123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519 |
- ==============
- Change history
- ==============
- 0.6.0 [2009-08-07 06:54 A.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Fixed a bug where tasks raising unpickleable exceptions crashed pool
- workers. So if you've had pool workers mysteriously dissapearing, or
- problems with celeryd stopping working, this has been fixed in this
- version.
- * Fixed a race condition with periodic tasks.
- * The task pool is now supervised, so if a pool worker crashes,
- goes away or stops responding, it is automatically replaced with
- a new one.
- * Task.name is now automatically generated out of class module+name, e.g.
- ``"djangotwitter.tasks.UpdateStatusesTask"``. Very convenient. No idea why
- we didn't do this before. Some documentation is updated to not manually
- specify a task name.
- **NEWS**
- * Tested with Django 1.1
- * New Tutorial: Creating a click counter using carrot and celery
- * Database entries for periodic tasks are now created at ``celeryd``
- startup instead of for each check (which has been a forgotten TODO/XXX
- in the code for a long time)
- * New settings variable: ``CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES``
- Time (in seconds, or a `datetime.timedelta` object) for when after
- stored task results are deleted. For the moment this only works for the
- database backend.
- * ``celeryd`` now emits a debug log message for which periodic tasks
- has been launched.
- * The periodic task table is now locked for reading while getting
- periodic task status. (MySQL only so far, seeking patches for other
- engines)
- * A lot more debugging information is now available by turning on the
- ``DEBUG`` loglevel (``--loglevel=DEBUG``).
- * Functions/methods with a timeout argument now works correctly.
- * New: ``celery.strategy.even_time_distribution``:
- With an iterator yielding task args, kwargs tuples, evenly distribute
- the processing of its tasks throughout the time window available.
- * Log message ``Unknown task ignored...`` now has loglevel ``ERROR``
- * Log message ``"Got task from broker"`` is now emitted for all tasks, even if
- the task has an ETA (estimated time of arrival). Also the message now
- includes the ETA for the task (if any).
- * Acknowledgement now happens in the pool callback. Can't do ack in the job
- target, as it's not pickleable (can't share AMQP connection, etc)).
- * Added note about .delay hanging in README
- * Tests now passing in Django 1.1
- * Fixed discovery to make sure app is in INSTALLED_APPS
- * Previously overrided pool behaviour (process reap, wait until pool worker
- available, etc.) is now handled by ``multiprocessing.Pool`` itself.
- * Convert statistics data to unicode for use as kwargs. Thanks Lucy!
- 0.4.1 [2009-07-02 01:42 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Fixed a bug with parsing the message options (``mandatory``,
- ``routing_key``, ``priority``, ``immediate``)
- 0.4.0 [2009-07-01 07:29 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Adds eager execution. ``celery.execute.apply``|``Task.apply`` executes the
- function blocking until the task is done, for API compatiblity it
- returns an ``celery.result.EagerResult`` instance. You can configure
- celery to always run tasks locally by setting the
- ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`` setting to ``True``.
- * Now depends on ``anyjson``.
- * 99% coverage using python ``coverage`` 3.0.
- 0.3.20 [2009-06-25 08:42 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * New arguments to ``apply_async`` (the advanced version of
- ``delay_task``), ``countdown`` and ``eta``;
- >>> # Run 10 seconds into the future.
- >>> res = apply_async(MyTask, countdown=10);
- >>> # Run 1 day from now
- >>> res = apply_async(MyTask, eta=datetime.now() +
- ... timedelta(days=1)
- * Now unlinks the pidfile if it's stale.
- * Lots of more tests.
- * Now compatible with carrot >= 0.5.0.
- * **IMPORTANT** The ``subtask_ids`` attribute on the ``TaskSetResult``
- instance has been removed. To get this information instead use:
- >>> subtask_ids = [subtask.task_id for subtask in ts_res.subtasks]
- * ``Taskset.run()`` now respects extra message options from the task class.
- * Task: Add attribute ``ignore_result``: Don't store the status and
- return value. This means you can't use the
- ``celery.result.AsyncResult`` to check if the task is
- done, or get its return value. Only use if you need the performance
- and is able live without these features. Any exceptions raised will
- store the return value/status as usual.
