@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
:Version: 1.0.0-pre1
-:Keywords: task queue, job queue, asynchronous, rabbitmq, amqp, redis.
+:Keywords: task queue, job queue, asynchronous, rabbitmq, amqp, redis,
+ django, python, webhooks, queue, distributed
+.. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/ask/celery/celery_favicon_128.png
Celery is a task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
It is focused on real-time operation, but has support for scheduling as well.
@@ -59,62 +62,90 @@ Simple!
- * Uses messaging (AMQP: RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Qpid) to route tasks to the
- worker servers. Experimental support for STOMP (ActiveMQ) is also
- available. For simple setups it's also possible to use Redis or an
- SQL database as the message queue.
- * You can run as many worker servers as you want, and still
- be *guaranteed that the task is only executed once.*
- * Tasks are executed *concurrently* using the Python 2.6
- ``multiprocessing`` module (also available as a back-port
- to older python versions)
- * Supports *periodic tasks*, which makes it a (better) replacement
- for cronjobs.
- * When a task has been executed, the return value can be stored using
- either a MySQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL/SQLite database, Memcached,
- `MongoDB`_, `Redis`_ or `Tokyo Tyrant`_ back-end. For high-performance
- you can also use AMQP messages to publish results.
- * Supports calling tasks over HTTP to support multiple programming
- languages and systems.
- * Supports several serialization schemes, like pickle, json, yaml and
- supports registering custom encodings .
- * If the task raises an exception, the exception instance is stored,
- instead of the return value, and it's possible to inspect the traceback
- after the fact.
- * All tasks has a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is the
- task id, used for querying task status and return values.
- * Tasks can be retried if they fail, with a configurable maximum number
- of retries.
- * Tasks can be configured to run at a specific time and date in the
- future (ETA) or you can set a countdown in seconds for when the
- task should be executed.
- * Supports *task-sets*, which is a task consisting of several sub-tasks.
- You can find out how many, or if all of the sub-tasks has been executed.
- Excellent for progress-bar like functionality.
- * However, you rarely want to wait for these results in a web-environment.
- You'd rather want to use Ajax to poll the task status, which is
- available from a URL like ``celery/<task_id>/status/``. This view
- returns a JSON-serialized data structure containing the task status,
- and the return value if completed, or exception on failure.
- * Pool workers are supervised, so if for some reason a worker crashes
- it is automatically replaced by a new worker.
- * Can be configured to send e-mails to the administrators when a task
- fails.
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Messaging | Supported brokers include `RabbitMQ`_, `Stomp`_, |
+ | | `Redis`_, and the most common SQL databases. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Robust | Using `RabbitMQ`, celery survives most error |
+ | | scenarios, and your tasks will never be lost. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Distributed | Runs on one or more machines. Supports |
+ | | `clustering`_ when used in combination with |
+ | | `RabbitMQ`_. You can set up new workers without |
+ | | central configuration (e.g. use your dads laptop |
+ | | while the queue is temporarily overloaded). |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Concurrency | Tasks are executed in parallel using the |
+ | | ``multiprocessing`` module. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Scheduling | Supports recurring tasks like cron, or specifying |
+ | | an exact date or countdown for when after the task |
+ | | should be executed. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Performance | Able to execute tasks while the user waits. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Return Values | Task return values can be saved to the selected |
+ | | result store backend. You can wait for the result, |
+ | | retrieve it later, or ignore it. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Result Stores | Database, `MongoDB`_, `Redis`_, `Tokyo Tyrant`, |
+ | | `AMQP`_ (high performance). |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Webhooks | Your tasks can also be HTTP callbacks, enabling |
+ | | cross-language communication. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Rate limiting | Supports rate limiting by using the token bucket |
+ | | algorithm, which accounts for bursts of traffic. |
+ | | Rate limits can be set for each task type, or |
+ | | globally for all. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Routing | Using AMQP you can route tasks arbitrarily to |
+ | | different workers. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Remote-control | You can rate limit and delete (revoke) tasks |
+ | | remotely. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Monitoring | You can capture everything happening with the |
+ | | workers in real-time by subscribing to events. |
+ | | A real-time web monitor is in development. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Serialization | Supports Pickle, JSON, YAML, or easily defined |
+ | | custom schemes. One task invocation can have a |
+ | | different scheme than another. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Tracebacks | Errors and tracebacks are stored and can be |
+ | | investigated after the fact. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | UUID | Every task has an UUID (Universally Unique |
+ | | Identifier), which is the task id used to query |
+ | | task status and return value. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Retries | Tasks can be retried if they fail, with |
+ | | configurable maximum number of retries, and delays |
+ | | between each retry. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Task Sets | A Task set is a task consisting of several |
+ | | sub-tasks. You can find out how many, or if all |
+ | | of the sub-tasks has been executed, and even |
+ | | retrieve the results in order. Progress bars, |
+ | | anyone? |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Made for Web | You can query status and results via URLs, |
+ | | enabling the ability to poll task status using |
+ | | Ajax. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Error e-mails | Can be configured to send e-mails to the |
+ | | administrators when tasks fails. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+ | Supervised | Pool workers are supervised and automatically |
+ | | replaced if they crash. |
+ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+.. _`RabbitMQ`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/
+.. _`clustering`: http://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html
+.. _`AMQP`: http://www.amqp.org/
+.. _`Stomp`: http://stomp.codehaus.org/
.. _`MongoDB`: http://www.mongodb.org/
.. _`Redis`: http://code.google.com/p/redis/
.. _`Tokyo Tyrant`: http://tokyocabinet.sourceforge.net/
@@ -161,12 +192,6 @@ You can clone the repository by doing the following::
$ git clone git://github.com/ask/celery.git
-A look inside the components
-.. image:: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/ask/celery/Celery1.0-inside-worker.jpg
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