============================================================ Tutorial: Creating a click counter using carrot and celery ============================================================ .. contents:: :local: Introduction ============ A click counter should be easy, right? Just a simple view that increments a click in the DB and forwards you to the real destination. This would work well for most sites, but when traffic starts to increase, you are likely to bump into problems. One database write for every click is not good if you have millions of clicks a day. So what can you do? In this tutorial we will send the individual clicks as messages using ``carrot``, and then process them later with a ``celery`` periodic task. Celery and carrot is excellent in tandem, and while this might not be the perfect example, you'll at least see one example how of they can be used to solve a task. The model ========= The model is simple, ``Click`` has the URL as primary key and a number of clicks for that URL. Its manager, ``ClickManager`` implements the ``increment_clicks`` method, which takes a URL and by how much to increment its count by. *clickmuncher/models.py*: .. code-block:: python from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class ClickManager(models.Manager): def increment_clicks(self, for_url, increment_by=1): """Increment the click count for an URL. >>> Click.objects.increment_clicks("http://google.com", 10) """ click, created = self.get_or_create(url=for_url, defaults={"click_count": increment_by}) if not created: click.click_count += increment_by click.save() return click.click_count class Click(models.Model): url = models.URLField(_(u"URL"), verify_exists=False, unique=True) click_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(_(u"click_count"), default=0) objects = ClickManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _(u"URL clicks") verbose_name_plural = _(u"URL clicks") Using carrot to send clicks as messages ======================================== The model is normal django stuff, nothing new there. But now we get on to the messaging. It has been a tradition for me to put the projects messaging related code in its own ``messaging.py`` module, and I will continue to do so here so maybe you can adopt this practice. In this module we have two functions: * ``send_increment_clicks`` This function sends a simple message to the broker. The message body only contains the URL we want to increment as plain-text, so the exchange and routing key play a role here. We use an exchange called ``clicks``, with a routing key of ``increment_click``, so any consumer binding a queue to this exchange using this routing key will receive these messages. * ``process_clicks`` This function processes all currently gathered clicks sent using ``send_increment_clicks``. Instead of issuing one database query for every click it processes all of the messages first, calculates the new click count and issues one update per URL. A message that has been received will not be deleted from the broker until it has been acknowledged by the receiver, so if the receiver dies in the middle of processing the message, it will be re-sent at a later point in time. This guarantees delivery and we respect this feature here by not acknowledging the message until the clicks has actually been written to disk. **Note**: This could probably be optimized further with some hand-written SQL, but it will do for now. Let's say it's an exercise left for the picky reader, albeit a discouraged one if you can survive without doing it. On to the code... *clickmuncher/messaging.py*: .. code-block:: python from carrot.connection import DjangoBrokerConnection from carrot.messaging import Publisher, Consumer from clickmuncher.models import Click def send_increment_clicks(for_url): """Send a message for incrementing the click count for an URL.""" connection = DjangoBrokerConnection() publisher = Publisher(connection=connection, exchange="clicks", routing_key="increment_click", exchange_type="direct") publisher.send(for_url) publisher.close() connection.close() def process_clicks(): """Process all currently gathered clicks by saving them to the database.""" connection = DjangoBrokerConnection() consumer = Consumer(connection=connection, queue="clicks", exchange="clicks", routing_key="increment_click", exchange_type="direct") # First process the messages: save the number of clicks # for every URL. clicks_for_url = {} messages_for_url = {} for message in consumer.iterqueue(): url = message.body clicks_for_url[url] = clicks_for_url.get(url, 0) + 1 # We also need to keep the message objects so we can ack the # messages as processed when we are finished with them. if url in messages_for_url: messages_for_url[url].append(message) else: messages_for_url[url] = [message] # Then increment the clicks in the database so we only need # one UPDATE/INSERT for each URL. for url, click_count in clicks_for_urls.items(): Click.objects.increment_clicks(url, click_count) # Now that the clicks has been registered for this URL we can # acknowledge the messages [message.ack() for message in messages_for_url[url]] consumer.close() connection.close() View and URLs ============= This is also simple stuff, don't think I have to explain this code to you. The interface is as follows, if you have a link to http://google.com you would want to count the clicks for, you replace the URL with: http://mysite/clickmuncher/count/?u=http://google.com and the ``count`` view will send off an increment message and forward you to that site. *clickmuncher/views.py*: .. code-block:: python from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from clickmuncher.messaging import send_increment_clicks def count(request): url = request.GET["u"] send_increment_clicks(url) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) *clickmuncher/urls.py*: .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url from clickmuncher import views urlpatterns = patterns("", url(r'^$', views.count, name="clickmuncher-count"), ) Creating the periodic task ========================== Processing the clicks every 30 minutes is easy using celery periodic tasks. *clickmuncher/tasks.py*: .. code-block:: python from celery.task import PeriodicTask from clickmuncher.messaging import process_clicks from datetime import timedelta class ProcessClicksTask(PeriodicTask): run_every = timedelta(minutes=30) def run(self, \*\*kwargs): process_clicks() We subclass from :class:`celery.task.base.PeriodicTask`, set the ``run_every`` attribute and in the body of the task just call the ``process_clicks`` function we wrote earlier. Finishing ========= There are still ways to improve this application. The URLs could be cleaned so the URL http://google.com and http://google.com/ is the same. Maybe it's even possible to update the click count using a single UPDATE query? If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, please send a mail to the mailing-list or come join us in the #celery IRC channel at Freenode: http://celeryq.org/introduction.html#getting-help