@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import socket
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from pickle import loads, dumps
+from celery import Celery
+from celery import states
+from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from celery.tests.utils import AppCase, mock_module
+class Object(object):
+ pass
+class test_CassandraBackend(AppCase):
+ def test_init_no_pycassa(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ prev, mod.pycassa = mod.pycassa, None
+ try:
+ with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured):
+ mod.CassandraBackend(app=self.app)
+ finally:
+ mod.pycassa = prev
+ def get_app(self):
+ celery = Celery(set_as_current=False)
+ celery.conf.CASSANDRA_SERVERS = ["example.com"]
+ celery.conf.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE = "keyspace"
+ celery.conf.CASSANDRA_COLUMN_FAMILY = "columns"
+ return celery
+ def test_init_with_and_without_LOCAL_QUROM(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ mod.pycassa = Mock()
+ cons = mod.pycassa.ConsistencyLevel = Object()
+ cons.LOCAL_QUORUM = "foo"
+ app = self.get_app()
+ mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ cons.LOCAL_FOO = "bar"
+ mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ # no servers raises ImproperlyConfigured
+ with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured):
+ app.conf.CASSANDRA_SERVERS = None
+ mod.CassandraBackend(app=app, keyspace="b",
+ column_family="c")
+ def test_reduce(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends.cassandra import CassandraBackend
+ self.assertTrue(loads(dumps(CassandraBackend(app=self.get_app()))))
+ def test_get_task_meta_for(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ mod.pycassa = Mock()
+ mod.Thrift = Mock()
+ app = self.get_app()
+ x = mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ Get_Column = x._get_column_family = Mock()
+ get_column = Get_Column.return_value = Mock()
+ get = get_column.get
+ META = get.return_value = {"task_id": "task_id",
+ "status": states.SUCCESS,
+ "result": "1",
+ "date_done": "date",
+ "traceback": ""}
+ x.decode = Mock()
+ x.detailed_mode = False
+ meta = x._get_task_meta_for("task_id")
+ self.assertEqual(meta["status"], states.SUCCESS)
+ x.detailed_mode = True
+ row = get.return_value = Mock()
+ row.values.return_value = [Mock()]
+ x.decode.return_value = META
+ meta = x._get_task_meta_for("task_id")
+ self.assertEqual(meta["status"], states.SUCCESS)
+ x.decode.return_value = Mock()
+ x.detailed_mode = False
+ get.side_effect = KeyError()
+ meta = x._get_task_meta_for("task_id")
+ self.assertEqual(meta["status"], states.PENDING)
+ calls = [0]
+ end = [10]
+ def work_eventually(*arg):
+ try:
+ if calls[0] > end[0]:
+ return META
+ raise socket.error()
+ finally:
+ calls[0] += 1
+ get.side_effect = work_eventually
+ x._retry_timeout = 10
+ x._retry_wait = 0.01
+ meta = x._get_task_meta_for("task")
+ self.assertEqual(meta["status"], states.SUCCESS)
+ x._retry_timeout = 0.1
+ calls[0], end[0] = 0, 100
+ with self.assertRaises(socket.error):
+ x._get_task_meta_for("task")
+ def test_store_result(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ mod.pycassa = Mock()
+ mod.Thrift = Mock()
+ app = self.get_app()
+ x = mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ Get_Column = x._get_column_family = Mock()
+ cf = Get_Column.return_value = Mock()
+ x.detailed_mode = False
+ x._store_result("task_id", "result", states.SUCCESS)
+ self.assertTrue(cf.insert.called)
+ cf.insert.reset()
+ x.detailed_mode = True
+ x._store_result("task_id", "result", states.SUCCESS)
+ self.assertTrue(cf.insert.called)
+ def test_process_cleanup(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ app = self.get_app()
+ x = mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ x._column_family = None
+ x.process_cleanup()
+ x._column_family = True
+ x.process_cleanup()
+ self.assertIsNone(x._column_family)
+ def test_get_column_family(self):
+ with mock_module("pycassa"):
+ from celery.backends import cassandra as mod
+ mod.pycassa = Mock()
+ app = self.get_app()
+ x = mod.CassandraBackend(app=app)
+ self.assertTrue(x._get_column_family())
+ self.assertIsNotNone(x._column_family)
+ self.assertIs(x._get_column_family(), x._column_family)