@@ -2,8 +2,98 @@
Change history
-1.0.0 [2010-02-10 04:00 P.M CEST]
+1.0.1 [2010-02-24 xx:xx x.x CET]
+* Tasks are now acknowledged early instead of late.
+ This is done because messages can only be acked within the same
+ connection channel, so if the connection is lost we would have to refetch
+ the message again to acknowledge it.
+ This might or might not affect you, but mostly those running tasks with a
+ really long execution time are affected, as all tasks that has made it
+ all the way into the pool needs to be executed before the worker can
+ safely terminate (this is at most the number of pool workers, multiplied
+ by the ``CELERYD_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER`` setting.)
+ We multiply the prefetch count by default to increase the performance at
+ times with bursts of tasks with a short execution time. If this doesn't
+ apply to your use case, you should be able to set the prefetch multiplier
+ to zero, without sacrificing performance.
+ Please note that a patch to :mod:`multiprocessing` is currently being
+ worked on, this patch would enable us to use a better solution, and is
+ scheduled for inclusion in the ``1.2.0`` release.
+* celeryd now shutdowns cleanly when receving the ``TERM`` signal.
+* celeryd now does a cold shutdown if the ``INT`` signal is received (Ctrl+C),
+ this means it tries to terminate as soon as possible.
+* Caching of results now moved to the base backend classes, so no need
+ to implement this functionality in the base classes.
+ Caches are now also limited in size, so their memory usage doesn't grow
+ uncontrollably. You can set the maximum number of results the cache
+ can hold using the ``CELERY_MAX_CACHED_RESULTS`` setting (the default
+ is five thousand results). In addition, you can refetch already retrieved
+ results using ``backend.reload_task_result`` +
+ ``backend.reload_taskset_result`` (that's for those who want to send
+ results incrementally).
+* Execution: ``.messaging.TaskPublisher.send_task`` now
+ incorporates all the functionality apply_async previously did (like
+ converting countdowns to eta), so :func:`celery.execute.apply_async` is
+ now simply a convenient front-end to
+ :meth:`celery.messaging.TaskPublisher.send_task`, using
+ the task classes default options.
+ Also :func:`celery.execute.send_task` has been
+ introduced, which can apply tasks using just the task name (useful
+ if the client does not have the destination task in its task registry).
+ Example:
+ >>> from celery.execute import send_task
+ >>> result = send_task("celery.ping", args=[], kwargs={})
+ >>> result.get()
+ 'pong'
+* Redis result backend: To conform to recent Redis API changes, the following
+ settings has been deprecated:
+ These will emit a ``DeprecationWarning`` if used.
+ As something dies, new stuff is born, and so we have added the
+ ``REDIS_PASSWORD`` setting, so you can use the new simple authentication
+ mechanism in Redis.
+* If ``settings.DEBUG`` is on, celeryd now warns about the possible
+ memory leak it can result in.
+* The ETA scheduler now sleeps at most two seconds between iterations.
+* The ETA scheduler now deletes any revoked tasks it might encounter.
+ As revokes are not yet persistent, this is done to make sure the task
+ is revoked even though it's currently being hold because its eta is e.g.
+ a week into the future.
+* The ``task_id`` argument is now respected even if the task is executed
+ eagerly (either using apply, or ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER``).
+* The internal queues are now cleared if the connection is reset.
+* Added ``--schedule``/``-s`` option to celeryd, so it is possible to
+ specify a custom schedule filename when using an embedded celerybeat
+ server (the ``-B``/``--beat``) option.
+1.0.0 [2010-02-10 04:00 P.M CET]