@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from celery import Celery
+from celery.fixups.django import (
+ _maybe_close_fd,
+ fixup,
+ DjangoFixup,
+from celery.tests.case import AppCase, patch_many, patch_modules, mask_modules
+class test_DjangoFixup(AppCase):
+ def test_fixup(self):
+ with patch('celery.fixups.django.DjangoFixup') as Fixup:
+ with patch.dict(os.environ, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=''):
+ fixup(self.app)
+ self.assertFalse(Fixup.called)
+ with patch.dict(os.environ, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings'):
+ with mask_modules('django'):
+ with self.assertWarnsRegex(UserWarning, 'but Django is'):
+ fixup(self.app)
+ self.assertFalse(Fixup.called)
+ with patch_modules('django'):
+ fixup(self.app)
+ self.assertTrue(Fixup.called)
+ @contextmanager
+ def fixup_context(self, app):
+ with patch('celery.fixups.django.import_module') as import_module:
+ with patch('celery.fixups.django.symbol_by_name') as symbyname:
+ f = DjangoFixup(app)
+ yield f, import_module, symbyname
+ def test_maybe_close_fd(self):
+ with patch('os.close'):
+ _maybe_close_fd(Mock())
+ _maybe_close_fd(object())
+ def test_init(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, importmod, sym):
+ self.assertTrue(f)
+ def se(name):
+ if name == 'django.utils.timezone:now':
+ raise ImportError()
+ return Mock()
+ sym.side_effect = se
+ self.assertTrue(DjangoFixup(self.app)._now)
+ def se(name):
+ if name == 'django.db:close_old_connections':
+ raise ImportError()
+ return Mock()
+ sym.side_effect = se
+ self.assertIsNone(DjangoFixup(self.app)._close_old_connections)
+ def test_install(self):
+ app = Celery(set_as_current=False)
+ app.conf = {'CELERY_DB_REUSE_MAX': None}
+ app.loader = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(app) as (f, _, _):
+ with patch_many('os.getcwd', 'sys.path',
+ 'celery.fixups.django.signals') as (cw, p, sigs):
+ cw.return_value = '/opt/vandelay'
+ f.install()
+ sigs.beat_embedded_init.connect.assert_called_with(
+ f.close_database,
+ )
+ sigs.worker_ready.connect.assert_called_with(f.on_worker_ready)
+ sigs.task_prerun.connect.assert_called_with(f.on_task_prerun)
+ sigs.task_postrun.connect.assert_called_with(f.on_task_postrun)
+ sigs.worker_init.connect.assert_called_with(f.on_worker_init)
+ sigs.worker_process_init.connect.assert_called_with(
+ f.on_worker_process_init,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(app.loader.now, f.now)
+ self.assertEqual(app.loader.mail_admins, f.mail_admins)
+ p.append.assert_called_with('/opt/vandelay')
+ def test_now(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ self.assertTrue(f.now(utc=True))
+ self.assertFalse(f._now.called)
+ self.assertTrue(f.now(utc=False))
+ self.assertTrue(f._now.called)
+ def test_mail_admins(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ f.mail_admins('sub', 'body', True)
+ f._mail_admins.assert_called_with(
+ 'sub', 'body', fail_silently=True,
+ )
+ def test_on_worker_init(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ f.close_database = Mock()
+ f.close_cache = Mock()
+ f.on_worker_init()
+ f.close_database.assert_called_with()
+ f.close_cache.assert_called_with()
+ def test_on_worker_process_init(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ with patch('celery.fixups.django._maybe_close_fd') as mcf:
+ _all = f._db.connections.all = Mock()
+ conns = _all.return_value = [
+ Mock(), Mock(),
+ ]
+ conns[0].connection = None
+ with patch.object(f, 'close_cache'):
+ with patch.object(f, '_close_database'):
+ f.on_worker_process_init()
+ mcf.assert_called_with(conns[1].connection)
+ f.close_cache.assert_called_with()
+ f._close_database.assert_called_with()
+ mcf.reset_mock()
+ _all.side_effect = AttributeError()
+ f.on_worker_process_init()
+ mcf.assert_called_with(f._db.connection.connection)
+ f._db.connection = None
+ f.on_worker_process_init()
+ def test_on_task_prerun(self):
+ task = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ task.request.is_eager = False
+ with patch.object(f, 'close_database'):
+ f.on_task_prerun(task)
+ f.close_database.assert_called_with()
+ task.request.is_eager = True
