from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import pickle from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import timedelta from pickle import dumps, loads import pytest from billiard.einfo import ExceptionInfo from case import Mock, mock from celery import states, uuid from celery.backends.amqp import AMQPBackend from celery.five import Empty, Queue, range from celery.result import AsyncResult class SomeClass(object): def __init__(self, data): = data class test_AMQPBackend: def setup(self): = 100 def create_backend(self, **opts): opts = dict({'serializer': 'pickle', 'persistent': True}, **opts) return AMQPBackend(, **opts) def test_destination_for(self): b = self.create_backend() request = Mock() assert b.destination_for('id', request) == ( b.rkey('id'), request.correlation_id, ) def test_store_result__no_routing_key(self): b = self.create_backend() b.destination_for = Mock() b.destination_for.return_value = None, None b.store_result('id', None, states.SUCCESS) def test_mark_as_done(self): tb1 = self.create_backend(max_cached_results=1) tb2 = self.create_backend(max_cached_results=1) tid = uuid() tb1.mark_as_done(tid, 42) assert tb2.get_state(tid) == states.SUCCESS assert tb2.get_result(tid) == 42 assert tb2._cache.get(tid) assert tb2.get_result(tid), 42 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('depends_on_current_app') def test_pickleable(self): assert loads(dumps(self.create_backend())) def test_revive(self): tb = self.create_backend() tb.revive(None) def test_is_pickled(self): tb1 = self.create_backend() tb2 = self.create_backend() tid2 = uuid() result = {'foo': 'baz', 'bar': SomeClass(12345)} tb1.mark_as_done(tid2, result) # is serialized properly. rindb = tb2.get_result(tid2) assert rindb.get('foo') == 'baz' assert rindb.get('bar').data == 12345 def test_mark_as_failure(self): tb1 = self.create_backend() tb2 = self.create_backend() tid3 = uuid() try: raise KeyError('foo') except KeyError as exception: einfo = ExceptionInfo() tb1.mark_as_failure(tid3, exception, traceback=einfo.traceback) assert tb2.get_state(tid3) == states.FAILURE assert isinstance(tb2.get_result(tid3), KeyError) assert tb2.get_traceback(tid3) == einfo.traceback def test_repair_uuid(self): from celery.backends.amqp import repair_uuid for i in range(10): tid = uuid() assert repair_uuid(tid.replace('-', '')) == tid def test_expires_is_int(self): b = self.create_backend(expires=48) q = b._create_binding('x1y2z3') assert q.expires == 48 def test_expires_is_float(self): b = self.create_backend(expires=48.3) q = b._create_binding('x1y2z3') assert q.expires == 48.3 def test_expires_is_timedelta(self): b = self.create_backend(expires=timedelta(minutes=1)) q = b._create_binding('x1y2z3') assert q.expires == 60 @mock.sleepdeprived() def test_store_result_retries(self): iterations = [0] stop_raising_at = [5] def publish(*args, **kwargs): if iterations[0] > stop_raising_at[0]: return iterations[0] += 1 raise KeyError('foo') backend = AMQPBackend( from import Producer prod, Producer.publish = Producer.publish, publish try: with pytest.raises(KeyError): backend.retry_policy['max_retries'] = None backend.store_result('foo', 'bar', 'STARTED') with pytest.raises(KeyError): backend.retry_policy['max_retries'] = 10 backend.store_result('foo', 'bar', 'STARTED') finally: Producer.publish = prod def test_poll_no_messages(self): b = self.create_backend() assert b.get_task_meta(uuid())['status'] == states.PENDING @contextmanager def _result_context(self): results = Queue() class Message(object): acked = 0 requeued = 0 def __init__(self, **merge): self.payload = dict({'status': states.STARTED, 'result': None}, **merge) = {'correlation_id': merge.get('task_id')} self.body = pickle.dumps(self.payload) self.content_type = 'application/x-python-serialize' self.content_encoding = 'binary' def ack(self, *args, **kwargs): self.acked += 1 def requeue(self, *args, **kwargs): self.requeued += 1 class MockBinding(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = Mock() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def declare(self): pass def get(self, no_ack=False, accept=None): try: m = results.get(block=False) if m: m.accept = accept return m except Empty: pass def is_bound(self): return True class MockBackend(AMQPBackend): Queue = MockBinding backend = MockBackend(, max_cached_results=100) backend._republish = Mock() yield results, backend, Message def test_backlog_limit_exceeded(self): with self._result_context() as (results, backend, Message): for i in range(1001): results.put(Message(task_id='id', status=states.RECEIVED)) with pytest.raises(backend.BacklogLimitExceeded): backend.get_task_meta('id') def test_poll_result(self): with self._result_context() as (results, backend, Message): tid = uuid() # FFWD's to the latest state. state_messages = [ Message(task_id=tid, status=states.RECEIVED, seq=1), Message(task_id=tid, status=states.STARTED, seq=2), Message(task_id=tid, status=states.FAILURE, seq=3), ] for state_message in state_messages: results.put(state_message) r1 = backend.get_task_meta(tid) # FFWDs to the last state. assert r1['status'] == states.FAILURE assert r1['seq'] == 3 # Caches last known state. tid = uuid() results.put(Message(task_id=tid)) backend.get_task_meta(tid) assert tid, backend._cache in 'Caches last known state' assert state_messages[-1].requeued # Returns cache if no new states. results.queue.clear() assert not results.qsize() backend._cache[tid] = 'hello' # returns cache if no new states. assert backend.get_task_meta(tid) == 'hello' def test_drain_events_decodes_exceptions_in_meta(self): tid = uuid() b = self.create_backend(serializer='json') b.store_result(tid, RuntimeError('aap'), states.FAILURE) result = AsyncResult(tid, backend=b) with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo: result.get() assert excinfo.value.__class__.__name__ == 'RuntimeError' assert str(excinfo.value) == 'aap' def test_no_expires(self): b = self.create_backend(expires=None) app = app.conf.result_expires = None b = self.create_backend(expires=None) q = b._create_binding('foo') assert q.expires is None def test_process_cleanup(self): self.create_backend().process_cleanup() def test_reload_task_result(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.create_backend().reload_task_result('x') def test_reload_group_result(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.create_backend().reload_group_result('x') def test_save_group(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.create_backend().save_group('x', 'x') def test_restore_group(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.create_backend().restore_group('x') def test_delete_group(self): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.create_backend().delete_group('x')