@@ -457,6 +457,9 @@ The request defines the following attributes:
current task. If using version one of the task protocol the chain
tasks will be in ``request.callbacks`` instead.
An example task accessing information in the context is:
.. code-block:: python
@@ -528,6 +531,48 @@ see :setting:`worker_redirect_stdouts`).
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_outs
+.. _task-argument-checking:
+Argument checking
+.. versionadded:: 4.0
+Celery will verify the arguments passed when you call the task, just
+like Python does when calling a normal function:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> @app.task
+ ... def add(x, y):
+ ... return x + y
+ # Calling the task with two arguments works:
+ >>> add.delay(8, 8)
+ <AsyncResult: f59d71ca-1549-43e0-be41-4e8821a83c0c>
+ # Calling the task with only one argument fails:
+ >>> add.delay(8)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+ File "celery/app/task.py", line 376, in delay
+ return self.apply_async(args, kwargs)
+ File "celery/app/task.py", line 485, in apply_async
+ check_arguments(*(args or ()), **(kwargs or {}))
+ TypeError: add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
+You can disable the argument checking for any task by setting its
+:attr:`~@Task.typing` attribute to :const:`False`:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> @app.task(typing=False)
+ ... def add(x, y):
+ ... return x + y
+ # Works locally, but the worker reciving the task will raise an error.
+ >>> add.delay(8)
+ <AsyncResult: f59d71ca-1549-43e0-be41-4e8821a83c0c>
Hiding sensitive information in arguments