. attribute:: blueprint
  93. This is the worker :class:`~celery.bootsteps.Blueprint`.
  94. .. attribute:: hub
  95. Event loop object (:class:`~kombu.async.Hub`). You can use
  96. this to register callbacks in the event loop.
  97. This is only supported by async I/O enabled transports (amqp, redis),
  98. in which case the `worker.use_eventloop` attribute should be set.
  99. Your bootstep must require the Hub bootstep to use this.
  100. .. attribute:: pool
  101. The current process/eventlet/gevent/thread pool.
  102. See :class:`celery.concurrency.base.BasePool`.
  103. Your bootstep must require the Pool bootstep to use this.
  104. .. attribute:: timer
  105. :class:`~kombu.async.timer.Timer` used to schedule functions.
  106. Your bootstep must require the Timer bootstep to use this.
  107. .. attribute:: statedb
  108. :class:`Database <celery.worker.state.Persistent>`` to persist state between
  109. worker restarts.
  110. This only exists if the ``statedb`` argument is enabled.
  111. Your bootstep must require the Statedb bootstep to use this.
  112. .. attribute:: autoscaler
  113. :class:`~celery.worker.autoscaler.Autoscaler` used to automatically grow
  114. and shrink the number of processes in the pool.
  115. This only exists if the ``autoscale`` argument is enabled.
  116. Your bootstep must require the Autoscaler bootstep to use this.
  117. .. attribute:: autoreloader
  118. :class:`~celery.worker.autoreloder.Autoreloader` used to automatically
  119. reload use code when the filesystem changes.
  120. This only exists if the ``autoreload`` argument is enabled.
  121. Your bootstep must require the Autoreloader bootstep to use this.
  122. An example Worker bootstep could be:
  123. .. code-block:: python
  124. from celery import bootsteps
  125. class ExampleWorkerStep(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
  126. requires = ('Pool', )
  127. def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs):
  128. print('Called when the WorkController instance is constructed')
  129. print('Arguments to WorkController: {0!r}'.format(kwargs))
  130. def create(self, worker):
  131. # this method can be used to delegate the action methods
  132. # to another object that implements ``start`` and ``stop``.
  133. return self
  134. def start(self, worker):
  135. print('Called when the worker is started.')
  136. def stop(self, worker):
  137. print("Called when the worker shuts down.")
  138. def terminate(self, worker):
  139. print("Called when the worker terminates")
  140. Every method is passed the current ``WorkController`` instance as the first
  141. argument.
  142. Another example could use the timer to wake up at regular intervals:
  143. .. code-block:: python
  144. from celery import bootsteps
  145. class DeadlockDetection(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
  146. requires = ('Timer', )
  147. def __init__(self, worker, deadlock_timeout=3600):
  148. self.timeout = deadlock_timeout
  149. self.requests = []
  150. self.tref = None
  151. def start(self, worker):
  152. # run every 30 seconds.
  153. self.tref = worker.timer.call_repeatedly(
  154. 30.0, self.detect, (worker, ), priority=10,
  155. )
  156. def stop(self, worker):
  157. if self.tref:
  158. self.tref.cancel()
  159. self.tref = None
  160. def detect(self, worker):
  161. # update active requests
  162. for req in self.worker.active_requests:
  163. if req.time_start and time() - req.time_start > self.timeout:
  164. raise SystemExit()
  165. Consumer
  166. ========
  167. The Consumer blueprint establishes a connection to the broker, and
  168. is restarted every time this connection is lost. Consumer bootsteps
  169. include the worker heartbeat, the remote control command consumer, and
  170. importantly, the task consumer.
  171. When you create consumer bootsteps you must take into account that it must
  172. be possible to restart your blueprint. An additional 'shutdown' method is
  173. defined for consumer bootsteps, this method is called when the worker is
  174. shutdown.
  175. Attributes
  176. ----------
  177. .. attribute:: app
  178. The current app instance.
  179. .. attribute:: controller
  180. The parent :class:`~@WorkController` object that created this consumer.
  181. .. attribute:: hostname
  182. The workers node name (e.g. `worker1@example.com`)
  183. .. attribute:: blueprint
  184. This is the worker :class:`~celery.bootsteps.Blueprint`.
  185. .. attribute:: hub
  186. Event loop object (:class:`~kombu.async.Hub`). You can use
  187. this to register callbacks in the event loop.
  188. This is only supported by async I/O enabled transports (amqp, redis),
  189. in which case the `worker.use_eventloop` attribute should be set.
  190. Your bootstep must require the Hub bootstep to use this.
  191. .. attribute:: connection
  192. The current broker connection (:class:`kombu.Connection`).
  193. Your bootstep must require the 'Connection' bootstep to use this.
  194. .. attribute:: event_dispatcher
  195. A :class:`@events.Dispatcher` object that can be used to send events.
  196. Your bootstep must require the `Events` bootstep to use this.
  197. .. attribute:: gossip
  198. Worker to worker broadcast communication
  199. (class:`~celery.worker.consumer.Gossip`).
