@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+"""Stolen from sphinxcontrib-issuetracker.
+Had to modify this as the original will make one Github API request
+per issue, which is not at all needed if we just want to link to issues.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.transforms import Transform
+from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
+from sphinx.addnodes import pending_xref
+URL = 'https://github.com/{project}/issues/{issue_id}'
+Issue = namedtuple('Issue', ('id', 'title', 'url'))
+if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ str_t = text_t = str
+ str_t = basestring
+ text_t = unicode
+class IssueRole(XRefRole):
+ innernodeclass = nodes.inline
+class Issues(Transform):
+ default_priority = 999
+ def apply(self):
+ config = self.document.settings.env.config
+ github_project = config.github_project
+ issue_pattern = config.github_issue_pattern
+ if isinstance(issue_pattern, str_t):
+ issue_pattern = re.compile(issue_pattern)
+ for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.Text):
+ parent = node.parent
+ if isinstance(parent, (nodes.literal, nodes.FixedTextElement)):
+ continue
+ text = text_t(node)
+ new_nodes = []
+ last_issue_ref_end = 0
+ for match in issue_pattern.finditer(text):
+ head = text[last_issue_ref_end:match.start()]
+ if head:
+ new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(head))
+ last_issue_ref_end = match.end()
+ issuetext = match.group(0)
+ issue_id = match.group(1)
+ refnode = pending_xref()
+ refnode['reftarget'] = issue_id
+ refnode['reftype'] = 'issue'
+ refnode['github_project'] = github_project
+ reftitle = issuetext
+ refnode.append(nodes.inline(
+ issuetext, reftitle, classes=['xref', 'issue']))
+ new_nodes.append(refnode)
+ if not new_nodes:
+ continue
+ tail = text[last_issue_ref_end:]
+ if tail:
+ new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(tail))
+ parent.replace(node, new_nodes)
+def make_issue_reference(issue, content_node):
+ reference = nodes.reference()
+ reference['refuri'] = issue.url
+ if issue.title:
+ reference['reftitle'] = issue.title
+ reference.append(content_node)
+ return reference
+def resolve_issue_reference(app, env, node, contnode):
+ if node['reftype'] != 'issue':
+ return
+ issue_id = node['reftarget']
+ project = node['github_project']
+ issue = Issue(issue_id, None, URL.format(project=project,
+ issue_id=issue_id))
+ conttext = text_t(contnode[0])
+ formatted_conttext = nodes.Text(conttext.format(issue=issue))
+ formatted_contnode = nodes.inline(conttext, formatted_conttext,
+ classes=contnode['classes'])
+ return make_issue_reference(issue, formatted_contnode)
+def init_transformer(app):
+ app.add_transform(Issues)
+def setup(app):
+ app.require_sphinx('1.0')
+ app.add_role('issue', IssueRole())
+ app.add_config_value('github_project', None, 'env')
+ app.add_config_value('github_issue_pattern',
+ re.compile(r'[Ii]ssue #(\d+)'), 'env')
+ app.connect(str('builder-inited'), init_transformer)
+ app.connect(str('missing-reference'), resolve_issue_reference)