- * Task: Add attribute ``disable_error_emails`` to disable sending error
- emails for that task.
- * Should now work on Windows (although running in the background won't
- work, so using the ``--detach`` argument results in an exception
- being raised.)
- * Added support for statistics for profiling and monitoring.
- To start sending statistics start ``celeryd`` with the
- ``--statistics`` option. Then after a while you can dump the results
- by running ``python manage.py celerystats``. See
- ``celery.monitoring`` for more information.
- * The celery daemon can now be supervised (i.e it is automatically
- restarted if it crashes). To use this start celeryd with the
- ``--supervised`` option (or alternatively ``-S``).
- * views.apply: View applying a task. Example::
- http://e.com/celery/apply/task_name/arg1/arg2//?kwarg1=a&kwarg2=b
- **NOTE** Use with caution, preferably not make this publicly
- accessible without ensuring your code is safe!
- * Refactored ``celery.task``. It's now split into three modules:
- * celery.task
- Contains ``apply_async``, ``delay_task``, ``discard_all``, and task
- shortcuts, plus imports objects from ``celery.task.base`` and
- ``celery.task.builtins``
- * celery.task.base
- Contains task base classes: ``Task``, ``PeriodicTask``,
- ``TaskSet``, ``AsynchronousMapTask``, ``ExecuteRemoteTask``.
- * celery.task.builtins
- Built-in tasks: ``PingTask``, ``DeleteExpiredTaskMetaTask``.
- 0.3.7 [2008-06-16 11:41 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * **IMPORTANT** Now uses AMQP's ``basic.consume`` instead of
- ``basic.get``. This means we're no longer polling the broker for
- new messages.
- * **IMPORTANT** Default concurrency limit is now set to the number of CPUs
- available on the system.
- * **IMPORTANT** ``tasks.register``: Renamed ``task_name`` argument to
- ``name``, so
- >>> tasks.register(func, task_name="mytask")
- has to be replaced with:
- >>> tasks.register(func, name="mytask")
- * The daemon now correctly runs if the pidlock is stale.
- * Now compatible with carrot 0.4.5
- * Default AMQP connnection timeout is now 4 seconds.
- * ``AsyncResult.read()`` was always returning ``True``.
- * Only use README as long_description if the file exists so easy_install
- doesn't break.
- * ``celery.view``: JSON responses now properly set its mime-type.
- * ``apply_async`` now has a ``connection`` keyword argument so you
- can re-use the same AMQP connection if you want to execute
- more than one task.
- * Handle failures in task_status view such that it won't throw 500s.
- * Fixed typo ``AMQP_SERVER`` in documentation to ``AMQP_HOST``.
- * Worker exception e-mails sent to admins now works properly.
- * No longer depends on ``django``, so installing ``celery`` won't affect
- the preferred Django version installed.
- * Now works with PostgreSQL (psycopg2) again by registering the
- ``PickledObject`` field.
- * ``celeryd``: Added ``--detach`` option as an alias to ``--daemon``, and
- it's the term used in the documentation from now on.
- * Make sure the pool and periodic task worker thread is terminated
- properly at exit. (So ``Ctrl-C`` works again).
- * Now depends on ``python-daemon``.
- * Removed dependency to ``simplejson``
- * Cache Backend: Re-establishes connection for every task process
- if the Django cache backend is memcached/libmemcached.
- * Tyrant Backend: Now re-establishes the connection for every task
- executed.
- 0.3.3 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * The ``PeriodicWorkController`` now sleeps for 1 second between checking
- for periodic tasks to execute.
- 0.3.2 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * celeryd: Added option ``--discard``: Discard (delete!) all waiting
- messages in the queue.
- * celeryd: The ``--wakeup-after`` option was not handled as a float.
- 0.3.1 [2009-06-08 01:07 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * The `PeriodicTask`` worker is now running in its own thread instead
- of blocking the ``TaskController`` loop.
- * Default ``QUEUE_WAKEUP_AFTER`` has been lowered to ``0.1`` (was ``0.3``)
- 0.3.0 [2009-06-08 12:41 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- **NOTE** This is a development version, for the stable release, please
- see versions 0.2.x.
