@@ -6,12 +6,49 @@ Signals - celery.signals
.. currentmodule:: celery.signals
+Several kinds of events trigger signals, you can connect to these signals
+to perform actions as they trigger.
+Example connecting to the :data:`task_sent` signal:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from celery.signals import task_sent
+ def task_sent_handler(sender=None, task_id=None, task=None, args=None,
+ kwargs=None, \*\*kwds):
+ print("Got signal task_sent for task id %s" % (task_id, ))
+ task_sent.connect(task_sent_handler)
+Some signals also have a sender which you can filter by. For example the
+:data:`task_sent` signal uses the task name as a sender, so you can
+connect your handler to be called only when tasks with name ``"tasks.add"``
+has been sent by providing the ``sender`` argument to
+.. code-block:: python
+ task_sent.connect(task_sent_handler, sender="tasks.add")
+Task Signals
.. data:: task_sent
Triggered when a task has been sent to the broker.
Note that this is executed in the client process, the one sending
the task, not in the worker.
+ Sender is the name of the task being sent.
Provides arguments:
* task_id
@@ -36,6 +73,8 @@ Signals - celery.signals
Triggered before a task is executed.
+ Sender is the task class being executed.
Provides arguments:
* task_id
@@ -54,6 +93,8 @@ Signals - celery.signals
Triggered after a task has been executed.
+ Sender is the task class executed.
Provides arguments:
* task_id
@@ -72,6 +113,9 @@ Signals - celery.signals
The return value of the task.
+Worker Signals
.. data:: worker_init
Triggered before the worker is started.