  200. .. attribute:: pool
  201. The current process/eventlet/gevent/thread pool.
  202. See :class:`celery.concurrency.base.BasePool`.
  203. .. attribute:: timer
  204. :class:`Timer <celery.utils.timer2.Schedule` used to schedule functions.
  205. .. attribute:: heart
  206. Responsible for sending worker event heartbeats
  207. (:class:`~celery.worker.heartbeat.Heart`).
  208. Your bootstep must require the `Heart` bootstep to use this.
  209. .. attribute:: task_consumer
  210. The :class:`kombu.Consumer` object used to consume task messages.
  211. Your bootstep must require the `Tasks` bootstep to use this.
  212. .. attribute:: strategies
  213. Every registered task type has an entry in this mapping,
  214. where the value is used to execute an incoming message of this task type
  215. (the task execution strategy). This mapping is generated by the Tasks
  216. bootstep when the consumer starts::
  217. for name, task in app.tasks.items():
  218. strategies[name] = task.start_strategy(app, consumer)
  219. task.__trace__ = celery.app.trace.build_tracer(
  220. name, task, loader, hostname
  221. )
  222. Your bootstep must require the `Tasks` bootstep to use this.
  223. .. attribute:: task_buckets
  224. A :class:`~collections.defaultdict` used to lookup the rate limit for
  225. a task by type.
  226. Entries in this dict may be None (for no limit) or a
  227. :class:`~kombu.utils.limits.TokenBucket` instance implementing
  228. ``consume(tokens)`` and ``expected_time(tokens)``.
  229. TokenBucket implements the `token bucket algorithm`_, but any algorithm
  230. may be used as long as it conforms to the same interface and defines the
  231. two methods above.
  232. .. _`token bucket algorithm`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket
  233. .. attribute:: qos
  234. The :class:`~kombu.common.QoS` object can be used to change the
  235. task channels current prefetch_count value, e.g::
  236. # increment at next cycle
  237. consumer.qos.increment_eventually(1)
  238. # decrement at next cycle
  239. consumer.qos.decrement_eventually(1)
  240. consumer.qos.set(10)
  241. Methods
  242. -------
  243. .. method:: consumer.reset_rate_limits()
  244. Updates the ``task_buckets`` mapping for all registered task types.
  245. .. method:: consumer.bucket_for_task(type, Bucket=TokenBucket)
  246. Creates rate limit bucket for a task using its ``task.rate_limit``
  247. attribute.
  248. .. method:: consumer.add_task_queue(name, exchange=None, exchange_type=None,
  249. routing_key=None, \*\*options):
  250. Adds new queue to consume from. This will persist on connection restart.
  251. .. method:: consumer.cancel_task_queue(name)
  252. Stop consuming from queue by name. This will persist on connection
  253. restart.
  254. .. method:: apply_eta_task(request)
  255. Schedule eta task to execute based on the ``request.eta`` attribute.
  256. (:class:`~celery.worker.job.Request`)
  257. .. _extending-bootsteps:
  258. Installing Bootsteps
  259. ====================
  260. ``app.steps['worker']`` and ``app.steps['consumer']`` can be modified
  261. to add new bootsteps::
  262. >>> app = Celery()
  263. >>> app.steps['worker'].add(MyWorkerStep) # < add class, do not instantiate
  264. >>> app.steps['consumer'].add(MyConsumerStep)
  265. >>> app.steps['consumer'].update([StepA, StepB])
  266. >>> app.steps['consumer']
  267. {step:proj.StepB{()}, step:proj.MyConsumerStep{()}, step:proj.StepA{()}
  268. The order of steps is not important here as the order is decided by the
  269. resulting dependency graph (``Step.requires``).
  270. To illustrate how you can install bootsteps and how they work, this is an example step that
  271. prints some useless debugging information.
  272. It can be added both as a worker and consumer bootstep:
  273. .. code-block:: python
  274. from celery import Celery
  275. from celery import bootsteps
  276. class InfoStep(bootsteps.Step):
  277. def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
  278. # here we can prepare the Worker/Consumer object
  279. # in any way we want, set attribute defaults and so on.
  280. print('{0!r} is in init'.format(parent))
  281. def start(self, parent):
  282. # our step is started together with all other Worker/Consumer
  283. # bootsteps.
  284. print('{0!r} is starting'.format(parent))
  285. def stop(self, parent):
  286. # the Consumer calls stop every time the consumer is restarted
  287. # (i.e. connection is lost) and also at shutdown. The Worker
  288. # will call stop at shutdown only.
