@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ SIGNAMES = set(sig for sig in dir(signal)
if sig.startswith("SIG") and "_" not in sig)
SIGMAP = dict((getattr(signal, name), name) for name in SIGNAMES)
+# for tests to ensure that we don't actually launch anything
+_popen = Popen
USAGE = """\
usage: %(prog_name)s start <node1 node2 nodeN|range> [celeryd options]
@@ -371,6 +374,8 @@ class MultiTool(object):
def waitexec(self, argv, path=sys.executable):
args = " ".join([path] + list(argv))
argstr = shellsplit(from_utf8(args))
+ if Popen == _popen: # pragma: no cover
+ raise Exception("OH MY GOD")
pipe = Popen(argstr, env=self.env)
self.info(" %s" % " ".join(argstr))
retcode = pipe.wait()