.. _guide-app: ============= Application ============= .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 The Celery library must be instantiated before use, this instance is called an application (or *app* for short). The application is thread-safe so that multiple Celery applications with different configuration, components and tasks can co-exist in the same process space. Let's create one now: .. code-block:: python >>> from celery import Celery >>> celery = Celery() >>> celery The last line shows the textual representation of the application, which includes the name of the celery class (``Celery``), the name of the current main module (``__main__``), and the memory address of the object (``0x100469fd0``). Main Name ========= Only one of these is important, and that is the main module name, let's look at why that is. When you send a task message in Celery, that message will not contain any source code, but only the name of the task you want to execute. This works similarly to how host names works on the internet: every worker maintains a mapping of task names to their actual functions, called the *task registry*. Whenever you define a task, that task will also be added to the local registry: .. code-block:: python >>> @celery.task ... def add(x, y): ... return x + y >>> add <@task: __main__.add> >>> add.name __main__.add >>> celery.tasks['__main__.add'] <@task: __main__.add> and there you see that ``__main__`` again; whenever Celery is not able to detect what module the function belongs to, it uses the main module name to generate the beginning of the task name. This is only a problem in a limited set of use cases: #. If the module that the task is defined in is run as a program. #. If the application is created in the Python shell (REPL). For example here, where the tasks module is also used to start a worker: :file:`tasks.py`: .. code-block:: python from celery import Celery celery = Celery() @celery.task def add(x, y): return x + y if __name__ == '__main__': celery.worker_main() When this module is executed the tasks will be named starting with "``__main__``", but when it the module is imported by another process, say to call a task, the tasks will be named starting with "``tasks``" (the real name of the module):: >>> from tasks import add >>> add.name tasks.add You can specify another name for the main module: .. code-block:: python >>> celery = Celery('tasks') >>> celery.main 'tasks' >>> @celery.task ... def add(x, y): ... return x + y >>> add.name tasks.add .. seealso:: :ref:`task-names` Configuration ============= There are lots of different options you can set that will change how Celery work. These options can be set on the app instance directly, or you can use a dedicated configuration module. The configuration is available as :attr:`@Celery.conf`:: >>> celery.conf.CELERY_TIMEZONE 'Europe/London' where you can set configuration values directly:: >>> celery.conf.CELERY_ENABLE_UTC = True or you can update several keys at once by using the ``update`` method:: >>> celery.conf.update( ... CELERY_ENABLE_UTC=True, ... CELERY_TIMEZONE='Europe/London', ...) The configuration object consists of multiple dictionaries that are consulted in order: #. Changes made at runtime. #. The configuration module (if any) #. The default configuration (:mod:`celery.app.defaults`). .. seealso:: Go to the :ref:`Configuration reference ` for a complete listing of all the available settings, and their default values. ``config_from_object`` ---------------------- .. sidebar:: Timezones & pytz Setting a time zone other than UTC requires the :mod:`pytz` library to be installed, see the :setting:`CELERY_TIMEZONE` setting for more information. The :meth:`@Celery.config_from_object` method loads configuration from a configuration object. This can be a configuration module, or any object with configuration attributes. Note that any configuration that was previous set will be reset when :meth:`~@Celery.config_from_object` is called. If you want to set additional configuration you should do so after. Example 1: Using the name of a module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from celery import Celery celery = Celery() celery.config_from_object('celeryconfig') The ``celeryconfig`` module may then look like this: :file:`celeryconfig.py`: .. code-block:: python CELERY_ENABLE_UTC = True CELERY_TIMEZONE = 'Europe/London' Example 2: Using a configuration module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from celery import Celery celery = Celery() import celeryconfig celery.config_from_object(celeryconfig) Example 3: Using a configuration class/object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from celery import Celery celery = Celery() class Config: CELERY_ENABLE_UTC = True CELERY_TIMEZONE = 'Europe/London' celery.config_from_object(Config) ``config_from_envvar`` ---------------------- The :meth:`@Celery.config_from_envvar` takes the configuration module name from an environment variable For example -- to load configuration from a module specified in the environment variable named :envvar:`CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE`: .. code-block:: python import os from celery import Celery #: Set default configuration module name os.environ.setdefault('CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE', 'celeryconfig') celery = Celery() celery.config_from_envvar('CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE') You can then specify the configuration module to use via the environment: .. code-block:: bash $ CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE="celeryconfig.prod" celery worker -l info Laziness ======== The application instance is lazy, meaning that it will not be evaluated until something is actually needed. Creating a :class:`@Celery` instance will only do the following: #. Create a logical clock instance, used for events. #. Create the task registry. #. Set itself as the current app (but not if the ``set_as_current`` argument was disabled) #. Call the :meth:`@Celery.on_init` callback (does nothing by default). The :meth:`~@Celery.task` decorator does not actually create the tasks at the point when it's called, instead it will defer the creation of the task to happen either when the task is used, or after the application has been *finalized*, This example shows how the task is not created until you use the task, or access an attribute (in this case :meth:`repr`): .. code-block:: python >>> @celery.task >>> def add(x, y): ... return x + y >>> type(add) >>> add.