  289. print('{0!r} is stopping'.format(parent))
  290. def shutdown(self, parent):
  291. # shutdown is called by the Consumer at shutdown, it's not
  292. # called by Worker.
  293. print('{0!r} is shutting down'.format(parent))
  294. app = Celery(broker='amqp://')
  295. app.steps['worker'].add(InfoStep)
  296. app.steps['consumer'].add(InfoStep)
  297. Starting the worker with this step installed will give us the following
  298. logs::
  299. <Worker: w@example.com (initializing)> is in init
  300. <Consumer: w@example.com (initializing)> is in init
  301. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,544: WARNING/MainProcess]
  302. <Worker: w@example.com (running)> is starting
  303. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,577: WARNING/MainProcess]
  304. <Consumer: w@example.com (running)> is starting
  305. <Consumer: w@example.com (closing)> is stopping
  306. <Worker: w@example.com (closing)> is stopping
  307. <Consumer: w@example.com (terminating)> is shutting down
  308. The ``print`` statements will be redirected to the logging subsystem after
  309. the worker has been initialized, so the "is starting" lines are timestamped.
  310. You may notice that this does no longer happen at shutdown, this is because
  311. the ``stop`` and ``shutdown`` methods are called inside a *signal handler*,
  312. and it's not safe to use logging inside such a handler.
  313. Logging with the Python logging module is not :term:`reentrant`,
  314. which means that you cannot interrupt the function and
  315. call it again later. It's important that the ``stop`` and ``shutdown`` methods
  316. you write is also :term:`reentrant`.
  317. Starting the worker with ``--loglevel=debug`` will show us more
  318. information about the boot process::
  319. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,509: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Preparing bootsteps.
  320. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,511: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Building graph...
  321. <celery.apps.worker.Worker object at 0x101ad8410> is in init
  322. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,511: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: New boot order:
  323. {Hub, Queues (intra), Pool, Autoreloader, Timer, StateDB,
  324. Autoscaler, InfoStep, Beat, Consumer}
  325. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,514: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Preparing bootsteps.
  326. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,514: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Building graph...
  327. <celery.worker.consumer.Consumer object at 0x101c2d8d0> is in init
  328. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,515: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: New boot order:
  329. {Connection, Mingle, Events, Gossip, InfoStep, Agent,
  330. Heart, Control, Tasks, event loop}
  331. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,522: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Starting Hub
  332. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,522: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  333. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,522: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Starting Pool
  334. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,542: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  335. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,543: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Starting InfoStep
  336. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,544: WARNING/MainProcess]
  337. <celery.apps.worker.Worker object at 0x101ad8410> is starting
  338. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,544: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  339. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,544: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Worker: Starting Consumer
  340. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,544: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Connection
  341. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,559: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to amqp://guest@
  342. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,560: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  343. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,560: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Mingle
  344. [2013-05-29 16:18:20,560: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
  345. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,570: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: no one here
  346. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,570: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  347. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,571: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Events
  348. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,572: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  349. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,572: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Gossip
  350. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,577: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  351. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,577: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting InfoStep
  352. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,577: WARNING/MainProcess]
  353. <celery.worker.consumer.Consumer object at 0x101c2d8d0> is starting
  354. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,578: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  355. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,578: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Heart
  356. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,579: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  357. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,579: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Control
  358. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,583: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  359. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,583: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting Tasks
  360. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,606: DEBUG/MainProcess] basic.qos: prefetch_count->80
  361. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,606: DEBUG/MainProcess] ^-- substep ok
  362. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,606: DEBUG/MainProcess] | Consumer: Starting event loop
  363. [2013-05-29 16:18:21,608: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@example.com ready.
  364. .. _extending-programs:
  365. Command-line programs
  366. =====================
  367. .. _extending-commandoptions:
  368. Adding new command-line options
  369. -------------------------------
  370. .. _extending-command-options:
  371. Command-specific options
  372. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  373. You can add additional command-line options to the ``worker``, ``beat`` and
  374. ``events`` commands by modifying the :attr:`~@Celery.user_options` attribute of the
  375. application instance.
  376. Celery commands uses the :mod:`optparse` module to parse command-line
  377. arguments, and so you have to use :mod:`optparse` specific option instances created
  378. using :func:`optparse.make_option`. Please see the :mod:`optparse`
  379. documentation to read about the fields supported.