- **VERY IMPORTANT:** Pickle is now the encoder used for serializing task
- arguments, so be sure to flush your task queue before you upgrade.
- * **IMPORTANT** TaskSet.run() now returns a celery.result.TaskSetResult
- instance, which lets you inspect the status and return values of a
- taskset as it was a single entity.
- * **IMPORTANT** Celery now depends on carrot >= 0.4.1.
- * The celery daemon now sends task errors to the registered admin e-mails.
- To turn off this feature, set ``SEND_CELERY_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS`` to
- ``False`` in your ``settings.py``. Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
- * You can now run the celery daemon by using ``manage.py``::
- $ python manage.py celeryd
- Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
- * Added support for message priorities, topic exchanges, custom routing
- keys for tasks. This means we have introduced
- ``celery.task.apply_async``, a new way of executing tasks.
- You can use ``celery.task.delay`` and ``celery.Task.delay`` like usual, but
- if you want greater control over the message sent, you want
- ``celery.task.apply_async`` and ``celery.Task.apply_async``.
- This also means the AMQP configuration has changed. Some settings has
- been renamed, while others are new::
- See the entry `Can I send some tasks to only some servers?`_ in the
- `FAQ`_ for more information.
- .. _`Can I send some tasks to only some servers?`:
- http://bit.ly/celery_AMQP_routing
- .. _`FAQ`: http://ask.github.com/celery/faq.html
- * Task errors are now logged using loglevel ``ERROR`` instead of ``INFO``,
- and backtraces are dumped. Thanks to Grégoire Cachet.
- * Make every new worker process re-establish it's Django DB connection,
- this solving the "MySQL connection died?" exceptions.
- Thanks to Vitaly Babiy and Jirka Vejrazka.
- * **IMOPORTANT** Now using pickle to encode task arguments. This means you
- now can pass complex python objects to tasks as arguments.
- * Removed dependency to ``yadayada``.
- * Added a FAQ, see ``docs/faq.rst``.
- * Now converts any unicode keys in task ``kwargs`` to regular strings.
- Thanks Vitaly Babiy.
- * Renamed the ``TaskDaemon`` to ``WorkController``.
- * ``celery.datastructures.TaskProcessQueue`` is now renamed to
- ``celery.pool.TaskPool``.
- * The pool algorithm has been refactored for greater performance and
- stability.
- 0.2.0 [2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Final release of 0.2.0
- * Compatible with carrot version 0.4.0.
- * Fixes some syntax errors related to fetching results
- from the database backend.
- 0.2.0-pre3 [2009-05-20 05:14 P.M CET]
- -------------------------------------
- * *Internal release*. Improved handling of unpickled exceptions,
- ``get_result`` now tries to recreate something looking like the
- original exception.
- 0.2.0-pre2 [2009-05-20 01:56 P.M CET]
- -------------------------------------
- * Now handles unpickleable exceptions (like the dynimically generated
- subclasses of ``django.core.exception.MultipleObjectsReturned``).
- 0.2.0-pre1 [2009-05-20 12:33 P.M CET]
- -------------------------------------
- * It's getting quite stable, with a lot of new features, so bump
- version to 0.2. This is a pre-release.
- * ``celery.task.mark_as_read()`` and ``celery.task.mark_as_failure()`` has
- been removed. Use ``celery.backends.default_backend.mark_as_read()``,
- and ``celery.backends.default_backend.mark_as_failure()`` instead.
- 0.1.15 [2009-05-19 04:13 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * The celery daemon was leaking AMQP connections, this should be fixed,
- if you have any problems with too many files open (like ``emfile``
- errors in ``rabbit.log``, please contact us!
- 0.1.14 [2009-05-19 01:08 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * Fixed a syntax error in the ``TaskSet`` class. (No such variable
- ``TimeOutError``).
- 0.1.13 [2009-05-19 12:36 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * Forgot to add ``yadayada`` to install requirements.
- * Now deletes all expired task results, not just those marked as done.
- * Able to load the Tokyo Tyrant backend class without django
- configuration, can specify tyrant settings directly in the class
- constructor.
- * Improved API documentation
- * Now using the Sphinx documentation system, you can build
- the html documentation by doing ::
- $ cd docs
- $ make html
- and the result will be in ``docs/.build/html``.