__evaluated__() False >>> add # <-- causes repr(add) to happen <@task: __main__.add> >>> add.__evaluated__() True *Finalization* of the appq happens either explicitly by calling :meth:`@Celery.finalize` -- or implicitly by accessing the :attr:`~@Celery.tasks` attribute. Finalizing the object will: #. Copy tasks that must be shared between apps Tasks are shared by default, but if the ``shared`` argument to the task decorator is disabled, then the task will be private to the app it's bound to. #. Evaluate all pending task decorators. #. Make sure all tasks are bound to the current app. Tasks are bound to apps so that it can read default values from the configuration. .. _default-app: .. topic:: The "default app". Celery did not always work this way, it used to be that there was only a module-based API, and for backwards compatibility the old API is still there. Celery always creates a special app that is the "default app", and this is used if no custom application has been instantiated. The :mod:`celery.task` module is there to accommodate the old API, and should not be used if you use a custom app. You should always use the methods on the app instance, not the module based API. For example, the old Task base class enables many compatibility features where some may be incompatible with newer features, such as task methods: .. code-block:: python from celery.task import Task # << OLD Task base class. from celery import Task # << NEW base class. The new base class is recommended even if you use the old module-based API. Breaking the chain ================== While it's possible to depend on the current app being set, the best practice is to always pass the app instance around to anything that needs it. I call this the "app chain", since it creates a chain of instances depending on the app being passed. The following example is considered bad practice: .. code-block:: python from celery import current_app class Scheduler(object): def run(self): app = current_app Instead it should take the ``app`` as an argument: .. code-block:: python class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app Internally Celery uses the :func:`celery.app.app_or_default` function so that everything also works in the module-based compatibility API .. code-block:: python from celery.app import app_or_default class Scheduler(object): def __init__(self, app=None): self.app = app_or_default(app) In development you can set the :envvar:`CELERY_TRACE_APP` environment variable to raise an exception if the app chain breaks: .. code-block:: bash $ CELERY_TRACE_APP=1 celery worker -l info .. topic:: Evolving the API Celery has changed a lot in the 3 years since it was initially created. For example, in the beginning it was possible to use any callable as a task: .. code-block:: python def hello(to): return 'hello %s' % to >>> from celery.execute import apply_async >>> apply_async(hello, ('world!', )) or you could also create a ``Task`` class to set certain options, or override other behavior .. code-block:: python from celery.task import Task from celery.registry import tasks class Hello(Task): send_error_emails = True def run(self, to): return 'hello %s' % to tasks.register(Hello) >>> Hello.delay('world!') Later, it was decided that passing arbitrary call-ables was an anti-pattern, since it makes it very hard to use serializers other than pickle, and the feature was removed in 2.0, replaced by task decorators: .. code-block:: python from celery.task import task @task(send_error_emails=True) def hello(x): return 'hello %s' % to Abstract Tasks ============== All tasks created using the :meth:`~@Celery.task` decorator will inherit from the applications base :attr:`~@Celery.Task` class. You can specify a different base class with the ``base`` argument: .. code-block:: python @celery.task(base=OtherTask): def add(x, y): return x + y To create a custom task class you should inherit from the neutral base class: :class:`celery.Task`. .. code-block:: python from celery import Task class DebugTask(Task): abstract = True def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print('TASK STARTING: %s[%s]' % (self.name, self.request.id)) return self.run(*args, **kwargs) The neutral base class is special because it's not bound to any specific app yet. Concrete subclasses of this class will be bound, so you should always mark generic base classes as ``abstract`` Once a task is bound to an app it will read configuration to set default values and so on. It's also possible to change the default base class for an application by changing its :meth:`@Celery.Task` attribute: .. code-block:: python >>> from celery import Celery, Task >>> celery = Celery() >>> class MyBaseTask(Task): ... abstract = True ... send_error_emails = True >>> celery.Task = MyBaseTask >>> celery.Task >>> @x.task ... def add(x, y): ... return x + y >>> add <@task: __main__.add> >>> add.__class__.mro() [>, , , ]