+ with patch.object(f, 'close_database'):
+ f.on_task_prerun(task)
+ self.assertFalse(f.close_database.called)
+ def test_on_task_postrun(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ with patch.object(f, 'close_database'):
+ with patch.object(f, 'close_cache'):
+ f.on_task_postrun()
+ f.close_database.assert_called_with()
+ f.close_cache.assert_called_with()
+ def test_close_database(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ f._close_old_connections = Mock()
+ f.close_database()
+ f._close_old_connections.assert_called_with()
+ f._close_old_connections = None
+ with patch.object(f, '_close_database') as _close:
+ f.db_reuse_max = None
+ f.close_database()
+ _close.assert_called_with()
+ _close.reset_mock()
+ f.db_reuse_max = 10
+ f._db_recycles = 3
+ f.close_database()
+ self.assertFalse(_close.called)
+ self.assertEqual(f._db_recycles, 4)
+ _close.reset_mock()
+ f._db_recycles = 20
+ f.close_database()
+ _close.assert_called_with()
+ self.assertEqual(f._db_recycles, 1)
+ def test__close_database(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ conns = f._db.connections = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()]
+ conns[1].close.side_effect = KeyError('already closed')
+ f.database_errors = (KeyError, )
+ f._close_database()
+ conns[0].close.assert_called_with()
+ conns[1].close.assert_called_with()
+ conns[2].close.assert_called_with()
+ conns[1].close.side_effect = KeyError('omg')
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ f._close_database()
+ class Object(object):
+ pass
+ o = Object()
+ o.close_connection = Mock()
+ f._db = o
+ f._close_database()
+ o.close_connection.assert_called_with()
+ def test_close_cache(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ f.close_cache()
+ f._cache.cache.close.assert_called_with()
+ f._cache.cache.close.side_effect = TypeError()
+ f.close_cache()
+ def test_on_worker_ready(self):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ f._settings.DEBUG = False
+ f.on_worker_ready()
+ with self.assertWarnsRegex(UserWarning, r'leads to a memory leak'):
+ f._settings.DEBUG = True
+ f.on_worker_ready()
+ def test_mysql_errors(self):
+ with patch_modules('MySQLdb'):
+ import MySQLdb as mod
+ mod.DatabaseError = Mock()
+ mod.InterfaceError = Mock()
+ mod.OperationalError = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ self.assertIn(mod.DatabaseError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.InterfaceError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.OperationalError, f.database_errors)
+ with mask_modules('MySQLdb'):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app):
+ pass
+ def test_pg_errors(self):
+ with patch_modules('psycopg2'):
+ import psycopg2 as mod
+ mod.DatabaseError = Mock()
+ mod.InterfaceError = Mock()
+ mod.OperationalError = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ self.assertIn(mod.DatabaseError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.InterfaceError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.OperationalError, f.database_errors)
+ with mask_modules('psycopg2'):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app):
+ pass
+ def test_sqlite_errors(self):
+ with patch_modules('sqlite3'):
+ import sqlite3 as mod
+ mod.DatabaseError = Mock()
+ mod.InterfaceError = Mock()
+ mod.OperationalError = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ self.assertIn(mod.DatabaseError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.InterfaceError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.OperationalError, f.database_errors)
+ with mask_modules('sqlite3'):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app):
+ pass
+ def test_oracle_errors(self):
+ with patch_modules('cx_Oracle'):
+ import cx_Oracle as mod
+ mod.DatabaseError = Mock()
+ mod.InterfaceError = Mock()
+ mod.OperationalError = Mock()
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app) as (f, _, _):
+ self.assertIn(mod.DatabaseError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.InterfaceError, f.database_errors)
+ self.assertIn(mod.OperationalError, f.database_errors)
+ with mask_modules('cx_Oracle'):
+ with self.fixup_context(self.app):
+ pass