@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ def old_repr(s):
- RE_OLD_SET_CUSTOM_REPR_REPLACE, repr(s).replace("u'", "'"))
- ),
+ RE_OLD_SET_CUSTOM_REPR_REPLACE, repr(s).replace("u'", "'"),
+ )
- ).replace('set([])', 'set()')
+ )).replace('set([])', 'set()')
class list2(list):
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ class test_saferepr(Case):
# multiple lines. For that reason, dicts with more than one element
# aren't tested here.
types = (
- 0, 0, 0+0j, 0.0, '', b'',
+ 0, 0, 0 + 0j, 0.0, '', b'',
(), tuple2(), tuple3(),
[], list2(), list3(),
set(), set2(), set3(),
frozenset(), frozenset2(), frozenset3(),
{}, dict2(), dict3(),
self.assertTrue, pprint,
- -6, -6, -6-6j, -1.5, 'x', b'x', (3,), [3], {3: 6},
+ -6, -6, -6 - 6j, -1.5, 'x', b'x', (3,), [3], {3: 6},
(1, 2), [3, 4], {5: 6},
tuple2((1, 2)), tuple3((1, 2)), tuple3(range(100)),
[3, 4], list2([3, 4]), list3([3, 4]), list3(range(100)),