============================ Configuration - celery.conf ============================ .. contents:: :local: .. currentmodule:: celery.conf Queues ====== .. data:: QUEUES Queue name/options mapping. .. data:: DEFAULT_QUEUE Name of the default queue. .. data:: DEFAULT_EXCHANGE Default exchange. .. data:: DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_TYPE Default exchange type. .. data:: DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE Default delivery mode (`"persistent"` or `"non-persistent"`). Default is `"persistent"`. .. data:: DEFAULT_ROUTING_KEY Default routing key used when sending tasks. .. data:: BROKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT The timeout in seconds before we give up establishing a connection to the AMQP server. .. data:: BROADCAST_QUEUE Name prefix for the queue used when listening for broadcast messages. The workers hostname will be appended to the prefix to create the final queue name. Default is `"celeryctl"`. .. data:: BROADCAST_EXCHANGE Name of the exchange used for broadcast messages. Default is `"celeryctl"`. .. data:: BROADCAST_EXCHANGE_TYPE Exchange type used for broadcast messages. Default is `"fanout"`. .. data:: EVENT_QUEUE Name of queue used to listen for event messages. Default is `"celeryevent"`. .. data:: EVENT_EXCHANGE Exchange used to send event messages. Default is `"celeryevent"`. .. data:: EVENT_EXCHANGE_TYPE Exchange type used for the event exchange. Default is `"topic"`. .. data:: EVENT_ROUTING_KEY Routing key used for events. Default is `"celeryevent"`. .. data:: EVENT_SERIALIZER Type of serialization method used to serialize events. Default is `"json"`. .. data:: RESULT_EXCHANGE Exchange used by the AMQP result backend to publish task results. Default is `"celeryresult"`. Sending E-Mails =============== .. data:: CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS If set to `True`, errors in tasks will be sent to :data:`ADMINS` by e-mail. .. data:: ADMINS List of `(name, email_address)` tuples for the admins that should receive error e-mails. .. data:: SERVER_EMAIL The e-mail address this worker sends e-mails from. Default is `"celery@localhost"`. .. data:: MAIL_HOST The mail server to use. Default is `"localhost"`. .. data:: MAIL_HOST_USER Username (if required) to log on to the mail server with. .. data:: MAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Password (if required) to log on to the mail server with. .. data:: MAIL_PORT The port the mail server is listening on. Default is `25`. Execution ========= .. data:: ALWAYS_EAGER Always execute tasks locally, don't send to the queue. .. data:: EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS If set to `True`, :func:`celery.execute.apply` will re-raise task exceptions. It's the same as always running apply with `throw=True`. .. data:: TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES Task tombstone expire time in seconds. .. data:: IGNORE_RESULT If enabled, the default behavior will be to not store task results. .. data:: TRACK_STARTED If enabled, the default behavior will be to track when tasks starts by storing the :const:`STARTED` state. .. data:: ACKS_LATE If enabled, the default behavior will be to acknowledge task messages after the task is executed. .. data:: STORE_ERRORS_EVEN_IF_IGNORED If enabled, task errors will be stored even though `Task.ignore_result` is enabled. .. data:: MAX_CACHED_RESULTS Total number of results to store before results are evicted from the result cache. .. data:: TASK_SERIALIZER A string identifying the default serialization method to use. Can be `pickle` (default), `json`, `yaml`, `msgpack` or any custom serialization methods that have been registered with :mod:`kombu.serialization.registry`. .. data:: RESULT_BACKEND The backend used to store task results (tombstones). .. data:: CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND Celery cache backend. .. data:: SEND_EVENTS If set, celery will send events that can be captured by monitors like `celerymon`. Default is: `False`. .. data:: DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT The default rate limit applied to all tasks which doesn't have a custom rate limit defined. (Default: :const:`None`) .. data:: DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS If `True` all rate limits will be disabled and all tasks will be executed as soon as possible. Broker ====== .. data:: BROKER_CONNECTION_RETRY Automatically try to re-establish the connection to the AMQP broker if it's lost. .. data:: BROKER_CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES Maximum number of retries before we give up re-establishing a connection to the broker. If this is set to `0` or :const:`None`, we will retry forever. Default is `100` retries. Celerybeat ========== .. data:: CELERYBEAT_LOG_LEVEL Default log level for celerybeat. Default is: `INFO`. .. data:: CELERYBEAT_LOG_FILE Default log file for celerybeat. Default is: :const:`None` (stderr) .. data:: CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE_FILENAME Name of the persistent schedule database file. Default is: `celerybeat-schedule`. .. data:: CELERYBEAT_MAX_LOOP_INTERVAL The maximum number of seconds celerybeat is allowed to sleep between checking the schedule. The default is 5 minutes, which means celerybeat can only sleep a maximum of 5 minutes after checking the schedule run-times for a periodic task to apply. If you change the run_times of periodic tasks at run-time, you may consider lowering this value for changes to take effect faster (A value of 5 minutes, means the changes will take effect in 5 minutes at maximum). Celerymon ========= .. data:: CELERYMON_LOG_LEVEL Default log level for celerymon. Default is: `INFO`. .. data:: CELERYMON_LOG_FILE Default log file for celerymon. Default is: :const:`None` (stderr) Celeryd ======= .. data:: LOG_LEVELS Mapping of log level names to :mod:`logging` module constants. .. data:: CELERYD_LOG_FORMAT The format to use for log messages. .. data:: CELERYD_TASK_LOG_FORMAT The format to use for task log messages. .. data:: CELERYD_LOG_FILE Filename of the daemon log file. Default is: :const:`None` (stderr) .. data:: CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL Default log level for daemons. (:const:`WARN`) .. data:: CELERYD_CONCURRENCY The number of concurrent worker processes. If set to `0` (the default), the total number of available CPUs/cores will be used. .. data:: CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER The number of concurrent workers is multipled by this number to yield the wanted AMQP QoS message prefetch count. Default is: `4` .. data:: CELERYD_POOL Name of the task pool class used by the worker. Default is `"celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool"`. .. data:: CELERYD_CONSUMER Name of the consumer class used by the worker. Default is `"celery.worker.consumer.Consumer"`. .. data:: CELERYD_MEDIATOR Name of the mediator class used by the worker. Default is `"celery.worker.controllers.Mediator"`. .. data:: CELERYD_ETA_SCHEDULER Name of the ETA scheduler class used by the worker. Default is `"celery.worker.controllers.ScheduleController"`.