.. _tut-celery: ======================== First steps with Celery ======================== .. contents:: :local: .. _celerytut-broker: Choosing your Broker ==================== Before you can use Celery you need to choose, install and run a broker. The broker is the service responsible for receiving and delivering task messages. There are several choices available, including: * :ref:`broker-rabbitmq` `RabbitMQ`_ is feature-complete, safe and durable. If not losing tasks is important to you, then this is your best option. * :ref:`broker-redis` `Redis`_ is also feature-complete, but power failures or abrupt termination may result in data loss. * :ref:`broker-sqlalchemy` * :ref:`broker-django` Using a database as a message queue is not recommended, but can be sufficient for very small installations. Celery can use the SQLAlchemy and Django ORM. * and more. In addition to the above, there are several other transport implementations to choose from, including :ref:`broker-couchdb`, :ref:`broker-beanstalk`, :ref:`broker-mongodb`, and SQS. There is a `Transport Comparison`_ in the Kombu documentation. .. _`RabbitMQ`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ .. _`Redis`: http://redis.io/ .. _`Transport Comparison`: http://kombu.rtfd.org/transport-comparison .. _celerytut-simple-tasks: Creating a simple task ====================== In this tutorial we are creating a simple task that adds two numbers. Tasks are defined in normal Python modules. By convention we will call our module :file:`tasks.py`, and it looks like this: :file: `tasks.py` .. code-block:: python from celery.task import task @task def add(x, y): return x + y Behind the scenes the `@task` decorator actually creates a class that inherits from :class:`~celery.task.base.Task`. The best practice is to only create custom task classes when you want to change generic behavior, and use the decorator to define tasks. .. seealso:: The full documentation on how to create tasks and task classes is in the :doc:`../userguide/tasks` part of the user guide. .. _celerytut-conf: Configuration ============= Celery is configured by using a configuration module. By default this module is called :file:`celeryconfig.py`. The configuration module must either be in the current directory or on the Python path, so that it can be imported. You can also set a custom name for the configuration module by using the :envvar:`CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE` environment variable. Let's create our :file:`celeryconfig.py`. 1. Configure how we communicate with the broker (RabbitMQ in this example):: BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//" 2. Define the backend used to store task metadata and return values:: CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "amqp" The AMQP backend is non-persistent by default, and you can only fetch the result of a task once (as it's sent as a message). For list of backends available and related options see :ref:`conf-result-backend`. 3. Finally we list the modules the worker should import. This includes the modules containing your tasks. We only have a single task module, :file:`tasks.py`, which we added earlier:: CELERY_IMPORTS = ("tasks", ) That's it. There are more options available, like how many processes you want to use to process work in parallel (the :setting:`CELERY_CONCURRENCY` setting), and we could use a persistent result store backend, but for now, this should do. For all of the options available, see :ref:`configuration`. .. note:: You can also specify modules to import using the :option:`-I` option to :mod:`~celery.bin.celeryd`:: $ celeryd -l info -I tasks,handlers This can be a single, or a comma separated list of task modules to import when :program:`celeryd` starts. .. _celerytut-running-celeryd: Running the celery worker server ================================ To test we will run the worker server in the foreground, so we can see what's going on in the terminal:: $ celeryd --loglevel=INFO In production you will probably want to run the worker in the background as a daemon. To do this you need to use the tools provided by your platform, or something like `supervisord`_ (see :ref:`daemonizing` for more information). For a complete listing of the command line options available, do:: $ celeryd --help .. _`supervisord`: http://supervisord.org .. _celerytut-executing-task: Executing the task ================== Whenever we want to execute our task, we use the :meth:`~celery.task.base.Task.delay` method of the task class. This is a handy shortcut to the :meth:`~celery.task.base.Task.apply_async` method which gives greater control of the task execution (see :ref:`guide-executing`). >>> from tasks import add >>> add.delay(4, 4) <AsyncResult: 889143a6-39a2-4e52-837b-d80d33efb22d> At this point, the task has been sent to the message broker. The message broker will hold on to the task until a worker server has consumed and executed it. Right now we have to check the worker log files to know what happened with the task. Applying a task returns an :class:`~celery.result.AsyncResult`, if you have configured a result store the :class:`~celery.result.AsyncResult` enables you to check the state of the task, wait for the task to finish, get its return value or exception/traceback if the task failed, and more. Keeping Results --------------- If you want to keep track of the tasks state, Celery needs to store or send the states somewhere. There are several built-in backends to choose from: SQLAlchemy/Django ORM, Memcached, Redis, AMQP, MongoDB, Tokyo Tyrant and Redis -- or you can define your own. For this example we will use the `amqp` result backend, which sends states as messages. The backend is configured via the ``CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND`` option, in addition individual result backends may have additional settings you can configure:: CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "amqp" #: We want the results to expire in 5 minutes, note that this requires #: RabbitMQ version 2.1.1 or higher, so please comment out if you have #: an earlier version. CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = 300 To read more about result backends please see :ref:`task-result-backends`. Now with the result backend configured, let's execute the task again. This time we'll hold on to the :class:`~celery.result.AsyncResult`:: >>> result = add.delay(4, 4) Here's some examples of what you can do when you have results:: >>> result.ready() # returns True if the task has finished processing. False >>> result.result # task is not ready, so no return value yet. None >>> result.get() # Waits until the task is done and returns the retval. 8 >>> result.result # direct access to result, doesn't re-raise errors. 8 >>> result.successful() # returns True if the task didn't end in failure. True If the task raises an exception, the return value of `result.successful()` will be :const:`False`, and `result.result` will contain the exception instance raised by the task. Where to go from here ===================== After this you should read the :ref:`guide`. Specifically :ref:`guide-tasks` and :ref:`guide-executing`.