- 0.1.12 [2009-05-18 04:38 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * ``delay_task()`` etc. now returns ``celery.task.AsyncResult`` object,
- which lets you check the result and any failure that might have
- happened. It kind of works like the ``multiprocessing.AsyncResult``
- class returned by ``multiprocessing.Pool.map_async``.
- * Added dmap() and dmap_async(). This works like the
- ``multiprocessing.Pool`` versions except they are tasks
- distributed to the celery server. Example:
- >>> from celery.task import dmap
- >>> import operator
- >>> dmap(operator.add, [[2, 2], [4, 4], [8, 8]])
- >>> [4, 8, 16]
- >>> from celery.task import dmap_async
- >>> import operator
- >>> result = dmap_async(operator.add, [[2, 2], [4, 4], [8, 8]])
- >>> result.ready()
- False
- >>> time.sleep(1)
- >>> result.ready()
- True
- >>> result.result
- [4, 8, 16]
- * Refactored the task metadata cache and database backends, and added
- a new backend for Tokyo Tyrant. You can set the backend in your django
- settings file. e.g::
- CELERY_BACKEND = "database"; # Uses the database
- CELERY_BACKEND = "cache"; # Uses the django cache framework
- CELERY_BACKEND = "tyrant"; # Uses Tokyo Tyrant
- TT_HOST = "localhost"; # Hostname for the Tokyo Tyrant server.
- TT_PORT = 6657; # Port of the Tokyo Tyrant server.
- 0.1.11 [2009-05-12 02:08 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * The logging system was leaking file descriptors, resulting in
- servers stopping with the EMFILES (too many open files) error. (fixed)
- 0.1.10 [2009-05-11 12:46 P.M CET]
- ---------------------------------
- * Tasks now supports both positional arguments and keyword arguments.
- * Requires carrot 0.3.8.
- * The daemon now tries to reconnect if the connection is lost.
- 0.1.8 [2009-05-07 12:27 P.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Better test coverage
- * More documentation
- * celeryd doesn't emit ``Queue is empty`` message if
- ``settings.CELERYD_EMPTY_MSG_EMIT_EVERY`` is 0.
- 0.1.7 [2009-04-30 1:50 P.M CET]
- -------------------------------
- * Added some unittests
- * Can now use the database for task metadata (like if the task has
- been executed or not). Set ``settings.CELERY_TASK_META``
- * Can now run ``python setup.py test`` to run the unittests from
- within the ``testproj`` project.
- * Can set the AMQP exchange/routing key/queue using
- and ``settings.CELERY_AMQP_CONSUMER_QUEUE``.
- 0.1.6 [2009-04-28 2:13 P.M CET]
- -------------------------------
- * Introducing ``TaskSet``. A set of subtasks is executed and you can
- find out how many, or if all them, are done (excellent for progress
- bars and such)
- * Now catches all exceptions when running ``Task.__call__``, so the
- daemon doesn't die. This does't happen for pure functions yet, only
- ``Task`` classes.
- * ``autodiscover()`` now works with zipped eggs.
- * celeryd: Now adds curernt working directory to ``sys.path`` for
- convenience.
- * The ``run_every`` attribute of ``PeriodicTask`` classes can now be a
- ``datetime.timedelta()`` object.
- * celeryd: You can now set the ``DJANGO_PROJECT_DIR`` variable
- for ``celeryd`` and it will add that to ``sys.path`` for easy launching.
- * Can now check if a task has been executed or not via HTTP.
- * You can do this by including the celery ``urls.py`` into your project,
- >>> url(r'^celery/$', include("celery.urls"))
- then visiting the following url,::
- http://mysite/celery/$task_id/done/
- this will return a JSON dictionary like e.g:
- >>> {"task": {"id": $task_id, "executed": true}}
- * ``delay_task`` now returns string id, not ``uuid.UUID`` instance.
- * Now has ``PeriodicTasks``, to have ``cron`` like functionality.
- * Project changed name from ``crunchy`` to ``celery``. The details of
- the name change request is in ``docs/name_change_request.txt``.
- 0.1.0 [2009-04-24 11:28 A.M CET]
- --------------------------------
- * Initial release