glossary.rst 4.1 KB

  1. .. _glossary:
  2. Glossary
  3. ========
  4. .. glossary::
  5. :sorted:
  6. acknowledged
  7. Workers acknowledge messages to signify that a message has been
  8. handled. Failing to acknowledge a message
  9. will cause the message to be redelivered. Exactly when a
  10. transaction is considered a failure varies by transport. In AMQP the
  11. transaction fails when the connection/channel is closed (or lost),
  12. but in Redis/SQS the transaction times out after a configurable amount
  13. of time (the ``visibility_timeout``).
  14. ack
  15. Short for :term:`acknowledged`.
  16. early acknowledgment
  17. Task is :term:`acknowledged` just-in-time before being executed,
  18. meaning the task will not be redelivered to another worker if the
  19. machine loses power, or the worker instance is abruptly killed,
  20. mid-execution.
  21. Configured using :setting:`task_acks_late`.
  22. late acknowledgment
  23. Task is :term:`acknowledged` after execution (both if successful, or
  24. if the task is raising an error), which means the task will be
  25. redelivered to another worker in the event of the machine losing
  26. power, or the worker instance being killed mid-execution.
  27. Configured using :setting:`task_acks_late`.
  28. early ack
  29. Short for :term:`early acknowledgment`
  30. late ack
  31. Short for :term:`late acknowledgment`
  32. request
  33. Task messages are converted to *requests* within the worker.
  34. The request information is also available as the task's
  35. :term:`context` (the ``task.request`` attribute).
  36. calling
  37. Sends a task message so that the task function is
  38. :term:`executed <executing>` by a worker.
  39. kombu
  40. Python messaging library used by Celery to send and receive messages.
  41. billiard
  42. Fork of the Python multiprocessing library containing improvements
  43. required by Celery.
  44. executing
  45. Workers *execute* task :term:`requests <request>`.
  46. apply
  47. Originally a synonym to :term:`call <calling>` but used to signify
  48. that a function is executed by the current process.
  49. context
  50. The context of a task contains information like the id of the task,
  51. it's arguments and what queue it was delivered to.
  52. It can be accessed as the tasks ``request`` attribute.
  53. See :ref:`task-request-info`
  54. idempotent
  55. Idempotence is a mathematical property that describes a function that
  56. can be called multiple times without changing the result.
  57. Practically it means that a function can be repeated many times without
  58. unintended effects, but not necessarily side-effect free in the pure
  59. sense (compare to :term:`nullipotent`).
  60. Further reading:
  61. nullipotent
  62. describes a function that will have the same effect, and give the same
  63. result, even if called zero or multiple times (side-effect free).
  64. A stronger version of :term:`idempotent`.
  65. reentrant
  66. describes a function that can be interrupted in the middle of
  67. execution (e.g. by hardware interrupt or signal) and then safely
  68. called again later. Reentrancy is not the same as
  69. :term:`idempotence <idempotent>` as the return value does not have to
  70. be the same given the same inputs, and a reentrant function may have
  71. side effects as long as it can be interrupted; An idempotent function
  72. is always reentrant, but the reverse may not be true.
  73. cipater
  74. Celery release 3.1 named after song by Autechre
  75. (
  76. prefetch multiplier
  77. The :term:`prefetch count` is configured by using the
  78. :setting:`worker_prefetch_multiplier` setting, which is multiplied
  79. by the number of pool slots (threads/processes/greenthreads).
  80. `prefetch count`
  81. Maximum number of unacknowledged messages a consumer can hold and if
  82. exceeded the transport should not deliver any more messages to that
  83. consumer. See :ref:`optimizing-prefetch-limit`.