  380. Example adding a custom option to the :program:`celery worker` command:
  381. .. code-block:: python
  382. from celery import Celery
  383. from celery.bin import Option # <-- alias to optparse.make_option
  384. app = Celery(broker='amqp://')
  385. app.user_options['worker'].add(
  386. Option('--enable-my-option', action='store_true', default=False,
  387. help='Enable custom option.'),
  388. )
  389. All bootsteps will now receive this argument as a keyword argument to
  390. ``Bootstep.__init__``:
  391. .. code-block:: python
  392. from celery import bootsteps
  393. class MyBootstep(bootsteps.Step):
  394. def __init__(self, worker, enable_my_option=False, **options):
  395. if enable_my_option:
  396. party()
  397. app.steps['worker'].add(MyBootstep)
  398. .. _extending-preload_options:
  399. Preload options
  400. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  401. The :program:`celery` umbrella command supports the concept of 'preload
  402. options', which are special options passed to all subcommands and parsed
  403. outside of the main parsing step.
  404. The list of default preload options can be found in the API reference:
  405. :mod:`celery.bin.base`.
  406. You can add new preload options too, e.g. to specify a configuration template:
  407. .. code-block:: python
  408. from celery import Celery
  409. from celery import signals
  410. from celery.bin import Option
  411. app = Celery()
  412. app.user_options['preload'].add(
  413. Option('-Z', '--template', default='default',
  414. help='Configuration template to use.'),
  415. )
  416. @signals.user_preload_options.connect
  417. def on_preload_parsed(options, **kwargs):
  418. use_template(options['template'])
  419. .. _extending-subcommands:
  420. Adding new :program:`celery` sub-commands
  421. -----------------------------------------
  422. New commands can be added to the :program:`celery` umbrella command by using
  423. `setuptools entry-points`_.
  424. .. _`setuptools entry-points`:
  425. http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2010/01/06/zest-releaser-entry-points.html
  426. Entry-points is special metadata that can be added to your packages ``setup.py`` program,
  427. and then after installation, read from the system using the :mod:`pkg_resources` module.
  428. Celery recognizes ``celery.commands`` entry-points to install additional
  429. subcommands, where the value of the entry-point must point to a valid subclass
  430. of :class:`celery.bin.base.Command`. Sadly there is limited documentation,
  431. but you can find inspiration from the various commands in the
  432. :mod:`celery.bin` package.
  433. This is how the Flower_ monitoring extension adds the :program:`celery flower` command,
  434. by adding an entry-point in :file:`setup.py`:
  435. .. code-block:: python
  436. setup(
  437. name='flower',
  438. entry_points={
  439. 'celery.commands': [
  440. 'flower = flower.command.FlowerCommand',
  441. ],
  442. }
  443. )
  444. .. _Flower: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/flower
  445. The command definition is in two parts separated by the equal sign, where the
  446. first part is the name of the subcommand (flower), then the fully qualified
  447. module path to the class that implements the command
  448. (``flower.command.FlowerCommand``).
  449. In the module :file:`flower/command.py`, the command class is defined
  450. something like this:
  451. .. code-block:: python
  452. from celery.bin.base import Command, Option
  453. class FlowerCommand(Command):
  454. def get_options(self):
  455. return (
  456. Option('--port', default=8888, type='int',
  457. help='Webserver port',
  458. ),
  459. Option('--debug', action='store_true'),
  460. )
  461. def run(self, port=None, debug=False, **kwargs):
  462. print('Running our command')
  463. Worker API
  464. ==========
  465. :class:`~kombu.async.Hub` - The workers async event loop.
  466. ---------------------------------------------------------
  467. :supported transports: amqp, redis
  468. .. versionadded:: 3.0
  469. The worker uses asynchronous I/O when the amqp or redis broker transports are
  470. used. The eventual goal is for all transports to use the eventloop, but that
  471. will take some time so other transports still use a threading-based solution.
  472. .. method:: hub.add(fd, callback, flags)
  473. .. method:: hub.add_reader(fd, callback, \*args)
  474. Add callback to be called when ``fd`` is readable.
  475. The callback will stay registered until explictly removed using
  476. :meth:`hub.remove(fd) <hub.remove>`, or the fd is automatically discarded
  477. because it's no longer valid.
  478. Note that only one callback can be registered for any given fd at a time,
  479. so calling ``add`` a second time will remove any callback that
  480. was previously registered for that fd.
  481. A file descriptor is any file-like object that supports the ``fileno``
  482. method, or it can be the file descriptor number (int).
  483. .. method:: hub.add_writer(fd, callback, \*args)
  484. Add callback to be called when ``fd`` is writable.
  485. See also notes for :meth:`hub.add_reader` above.
  486. .. method:: hub.remove(fd)
  487. Remove all callbacks for ``fd`` from the loop.
  488. Timer - Scheduling events
  489. -------------------------
  490. .. method:: timer.call_after(secs, callback, args=(), kwargs=(),
  491. priority=0)
  492. .. method:: timer.call_repeatedly(secs, callback, args=(), kwargs=(),
  493. priority=0)
  494. .. method:: timer.call_at(eta, callback, args=(), kwargs=(),
  495. priority=0)