@@ -30,14 +30,15 @@ it should contain all you need to run a basic celery set-up.
BROKER_USER = "guest"
- ## If you're doing mostly I/O you can have higher concurrency,
- ## if mostly spending time in the CPU, try to keep it close to the
- ## number of CPUs on your machine.
+ ## If you're doing mostly I/O you can have more processes,
+ ## but if mostly spending CPU, try to keep it close to the
+ ## number of CPUs on your machine. If not set, the number of CPUs/cores
+ ## available will be used.
- CELERYD_LOG_FILE = "celeryd.log"
- CELERYD_PID_FILE = "celeryd.pid"
+ # CELERYD_LOG_FILE = "celeryd.log"
+ # CELERYD_PID_FILE = "celeryd.pid"
Concurrency settings
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ Concurrency settings
The number of concurrent worker processes, executing tasks simultaneously.
- Defaults to the number of CPUs in the system.
+ Defaults to the number of CPUs/cores available.
Task result backend settings
@@ -109,6 +110,16 @@ Example configuration
DATABASE_NAME = "mydatabase"
DATABASE_HOST = "localhost"
+AMQP backend settings
+The AMQP backend does not have any settings yet.
+Example configuration
Cache backend settings
@@ -252,33 +263,41 @@ Example configuration
-Broker settings
+Messaging settings
- Name of the AMQP exchange.
+ The mapping of queues the worker consumes from. This is a dictionary
+ of queue name/options. See :doc:`userguide/routing` for more information.
- The type of exchange. If the exchange type is ``direct``, all messages
- receives all tasks. However, if the exchange type is ``topic``, you can
- route e.g. some tasks to one server, and others to the rest.
- See `Exchange types and the effect of bindings`_.
+ The default is a queue/exchange/binding key of ``"celery"``, with
+ exchange type ``direct``.
- .. _`Exchange types and the effect of bindings`:
- http://bit.ly/wpamqpexchanges
+ You don't have to care about this unless you want custom routing facilities.
- The default AMQP routing key used when publishing tasks.
+ The queue used by default, if no custom queue is specified.
+ This queue must be listed in ``CELERY_QUEUES``.
+ The default is: ``celery``.
- The AMQP routing key used when consuming tasks.
+ Name of the default exchange to use when no custom exchange
+ is specified.
+ The default is: ``celery``.
- The name of the AMQP queue.
+ Default exchange type used when no custom exchange is specified.
+ The default is: ``direct``.
- Dictionary defining multiple AMQP queues.
+ The default routing key used when sending tasks.
+ The default is: ``celery``.
The timeout in seconds before we give up establishing a connection
@@ -304,10 +323,6 @@ Broker settings
Task execution settings
- If set to ``True``, errors in tasks will be sent to admins by e-mail.
- If unset, it will send the e-mails if ``settings.DEBUG`` is False.
If this is ``True``, all tasks will be executed locally by blocking
until it is finished. ``apply_async`` and ``Task.delay`` will return
@@ -334,18 +349,27 @@ Task execution settings
Default is ``pickle``.
- If set, the worker stores all task errors in the result store even if
- ``Task.ignore_result`` is on.
+Worker: celeryd
A sequence of modules to import when the celery daemon starts. This is
useful to add tasks if you are not using django or cannot use task
-Logging settings
+ Send events so the worker can be monitored by tools like ``celerymon``.
+ If set to ``True``, errors in tasks will be sent to admins by e-mail.
+ If unset, it will send the e-mails if ``settings.DEBUG`` is False.
+ If set, the worker stores all task errors in the result store even if
+ ``Task.ignore_result`` is on.
The default filename the worker daemon logs messages to, can be
@@ -355,9 +379,13 @@ Logging settings
when running in the background, detached as a daemon, the default
logfile is ``celeryd.log``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--logfile`` argument.
Worker log level, can be any of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``,
- ``ERROR``, ``CRITICAL``, or ``FATAL``.
+ ``ERROR``, ``CRITICAL``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--loglevel`` argument.
See the :mod:`logging` module for more information.
@@ -370,9 +398,68 @@ Logging settings
See the Python :mod:`logging` module for more information about log
-Process settings
- Full path to the daemon pid file. Default is ``celeryd.pid``.
- Can be overridden using the ``--pidfile`` option to ``celeryd``.
+ Full path to the pid file. Default is ``celeryd.pid``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--pidfile`` argument.
+Periodic Task Server: celerybeat
+ Name of the file celerybeat stores the current schedule in.
+ Can be a relative or absolute path, but be aware that the suffix ``.db``
+ will be appended to the filename.
+ Can also be set via the ``--schedule`` argument.
+ The maximum number of seconds celerybeat can sleep between checking
+ the schedule. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
+ The default filename to log messages to, can be
+ overridden using the `--logfile`` option.
+ The default is to log using ``stderr`` if running in the foreground,
+ when running in the background, detached as a daemon, the default
+ logfile is ``celerybeat.log``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--logfile`` argument.
+ Logging level. Can be any of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``,
+ ``ERROR``, or ``CRITICAL``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--loglevel`` argument.
+ See the :mod:`logging` module for more information.
+ Full path to celerybeat's pid file. Default is ``celerybat.pid``.
+ Can also be set via the ``--pidfile`` argument.
+Monitor Server: celerymon
+ The default filename to log messages to, can be
+ overridden using the `--logfile`` option.
+ The default is to log using ``stderr`` if running in the foreground,
+ when running in the background, detached as a daemon, the default
+ logfile is ``celerymon.log``.
+ Logging level. Can be any of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``,
+ ``ERROR``, or ``CRITICAL``.
+ See the :mod:`logging` module for more information.
+ Full path to celerymon's pid file. Default is ``celerymon.pid``.
+ Can be overridden using the ``--pidfile`` option to ``celerymon``.