@@ -9,63 +9,6 @@ from celery.tests.case import Case, Mock, patch, call
from kombu.tests.case import redirect_stdouts
-class test_Entry(Case):
- def test_call(self):
- scratch = [None]
- def timed(x, y, moo='foo'):
- scratch[0] = (x, y, moo)
- tref = timer2.Entry(timed, (4, 4), {'moo': 'baz'})
- tref()
- self.assertTupleEqual(scratch[0], (4, 4, 'baz'))
- def test_cancel(self):
- tref = timer2.Entry(lambda x: x, (1,), {})
- tref.cancel()
- self.assertTrue(tref.canceled)
- def test_repr(self):
- tref = timer2.Entry(lambda x: x(1,), {})
- self.assertTrue(repr(tref))
-class test_Schedule(Case):
- def test_supports_Timer_interface(self):
- x = timer2.Schedule()
- x.stop()
- tref = Mock()
- x.cancel(tref)
- tref.cancel.assert_called_with()
- self.assertIs(x.schedule, x)
- def test_handle_error(self):
- from datetime import datetime
- scratch = [None]
- def on_error(exc_info):
- scratch[0] = exc_info
- s = timer2.Schedule(on_error=on_error)
- with patch('kombu.async.timer.to_timestamp') as tot:
- tot.side_effect = OverflowError()
- s.enter_at(timer2.Entry(lambda: None, (), {}),
- eta=datetime.now())
- s.enter_at(timer2.Entry(lambda: None, (), {}), eta=None)
- s.on_error = None
- with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
- s.enter_at(timer2.Entry(lambda: None, (), {}),
- eta=datetime.now())
- exc = scratch[0]
- self.assertIsInstance(exc, OverflowError)
class test_Timer(Case):
def test_enter_after(self):
@@ -104,43 +47,6 @@ class test_Timer(Case):
- def test_call_repeatedly(self):
- t = timer2.Timer()
- try:
- t.schedule.enter_after = Mock()
- myfun = Mock()
- myfun.__name__ = 'myfun'
- t.call_repeatedly(0.03, myfun)
- self.assertEqual(t.schedule.enter_after.call_count, 1)
- args1, _ = t.schedule.enter_after.call_args_list[0]
- sec1, tref1, _ = args1
- self.assertEqual(sec1, 0.03)
- tref1()
- self.assertEqual(t.schedule.enter_after.call_count, 2)
- args2, _ = t.schedule.enter_after.call_args_list[1]
- sec2, tref2, _ = args2
- self.assertEqual(sec2, 0.03)
- tref2.canceled = True
- tref2()
- self.assertEqual(t.schedule.enter_after.call_count, 2)
- finally:
- t.stop()
- @patch('kombu.async.timer.logger')
- def test_apply_entry_error_handled(self, logger):
- t = timer2.Timer()
- t.schedule.on_error = None
- fun = Mock()
- fun.side_effect = ValueError()
- t.schedule.apply_entry(fun)
- self.assertTrue(logger.error.called)
def test_on_tick(self, sleep):
on_tick = Mock(name='on_tick')
@@ -152,17 +58,6 @@ class test_Timer(Case):
on_tick.assert_has_calls([call(3.33), call(3.33), call(3.33)])
- @redirect_stdouts
- def test_apply_entry_error_not_handled(self, stdout, stderr):
- t = timer2.Timer()
- t.schedule.on_error = Mock()
- fun = Mock()
- fun.side_effect = ValueError()
- t.schedule.apply_entry(fun)
- fun.assert_called_with()
- self.assertFalse(stderr.getvalue())
def test_thread_crash(self, _exit):
t = timer2.Timer()
@@ -180,9 +75,6 @@ class test_Timer(Case):
- def test_to_timestamp(self):
- self.assertIs(timer2.to_timestamp(3.13), 3.13)
def test_test_enter(self):
t = timer2.Timer()
t._do_enter = Mock()