from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import pytest import sys from case import Mock, skip from celery.five import python_2_unicode_compatible, string, long_t from celery.local import ( Proxy, PromiseProxy, maybe_evaluate, try_import, ) PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 class test_try_import: def test_imports(self): assert try_import(__name__) def test_when_default(self): default = object() assert try_import('foobar.awqewqe.asdwqewq', default) is default class test_Proxy: def test_std_class_attributes(self): assert Proxy.__name__ == 'Proxy' assert Proxy.__module__ == 'celery.local' assert isinstance(Proxy.__doc__, str) def test_doc(self): def real(): pass x = Proxy(real, __doc__='foo') assert x.__doc__ == 'foo' def test_name(self): def real(): """real function""" return 'REAL' x = Proxy(lambda: real, name='xyz') assert x.__name__ == 'xyz' y = Proxy(lambda: real) assert y.__name__ == 'real' assert x.__doc__ == 'real function' assert x.__class__ == type(real) assert x.__dict__ == real.__dict__ assert repr(x) == repr(real) assert x.__module__ def test_get_current_local(self): x = Proxy(lambda: 10) object.__setattr__(x, '_Proxy_local', Mock()) assert x._get_current_object() def test_bool(self): class X(object): def __bool__(self): return False __nonzero__ = __bool__ x = Proxy(lambda: X()) assert not x def test_slots(self): class X(object): __slots__ = () x = Proxy(X) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): x.__dict__ @skip.if_python3() def test_unicode(self): @python_2_unicode_compatible class X(object): def __unicode__(self): return 'UNICODE' __str__ = __unicode__ def __repr__(self): return 'REPR' x = Proxy(lambda: X()) assert string(x) == 'UNICODE' del(X.__unicode__) del(X.__str__) assert string(x) == 'REPR' def test_dir(self): class X(object): def __dir__(self): return ['a', 'b', 'c'] x = Proxy(lambda: X()) assert dir(x) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] class Y(object): def __dir__(self): raise RuntimeError() y = Proxy(lambda: Y()) assert dir(y) == [] def test_getsetdel_attr(self): class X(object): a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 def __dir__(self): return ['a', 'b', 'c'] v = X() x = Proxy(lambda: v) assert x.__members__ == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert x.a == 1 assert x.b == 2 assert x.c == 3 setattr(x, 'a', 10) assert x.a == 10 del(x.a) assert x.a == 1 def test_dictproxy(self): v = {} x = Proxy(lambda: v) x['foo'] = 42 assert x['foo'] == 42 assert len(x) == 1 assert 'foo' in x del(x['foo']) with pytest.raises(KeyError): x['foo'] assert iter(x) def test_listproxy(self): v = [] x = Proxy(lambda: v) x.append(1) x.extend([2, 3, 4]) assert x[0] == 1 assert x[:-1] == [1, 2, 3] del(x[-1]) assert x[:-1] == [1, 2] x[0] = 10 assert x[0] == 10 assert 10 in x assert len(x) == 3 assert iter(x) x[0:2] = [1, 2] del(x[0:2]) assert str(x) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: assert x.__cmp__(object()) == -1 def test_complex_cast(self): class O(object): def __complex__(self): return complex(10.333) o = Proxy(O) assert o.__complex__() == complex(10.333) def test_index(self): class O(object): def __index__(self): return 1 o = Proxy(O) assert o.__index__() == 1 def test_coerce(self): class O(object): def __coerce__(self, other): return self, other o = Proxy(O) assert o.__coerce__(3) def test_int(self): assert Proxy(lambda: 10) + 1 == Proxy(lambda: 11) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) - 1 == Proxy(lambda: 9) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) * 2 == Proxy(lambda: 20) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) ** 2 == Proxy(lambda: 100) assert Proxy(lambda: 20) / 2 == Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 20) // 2 == Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 11) % 2 == Proxy(lambda: 1) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) << 2 == Proxy(lambda: 40) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) >> 2 == Proxy(lambda: 2) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) ^ 7 == Proxy(lambda: 13) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) | 40 == Proxy(lambda: 42) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) != Proxy(lambda: -11) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) != Proxy(lambda: -10) assert Proxy(lambda: -10) == Proxy(lambda: -10) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) < Proxy(lambda: 20) assert Proxy(lambda: 20) > Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) >= Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) <= Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 10) == Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 20) != Proxy(lambda: 10) assert Proxy(lambda: 100).__divmod__(30) assert Proxy(lambda: 100).__truediv__(30) assert abs(Proxy(lambda: -100)) x = Proxy(lambda: 10) x -= 1 assert x == 9 x = Proxy(lambda: 9) x += 1 assert x == 10 x = Proxy(lambda: 10) x *= 2 assert x == 20 x = Proxy(lambda: 20) x /= 2 assert x == 10 x = Proxy(lambda: 10) x %= 2 assert x == 0 x = Proxy(lambda: 10) x <<= 3 assert x == 80 x = Proxy(lambda: 80) x >>= 4 assert x == 5 x = Proxy(lambda: 5) x ^= 1 assert x == 4 x = Proxy(lambda: 4) x **= 4 assert x == 256 x = Proxy(lambda: 256) x //= 2 assert x == 128 x = Proxy(lambda: 128) x |= 2 assert x == 130 x = Proxy(lambda: 130) x &= 10 assert x == 2 x = Proxy(lambda: 10) assert type(x.__float__()) == float assert type(x.__int__()) == int if not PY3: assert type(x.__long__()) == long_t assert hex(x) assert oct(x) def test_hash(self): class X(object): def __hash__(self): return 1234 assert hash(Proxy(lambda: X())) == 1234 def test_call(self): class X(object): def __call__(self): return 1234 assert Proxy(lambda: X())() == 1234 def test_context(self): class X(object): entered = exited = False def __enter__(self): self.entered = True return 1234 def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.exited = True v = X() x = Proxy(lambda: v) with x as val: assert val == 1234 assert x.entered assert x.exited def test_reduce(self): class X(object): def __reduce__(self): return 123 x = Proxy(lambda: X()) assert x.__reduce__() == 123 class test_PromiseProxy: def test_only_evaluated_once(self): class X(object): attr = 123 evals = 0 def __init__(self): self.__class__.evals += 1 p = PromiseProxy(X) assert p.attr == 123 assert p.attr == 123 assert X.evals == 1 def test_callbacks(self): source = Mock(name='source') p = PromiseProxy(source) cbA = Mock(name='cbA') cbB = Mock(name='cbB') cbC = Mock(name='cbC') p.__then__(cbA, p) p.__then__(cbB, p) assert not p.__evaluated__() assert object.__getattribute__(p, '__pending__') assert repr(p) assert p.__evaluated__() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): object.__getattribute__(p, '__pending__') cbA.assert_called_with(p) cbB.assert_called_with(p) assert p.__evaluated__() p.__then__(cbC, p) cbC.assert_called_with(p) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): object.__getattribute__(p, '__pending__') def test_maybe_evaluate(self): x = PromiseProxy(lambda: 30) assert not x.__evaluated__() assert maybe_evaluate(x) == 30 assert maybe_evaluate(x) == 30 assert maybe_evaluate(30) == 30 assert x.__evaluated__()